Blog Posts
2 months ago | Report Abuse
Chances are there, just a matter of time.
2 months ago | Report Abuse
High chances to get out of PN17,look at the 6 consecutive qtrs profit. Just a matter of time.
2 months ago | Report Abuse
Nice qtrs results, tmr see how.
2024-07-28 23:02 | Report Abuse
Dont be talking non-sense, why you ask people to sell if you holding so many tickets? You got something wrong with your brain ha?
2024-07-28 22:42 | Report Abuse
Those talking crappss are not holding any tickets, they just want to kacau only. Forget abt them.
2024-07-28 21:23 | Report Abuse
From all your previous comments records, nothing was true, simply say things.
2024-07-28 21:20 | Report Abuse
And no one here support you and robert.
2024-07-28 21:12 | Report Abuse
m16454,i think you are blind.hahahaha....
2024-07-28 21:07 | Report Abuse
No assumptions. Just facts from the Regularisation Plan. Just read it, then dispute. Link is on bursa site. Look for section 5.1, page 11, top paragraph. Here is the extract about the price (AFTER consolidation 10:1):
'Entitled Shareholders on an entitlement date to be determined for the Proposed Rights Issue with Warrants (“Rights Issue Entitlement Date”) at an issue price of RM0.12 per Rights Share and 1 Rights Warrant for every 4 Rights Shares subscribed.'
So, price is RM0.12/10 = RM0.012 sen. 10 is the factor of consolidation.
See properly ya.People are not blind.This exactly copied from robert comments.
2024-07-28 21:05 | Report Abuse
People who do wrong will blame other people first, useless to entertain this people.
2024-07-28 20:51 | Report Abuse
All your comments and roberts comments I already keep.hahaha....
2024-07-28 20:50 | Report Abuse
I am not scared of you la, I do nothing wrong.
2024-07-28 20:40 | Report Abuse
this is not my comment ya. I will not spread untrue statements. Dont simply say things.
2024-07-28 20:01 | Report Abuse
m16454,dont ever put untrue statement simply.SC will investigate you if they found your statements, better delete your comments.
2024-07-28 19:56 | Report Abuse
Dont ever try to twist the fact ya. I saw your previous comments on 26/3/2024 at 16:01 that you put the statement that alam confirmed to be delisted after 15/4/24.People are watching you.
2024-07-28 19:50 | Report Abuse
It very clear what he said in his comments which is untrue statement.m16454 you also trying to manipulate the share price by putting selling call. You beware also your statements.
2024-07-28 19:47 | Report Abuse
You see properly his comments,m16454. Dont simply comment.He put Rm 0.12 divide 10 though, which is not right.
2024-07-28 19:15 | Report Abuse
Robert, beware of your comments, people are watching you.
2024-07-28 17:36 | Report Abuse
Yes, correct. In addition, the proposed right issue with warrants will be subscribed fully by undertaking of major company shareholders.
2024-07-28 17:15 | Report Abuse
Please dont confuse people with your false interpretation, robert.
2024-07-28 17:08 | Report Abuse
Rm0.12 is the right issue price as stated at page 11,whereas consolidated shares price is Rm 0.35 (before consolidation is 0.035) as stated in page 9.For example ,if you hold 1000 lots at Rm 0.035,then you only get 100 lots at Rm 0.35.
2024-07-28 15:02 | Report Abuse
roberts, you are making your own assumption simply ,all are non-sense.
2024-07-28 09:16 | Report Abuse
Robert, its your own thought. Your thinking proved to be wrong many times .If people believe you, they would have sold their tickets but not. Trade wisely and I always dont believe other people.
2024-07-27 12:05 | Report Abuse
From the regularisation plan announced and the big transaction volume and also technically on the uptrend mode, I believed price will be likely going up further next week.
2024-07-27 10:09 | Report Abuse
I believe this company will grow after completion of this regularisation plan. Otherwise creditors wont approved this regularisation plan.
2024-07-26 19:56 | Report Abuse
Of course, people will take profits when the price up next week................
2024-07-26 17:53 | Report Abuse
Creditors meeting very successful outcome, majority creditors approved(more than 75%). Next week will fly............
2024-07-24 12:28 | Report Abuse
dont believe all these non sense people, 5 days continuously positive closing with volume, surely something brewing.....
2024-07-05 21:06 | Report Abuse
Creditor meeting scheduled on 26th July 2024,its a positive developments, see how market reacts on Tuesday.
2024-06-02 12:23 | Report Abuse
If compared with same quarter in 2023,revenue is increased with huge profits,its a good sign as 4 quarters green consecutively .I believe they can come up with a regularization plan.
2024-06-01 19:43 | Report Abuse
From the anouncement, restraining order was granted by court due to substantial support
From the previous company announcement, restraining order granted by court due to substantial support by its scheme creditors. Hopefully alam managed to get through this distress.
2024-06-01 18:48 | Report Abuse
how sure are you? 4 quarters green continuously. lets see on tuesday ...........
2024-06-01 18:01 | Report Abuse
Hi robert, read properly company announcement before you comment. high court already approved restraining order until oct 2024..........and bursa already granted extension of time to submit regularization plan until end of oct 2024........and they obtained substantial support for granted the restraining order.
2020-12-12 09:36 | Report Abuse
Price still well supported at 0.45 level,thats why got people buying at 0.455.
2 months ago | Report Abuse
Look at the 6 consecutively qtrs profits,it means alam is on the right track to recovery.Althought it will takes time to get rid of PN17,but chances are bright.