
ilovekl | Joined since 2015-05-13 10:21:00

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2022-08-04 17:28 | Report Abuse

Bondi b1tch still in bondi beach?


2022-07-25 12:38 | Report Abuse

Niama there got bondi b1tch and here got zhuge Liang.

Can give something more logically with neutral standpoint??

Which stock no syndicate? In fact everywhere in the world stocks were push by syndicate or whatever you want to call it la, diu.

In white people term is called smart money. Smart money push up or down only passive funds like PNB, EPF etc come in. Then retailers


2022-07-22 23:16 | Report Abuse

Malaysia oil is call Tapis and trading at USD 12x a barrel


2022-07-22 11:08 | Report Abuse

rr88 why so pessimistic about oil industry?

For me personally oil price won’t stay below usd 100 and will make new high in the (future) Even tho all the talks about EV, clean energy etc etc. where is the source of energy come from? Still conventional fossil fuel.

Space X yet to send spaceship and build a solar panel nearby sun to extract energy much needed to power earth yet!!

MA 50, 100 and 200? You tell me which in the world is not under during times like this? This week mostly all strong powerhouseS making above MA 50 in USA. I believe eventually battered strong stocks will too in Malaysia



2022-07-22 09:58 | Report Abuse

Mcm u ckp Hibi kena battered kaw2 until this range and fundamentally not weak.

Mostly now all investors equip with good fundamental and chart knowledge.

Abang Tut tut sudah Bagi range to hentam Tht range. Haha so maybe all shorties won’t dare to sentuh unless some real seller lead the dump or big buyer lead the push

KLSE damn bored nowadays ini jgn consolidate n kena simpan fridge for a while jugak la


2022-07-22 09:46 | Report Abuse

Market and stocks need shortlist only can go up where volume created


2022-07-22 09:25 | Report Abuse

Shortlist Belum keluar lagi kena tunggu mereka in action


2022-07-22 09:17 | Report Abuse

Natsuko don’t kacau here first. Go back there. Dnex won’t have any action for a while ler. Probably all aggressive funds the one who sold down from 1.xx

PP there at 72 cents so u tunggu sana. Don’t kacau here



2022-07-22 09:08 | Report Abuse

Fish fish tangkap tangkap kasi chance to top up lagi


2022-07-21 20:46 | Report Abuse

Eh IB where can pakai…. Bondi b1tch aka pirated bobaxelrod will pump it to 1.60 by end of august……

Tunggu kutip money la…. Tht sinkalan b1tch got billions while watching billions…


2022-07-21 18:54 | Report Abuse

That y I say bondi b1tch really damn stup1d one. Tht y u can’t blame bondi b1tch holding from 80 cents to 1.5 then back to 80 and do nothing. Oh wait in bondi beach sux Kuku n attend Kuku convention hahaha.

That is EV battery and not foundry.

U fundamental n technical also cannot. Wht u can?

Sux Kuku only ar, bondi b1tch?


2022-07-21 15:46 | Report Abuse

Haha bondi b1tch of cos talking about u la…..

In i3 got one and only b1tch and that is u. You or ur colleague also u la, d1u

I don’t pretend, b1tch. I don’t have 7 personalities like you, b1tch.

I just have 1 nickname here, b1tch

Wake up meh to sux kuku?


2022-07-21 15:12 | Report Abuse

I3 bukan cari orang cari gado meh? I mahu cari bondi b1tch aka Trevor 777, Trevor888, bobaxelrod, axelrod or whatever b1tch name dia Ada laaa


2022-07-21 15:10 | Report Abuse

Ayoyo I xtahu u ckp reban mana mar tadi. Hahaha

Dh faham laaaaa xder reban jaga

Jaga bondi b1tch itu je. Dh jadikan dia b1tch mar so kena terus jaga lor. I pon Ada hibi tapi itu axecorp bondi b1tch selalu ckp mcm dia ceo bob Itula pasal Bagi bondi b1tch itu balik reality.


2022-07-21 15:00 | Report Abuse

Boleh boleh Mari. No problem. I weekly in feeka on Saturday after cycling. U can bring Tht split personality b1tch along. I belanja kopi

U can ask bondi b1tch to come as well. We can share share together our investment strategy.

Well serious mar. Bondi b1tch is too stup1d n talk too much. Saying swimming in bondi beach during freezing temperature but instead there suking Kuku then later cover up go Washington meet relative( biden) hahahaha last last day go Kuku conference.

Talk Kuku got la. Bring that delusion split personality person along. I really wanna see bondi b1tch how he look like also


2022-07-21 14:50 | Report Abuse

Dumb fcuk bond1 b1tch


2022-07-21 14:48 | Report Abuse

Bondi b1tch, people earn one round already and going for 2nd lio lor.

If IB half past 6 then u leh? U tell me la bondi b1tch. Got such soha1 or not?

Bought around this price up till 1.5x for u to earn one round but soha1 and stup1d enough to hold for IB and drop back to cost..

Bondi b1tch, u soha1 stup1d or IB?


2022-07-21 14:44 | Report Abuse

U haven’t answer me y so stup1d? B1den didn’t msg u tell u they doing QT n increase IR? Or your kuku conference ask u to go sux more kuku n hold? Hahaha Since u too dam stup1d to read the chart.

Y so stup1d. Now almost back to cost hahaha


2022-07-21 14:44 | Report Abuse

Hahaha bondi b1tch no one ask you go there for kuku conference or not. Y so sensitive.

Stup1dity no cure? Y so stup1d? Asking you mar chart and market sentiment also pointing south, don’t know meh? Then wht u know? Being a b1tch n h1sap kuku only meh?


2022-07-21 13:07 | Report Abuse

VTrade@Guess who is nearer on 30 Aug closing Price?
1. Paktua set rm1.10
2. MM - rm1.22
3- bclassinvest rm1.10
4- anthonytkh rm1.15(by 24Aug)
5- stingray rm1.10
6- Windy1974 rm1.70
7- icecool rm0.80
8- maxprofit2020 rm0.675
9- John Rambo rm1.00
10- Value_seeker-rm1 end July,rm1.80 30 August
11- sdr rm1.12
12- Plato99 69cent
13- Raymond tiru rm1.08
14- harold8990 rm1.10 by 20th August
15- Bobby 1.60 end August 22
16- Witan 1.50 end of 2022
17-Smachian04 : rm1.61
18-Ks5S 2.00
19- Gain83 1.50
20.-Vtrade 89sen
21- ilovekl 1.03

lai lai sapa berani bet today last day to joined..

reveal result on Aug2022

tut tut
lai lai


2022-07-21 13:07 | Report Abuse

Hahaha bondi b1tch don’t like Tht and feel so stup1d

Well ur stup1dity really didn’t failed to amuse me. Now still in bondi beach to freeze kuku? Hahaha

U low life u been there before? Or u fagg0t pretend macho go swim such chilling weather? Or u stup1d enough think it’s in Europe?

Stup1d as fcuk hahaha


2022-07-21 13:05 | Report Abuse

Hahaha bondi b1tch don’t like Tht and feel so stup1d

Well ur stup1dity really didn’t failed to amuse me. Now still in bondi beach to freeze kuku? Hahaha

U low life u been there before? Or u fagg0t pretend macho go swim such chilling weather? Or u stup1d enough think it’s in Europe?

Stup1d as fcuk hahaha


2022-07-21 12:32 | Report Abuse

Hahaha…bobaxelrod aka bondi b1tch is back from suxking kuku???

Ur another personality in dnex forum only ar?

Soha1 put 1.03 first la. U really so stup1d meh chart also don’t know how to see?

But serious, no one as stup1d as fcuk like you la. Hibi went up till 1.5x but u stup1d enough x throw n collect back now to earn one round first. Wht u thinking oh? Kuku only?

Chart show it going down and news also saying the old man visiting Saudi sure will be volatile mar. Now buy back mai song song kuku n ur mouth also song lor

Y u so stup1d? Chart can’t read n English also can’t?

Damn dumb stup1d b1tch. Funny guy


2022-07-21 12:26 | Report Abuse

Hahaha…bondi b1tch is back from suxking kuku

Ur another bondi b1tch personality sleeping and only at hibi forum ar?

But serious, no one as stup1d as fcuk like you la. Hibi went up till 1.5x but u stup1d enough x throw n collect back now to earn one round first. Wht u thinking oh? Kuku only?

Chart show it going down and news also saying the old man visiting Saudi sure will be volatile mar.

Y u so stup1d? Chart can’t read n English also can’t?

Damn dumb stup1d b1tch. Funny guy


2022-07-09 09:03 | Report Abuse

Hey bondi b1tch, u really talk too much.

Please don’t think you are smart in fact u just a dumb b1tch. LMAO . B1tch u bought around this price for hibi and 1.5 give u chance to lari and earn 1st round first but u r dumb enough to think will go 15 in this market condition. 1.30-1.50 the volume so big, u think the smart money/operator goreng for you to earn more? Warren buffet 1st Q 2022 entry also paper lose more than 15% laaa

You r the b1tch should go pray or give donation more because u got is hibi a good stock

Well this mean technical don’t know and market fundamental also talak.

Either 2 stup1d or 2 busy suking Kuku in bondi beach and my guess are 2 stup1d and 2 like kuku laaaaa


2022-07-08 17:24 | Report Abuse

Ya love it when he personally come out to buy

Jgn like TG using company cash to support and bring ppl like bondi b1tch together gether jetted to holland

Hope he cut it at 1.5 laaaaa


2022-07-08 12:21 | Report Abuse

Bird, don’t like this. During times like this there a lot of people who really want super jumbo dumbo sales geh.

For example bondi b1tch (the one who work or own in Axe Corp) LMAO . Bought around this price and 1.5 give him chance lari and earn 1 round first but think will go 15

Well this mean technical don’t know and market Marco fundamental also talak.

Either 2 stup1d or 2 busy suking Kuku in bondi beach and my guess are 2 stup1d and 2 like kuku laaaaa


2022-07-08 10:07 | Report Abuse

Ok thanks for answering bondi b1tch. I thought your other 1/7 personality freeze to death in bondi. So he in Gold Coast now suking kuku laaaa.

Wht about your the other other personality? Tht 888, hibernating also?


2022-07-08 09:49 | Report Abuse

Or Ah Trev freeze to death in bondi beach?


2022-07-08 09:45 | Report Abuse

Put Ah Bob to sleep la. Bring out Ah Trevor. He is my friend


2022-07-08 09:44 | Report Abuse

Sad….. bondi b1tch ignore me since last week


2022-07-08 09:33 | Report Abuse

Bondi b1tch, can close position mei for rebound or keep till oil price at usd 3xx? How is your beach discussion, fruitful? Axe corp gonna take up another how many billions of hibi? Care to share ur insider?


2022-07-07 11:31 | Report Abuse

Thanks bondi b1tch for the support. Is b1tch version Axe corp doing closing above 90 cents?


2022-07-07 09:27 | Report Abuse

Entered!! God bless everyone here and let see how it pen out. Followed god of stock Buffet and not bondi b1tch to get an oil stock.

Bondi b1tch, we need your billions Axe Corp to support. Lai Lai Lai


2022-07-06 23:00 | Report Abuse

Hahahaha wtf bondi b1tch. U sure are dam delusional. Like this also can? U can go bondi beach suk kuku la.

Niama you go bondi beach swim during this weather? Hahahah wonder if you been out of ur room or not. If u go they sux kuku, I might believe la.

But one thing for sure that I can agree with u is hibi around this price. Let see the price movement tomorrow

PS: my bad for making your 7 personalities a b1tch


2022-06-30 20:12 | Report Abuse

As I told u also b1tch before I make you a b1tch, I think a month or few weeks ago. Asking you to join me, Saturday in feeka for coffee. Weekly I will be there after cycling around 10 ish. I belanja u b1tch coffee, ok? And discuss about stocks and talk har about our portfolio.

U still want mou, bondi b1tch? Or just a damn keyboard warrior only?


2022-06-30 20:07 | Report Abuse

Aiks still here b1tch? I almost wanted to off. But serious last one, b1tch.

B1tch specially dedicated for u, bondi b1tch. Btw is ur English so poor meh like everyone has been saying. My limited simple English, u can’t understand?

Let me rephrase “ Asking you if you wanted to sell ur b1tch ass to my Bangladeshis. They work for me tho. Just a reward for u la. I want to make u their b1tch. Understand, bondi b1tch? If u too tired selling in bondi then I truly understand geh. Give u a week rest. Ok mou? 100 units of hibi wor. U don’t want meh? Lol

Btw bondi B1tch, where ur other b1tches personality gonna come out to say hello?


2022-06-30 19:52 | Report Abuse

Ciao first, b1tch. Entertain me again tomorrow, b1tch.

I do enjoy calling u b1tch, bondi b1tch. Hahahaha

PS: don’t cry tonight cos real life n the internet making u a b1tch, bondi b1tch


2022-06-30 19:46 | Report Abuse

Hahaha no b1tch. I just like to make u a b1tch, bondi b1tch..

I not like u b1tch n lose in TG, b1tch.

U 7 steps ahead? Don’t make me laugh, b1tch. I’m blue collar? Haha the max u just a white collar b1tch, b1tch. Maybe 7 personalities la, b1tch.

Nah, here is ur b1tch personalities. LOL

Bondi b1tch
Mike b1tch
Bob b1tch
Panties b1tch
Axel b1tch
Transgender b1tch
Kuku b1tch

At the end of the day, u just a b1tch in real life and World Wide Web, bondi b1tch



2022-06-30 18:13 | Report Abuse

Hey b1tch, I read your “we” again. Who wake up, b1tch?

Ah Mike or Ah Bob, b1tch? Hahaha

I guess your split personality still with u, b1tch


2022-06-30 18:11 | Report Abuse

U see, I like calling you b1tch…

U bondi b1tch, b1tch…



2022-06-30 18:10 | Report Abuse

Hahaha whatever la b1tch.. so u r admitting u r a b1tch now? Bondi b1tch…

Well it’s suitable for u, b1tch.

Correct bondi b1tch?

I like calling u b1tch.

Ok mou bondi b1tch..

It’s help u from ur split personality, b1tch

So you can back to reality being a b1tch, bondi b1tch.

You ain’t in billions or big short, b1tch…

U just a bondi b1tch, b1tch…


2022-06-30 16:48 | Report Abuse

For cry out loud, bondi b1tch need attention for a long long time. Why u all don’t give bondi b1tch a good one?

Not enough for just being a bondi b1tch and he need more attention as i3 b1tch. Pls show IT some love.

It can’t be me alone giving bondi b1tch some attention. This b1tch need more love from others too…

This is not ala Eminem battle tho


2022-06-30 16:37 | Report Abuse

My brigade of Bangladeshis are waiting for IT to reply, b1tch. For once don’t pull urself that low and be a human n not a keyboard warrior. Bondi b1tch is just a fcuting loser that no one want in bondi beach and need attention for love, u bondi b1tch.


2022-06-30 16:31 | Report Abuse

When Ah Mike and Ah Bob joining this 67 b1tch fun? Have they wake up yet? Or the personality is bondi b1tch still?


2022-06-30 16:29 | Report Abuse

Be careful of being a public toilet there…. STDs everywhere and don’t forget ur KY, ok b1tch?


2022-06-30 16:27 | Report Abuse

Wow bondi b1tch is back. Where are you all day long? I thought u don’t need to work?oh my bad, forgotten u a slut, b1tch so no work and just slutting in bondi beach as a b1tch or IT found new panties to hide? Ops no no I bet u In bondi beach as a b1tch.

Have you ask ur other personalities accepting 100 units of hibi if you don’t want Dnex as payment to service my group of Bangladeshis, b1tch?

Diu whatever la as long as IT happy and ur “chun toi song”. Ops again, u b1tch don’t have a pair….


2022-06-30 11:42 | Report Abuse

Tuan ampun maaf. Tiap2 hari bondi b1tch tahu je cari gaduh itu pasal paksa pelihara IT and jinakkan p0ndan ini. I pon dtg forums cari info and update je


2022-06-30 10:45 | Report Abuse

Bondi b1tch, did your other personality advise you do not spend most of the time wasting time in forum with multiple personalities and instead focus in 1 personality to read more n gain more knowledge, go exercise more and do something creative to grow and stay creative for your mindset?

You will be more happier instead of just tfk and get ur asss drill in bondi beach


2022-06-30 10:39 | Report Abuse

You guys just need to make bondi b1tch your b1tch to own this b1tch since this b1tch like to give other nickname. Just own IT as your s1ut or b1tch

Probably need to inform LKC for this b1tch losses in TG for making IT having multiple personality.

We are helping you b1tch to normalize and accepted back to society. Everyone will be willing to help you in ur delusion.

You are not alone bondi b1tch