
lenyan | Joined since 2015-05-29 13:53:30

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2021-08-25 21:39 | Report Abuse

haha she sell all happy now, go buy scope good QR


2021-07-21 17:18 | Report Abuse

many group buy call Ramssol very safe


2021-07-21 17:17 | Report Abuse

all in today.. hope can tp higher


2021-06-22 10:38 | Report Abuse

queue to buy from them


2021-06-22 10:36 | Report Abuse

hahaha not buy seeing it drop also happy, many chase high sell back again


2021-06-22 10:23 | Report Abuse

i dare not chase just queue lower..


2021-05-28 12:07 | Report Abuse

smrt goreng !!!


2021-05-25 14:50 | Report Abuse

coming QR good ?


2021-04-26 16:14 | Report Abuse

bobian la.. most fund flow to glove sector. sell some TP switch to glove better. if sds break support then will sell all lo. Must be patient wait tp 0.46 again


2021-04-23 10:32 | Report Abuse

my friends buy more 1 mil no worry going to make profit soon


2021-04-22 14:48 | Report Abuse

set higher tp queue selling


2021-04-09 11:50 | Report Abuse

sell on news?


2021-01-20 11:43 | Report Abuse

mi penta jhm bought some hope can go higher


2021-01-20 11:42 | Report Abuse

nimabugi sell all today.. clear all buy tech stock better.. this counter no hope


2021-01-20 11:20 | Report Abuse

last time bought at 0.09 already win 100% now buy back again..


2021-01-20 11:19 | Report Abuse

only need to cut loss if drop to 0.160.. sure win


2018-12-21 15:38 | Report Abuse

Topglov harta will be window dressing contributor next week


2018-12-21 15:37 | Report Abuse

US interest up and good for export counter. Comfort making more profit next quarter...


2018-12-21 15:22 | Report Abuse

No point to sell lower again cos over undervalue.. Presbhd also loss SKIN project but still can profit in other business. Myeg is also undervalue since it has many on-going service contribute the profit


2018-12-21 15:17 | Report Abuse

Wait until it break the resistance or buy at lower price. Cheers!


2018-12-21 15:15 | Report Abuse

MYEG is in collecting mode. Swing between 0.80-0.85. Next week will breaktrough 0.845 and rocket to 1.00, 1.20


2018-12-20 02:45 | Report Abuse

Definitely super star growth stock in 2019


2018-12-20 02:43 | Report Abuse

The new expansion is ready on-going production > engine start to rocket in coming few quarter


2018-12-20 01:51 | Report Abuse

these 2 days rebound many company share buy back like myeg, VS, Gkent.. over undervalue


2018-12-20 01:42 | Report Abuse

In relation to the abolishment of the GST regime.
Impairment loss on amount owing from an associate - 95,450
Impairment loss on equipment - 76,291
No cashflow out Myeg still making money

(226,526) - 95,450 - 76,291 = 54785
138,334 - 54785 = 83549 profit which is better than last quarter 64,812
83,549- 9565 = 73984 profit / / 3,606,305,993 = EPS 2.05 !!

Previous Eps 1.60 x 4 = 6.4
0.85 / 6.4 = PE13 !!
Compare Year Start Price 2.50/ 6.4 = PE39

The contribution of Revenue and PAT achieved for the quarter and year to date period is primarily
attributable to:
(i) concession related services such as Immigration and JPJ related and ancillary services; and
(ii) commercial services such as motor vehicle trading related services & financing services

FWR Services
MYEG Services (MYEG 0138) announced that it has been granted a two-year license by the Malaysian Human Resources Bureau to recruit labor at home and abroad in Malaysia, including hiring foreign workers for Malaysian employers.

Moving forward, MYEG will continue to introduce innovative commercial services which is
expected to contribute to our growth for FYE 2019 onwards.


2018-11-29 13:52 | Report Abuse

QR with profit drop due to impairment... how market will react? gap down?


2018-11-29 13:32 | Report Abuse

Just wait reversal signal come out first then only buy first bet. Wait until boss press down low enough and collect or other FA big player like lenyan find it undervalue and come in. Nobody know how low will it go.


2018-11-29 13:25 | Report Abuse

Scanning the 52 new low and come out this stock... hmm big boss press down so hard.. preparing next potential 50% return stock ?? hahaha.. add to monitoring list.. Once got construction good news it will move right?


2018-11-28 16:09 | Report Abuse

good stock but ready for drop due to impairment of GST monitor system..


2018-11-20 21:14 | Report Abuse

goreng stock never die.. wait another good bull timing or good qr coming


2018-11-20 21:09 | Report Abuse

many cut loss already which is good move to buy back lower and ready to win big again


2018-11-20 21:07 | Report Abuse

we all buy at 0.115 sell at 0.155 now wait to buy back when it stop dropping... who say goreng stock cannot win. Banker push down so we can buy lower again.. wahahaha


2018-08-17 12:35 | Report Abuse

gkent QoQ grow steadily and dividend quite attractive since price discount from 4.00 to 1.40
Mid-Long Term Gkent will be benefited from ECRL and more projects in Oct


2018-08-17 12:14 | Report Abuse

Tun Mahathir going to China to discuss ECRL 东铁

该公司潜在竞标的工程计划,包括隆新高铁、新加坡捷运工程、医院工程计划(约5亿令吉)、东海岸衔接铁道计划(约10亿令吉)及水务相关工程合约等 若获得上述最新合约将有望倍增。


2018-08-08 08:51 | Report Abuse

Price is under control

BEIJING: Hong Kong has ordered traders to suspend imports of poultry meat and poultry products like eggs from the Tuaran District of Sabah State in Malaysia, said the city's Centre for Food Safety on Tuesday.

Whole Malaysia so many layer farms and broiler farm.. only Tuaran one District of Sabah.

Good news !!! Buy other poultry exporter counter and Buy Lahhong oversold at bottom!


2018-08-08 02:41 | Report Abuse


On Friday (Aug 3), Wong said over 10,000 poultry birds from farms in Tuaran and areas within a 1km radius from where the case was detected will be culled.

It is a fact but 10,000 poulry bird is just a small percentage of the total capacity.
A raindrop can't kill an elephant


2018-08-08 02:14 | Report Abuse



2018-08-08 02:13 | Report Abuse

Look again at Top 10 Properties Location and production facilities

Layer Farm = 3,090,000
1. Lot 4857, Kapar, Selangor 180,000 Open house
2. Lot 1954, Jeram, Selangor 270,000 ECH
3. Lot 1555, Jeram, Selangor
450,000 ECH
4. Lot 1868, Jeram, Selangor
5. Lot 1717-1720, Jasin, Melaka 360,000 ECH/ Open house
6. Lot 1847, Jeram, Selangor 300,000 ECH
7. Lot 2809, Jeram, Selangor 480,000 ECH
8. Lot 1822, Jeram, Selangor 480,000 ECH
9. Lot 4857 & 4858 Kapar, Selangor 180,000 Open house
10. Tuaran, Sabah 90,000 Open house
11. Tamparuli, Sabah 300,000 ECH

Parent Stock Breeder Farm and Hatchery = 182,000
1. Lot 1632 & 3, Ijok, Selangor 150,000 Environment controlled houses (ECH)
2. Lot 1640 Ijok, Selangor 32,000 ECH


Broiler Farm = 4,078,000
1. Tanjung Karang, Selangor 2,308,000 ECH
2. Behrang, Perak, Farm 1 300,000 ECH
3. Behrang, Perak, Farm 2 450,000 ECH
4. Kampung Indai, Sabah 80,000 ECH
5. Kampung Serusup, Sabah 300,000 ECH
6. Tawau, Sabah 100,000 ECH
7. Sandakan, Sabah 210,000 ECH
8. Bongawan, Sabah 50,000 ECH
9. Keningau 100,000 ECH
10. Tamparuli, Sabah 180,000 ECH

Parent Stock Breeder Farm and Hatchery = 2,066,000
1. Bukit Belimbing / Bukit Rotan, Selangor 1,166,000 ECH
2. Papar, Sabah 900,000 ECH


2018-08-08 01:59 | Report Abuse

Annual Report 2018

Yap Hoong Chai Indirect 6,000,000 =0.92% Direct 215,042,560 =32.91%(*)

1. Innofarm Sdn Bhd 189,000,000 =28.93%
2. NH Foods Ltd 132,500,000 =20.28%

Remark : (*) Deemed interested in 26,042,560 shares held by his spouse, children, siblings and spouse of sibling and 189,000,000 shares by virtue of Innofarm Sdn Bhd which holds 28.93% equity interest in Lay Hong Berhad


No. of Warrant holders : 259,785,900
Exercise Price of Warrants : RM0.40
Exercise Period of Warrants : 14 October 2016 to 13 October 2021

1. Yap Hoong Chai 3,000,000 1.15 141,185,430 54.35


As of 01/08/18 Yap Hoong Chai hold Shares: 128.56M(49.488%) !!!!



2018-03-22 17:24 | Report Abuse

在场外看盘会比较冷静清楚 大家都知道迟早会炒等待时机而已 可是你手中有股 我是心中有股


2018-03-22 17:19 | Report Abuse

历史会重演 看回2014 sep-oct也是从0.11掉到最低0.05 然后庄家收票过后才来炒


2018-03-22 17:14 | Report Abuse

庄家看到大量傻户还持有 大概还会再跌到0.70 明年warrant快到期时才会炒


2018-03-22 17:11 | Report Abuse

看到跌到新低 来看看那些水鱼还在~~


2018-02-28 00:32 | Report Abuse

Revenue increasing is under expectation so not good enough to attract buyer. Disappointed


2018-02-28 00:29 | Report Abuse

of cos will go down for sure cos margin is reduced. But if got big drop then can consider buy in again


2018-02-06 10:08 | Report Abuse

hahaha.. like i say it will go down to 0.10 now can really buy. Less risk... time to all in XOX,
Then sell some at 0.125 again


2018-01-30 09:16 | Report Abuse

xox banker is cunning and poor type. Very hard to earn their money. That's why i rather choose to play 5-20% hit and run. If break through then I chase high to buy more.