
maxwin69 | Joined since 2023-09-07

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2024-04-16 21:45 | Report Abuse

Petdag is big business. Small boycotts here and there won't affect them. Unlike Mc Donald's or Starbucks which are badly affected.


2024-04-05 15:40 | Report Abuse

Anything is possible.


2024-04-05 15:39 | Report Abuse

One of the best performing companies belong to richest man. Bonus and dividends no problem. Depends on quantum only.


2024-04-04 10:40 | Report Abuse

Tunku got 2 KPI - list Borsig in Singapore and sell off loss-making assets to get back some cash. It seems that the FBM part finally done. It will reflect well on his performance even though some may not be happy with the selling price. At least it shows the performance.


2023-11-11 15:02 | Report Abuse

Tunku took over as Chairman exactly one year ago. Within weeks the company went under PN17, the leftover pile of shit from previous management. He needed time to assemble his team of professionals to handle the business part ie marketing, look after production and look for funding. He needed another corporate team for corporate structuring which includes selling off loss-making subsidiaries and listing of Borsig. Shareholders are now still giving him a chance to perform, without disturbing him too much. At the same time, German guy and Flavio/Tan trying to overthrow him from inside. Hopefully now he has some breathing space to make things happen. He knows a lot of people are impatient oredi. The ship is on fire and sinking fast.


2023-11-10 18:53 | Report Abuse

On a side note, more Palestinians are coming out to say they don't like their Hamas gomen who has not held elections since 2006. In fact, a majority of Palestinians don't like Hamas. Their brutality, barbarism etc are coming out into the open. More and more countries are acknowledging that Hamas is a terror organisation and Western countries like the US will sanction any country that are friendly with Hamas. That means Malaysia, with our PM and former PM Mahathir, on kissing terms with Hamas and their top leaders. You can google "Anwar or Mahathir and Hamas" and see all the news and photos on how friendly they are.

Now I'm not only worried for KNM. I'm worried for Malaysia kena sanctioned. Adoi...


2023-11-10 18:49 | Report Abuse

Yes, OtisKL, KW L is right. FBM can still be sold. The problem is not that the Italian gomen don't allow it to be sold. They only have issue with this particular buyer, especially due to current Palestinian conflict. That buyer is from a country friendly with Hamas. So, now we either find a buyer from another country or we still sell back to this interested and rich buyer but using higher corporate structuring skills. Without mentioning names, haha... the guy handling this project didn't know how to handle properly and bungled up. From one standpoint it's a hilarious situation. On the other hand it causes more stress on Tunku, because he got KPI ma. We are all watching. He need to nail this. Good luck to Tunku. Hope he fix this project soon.


2023-11-07 21:33 | Report Abuse

For any business, whether distressed or otherwise, they will always face 3 challengers. (1) Bring in more customers, (2) Make those customers happy by delivery of promises made by the marketing department, including production and after-sales service, and (3) provide funding and financing for both the capital requirements of the marketing and production departments.

If you ask me, I would say the first department (marketing) is the most important. What's the point of doing production and having lots of funds if we can't bring in the customers, right? No customers = no business.

One of the biggest problems for the marketing department, if not the biggest, is competition. Today, the marketplace for every product and industry, is full of players trying to snatch away our customers and make them their own. We used to talk about barriers of entry such as high capital requirement or high technology. The fact is that no matter how high the barriers of entry, if the business project is really profitable, we can expect players to overcome whatever barriers and compete with us.

We hope the KNM team can be great businessmen with capable people who are good at marketing, experts in production, and able to raise sufficient capital for the business. Let's give them some room to perform. As we can see, doing business today is no joke. It's not for the faint-hearted.


2023-11-05 12:16 | Report Abuse

Yes, OtisKL, I stand by you. Because my name also blacklisted by this Mc Donald's guy. He's up to no good. He always complain about ES and that the current management don't have professional people. The fact is that the most professional guy, founder Ir Lee and his family are the most professional people and they have been deposed by Tan and his Italian connection Flavio, who recruited unsuspecting German hero tycoon to back them up. Mc Donald's biased support for these guys show that he is in the same team.

It's actually a movie or drama about ungrateful people or ingrates. Tan was a nobody who the Lee family promoted to become CFO. He turned around and pakat with Flavio to overthrow the Lee family during AGM. From then it was downhill and the company ended up with PN17. The idea was to sink the company so that they can get their hands on the gem Borsig.

Now these two guys will be busy for a while to play around with their court case. Until Tunku figure out and execute moves to turn around the company.

I won't be surprised if Tunku invite back the Lee family to get back on board the burning ship to set things right.


2023-10-27 08:07 | Report Abuse

The dust has settled after the big event EGM. Let's recap what is supposed to happen for both teams.

Tunku team supposed to sell off loss-making subsidiaries and list Borsig by June 2024.

German guy say he can raise funds and sell off subsidiaries at higher price, but since he lost he don't have a chance to perform this. He will continue make money doing his firearms business supplying weapons for Israel IDF.

Two ex-directors Flavio and Tan need to answer in court regarding some CBT or wrongdoings at KNM.


2023-10-26 10:14 | Report Abuse

Niama this is really Malaysia Boleh. Ciao all the shareholders money.


2023-10-26 10:13 | Report Abuse

And then some years later when oil price was higher these shareholders again said Tenaga should make more money. Then Tenaga said, No, we make electricity by using fossil fuels.


2023-10-26 10:12 | Report Abuse

I also read news in our local dailies some ten or twenty years back. You know oil price fluctuates. When oil price was low Tenaga shareholders commented that Tenaga should make more profits. Tenaga Chairman at that time said, No, we make electricity by using hydro.


2023-10-17 23:36 | Report Abuse

All the results are transparent and published. It's here,


2023-10-16 15:38 | Report Abuse

You're right. They succeeded in removing two directors. But they didn't manage to put any of their guys in. They didn't get enough votes; meaning shareholders don't have so much confidence in German gang.

I heard rumours Tan Sri Z kantoi due to his UMNO status. And Mr Steve Ho had other company matter which affect his status at KNM. Just rumours, not sure true or not.


2023-10-16 15:28 | Report Abuse


Just to clarify. Out of the 16 resolutions only 2 were successful ie. removal of Tan Sri Z and Mr Ho.

Other resolutions to put in German guys as directors didn't go through. So, there is no such thing as unity gomen. I mean unity board. The German suffered a total defeat; none of his guys were voted in as directors.


2023-10-16 11:31 | Report Abuse

Very inspiring Namewee clip,

Message: Work hard, step by step, after fall down get up. The world has demons, be careful. Yes, lots of advice for success. I always think business world is really a jungle.


2023-10-16 11:08 | Report Abuse

German guy got through only 2 out of 16 resolutions to remove/replace directors.


2023-10-16 10:35 | Report Abuse

Thank you to all Malaysian and Tunku supporters.
Because of you German guy outgunned and outmaneuvred.
Syabas! Terima kasih.

Next: Waiting for poll results on the rest of their teams...


2023-10-16 10:27 | Report Abuse

German 634,466,507 - 37%
Malaysia ,043,150,803 - 62%


2023-10-16 10:25 | Report Abuse

Just in. They failed to kick out Tunku.
Team Malaysia won. Yay!


2023-10-16 10:11 | Report Abuse

Voting begins for Item 1 - Resolution to remove Tunku as Chairman.


2023-10-16 09:54 | Report Abuse

Countdown to the big show. 5 mins...

Last, final salvo from Team Malaysia. Hehe...
Heckler & Koch (Heeschen's company) supply arms to Israel to kill a lot of innocent women and children.

I am not siding with Palestine or Israel. But whoever kill women and children are bad guys. Peace...


2023-10-15 23:18 | Report Abuse

Terima kasih, haziqaz. Mmg betul warga asing nak rampas syarikat kami di Malaysia. Dengan hasrat jahat nak take over Borsig dengan harga murah. Itu je niat dia. Marilah Team Malaysia mempertahankan syarikat kami daripada dicuri pirate orang asing.


2023-10-15 21:42 | Report Abuse

There is little else we can do now except pray. Good luck, everyone!


2023-10-15 21:21 | Report Abuse

We are just hours away from the most exciting stock market event in Malaysia in recent years.

If Team Malaysia win I think kyliew prediction will come true. German Team will dump all their shares and run away. Most likely they wont stay around to see Team Malaysia run the business and reap more profits on their shares. If Team Germany win the creditors will step in to zerorize the company.

Based on current state of things with German team running out of ammo, most likely Team Malaysia will win. Share price will eventually go up, but not immediately. We need to wait for the dust to settle, which may take anything between days and weeks.

My two cents...


2023-10-15 09:45 | Report Abuse

And Tunku last minute doing charity project,

Italian and German enjoying themselves in different ways. Maybe luxury yacht...


2023-10-15 09:42 | Report Abuse

Going into the last lap I notice regular German fans getting less so they have to make some new accounts to boost a bit.

I am Team Malaysia fan. Probably offering my final support for the EGM tomorrow. Here's a tik tok to enjoy,


2023-10-14 21:05 | Report Abuse


Your analysis is correct. Don't worry. It's easy to pluck some figures from the air. The question is, how is is possible for all the creditors to get back their money in a liquidation scenario? For secured creditors it's ok, but how about unsecured creditorrs? They will eat dust. After paying off secured creditors the others will be left with crumbs.

That's the reality of life. Lenders must be secured in future. Otherwise they will suffer.


2023-10-10 14:29 | Report Abuse

Heeschen's plan to save KNM is to raise funding or loans from Europe. This plan is useless because,

(1) KNM's main company making profit is Borsig. And as explained by Mr Juergen, CEO of Borsig, at the road show yesterday, Borsig customers pay them a downpayment before starting any project. As they do production for the customers they can bill them progressively. So they don't need any loans.

(2) The other 3 subsidiaries are loss-making and the current management wants to sell them off because of that. Also don't need anymore credit.

(3) If Heeschen raise funds or capital they will be used to repay loans from existing creditors or banks. So, what is the point of borrowing money from Bank B to pay back Bank A? And Bank B's interest rate would be higher than Bank A. Worse still, Bank B (any bank in Europe) wouldn't want to lend money to KNM. Only Heeschen says they will.

If Heeschen say he can pump in capital himself since he is tycoon, then we clap hand say he is clever. Otherwise just talk about raising capital for KNM doesn't make sense.


2023-10-10 14:21 | Report Abuse

Two other tycoons came on board together with Taib Mahmud son. They all want to support Tunku only. The other guys very low profile don't want to be mentioned. People in the know are aware Tunku now has at least 30%. He even told The Star that.

Tengku Kamariah is not aware of sweet talker Flavio sheet going to surface anytime soon, due to police report lodged. She would be shocked.

Yesterday at the Borsig road show Q & A session, someone asked about Flavio matter. Ravi said they have gather enough evidence before lodging a police report.


2023-10-09 17:17 | Report Abuse

The lesson to be learned is simple. Next time foreigners will think twice before they mess around with our locals here. Especially if they are royalty. They will lose a lot of money and go back to their country with their tail between their legs.

For Flavio he may even end up behind bars.


2023-10-09 17:09 | Report Abuse

The arrest of Kenneth Vun and gang will not be publicized. They will just burn a big hole in their pocket. Their injury will cause them to lie low and take some time to recuperate. Only ppl like us will learn about it thru the grapevine.


2023-10-09 17:03 | Report Abuse

Most investors still don't realise yet but Italian German taikohs oledi abandon ship dump their shares. Even though their attempt to hijack Borsig not successful they still made at least rm12 million. If their fans and investors hang on and trust Tunku to list Borsig they will still make money later.

The worst guys are the Kenneth Vun gang. They will kantoi and lose their pants when the police catch them.

Good luck, guys! Don't panic when share price drop sharply. It's expected. It's mentioned earlier.

When the EGM is nearer this kind of thing will happen.


2023-10-09 16:53 | Report Abuse

The next EGM will be called right after 16/10 to formalize the sale of FBM Hudson. S&P already signed with buyer.


2023-10-07 18:53 | Report Abuse

@OtisKL, guys,

The news is in. Much earlier than they promised. See the hardwork and efficiency of Tunku team.

They have gathered enough evidence Flavio did CBT sapuwang for the earlier Borsig deal with his partner-in-crime, Mr Heeschen. KNM just lodged a police report against him. The link from my journalist friend is here.
Enjoy ya...

PS. I'm not sure Mr Flavio still can or dare to show his face at the EGM on 16/10. Hmm...


2023-10-07 10:03 | Report Abuse

Ya, bro. Polis sedang monitor mafia korporate geng. Mungkin ini yang journalist refer. Mungkin lain. Kita sama2 tunggu berita terbaru. Germany vs Malaysia. Saya pilih Malaysia kerana Tunku rakyat Malaysia. Lagi dia Tunku from royal family. Memang kuat.


2023-10-07 08:59 | Report Abuse

This is a good stock to hold, despite some scandals. Politics involved is normal.


2023-10-07 08:53 | Report Abuse

Based on performance so far, I will take a risk to buy more KNM. I don't know about others but I think German very slim chance to win.

And my journalist friend give me tips. Tunku and his team so far talking strategy and how to execute them. For example, Borsig road show on Monday. It's a fact, it's not fake news.

And he says within this two days there will be shocking news of another action to be taken by Tunku and his team. He ask me to stay tuned. Most likely by Monday we will see that exciting development as we watch closely on the sidelines with popcorn in hand. Once that event happens Tunku's supporters will feel even more confident about his capability and handling of the situation at KNM.

We know that to do business in Malaysia it's good to have the support or backing of SC, the big lawyers, the police and MACC. Tunku has all that because he is local Malay guy. I don't think German can have that kind of support in Malaysia.


2023-10-07 08:44 | Report Abuse

Share price shooting up past few days. A lot of people make money. Understandably some people put in bigger bet. Maybe some people all-in.

But I sense the danger. Let's imagine this. If our German guy feels that he cannot win EGM he will help to pump up the price. Then, just before EGM he dump and the price drop sharply. A lot of bilis will get hurt, right? They will panic and take loss instead of take profit. I'm not trying to scare anyone or pour cold water, but in stock market anything is possible.

For me, I will only sell if EGM outcome German win. Because most likely creditors will take action due to PN17. I will have sleepless nights hoping KNM can survive.


2023-09-28 10:35 | Report Abuse

What about our German guy, Andreas Heeschen? Of course, he will say he can bring KNM to new heights. But he himself is not on new heights lately. In fact, he is being exposed to a new low.

Already sanctioned in Europe for illegal firearms dealing, especially in the UK, he is now being exposed as the majority shareholder of Heckler & Koch, the company that bribed Angela Merckle's political party durign her reign, to allow them to export guns to Mexico where those guns killed lots of people.

As we speak, employees of that company are being tried in court for the incident which happened more than ten years ago. We can imagine Andreas Heeschen is having his hands full with that criminal charge right now.

Good luck to our fellow Malaysians who want to support a guy like that. Adoi...


2023-09-28 10:26 | Report Abuse

KNM fell into PN17 on 1/11/2022, under the previous management where Flavio was executive director. At that time Tunku was non-executive director. Tunku and his team took over after 1/11/2022 with Tunku being appointed Chairman on 9/2/2023. The team is trying very hard to lift it out of PN17 asap. So far they have been doing a very good job, handling the daily operations involving marketing, production and keeping creditors confident about the company's prospects.


2023-09-27 21:49 | Report Abuse

Most people don't know anything about the German guy who want to take over KNM. His name is Andreas Heeschen and he is the boss of Heckler & Koch, the German gunmaker who is sanctioned in Europe, especially the UK. it seems that they are branded as the "most notorious gunmaker" according to this news report in Europe.

We know that Andreas Heeschen is just the macai of Flavio Porro, the Italian lawyer who was formerly director of KNM. Andreas is also known as German bilionaire tycoon. This news report expose who Andreas really is. He is actually a bad guy who try to bribe Angela Merckle's political party.

Now can we trust a guy like that to run a Malaysian's listed company KNM? Just take a look yourself...


2023-09-26 17:25 | Report Abuse

German will choose Option 3. 2 major creditors ie. ADB and foreign PE Fund gets paid in FULL because they hold Borsig as security. All other creditors will be totally screwed. Nothing left for them.


2023-09-26 17:23 | Report Abuse

The current management is doing Option 1 above. It will pay off everyone. Share price good chance to get back to 30, 40 or even 50 sen.


2023-09-26 17:22 | Report Abuse

In terms of figures, it is also not hard to analyse the value of Borsig currently.

1. Listing is at 15X PE on PAT
2. Trade Sale is at 7X PE PAT
3. Liquidation Sale is at 5X PE on PAT