
implicit | Joined since 2013-05-25

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2015-02-05 15:13 | Report Abuse

PKNS is a strategic investment fund which is similar to a sovereign wealth fund like PNB and Temasek. It is not uncommon for these funds to invest in PLCs.


2014-11-01 00:14 | Report Abuse

No legal dispute is ever good news


2014-06-05 19:24 | Report Abuse

RHB has raised TP to 3.


2013-07-05 17:15 | Report Abuse

He shall be flogged next time . Promote such an almost insolvent company so agreesively and still want threaten dissenters . Good for nothing bugger


2013-07-05 16:21 | Report Abuse

2 mil a quarter com and insolvent company . Owe more than what its worth if spv debts included . What a charade


2013-07-05 16:11 | Report Abuse

Wow crawler is desperate. He is clearly running out of ideas and behaving like a terrorist . Says a lot about the company that hired him. Financially and intellectually bankrupt. Made 2 mil last year and ma y not even be around next year


2013-07-05 09:05 | Report Abuse

75 times p/e is cheap ? Come on. You have a lot to learn . Most of the property counters have a p/e below 20. You are worse than an ametuer


2013-07-02 10:23 | Report Abuse

Been so silent lately


2013-07-02 10:23 | Report Abuse

I can now understand why ivory hired cybertroopers and syndicates have


2013-06-24 11:53 | Report Abuse

It is falling off a cliff. Almost 20 percent off its peak now


2013-06-16 12:49 | Report Abuse

It will just be one more white elephant if it is done like the penang times square only bigger


2013-06-11 02:16 | Report Abuse

From a CF perspective. The company must do one thing and do it fast. They must take out all subsidiaries out from the main listing vehicle which will then remain as a shell to be sold. All the subsidiaries are being liquidated now and it will be hard to avoid delisiting if they are under the listed vehicle. The empty listing shell can still fetch a premium when it is sold.


2013-06-10 13:58 | Report Abuse

Heat King moron imbecile. You have only 3 posts and they are all in this forum. You speak the same broken english as crawler. You are nothing more than a retard who thinks that people dont notice the same language use. Dont be a lame hypocrite. You accused me of duplicates first and take a loook at the mirror first. I suppose criminals dont bother anyway. put it bluntly mr crawler you know very well that you cannot win an intelligent argument. Thats why you are lahsing out using multiple accounts. Cheapskate syndicate. They are used to using multiple accounts to buy and sell shares anyway to give people the impression that the share price went up when no external party bought a single share. Go back to where you belong


2013-06-10 12:09 | Report Abuse

Lets see whether the company delivers or not in the next result


2013-06-10 11:58 | Report Abuse

Ohhh Mr syndicate serial criminal and pathological liar with all your senseless news coming. Who are you to talk sense to people. Perhaps you will be making the ultimate news when this pyramid unravel. You can express your personal opinion but dont ever solicit buyers here. Go somewhere else for that perhaps a wet market where you belong. I guess your face must be thicker than wall for you to put your dignity at stake by senselessly promoting a rotten product unless Ivory has paid you well. I can now understand why the company made such a pathetic profit of 2 mil last quarter.


2013-06-10 11:46 | Report Abuse

Do you know that you can fool some of the people some of the time but not all the people all the time Serial conman syndicate. So can you sell rotten goods by telling people do not judge the book by its cover. I dont even think you know what you wrote in your own book. Talking about multiple identies, you have at least five. How about heatking that had a total of just 2 posts (all in here)? Try saying that to your boss when you failed to achieve your performance target and see whether the book will be thrown at you or not.


2013-06-10 11:34 | Report Abuse

I dont make assumptions. It is a fact that Ivory has made 2 mil last quarter down 40%. It is also a fact that people that promote a machine that kept producing less and less will arouse suspicion to its true intent. Investors are not stupid but they may think that the thick faced promoter is


2013-06-10 11:25 | Report Abuse

crawler. It is your money but you are not merely saying good things about Ivory. You are agressively soliciting buyers for the companys share , a company which had performed poorly financially. there is a fine line between praisingthe company and soliciting. You have been soliciting using the same rumours everyday. Discussion and solicitation are two different issues. It makes people wonder why you are soliciting buyers so agressively for a underperforming company. It becomes everyone's problem as investors have to be protected from syndicates


2013-06-10 11:20 | Report Abuse

The absoulte moron is you. I dont need to be advised here. The so called advise from people like you are mere rumours anyway


2013-06-10 10:31 | Report Abuse

Crawler ego has definently went through the roof. He even has the stupidity to claim that people are jealous at Ivory when it barely made any money in the last two quarters, a real dimwit who dont even know what he is talking about


2013-06-10 10:30 | Report Abuse

Lainkalilah. If you are a share syndicate here , you ego definently has some boundaries. Kindly back off as this is a professional forum


2013-06-01 00:53 | Report Abuse

I think Mr crawler may be a share syndicate working for ivory as well. I fully support your effort


2013-06-01 00:04 | Report Abuse

Louzy analysis? How about a brainless retard who kept repeating the word boring in a short duration of one hour. Does he not have any other worlds in his vocabulary. How can you trust him to make an anylisis which consists only of the same old words " news coming strong buy, buy buy buy. That does not even constitute analysis man


2013-05-31 23:51 | Report Abuse

Investment banker dont necessarily have to agree with what your handsomely paid rhb queck banker said.


2013-05-31 23:47 | Report Abuse

You are the biggest laughing stock . You have made people lost money in the last 2 days and yet u r thick faced enough to say otherwise. That is the job of criminal syndicates like u anyway . I wonder what jind of bonus ivory gives u for every dollar u makenout of cheating . Must be substansial I guess mr clown


2013-05-31 23:36 | Report Abuse

Brainless at best daylight robbery at worst. Buy buy news news coming every hour


2013-05-31 23:32 | Report Abuse

Ohh ifdx sounds familiar to you . How many people have u cheated by asking them to buy when you sell and how many more innocent victims are u going to cheat in the future mr criminal syndiacte i


2013-05-31 22:45 | Report Abuse

I heard that ivory had been investigated by bursa beforr during ipo


2013-05-30 16:29 | Report Abuse

Want more hard truths
Net debt = total debt - cash / market value ( cap)

Ivory 250 mil/ 330 mil
Tambun net cash / 430 mil
Huayang net cash / 600 mil

It is clearly evident that ivory is a time bomb . What kind of future r u referring to ? It owes almost as much as it is worth . Can u tell your boss I can.perform in 5 years after not showing results for six months . Will your boss not fire you?


2013-05-30 12:49 | Report Abuse

iafx . People that talk crap should have shut up long time ago. No valuation that comes out of thin air beat raw facts.


2013-05-30 12:44 | Report Abuse

Q113 Q112 Change
Huayang 17 mil 13.1mil +30%
Tambun 11.8 mil 9.1mil +28%
Ivory 2 mil 3.5mil -40%

Who is talking crab? All the developers can perform better without talking so much. ivory talk so much and cannot deliver


2013-05-30 12:29 | Report Abuse

Shut up retard . You are the one talking crap. Ivory is not lower in cost. Everyone in CF knows that. You made the money before the annoucement. You dont even know the most basic corporate finance stuff and yet you want to teach people how to value companies. Your way is not even a method. Go back and study properly before saying anything


2013-05-30 12:24 | Report Abuse

it is simple. Look at this at example

Machine Production rate(hour) price Cost per item
A 20 30 1.5
B 50 40 1.25

P/E ratio works the same way. Which machine will you buy?


2013-05-30 12:20 | Report Abuse

Jeez . P/E ratio is how expensive or cheap a company is compared to its peers. it is just a valuation method used for comparison not how much someone made.


2013-05-30 12:15 | Report Abuse

peer to peer comparison is done all the time. It is accepted apple to apple comparison. Do you buy or invest in a product without comparing with peers?
Some basic corporate finance lessons.
Market value (cap)= share capital X share price

market cap last profit Rough ratio
Ivory 330 mil 2 mil 165
Tambun 430 mil 10 mil 43
Huayang 600 mil 17 mil 38

P/E ratio = Share price/ earnings(EPS) or how expensive/cheap a share is. Ivory is indeed expensive. I havent start to compute forward P/E for this year yet.


2013-05-30 11:58 | Report Abuse

Ivory share may be cheap in nominal terms but they think they can fool investors by diluting them with extra shares in a rights issue. come on. Do you even know the most basic corporate finance. So I suppose you think Nestle is the biggest company in Bursa just because the share price is more than RM 50? hahaha


2013-05-30 11:57 | Report Abuse

Dont be fooled by people who are so thick faced that be be easily bought to defend a rotten product at all costs.


2013-05-30 11:56 | Report Abuse

iafx. This statement is even more retarded. Do you even know what is market cap . Ivory share price may be cheap but in terms of market cap is not. See it yourself

market cap last profit
Ivory 330 mil 2 mil
Tambun 430 mil 10 mil
Huayang 600 mil 17 mil


2013-05-30 11:38 | Report Abuse

what a retarded statement. Some investors may not be aware of your results yet. wait and see what happens if the next few days. If you want hard facts

Last Quartely Profit
Ivory:2.5 mil
Tambun: 10 mil
Huayang:17 mil
Hunza: 6.8 mil

Dont be so proud of that fact that you can still fool some investors now. The cat will be out of the bag eventually


2013-05-30 11:15 | Report Abuse

setia2u bad result is the past? what logic is that? It is only treated like that when it is priced in. A share rally price in good results not shockingly bad results. Can you tell the authorities that what happened is the past when you are implicated in something?


2013-05-30 11:13 | Report Abuse

Sell and liquidate. More news flows or rumours?How long have you been talking cheap crawler? Talking is one thing but delivering is another. You act like a cheerleader rather than a value investor. The company has failed to deliver for TWO STRAIGHT QUARTERS now. What makes people think that you are not capable of more bullshit? You have no credibility left. There are many developers that are capable of delivering results, not just talk talk talk like you. You think you are dealing with a bunch of school kids here?


2013-05-30 09:58 | Report Abuse

Sell. Barely made a profit in a bull property market. What a joke. Made only 2 mil in the last 2 quarters. Market had been nice to them today but may not be when more and more people find out the results. Investors have so many other developers who have delivered to choose. Huayang, Tambun and Matrix. All delivered on earnings and net cash. Why bother about Ivory?


2013-05-30 00:42 | Report Abuse

Look at the results just announced. Way below expectations and more than 50 percent below its penang peers tambun and hunza


2013-05-30 00:00 | Report Abuse

Something will be seriously wrong if the stock doesnt plunge tomorrow


2013-05-29 21:40 | Report Abuse

Worst performing penang based developer. 2 mil profit .tambun made 10 mil last quarter . Hunza made more as well.Iheard that the boss sold a lot this afternoon. I can understand why now


2013-05-27 22:18 | Report Abuse

It is seremban based developer


2013-05-27 22:17 | Report Abuse

Watch out for matrix concept ipo tomorrow. A lot of money may be flowing there throughout the day


2013-05-26 16:10 | Report Abuse

Yewkhian go n seek refuge in the wet market while ubcan the nextbwave created by people tulan at u for losing money will inaundate you till u reach the seabed


2013-05-25 20:35 | Report Abuse

Real insiders dont disclose insider information inside forums. It is a criminal offense and you can go to jail for that. Cralwer and skyland are just wannabe conmens