
kakiminyak | Joined since 2021-01-09

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2024-04-09 20:41 | Report Abuse

Only investigate if it is going down. Going up we say Go! Go! Go! all the way!!!!!!!!!!!


2023-10-20 09:32 | Report Abuse

Next week cross $3


2023-10-16 21:25 | Report Abuse

Since this counter is very much under valued it can be a takeover target.


2023-10-13 20:08 | Report Abuse

Insiders keep buying.


2023-10-11 21:25 | Report Abuse

Why suddenly spike , any good news coming. Insiders buying and buying.


2023-09-19 22:00 | Report Abuse

I strongly believe this stock will become red hot . Just my opinion .


2023-09-19 21:59 | Report Abuse

Another $5 and Brent reach $100 . It is coooooooooooooooooming!!!!!!!


2023-09-15 05:26 | Report Abuse

Soon Brent may cross $100?


2023-09-12 23:35 | Report Abuse

Next year is election year in U.S. I see 2 possibilities. One is they lower rates to boost Biden's reelection chances. That will lower the U.S.$ which may boost oil prices.
Number 2 The U.S. Oil producing states are Republican party controlled so for them higher oil prices is better to damage Biden's chances and boost Republican party chances.
So both scenarios may work in favor of higher and higher oil prices. My prediction is $100 ++ Just a prediction only.


2023-09-05 04:04 | Report Abuse

Oil price will keep climbing. The new normal will be $100 plus.


2022-10-16 04:52 | Report Abuse

Hibiscus revenue to benefit from rising U.S. $ Just wait and see next quarter results.


2022-07-30 21:41 | Report Abuse

Very few small share holders that's why. This counter should be RM 1 maybe more.


2022-07-16 00:41 | Report Abuse

Just watch putin come July 21st. Will he turn the gas back on for Europe. If he does not then oil will get a major boost. Just for everyone's information Nordstream pipeline is under service and repair , GAS has been turned off to the Euro countries. Some analyst are warning of major consequences if Putin decides not to turn the gas back on.


2022-07-01 21:51 | Report Abuse

No worries bro everything will be all right.


2022-06-03 20:24 | Report Abuse

Kasi turun lagi baru boleh top up sampai all in. Lepas itu boleh naik lah.


2022-05-31 20:38 | Report Abuse

Nepo Where did you see this info? Most speculation was related to expiry of call warrant.


2022-05-31 18:04 | Report Abuse

Ha! Just noticed the word agreed has GREED in it. What did WB say? Be greedy when others are fearful!!!!!!!


2022-05-27 20:35 | Report Abuse

No wonder they pump oil but did not sell much so don't have to pay much in windfall tax.


2022-05-26 03:17 | Report Abuse

Many good points noted. If they can accumulate the chickens in the coop and sell more at higher price than why not? Sure will be good loh. But i don't think can count chicken or eggs until we see the results in time to come. Which is another 3 months wait. Meanwhile can expect lots of volatility.
My concern for now is the lower sales revenue as compared to the expected triple after Repsol acquisition. Let's not forget it is not so much how much oil you have but how big is the demand and at what price. The price is beautiful but demand? That is now the key. What are the effects of China lockdowns and high price of oil at the pump. I personally have reduced travel to save on the increased expense. many others also doing the same?


2022-05-25 22:59 | Report Abuse

Ayam sudah kena curi kah???


2022-05-25 22:57 | Report Abuse

Revenue in lay man terms is SALES !!!
If sales increase only 20% when compared to one year ago, it means something is not right. The management needs to clarify. Production jump by 100%++ but revenue increase by only 20%???????
Hello??? Apa ini???


2022-05-25 22:51 | Report Abuse

25-May-2022 31-Mar-2022 297,060 330,399 307,540

The three numbers above are Revenue, Profit before tax and net profit.
Can someone explain why the revenue is so low???
Production has jumped from about 9000 barrels equivalent to 20, 000 barrels per day. So why revenue increase just by 20% from a year earlier before Repsol purchase.
Second question is why the profit declared is so much higher than the revenue???
Apa ini??? Accounting magic kah???
No wonder when the results were announced the share price straight fall and fall.


2022-05-19 20:40 | Report Abuse

Lets look ahead not in the rear view mirror.


2022-04-14 10:17 | Report Abuse

Better corporate governance is to beware of news spinsters trying to offer exciting breaking news revealing some details with some spices added to make interesting flavor. Just waste peoples time and money.


2022-04-14 10:06 | Report Abuse

No such thing as simply suspend lah. Sure got something one. Now we wait in suspense loh. Going for Singapore listing?


2022-04-07 11:38 | Report Abuse

hmmmm that would be interesting. Barter trade pun ada. Lagi pening kepala. Under the table also by Iran and now Russia.


2022-03-29 22:50 | Report Abuse

Maybe he kena margin call ?


2022-03-17 10:46 | Report Abuse

With covid cases rising steeply in china which is still using lockdowns to contain the spread, we may have a dampener on demand in the following weeks and months. There may be a correction and stabilization in the $70 - $80 range before rebounding from mid year onwards to $100 and beyond. Not to mention China and India are buying oil at a big discount from Russia which will also affect the broader market. Lots of uncertainty over the next few months. But definitely looks brighter over the longer term. I will hold and just let whatever happen to happen. No use trying to time this market. Too difficult. I don't need the headache.


2022-03-10 21:47 | Report Abuse

rattynz Those who know this is not just any stone but a sparkling Diamond will net let go of it no matter the market fluctuations. Your good points are noted, thanks.


2022-03-10 09:00 | Report Abuse

twt777 You are absolutely right. Not all counters will behave the same. Good quality stocks will shine.


2022-03-09 11:47 | Report Abuse

Black Gold and Yellow Gold the best for 2022. More upside to come. I believe Gold can go to $3000/OZ and Crude between $130 - $180. This is not a recommendation to buy. Decide for yourselves.


2022-03-09 11:41 | Report Abuse

Dead cat bounce only. Later will start to selloff again. Nothing positive for the broader market. Inflation rising like hell, next week FED will raise interest rate and issue warnings. Expect more market downturn. Take cover in Black and Yellow Gold.


2022-03-08 06:05 | Report Abuse

Global stock markets crashing. But Black Gold and Yellow Gold are in big move up.


2022-03-07 07:36 | Report Abuse

Feel sorry for poor people, everything is getting expensive with shooting price of fuel. This is not a fun thing to cheer about. Pray for normalcy.


2022-03-06 23:01 | Report Abuse

Russia has announced sanctions are a declaration of war. That means the conflict may widen to other parts of Europe. He is also capable of shutting the supply of oil and gas to European countries. A big shock for prices if that happens.


2022-03-04 09:03 | Report Abuse

They prefer to announce earth shattering news on the weekend. Then comes Monday and KABOOM!!!


2022-03-03 22:07 | Report Abuse

Take a look at the price of coal !!!!!!! That is an early sign of what is to come. Oil could go to between $150 - $250 / Barrell. No kidding.


2022-03-03 02:05 | Report Abuse

26th OPEC and non-OPEC Ministerial Meeting concludesNo 06/2022
Vienna, Austria
02 Mar 2022
Following the conclusion of the 26th OPEC and non-OPEC Ministerial Meeting, held via videoconference on 2 March 2022, and based on internal consultation held exclusively by the OPEC and participating non-OPEC oil-producing countries in the Declaration of Cooperation of (DoC), it was noted that current oil market fundamentals and the consensus on its outlook pointed to a well-balanced market, and that current volatility is not caused by changes in market fundamentals but by current geopolitical developments.


2022-03-01 23:45 | Report Abuse

izoklse It is going through the roof !!!!!


2022-03-01 23:01 | Report Abuse

Your advice is spot on Bro. Keep up the good work guiding the juniors.

Zhang Thanks for the updated article. Your questions are genuine concerns. When to take profit is indeed a very challenging question to answer especially in a volatile market scenario. I personally will hold for the longer term just to give chance a chance !!!!


2022-02-28 19:59 | Report Abuse

ZhangZuode Maybe an update to your article would be timely using $100/ barrel.


2022-02-28 19:57 | Report Abuse

Russia is a key oil and gas supplier, especially to Europe. While the latest round of sanctions do not target energy directly, experts say there will be significant ripple effects.

“The various banking sanctions make it highly difficult for Russian petroleum sales to occur now,” said John Kilduff, partner at Again Capital. “Most banks will not provide basic financing, due to the risk of running afoul of sanctions.”

Putin could also decide to retaliate against the U.S. and allies’ action by weaponizing energy and turning off the taps directly.

″[W]e do think a number of Western firms may decide that it is not worth the risk of continuing to do business with Russia given the uncertainty about enforcement and the trajectory of future coercive action,” RBC said Sunday in a note to clients.



2022-02-28 19:48 | Report Abuse

ZhangZuode Disclaimer:

I wrote this myself without pay. I and my families own Hibiscus shares. This is not an advice to buy / sell Hibiscus or any other equities / securities / assets.

Thank you for writing I assume for your family and then shared with your greater family (investing public). You and your family deserve our Lord's blessings.


2022-02-28 00:12 | Report Abuse

The U.S. has made too many enemies, now not many will stand with them to face Russia. The World's two most populous countries, India and China are friends of Russia. Sanctions will not work as such. Iran will not supply oil to help the situation as they are the most angriest country on earth that really and badly hates the U.S.
My suspicion is even the U.S. and Germany want to see oil and gas prices to rise higher and become a severe pain to consumers so that more and more people would want to switch to green energy. The sales of Electric Vehicles will shoot up. The pain from high gasoline prices will reverberate across the world.
Next big shock for crude oil and gas ?
Russia may shut the valves , so no oil and gas supply to Europe. Very simple, no money no supply. The swift move on the russian financial system will result in a swift move by russia to cut the energy supply. That would be putin's go F*** your selves.


2022-02-27 09:50 | Report Abuse

Very volatile week ahead. If prices spike, they will try to control by releasing reserves. Let's see what happens.


2022-02-26 02:35 | Report Abuse

Aha !! and I was wondering why they rushed to Chernobyl. As a former disaster site I thought it was abandoned. I guess there must be some uranium there.


2022-02-26 00:55 | Report Abuse

and may i add the free weapons are offered if fighting a NATO enemy.


2022-02-26 00:54 | Report Abuse

NATO MEMBERSHIP is the gold member. Others are like 2nd and 3rd class. Nothing is offered for nothing in return.


2022-02-26 00:50 | Report Abuse

Sometimes dollars and cents takes precedence over human suffering. Full protection is offered only if the country is a NATO MEMBER if not free weapons and lots of moral support.