
jeffchoo | Joined since 2021-05-22 09:09:29

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2021-08-28 23:04 | Report Abuse

The acquistion of the 2 companies have been completed. The path is now clear for luxchem to expand n rise northwards. Cheers.

News & Blogs

2021-08-06 20:16 | Report Abuse

Absolutely shocking n blatant to misled investors. Definitely not a good deed.


2021-08-05 22:41 | Report Abuse

Cheers mjong99.. I bought some at 71 to average.


2021-08-04 22:20 | Report Abuse

One of the most laggard stock.low volume. Fantastic quarterly increasing profits but share price falling. The management is not rewarding the shareholders... Anyone can offer any views why this is still a laggard? It really test my patience..


2021-07-27 15:09 | Report Abuse

I have observed that those stocks prices include top 4 gloves shares n Myeg n others.. are deliberately depressed by RSS SHORT SELLING. Altho it is legalised it appears to favour the big boys over the small investors n retailers. Maybe Rss should be suspended for fair play.
Perhaps Mabel can offer some of your views.. Thanks.


2021-07-13 21:50 | Report Abuse

It seem the scope of work/review to be performed by EY is similar to the issues raise by kpmg... So the qestion is.. Could ithe review in due course be any different from kpmg.. Or could it be substantially different from kpmg.....? I look forward to the outcome of the review.


2021-07-10 20:28 | Report Abuse

I would be contented if the price hit 70 sen. Cheers.


2021-07-10 16:30 | Report Abuse

Why Tan San Kwang sell off rm 25 mil shares...? Is it sold at a higher price much more than the current 52 sen..? Or he does not see a good future for the company... Who is the buyer.. New or existing shareholder....? I wish i know the answers....


2021-07-07 20:02 | Report Abuse

Last few days the price up n down. Up n down. Looks like it is now stable n ready for the next push..


2021-06-25 18:35 | Report Abuse

Investors n shareholders will react superfast to the actions or announcements of the company esp when it is perceived negatively. The market will reveal a clear picture of it share price on monday...


2021-06-25 18:19 | Report Abuse

Disappointing.... Like rubberex...


2021-06-25 11:44 | Report Abuse

Serba making many wrong moves.. One is the press conference telling their side of the story and at the same time belittle the auditor. The other one is suing the auditor giving no room for any amicable solution. Habis la.


2021-06-10 21:22 | Report Abuse

If yc123 info on the major changes of the shareholders is correct... Then there is a big changes in the substantial shareholdings of the shareholders.... which may explain the havoc in the share price going south... Which also means the management team may have some problems.... Just wonder.


2021-06-04 16:58 | Report Abuse

Something is very wrong with this share. It has drop non stop. The rate of loss is far greater than the other gloves or gloves related stocks.. Maybe someone can highlight the reason or possible reasons for such depressed price......


2021-05-31 14:04 | Report Abuse

Very bad move to sack or remove the auditor. The consequence aldy can be seen. Rmbr the Trump guy who keep firing n sacking his people just because he cant agree with them. Maybe Serb can still talk to the auditor....for a solution.


2021-05-30 12:07 | Report Abuse

I think so far Serba has only made general statements in reply to the auditor. It has not dealt with specific issues raise by kpmg. Thats why we can only speculate n if there is no good or acceptable explanations... then the doubts will linger...


2021-05-29 16:30 | Report Abuse

Chefkarim. I like your sarcasm. Simple to digest. No stomache. It is refreshing. Lethal punch.


2021-05-29 16:19 | Report Abuse

I have a suspicion n a guess. The new sub shareholders may not in agreement with the existing management team in running the company affairs. Hence they keep disposing off their shares. There was a similar situation in JAKS about 2 - 3 years ago.


2021-05-28 14:20 | Report Abuse

As at 27. 9.2019....Karim is the largest shareholder of Scib.... Anyone got update?


2021-05-28 10:28 | Report Abuse

Riaz 1954.absolutely agree. PP for more than once is suspicious. Lately a lot of companies use pp to raise fund n it look so easy to get it approved.


2021-05-27 12:01 | Report Abuse

Allenlee. Appreciate your view. Hope you are right. The coming quarter result is important
. Tq


2021-05-26 18:03 | Report Abuse

I m curious to know...
1.How strong is the management team. Is it getting stronger or weaker..?
2.Has the new substantial shareholders (nss) being given seats at the board of directors.?
3.have the nss add value to the company or play any new or positive roles in the company.
I hope for the best in the company bcos i m a interested shareholder.


2021-05-25 21:32 | Report Abuse

Special dividend of 2 sen. But it wasvwritten as Rm. 0.002. Error?


2021-05-25 12:49 | Report Abuse

Remember the private transacted price at 98 sen about 3 weeks ago... Now it really looks fishy n it smells from the head. Will hold until the coming quarter results...


2021-05-24 18:11 | Report Abuse

The price movement is erratic n downtrend. It does not commensurate with a financially strong stock. Dissapointing. When will we see some positive news..?


2021-05-22 17:19 | Report Abuse

I like this counter. But lately despite all the hooha about new substantial shareholders the price has been downtrend. It should be going up bcos of its niche expertise n market... I wonder why.