
kuaTAKtahu | Joined since 2017-06-23

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2018-05-17 16:39 | Report Abuse

myeg almost 480 mil shares


2018-05-17 16:35 | Report Abuse

Which fund are buying today?


2018-05-16 18:47 | Report Abuse

MYEG, 50sen coming .. . next week?

EPS 6.25sen

NTA RM 0.19



2018-05-16 14:26 | Report Abuse

Upside toward 4.80


2018-05-15 14:10 | Report Abuse

What is good entry price? 20sen?


2018-05-15 14:09 | Report Abuse

The Pan Borneo Highway Project will be continued, said Sarawak Party (DAP) chairman, Chong Chien Jen here today.

*He said the audit process would be carried out to review the cost of construction*


2018-05-14 16:12 | Report Abuse



2018-05-14 15:48 | Report Abuse

future contracts will be given to china contractor if local company cannot do it ..

meaning to say, gamuda will have higher chance to be awarded with more contract ..


2018-04-11 18:06 | Report Abuse

Tomorrow can go . .what level?


2018-04-11 18:06 | Report Abuse

Alex - should sell all including underwear. .to buy sapura .^_^


2018-04-11 18:06 | Report Abuse

Sapura > RM 600 mil la. ..


2018-04-11 17:57 | Report Abuse

RM2.7bil contracts secured so far this year which
raised order book by 10% QoQ to RM16.6bil


2018-04-11 17:54 | Report Abuse

Going forward, SK408 will come on stream in late CY2019. Sapura’s net reserve stands at 253 mmboe (95% gas, 5% oil) that could last for over a decade.


2018-04-11 17:53 | Report Abuse

Affin Hwang Capital - make a wrong call with target price at 40sen?



2018-04-11 17:51 | Report Abuse

SKE SK owns a 40% equity stake in the SK408 block, with Petronas Carigali
owning 30% and Sarawak Shell the remaining 30%. SK408 is operated by SKE
SK. The PSC contract took effect from 12 December 2012, and will expire on
11 December 2039, after a period of 27 years.
SK408 was an exploration block at the time of the acquisition of Newfield, with
no discoveries yet. The acquisition of Newfield was completed in February
2014, and by June 2014, SAKP announced that it had made four significant
gas discoveries in the block, i.e. Teja, Gorek, Legundi and Larak. These four
wells contained about 1,500 bcf of gas reserves.
In August 2014, SAKP announced another significant gas discovery at the
Bakong well, which was estimated to contain another 1,500 bcf of gas reserves.
Two years later in May 2016, SAKP announced another two discoveries –
Jerun and Jeremin – which were estimated to contain about 3,000 bcf of gas
The SK408 block is located 120-180km offshore Sarawak, and in shallow
waters with depths of around 80-90m.
Altogether, the seven well discoveries at SK408 were estimated to contain
6,000 bcf of gas reserves that would be supplied to the LNG facilities at Bintulu.
All the gas discovered at SK408 is „sweet‟ with low levels of H2S impurities. As
a result, they have been prioritised by Petronas for development, ahead of the
earlier SK310 B14 discovery, given the lower breakeven costs.
We expect production at SK408 to most likely kick off with the Gorek and Larak
fields from late-2018F onwards, as they are modestly-sized field that can be
brought online quickly; these two fields will be developed together. Following
that, we think the development of the Bakong, Jerun and Jeremin fields may
may follow, as these are larger reserves that will need longer forward planning.
Production from these three massive fields is expected to commence from
early-2022F. That leaves the smaller Teja and Legundi fields, which should
probably come online from around early-2025F.
SKE SK is preparing for the submission of the Field Development Plan (FDP)
for the Gorek and Larak fields, and we expect Petronas to approve the FDP in
late-2017F. This will then be followed by the signing of the Gas Sales
Agreement (GSA), in our view. Until the GSA is signed, the SK408 reserves
are „2C‟ in nature, rather than „2P‟.
In our view, there is a very strong likelihood that the GSA on SK408 gas will be
signed with Petronas. This is the case because of the expected natural decline
in Malaysia‟s gas production and Petronas‟s commitment to deliver gas to its
buyers, which shapes its desire to buy SK408‟s sweet gas. Also, the location of
the SK408 reserves is proximate to existing infrastructure of pipelines and
CPPs, and to the Bintulu LNG liquefaction plant, which reduces the costs to
develop those reserves.
We believe that SKE is already moving forward with several options on the
development of the gas fields at SK408, and once those options are finalised, it
will be in a position to give guidance on the amount of capex that will be
For the purposes of our model, we have factored in a total capex cost of
US$1.5bn for the development of all seven wells, spread over nine years from
FY18F to FY26F.


2018-04-11 17:50 | Report Abuse

Newfield Sarawak has interest in the following oil and gas blocks: SK310
(30%), SK408 (40%), SK319 (25%) and Deepwater 2C (40%)


2018-04-11 17:50 | Report Abuse

On 9 June 2014, SapuraKencana Energy (SKE) announced four significant gas discoveries in the SK408 Production Sharing Contract (PSC) area, offshore
Sarawak, Malaysia. All four wells have discovered non-associated natural gas within the primary target Late Miocene Carbonate reservoirs. These are the first
four wells of a 10-well commitment in the SK408 PSC.
The first well, Teja-1, located southeast of the Cili Padi gas field encountered 219 metres of gross column whilst the Gorek-1 discovery, southeast from F23
gas field encountered a gross gas column of 235 metres.
The third well, Legundi-1, located south of F23 gas field was drilled in a down-flank location and encountered a 139 metres gross gas column, and the fourth
well, Larak-1, located south of F6 gas field, also drilled in a down-flank location encountered a gross gas column of 333 metres


2018-04-11 17:49 | Report Abuse

vegebotak , should be RM 6 billion !


2018-03-20 14:56 | Report Abuse

How come Mahsing continue to fall to years low, despite EPF is net buyer , and Kwap is net seller?


2018-03-07 16:56 | Report Abuse

Today’s sell-down marked Hengyuan’s sixth consecutive trading session of declines.


2018-03-07 16:56 | Report Abuse

HY totla shares issue : 300mil

48 mil shares means more than 10%

Thus who own more than 5% , 15 mil shares has declared to bursa

Who are the big man behind short HY ?


2018-03-07 16:56 | Report Abuse

HY totla shares issue : 300mil

48 mil shares means more than 10%

Thus who own more than 5% , 15 mil shares has declared to bursa

Who are the big man behind short HY ?


2018-03-06 16:14 | Report Abuse

Open +100k shares, buy at RM 10.42. Wish me good luck


2018-03-06 16:13 | Report Abuse

short sell well covered 100k shares. . ^_^


2018-03-06 15:53 | Report Abuse

jaks and gamuda. .will same scenario?


2018-03-06 15:53 | Report Abuse

kyy tipu ppl mask HY at RM 19 ?

yet he is the seller


2018-03-06 14:43 | Report Abuse

sell ..sell ..sell ..sell ..sell ..sell ..


2018-03-06 14:43 | Report Abuse

sell ..sell ..sell ..sell ..sell ..sell ..sell ..sell ..


2018-03-06 12:18 | Report Abuse

Has about 11 months of time and they may seek technical help from parent company as Hengyuan China is currently producing Euro 5 products


2018-03-06 12:17 | Report Abuse

There is RM267.7 mil carried forward tax losses which can be utilized for income tax exemption. Let see how much has been utilized so far for Hengyuan in 2017 as below


2018-03-06 12:16 | Report Abuse

1. HY’s profit visibility in Q4 still good based on current spread data on gasoline and diesel.

2. Forward 3-month PE of Hengyuan could be very attractive (below PEX3.5) even based on current price of RM11.00.

3. The high quality of Hengyuan’s earning is supported by strong ROIC (48.1%), ROE (56.3%), and strong cash flow generation from operation.

4. There is possible inventory gain for HY in Q4 as current Brent oil price stay above USD57 (current pirce is USD61).

5. Recent RMUSD rate appreciation will further benefit HY as its material cost will be lower. Besides, it also may have forex gain as it has over RM1.3 billion of USD denominated loan.

6. The outlook for refined products is still bright in 2018 as in view of many refiners are scheduled to maintenance shut down, increasing demands from growing vehicle populations and limited refined product supply.

7. HY’s management has started to follow up closely for the Euro 4M equipment fabrication even from Q3’17 (1 year from 2018). They have anticipated possible delay in the fabrication of the equipment and now already started to look for alternative to minimize the delay. This indicates that they are well-prepared for possible challenge in this upgrade project (still has about 11 months of time and they may seek technical help from parent company as Hengyuan China is currently producing Euro 5 products).

8. Maintenance shut down/upgrade is one time event in every 3 years and this is normal for all refiners around the world. In fact, previous planned minor maintentence in Q2 increases the production volume by 0.6 mil barrels in Q3. I would focus more on the overall future 12 months profit and cash flow generation visibility in FY2018 for HY (短暂的休息是为了走更长远的路).


2018-03-06 12:13 | Report Abuse

Reduce the fx risk .

denominated term loans are no longer exposed to foreign currency fluctuations. The Company may
enter into foreign currency hedge transactions to manage this exposure.
Derivatives outstanding as at 31 December 2017 will mature within the next one year.


2018-03-06 12:12 | Report Abuse

The Board of Directors declared a single-tier interim dividend of RM0.02 per share, amounting to
RM6,000,000 in respect of the financial year ended 31 December 2017. The dividend is payable on
17 April 2018 to shareholders whose names appear on the Record of Depositors on 20 March 2018.
The Company did not declare any dividend for the financial year ended 31 December 2016.


2018-03-06 12:12 | Report Abuse

Deferred tax - RM 64 mil charge in latest qtr compared with last year same period

Without this Deferred tax , HY profit can increase by RM 64 mil . ..


2018-03-06 12:10 | Report Abuse

The plant will use a combination of hydro-processing and liquid-liquid extraction technology which has been applied successfully by licensors in various operating plants, including Shandong Hengyuan Petrochemical Co Ltd in its Shandong-based refinery and chemical complex that produces Euro 6 grade Mogas.


2018-03-06 12:09 | Report Abuse

The plant will have a capacity of 1.15 million tonnes per annum. The investment will ensure Hengyuan Refining is well placed to meet the Euro 4M mogas specifications mandated by the Malaysian regulatory authorities by Oct 1, 2018.


2018-03-06 12:09 | Report Abuse

China is boleh country . .we will see how fast HY can fabricate the thing ..


2018-03-06 12:08 | Report Abuse

2H 2018 , can be mean as 31 Dec 2018?

On 16 June 2017, the Company had announced the Final Investment Decision on the Euro4M Mogas
project with planned completion in the 2nd half of 2018.
We continue to anticipate a delay in the planned completion of the Euro4M Mogas project due to the
longer than expected duration to fabricate the main equipment. We are currently evaluating options
to minimise the impact and will provide further information in due course.


2018-03-06 12:04 | Report Abuse

Asian share regained some ground on Tuesday after U.S. President Donald Trump faced growing pressure from political allies to pull back from proposed steel and aluminum tariffs, easing investor worries about an imminent trade war.

Sentiment was also supported by receding risk aversion in Europe with the euro gaining support from the creation of a coalition government in Germany and the impact of Italy's inconclusive election results limited to a mild sell-off in domestic bonds and stocks.


2018-03-06 11:57 | Report Abuse

Assume average exit at RM 12 / share
Max is only 10 mil shares - sell down
But KYY only has 8mil max . . .

Sold down sudah completed. But how come the vol still . .quite high?

2) Next , will EPF/ Kwap the buyer for KYY block?

3) Why not sell via off market?

ps: Talking about our Maybank margin accounts, to reduce Rm 30 million from each margin account, I have to sell about Rm 60 million worth of shares, totalling Rm120 million


2018-03-06 11:56 | Report Abuse

ur news sudah pusblished in market since 2 days ago . .

okasanboleh - -> sudah factor into the share price lo . .


2018-03-06 11:52 | Report Abuse

key elements:

Low P/E does not mean the price should go higher.

Profit growth prospect is still the most important consideration.