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2021-10-18 09:43 | Report Abuse

Oct 2021 – In the recent years, EyRIS’ SELENA+ has proven its worth in the early detection of retinal eye diseases across 24 countries. SELENA+’s success represents our first steps to revolutionize healthcare delivery through deep technology.

In our next chapter, EyRIS is excited to introduce another Deep Learning Algorithm (DLA), this time to detect Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). Jointly developed by the clinicians and scientists from the Singapore Eye Research Institute and the National University of Singapore (NUS) School of Computing, this new DLA can detect the early stages of CKD through automated analysis of fundus retinal images.

It is estimated that 10% of the population worldwide is affected by chronic kidney disease (CKD). Obese individuals and those with diabetes and hypertension are especially susceptible to kidney damage. Early stages of CKD have proven difficult to detect as patients usually present little to no symptoms. The current conventional approach in screenings involves syringes and needles which can deter some people. Left untreated, advanced CKD can result in the need for dialysis or even kidney transplant.

This technology deploys deep learning on big data and clinical assessment techniques that studies the tortuosity of blood vessels in the retina. Concurrently, the algorithm runs multiple iterations to achieve high sensitivity and specificity which is vital to crown this diagnostic aid as a viable and cost-effective alternative to detect CKD.


2021-09-24 19:26 | Report Abuse

Tuapui appear


2021-08-19 20:20 | Report Abuse

good to collect. Where is taupui


2021-05-24 12:51 | Report Abuse

Messi, 7080 gogogo hahaha


2021-05-20 10:41 | Report Abuse

messi,after right,7080 push their pa , whoever first round converted within 8-11 days can gain , after all stuck, day after , few PP out with no power.
4456- these few day push their WD, expiry date soon.


2021-05-19 17:26 | Report Abuse

Messi, if you carefully read their last QR n compared with past few year QR, u may notice that , company tried to clean up report. and why after FY sunny announed on board.


2021-05-19 17:13 | Report Abuse

people trade with knowledge n people trade without knowledge of this company was totally diff . I also bought Pa at 0.05 n sold at 0.13 for short term strategy. My existing units remained


2021-05-19 16:45 | Report Abuse

I follow this company, since eyris born.


2021-05-19 16:41 | Report Abuse

My cost only 0.03 , pa 0.01 . My target time is this year end。


2021-05-19 13:02 | Report Abuse

Tuapui, u really like novamsc very much . Fast to Q otherwise u will regret 。hahaha.
a lot of news never mentioned and found at bursa


2021-05-06 23:15 | Report Abuse

May 2021 – novaCITYNETS, a subsidiary of Nova MSC launches FORNAX ePlanCheck as a service on the FORNAX Cloud to enable customer cloud adoption to accelerate the digitalisation process of the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industry.

FORNAX™ Cloud is the Software as a Service (SaaS) arm of its FORNAX™ ePlanCheck system. The service will provide the Qualified Persons (QPs) and Building Information Modeling (BIM) managers an avenue to perform automated checks on BIM models to audit for data completeness, modelling quality according to best practices, compare models between iterations and detect critical clashes of vital elements as part of the process required in a typical BIM Executive Plan (BEP), thereby improving data quality in the existing methodologies as well as in emerging technologies such as Digital Twins and 5D BIM Model.

With the launch, we are making it easier for the QPs and BIM managers to discover new powerful applications that will provide them with data-driven insights and eventually drive substantial productivity gain.

BIM is envisaged to be the de-facto in the building and construction industries, and the aim of our FORNAX™ ePlanCheck is dedicated to managing information of BIM and leveraging it to enhance the process in design, regulatory requirements, and construction of building projects as well as operation and maintenance of built assets.

The service that we offer will help to change the industry as the laborious nature of building plan checks could be simplified and what normally takes weeks or even months for completion, would only require mere hours with our FORNAX™ ePlanCheck, giving a tremendous boost in productivity to the industry


2021-04-14 12:04 | Report Abuse

Tuapui ,I like you here


2021-03-26 09:52 | Report Abuse

Tuapui coming


2021-03-25 22:21 | Report Abuse

JTC is under Singapore Goverment.


2021-03-25 20:24 | Report Abuse

Mar 2021 – Singapore’s JTC Corporation (JTC) has awarded to novaCITYNETS, a subsidiary of Nova MSC the project under JTC Innovation Challenge initiative to ease the transition for construction companies in their adoption of Building Information Model (BIM).

The JTC Innovation Challenge was an initiative started in 2015 to bring industry partners and solution providers together to address challenges in the built environment sector. JTC works with solution partners by providing funding and domain expertise to co-create solutions that will address the challenges to transform the way JTC will plan, design, build and manage their buildings and estates.

In the project, NOVA will provide a solution to perform:

Automated check for data quality against Model Content Plan (MCP) that JTC has compiled based on today’s known requirements for various stages in the building model lifecycle.
Automated check of the BIM model to ensure it meets the design expectation of JTC’s Building and Design requirements which encompasses Architectural, Civil & Structural (C&S), Mechanical & Electrical (M&E) disciplines.
To achieve the 2 innovation objectives, we are deploying FORNAX our could-based ePlanCheck system a full-fledged BIM automation platform for regulatory compliance check, data audit, query, analytics, GIS integration and collaboration for BIM projects.


2021-03-16 21:01 | Report Abuse

Toilet tuapui. HaHaHa


2021-03-07 21:24 | Report Abuse

here must have tuapui, otherwise no fun


2021-03-04 20:01 | Report Abuse

Tuapui, wanna buy novamsc or not


2021-02-25 20:05 | Report Abuse

Tuapui still here, i tho bye bye aldy


2021-02-20 22:50 | Report Abuse

In singapore, their corenet system (building professionals) to make electronic submissions to BCA or any of the other 15 government regulatory authorities.


2021-02-19 07:40 | Report Abuse

Buy with know your counter and buy with without knowledge with your counter, you will scare and cut loss, if you know your counter, share price drop is opportunity to get more cheaper unit.


2021-02-17 17:11 | Report Abuse

Actually I also dont know can go to RM1.00 or not, but my novamsc-pa only RM0.01 ,paper gain 500+%, mother novamsc cost average RM0.04+. If you believe it ,to be patient, their project on the way.


2021-01-21 22:50 | Report Abuse

Latest update:
(i) the X-Hub Tokyo Global Startup Accelerator

(ii): Received regulatory approval in Indonesia.


2020-10-27 23:26 | Report Abuse

SELENA+ received regulatory approval for commercialisation from ANVISA (Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária) or the National Health Surveillance Agency. ANVISA is the regulatory agency that is responsible for the approval and supervision of food, cosmetics, tobacco, pharmaceuticals, health services, and medical devices in Brazil.

Brazil is one of the 20 countries of the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) South America/Central America (SACA) region. According to IDF’s latest statistics, 463 million people have diabetes in the world and more than 32 million people in the SACA Region; by 2045 this will rise to 49 million. Brazil has a population of 210 million and a diabetic prevalence of about 12%.


2020-10-27 09:03 | Report Abuse

Novamsc-EyRIS has obtained a global foot print in 8 countries (Brazil being the latest one), and there are >20 countries that are currently work in progress.


2020-09-18 16:25 | Report Abuse

wenlinC, please include me too


2020-09-18 15:56 | Report Abuse

yaloh, provide the link


2020-09-09 00:19 | Report Abuse

I am waiting this as well — Novamsc is part of a team to implement own VESALIUS Hospital Information System (HIS) in the Kingdom of Tonga funded by Asian Development Bank (ADB). The nationwide system that spans across 5 major hospitals and 27 other health centres/primary care clinics across the archipelago


2020-09-08 00:27 | Report Abuse

Nova MSC与新加坡卫生部签订了为期五年的合同,用于部署基于AI的视网膜筛查产品

TheEdge 星期一,2020年9月7日05:58 pm-6小时前

吉隆坡(9月7日):Nova MSC Bhd的间接子公司EyRIS Pte Ltd已与新加坡卫生部签订了为期五年的合同,用于部署EyRIS的首个基于人工智能的产品SELENA +。

Nova MSC在今天发布的一份声明中表示,SELENA +将成为新加坡国家筛查计划的一部分,从长远来看,有望为该集团带来“巨大”的经常性收入。但是,该新授予的合同没有披露任何价值。

Nova MSC表示SELENA +可以减少发现糖尿病性眼病(即糖尿病性视网膜病变,青光眼和年龄相关性黄斑变性)迹象所需的时间。

SELENA +由新加坡国家眼科中心新加坡眼科研究所和新加坡国立大学计算机学院的研究团队联合开发。

EyRIS由novaHEALTH Pte Ltd拥有42%的股份,而后者则由Nova MSC全资拥有。


“借助SELENA +的智能深度学习系统,它可以对视网膜图像进行自动图像分析,而结果仅需几秒钟,比训练有素的人类平地机要快得多。而且,总有可能出现人为错误,而使用SELENA +可以避免这种情况。”

黎说,作为新加坡国家筛查计划的一部分,预计将于2020年11月启用,SELENA +将首先用于每年筛查12万名患者。





闭市时,Nova MSC的股价收于11仙,市值达1.0342亿令吉。


2020-09-07 22:07 | Report Abuse

SELENA+, an AI that is able to detect 3 retinal disease, in a real world adoption.


2020-09-02 20:29 | Report Abuse

Aug 2020 – Singapore’s Building and Construction Authority (BCA) has awarded to novaCITYNETS, a subsidiary of Nova MSC the project to develop a Localised Industry Foundation Class (IFC) Information Model.


2020-08-31 14:52 | Report Abuse

stockProf 好公司是等出来的,好盈利是忍出来的.


2020-08-30 22:38 | Report Abuse

DLS is a breakthrough machine learning technology that utilizes representation-learning methods with multiple levels of representation to process natural data in their
raw form, recognizing the intricate structures in high-dimensional data. EyRIS has a licence to market
SELENA+, an intelligent deep learning system that performs automated retinal photo analysis to detect
retinopathy and systemic complications in diabetic patients.


2020-08-30 22:32 | Report Abuse

EyRIS will focus on developing and commercializing Deep Learning Systems (DLS) for healthcare industry


2020-08-30 22:31 | Report Abuse

The Group begins its journey to
revolutionize healthcare delivery through deep technology by investing in a new spin-off EyRIS Pte Ltd (“EyRIS”).


2020-08-29 08:00 | Report Abuse

Which principal activities shall be the development and marketing of artificial intelligence related products and services in the robotics industry.


2020-08-29 07:57 | Report Abuse

Novamsc- In May 2020, as part of the Group’s strategy to continuously improve its product offering, the Group incorporated a
new company called DEX-lab Pte Ltd (“DEX-lab”) in Singapore to focus on the development and marketing of artificial
intelligence (“AI”) related products and services. AI is wide-ranging branch of computer science concerned with building
smart computer programs or machines capable of performing tasks that typically require human intelligence. It contains
many subfields such as machine learning, deep learning, neural network, natural languages processing and other
techniques to solve actual problems


2020-08-13 22:34 | Report Abuse

Private placement on the way


2020-08-10 20:49 | Report Abuse

stockist ,pa 1+0.03 cash = 1 mother =4 cents.If today market ,1pa 0.045+0.03 cash =0.075 mother.but bear in mind, Convert need 2-3 weeks time to get mother


2020-08-08 21:15 | Report Abuse

Novamsc is part of a team to implement own VESALIUS Hospital Information System (HIS) in the Kingdom of Tonga funded by Asian Development Bank (ADB). The nationwide system that spans across 5 major hospitals and 27 other health centres/primary care clinics across the archipelago


2020-08-07 23:31 | Report Abuse

In Singapore, Novamsc-EyRIS, together with the Singapore Eye Research Institute and NUS Computing have developed Selena+, an AI system that is able to perform automated retinal image analysis for signs of diabetic eye diseases.