
matklse | Joined since 2021-07-16 00:07:09

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2022-10-17 18:14 | Report Abuse

The uptrend for Harta is super strong, there's no turning back, it can rocket up sharply any time in the coming days.

TP 4 is easy.


2022-10-17 15:00 | Report Abuse

Harta can rocket any time


2022-10-17 14:59 | Report Abuse

Final call, yang tak beli tu, rugi besar


2022-10-16 19:48 | Report Abuse

The Nightmare COVID Variant That Beats Our Immunity Is Finally Here

It's official! The beast is here.

TP 4 is easy.


2022-10-16 18:47 | Report Abuse

So I predict, covid cases will probably explode a few days before the GE15, then it will be too late to call off the election. They can't control the floods but they can manipulate the Covid numbers. That's probably how BN can secure the win.


2022-10-16 18:42 | Report Abuse

If GE15 goes ahead even when Covid Cases exploded, then BN will win easily because most Chinese will not come out and vote, It's a perfect storm.

If BN wins - Cluster Mahkamah to go free
But on the bright side, at least the ringgit will regain confidence and go up up up, back to 3.80 at the very least
I hope GST 6% will be reintroduced, as going forward, Malaysia financial getting worse and worse without proper measures to reduce debt.


2022-10-16 09:15 | Report Abuse

Covid-19: Another 2,231 new cases

Covid Cases in Malaysia steadily rising, and the imminent covid tsunami will stop GE15.


2022-10-14 18:10 | Report Abuse

Harta no looking back already, get on the uptrend train.


2022-10-14 18:09 | Report Abuse

Congrats to all Harta loyal shareholders, Harta uptrend is so beautiful, covid tsunami is on the way. TP 4 is easy.
There's no better uptrend than Harta, confirmed up up and up only.


2022-10-14 13:13 | Report Abuse

Those who missed the boat already panicking, and keep scaring people by saying it is 1 day show. LoL Buy back lah So Zai, winter is already here, it will be a super covid tsunami wave.


2022-10-14 12:20 | Report Abuse

Harta no looking back. All the way to RM 4


2022-10-14 12:15 | Report Abuse

Trust me, EPF will only buy back when harta back to RM 8 and above, that's how operasi Bernis Madoff works. Biggest Sui Yee in the pond.


2022-10-14 11:40 | Report Abuse

Harta TP 4, just in time for a Merry Covid Christmas


2022-10-14 11:38 | Report Abuse

GE15 will be stop by the new Covid-19 super wave


2022-10-14 11:37 | Report Abuse

New Omicron XXB variant is very deadly


2022-10-14 10:40 | Report Abuse

Mana EPF's operasi Bernie Madoff? Short sell another 2 percent lah. You can buy back at RM 4 later


2022-10-13 13:37 | Report Abuse

Hold!!! Let EPF buy back at RM 4


2022-10-13 11:48 | Report Abuse

Anyone knows, how much money EPF lost from harta? I certainly hope EPF is not run by some Bernie Madoff Ponzi head. Malaysia has become so rotten to the point that some Bernie Madoff wannabe would go after Malaysian EPF money, just simply gambling away EPF funds.


2022-10-13 11:42 | Report Abuse

We all have to thank you EPF for selling cheap to us. Don't know who's the biggest Sui Yee here, EPF?


2022-08-27 22:33 | Report Abuse

I think Mydin, T M and PH need to join forces to defeat Umbro and BM again. Otherwise, if BM won, Malaysia will be finished. Cannot let jerung-jerung perompak negara melepas diri.


2022-08-27 22:19 | Report Abuse

Mana ada guarantee BM dan Umbro boleh menang? Jadi mestilah bahagi wang dulu, kalau kalah GE15, masih ada wang mah. Itulah strategi UMbro


2022-08-27 22:16 | Report Abuse

KLSE will crash a little bit every day starting Monday until the dissolution of parliament


2022-08-27 22:13 | Report Abuse

KLSE sure crash kaw kaw on monday


2022-08-27 22:12 | Report Abuse

Belumlah, kena tunggu bujet dulu, wang belum sampai tangan, manalah sanggup bubar parlimen?


2022-08-27 22:11 | Report Abuse

Main sandiwara agaknya. Depan senyum, dibelakang pegang pisau.


2022-08-27 22:06 | Report Abuse

PM tak hadir. Already declared WW3


2022-08-27 20:18 | Report Abuse

Umbros chanting "Hidup hidup, hidup UMbro, hidup BM, maka hiduplah rakyat"

My brain interprets what I heard, but my heart keeps whispering to myself, "Hidup Umbro, Hidup BM, maka matilah rakyat" which makes more sense.


2022-08-27 19:09 | Report Abuse

Taklimat selamatkan Najit!!! Sabrina went vampire hunting, MIA. UMbro, currently at its own World War 3. Satu Malaysia sama-sama ditimpa malang akibat pemenjaraan Najit.

Operasi selamatkan UMbro yg berlangsung selama 2 tahun, akibatnya, Rakyat dipenjarakan 2 tahun juga.
Sekarang tengah operasi selamatkan Najit, apa akibatnya? sama-sama kita tunggu dan lihat.

Fasten your seatbelt.


2022-08-25 20:55 | Report Abuse

This Saturday, Umbro major meeting, maybe they will sailang? What for waiting to be slaughtered 1 by 1? All in lah, Umbro memang tak ada telur, lol.


2022-08-25 19:05 | Report Abuse

Bossku!!! Mana gaji aku?

In ancient times, those who openly admit that a corrupt criminal was and still is their Big Boss, will be arrested and executed for being complicit in the convicted crime.

Fast forward 21st century, people will continuously support and show affection towards a convicted corrupt criminal without shame, only in Malaysia. lol


2022-08-23 19:36 | Report Abuse

Don't think Sabrina is looking to hunt down Jahit, it is totally unnecessary. One of the reasons Najit has to go, is because saving Najit will have a huge repercussion, he is simply too big to be set free. Malaysia might be facing lawsuits?? for repatriating 1MDB's alleged embezzled funds if Najit is freed, and also the chaos (don't know where to begin) that might come with it is simply unthinkable.

Jailing Najit is basically a good thing for Malaysia as a whole, hopefully, Malaysia will regain confidence from the rest of the world after this.

And finally Malaysian can put Najit behind us now.


2022-08-23 19:19 | Report Abuse

On the bright side, Sabrina have gained a lot of points for Umbro by showing the world Malaysia's jurisdiction system is respectable. Support from the people especially the Malays may be flowing back to Umbro in a big way after this. Chinese might also have a change of heart too, given that justice has already been served.

Election after the budget is almost 100% a sure thing now.


2022-08-23 19:13 | Report Abuse

Umbro could have called for election a month ago. Unfortunately, the temptation of gula-gula (bujet 2022-23) is proven to be far more important than Bossku. My precious...kakakakaka. Well, bossku did try to delay the proceedings for 2 months, call the election only after the bujet, so that Umbro can get both gula-gula and save himself.

Greed killed the goose (Najit), I guess Umbro will be happy with their golden eggs (bujet).


2022-08-18 19:51 | Report Abuse

@Cerubic Nothing can justify dumping of 7% shareholding in the open market in 1 week's time. This is clearly a heinous deliberate attack on the stock price.


2022-08-18 19:41 | Report Abuse

Malaysia fought an economic war back in 1997 to fend off a foreign attack by evil George Soros. It was the proudest moment being a Malaysian since our independence.

Ironically today we are being attacked from within by our own government institution which we all funded with our blood and sweat. It's not just a slap in the face, but a stab straight to the heart.

What has happened to Malaysia? Can someone tell me? Is EPF now headed by someone like George Soros?
Negara ni memang dah hancur. We all need to alert our MPs to bring EPF's issues of irrational buying stocks at sky-high prices and then short-selling stocks at undervalued prices to the parliament.

We must stop EPF from attacking our local companies and most important of all, is our money still safe with EPF? Does EPF still have all our money? or have they lost a lot of it? Why does the government have to give a million excuses to forbid withdrawals? Why do they have to resort to irrational speculation, gamble away people's money in an attempt to make a profit???? or just enrich crooks within and VIPs in the government?


2022-08-18 10:55 | Report Abuse

In 1997, Malaysia's most feared evil was Soros, fast forward 25 years later, and the new short-selling evil is EPF.

The irony....don't know to want to cry, laugh or angry. I can assure you EPF short-selling activities of destroying local good companies have already gained the attention of a few MPs including those in the Government.

Don't be surprised if one-day EPF got raided.


2022-08-17 19:36 | Report Abuse

Now we see how EPF losing our money by selling Harta shares at dirt cheap prices.

Harta's net asset price is currently at 1.49, in what world a sane trader would sell a stock at a price nearly the same as its net asset value? EPF people are either a bunch of crooks or a bunch of dumb dumb.


2022-08-17 19:35 | Report Abuse

This is sad, Malaysian government and institutions really rubbish.
Poor people want to withdraw their own EPF money to weather the tough times during covid but are given a million excuses Can Not.


2022-08-17 16:53 | Report Abuse

lol then we should stop donating 12% of our salary to EPF every month. They will collapse in no time.


2022-08-17 16:45 | Report Abuse

Did someone kill the crazy trader at EPF that keep pressing Sell? No more heavy selling anymore lol.


2022-08-17 14:01 | Report Abuse

tak berani nak lepas dah, dah boleh senyap senyap sapu


2022-08-17 10:50 | Report Abuse

Ban EPF from trading, KLSE go to 1800


2022-08-17 10:49 | Report Abuse

EPF lose, we also lose, because they losing our money also lol. But just consider the day you donate 12% every month end to EPF, you already losing money.


2022-08-17 10:47 | Report Abuse

RM 1 first, then RM 9, we all win. EPF lose


2022-08-17 10:45 | Report Abuse

@Cerubic, you know the story of Bernie Madoff?? EPF use the monthly 12% collection from your salary to pay your dividend lah. lol


2022-08-17 10:42 | Report Abuse

Aiyo no more heavy selling already, so boring.


2022-08-17 10:37 | Report Abuse

Don't support it, let it fall until RM 1, so EPF can sell at RM 1, and we all collect at RM 1 lol


2022-08-17 10:31 | Report Abuse

No one can audit EPF investments, maybe they already hold huge huge huge paper losses. No wonder they don't allow Malaysians to withdraw their hard-earned money.

I suggest those already eligible withdraw their EPF and take them all out. Don't know one day they will become empty shells like 1MDB, Bernie Madoff kind of ending.


2022-08-17 10:28 | Report Abuse

EPF fund was supposed to create stability in KLSE stock market, but instead they used their huge position to create chaos. Because of them, Harta is being sold at such dirt cheap price, without even considering the money they lose is people's money.

If TNB cut the power at EPF, maybe KLSE can go up to 1800 lol, just saying.


2022-08-16 16:45 | Report Abuse

Don't know later closing got fountain show or not, 1 big push to RM 2? lol