
MZM2511 | Joined since 2020-07-26

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2021-11-12 20:34 | Report Abuse

MZM2511 @CITADEL. Still here brother. Tengok-tengok dari jauh sahaja. Belum buat keputusan lagi. Mainan operator dan hala tuju Kanger pun bagi saya belum jelas.
12/11/2021 3:09 PM

For me, the 2 questions has been answered today:

1. Why the newly listed Kanger WB has been pushed down to 0.5 sen?
2. Is it confirmed that the operator/s is the cause of the Kanger shares and WB sell down?

I think, its confirmed that the operator/s was the cause of the Kanger shares and WB sell down.
They supposed to know the plan of the shares consolidation will be proposed by the company earlier......

and they reacted as per what happened lately to the price of Kanger shares and WB...



2021-11-12 19:48 | Report Abuse


Barring any unforeseen circumstances and subject to all required approvals being obtained, the Board expects the Proposed Share Consolidation to be completed by the first quarter of 2022.


The application to the relevant authorities for the Proposed Share Consolidation shall be made within 2 months from the date of this announcement.


2021-11-12 19:47 | Report Abuse

Direct shareholdings as at the LPD

Before and after the Proposed Share Consolidation
(Number of Shares and percentage)

1. Sii Tung Nai
Before: 505,839,038 8.46% After: 50,583,903 8.46%

2. Kuah Choon Ching
Before: 819,513,179 13.71% After: 81,951,317 13.71%

3. Chai Woon Yun
Before: 416,700,000 6.97% After: 41,670,000 6.97%


2021-11-12 19:42 | Report Abuse

Based on the proposed Conso announcement. I think the proposed conso will be voted "YES" by their their substantial shareholders. TAYOR


As at the LPD, Kanger has a total of 5,979,312,213 issued Shares, and the last trading price was closed at RM0.040 per Share. In view of the large Share base and low trading price, the Proposed Share Consolidation is expected to enhance the Company's Share capital structure by consolidating the existing Kanger Shares, which will result in a reduction in the number of Shares available in the market.

From financial statement perspective, the Proposed Share Consolidation is expected to increase net asset ("NA") per share of Kanger together with its subsidiaries ("Kanger Group" or the "Group") without affecting the total market value of Shares and Share capital, and shareholders' shareholding structure of the Company. Premised on the above, the Board considers the Proposed Share Consolidation is in the best interest of the Company.


2021-11-12 19:12 | Report Abuse

Yes. Does it affect all the three susbstantial shareholders? I don't uinderstand whether this proposed conso is for the good or for the bad effect on them!!!

Still blur on this consolidation thing...

Share Consolidation.

In general, share consolidation is perceived negatively, especially by investors. When investors see the stock price plummet, share consolidation will be seen as an accounting tactic to save the image of a company that is not performing well. As a result, they usually sell the company's shares, which eventually brings down the price again.

However, as bad as it seems, share consolidation might be able to boost the stock value and the company's prospects. This, quite frequently, attracts new investors to the company and helps resurrect its fortunes.


2021-11-12 16:41 | Report Abuse

There are still some spammers here, and the volume of transaction at Kanger still notable. There is a possibility that the operators are still lingering at this counter. He He.


2021-11-12 15:18 | Report Abuse

@wistlebower99. Saya dah release sedikit saham Fast yang saya ada dua minggu yang lepas. Belum pasti mahu subscribe RI atau tidak. Kalau mahu subscribe nanti, mungkin akan beli OR.


2021-11-12 15:09 | Report Abuse

@CITADEL. Still here brother. Tengok-tengok dari jauh sahaja. Belum buat keputusan lagi. Mainan operator dan hala tuju Kanger pun bagi saya belum jelas.


2021-11-09 00:04 | Report Abuse

Just my opinion for observation. Before, Kanger counter was under seiged by operator/operators.


1. If there are no flood of spammers here, and the volume of transaction at Kanger still strong, there should be a possibility that Kanger will rebound. The reversal will be led by the same gang of operators for the next pump and dump exercises.


2. If there are no flood of spammers here, and the volume of transaction at Kanger getting smaller, there should be a possibility that Kanger will still on side ways, except there are some good news announced. The side way situation will be caused by the same gang of operators probable left this counter, at least for a short period of time.



2021-11-09 00:01 | Report Abuse

The emergence of three substantial shareholders of Kanger:

1. Sii Tung Nai (The party from Sung Master) 559,339,038 unit of shares (9.355 % shareholding)

2. Kuah Choon Ching - BOD of Kanger 819,513,179 unit of shares (13.707 % shareholding)

3. Miss Chai Woon Yun - The Daughter of Tan Sri Chai Kin Kong 416,700,000 unit of shares (9.26 % shareholding)


1. All those three substantial shareholders already took up 1,795,552,215 units of shares or 32.32 % of shareholding in Kanger.

2. Even the NOSH has been lifted up to 5,978,812,213, the share spread among retail investors was not getting widen.

3. The big shareholding among a few substantial investors give me more confidence on the company management and prospect.

4. Consider Sii Tung Nai (from Sung Master) as a substantial holder in Kanger. His reputation on managing Sung Master, an unlisted company with good results (as reported). Hope Kanger can get some good direction in managing the company for a better businesses.


Until today, THERE is no announcement about the three substantial shareholders disposing their shares......

The dumping of shares should be done for other's share accounts, not related directly from the three substantial shareholders account.


2021-11-08 21:17 | Report Abuse

If the price before the Ex-Date of the right issue transacted below 12 sen, that means the situation will be as what happened to the last RI exercise of Kanger.

Maybe, it's a probability that the same gang of operator/s involved. TAYOR...


2021-11-06 12:20 | Report Abuse

hohlaiyet88. Group tele sudah ada. Search tele "Nexgram Club Bursa Ideas" untuk join.


2021-11-05 18:18 | Report Abuse

@mansaham1972. Okay lah. Sakit memang sebenarnya sedang sakit.
Tetapi, sekurang-kurangnya saya masih "fighting".

Juga dalam proses penilaian balik tentang kaunter ini dengan apa yang terjadi di pasaran.
Penting untuk sendiri buat keputusan berkenaan pelaburan yang telah dibuat. ......

Saya biasanya tak akan cut loss sehingga sudah hilang kepercayaan sepenuhnya terhadap sesuatu kaunter yang dilabur itu....

Orang lain mungkin caranya lain... He He


2021-11-04 15:24 | Report Abuse

mansaham1972 .... Kita ni hanya pelabur kecil,modal pusingan pun ciput ja,tak payahlah nak tuduh orang itu ini dan macam2.Cermin diri tu betul ka tidak sebelum cakap orang macam2.


Saya menyedari hakikat, di dalam mana-mana forum untuk kaunter saham pun, ada golongan YANG MAHU SAHAM NAik dan pada masa yang sama, ada juga golongan yang mahu saham tersebut turun.

Kita boleh perhatikan dan memilih, watak apa yang dimainkan oleh setiap golongan ini. Saya rasa jarang ada golongan yang "nuetral" yang sanggup menunggu dan selalu komen di dalam sesuatu forum saham tanpa ada niat-niat tertentu.

AWAK RASA MUNGKINKAH bagi wistlebower99 yang sejak dulu selalu komen dalam forum Kanger atau Gtrade yang berperang habis-habisan dalam forum ini sejak seminggu dua ini TIDAK MEMPUNYAI APA-APA KEPENTINGAN?

Adakah sekadar nak jadi 'SAINT" di sini bagi menolong kita semua?




2021-11-04 15:01 | Report Abuse

Just browse my account.

It will tell all who I am. Is it any comments from me to make the counter I commented to be drowned. Please copy and pasted here if any.


Also can browse yours.

It also will tell us who you are. How many comment you gave on kanger are good comment?


2021-11-04 15:00 | Report Abuse

mansaham1972 ------ Bagi yg dah terperangkap terimalah nasib selagi tak sanggup jual.

Nak berniaga ke atau melabur sekalipun, kalau ini sahaja yang dipakai tanpa usaha untuk CUBA memperbaiki atau sekurang-kurangnya mempertahan keadaan, memang bukan cara saya.

Kalau awak nak pakai cara terima nasib dan biarkan pihak tertentu menjatuhkan harga saham yang awak pegang, ...... terpulanglah. Mungkin ini terbaik untuk awak. He He


2021-11-04 15:00 | Report Abuse

mansaham1972 Orang yang komen tentang baik buruk kanger dalam forum ini sedikit pun tidak pengaruhi harga saham kanger.

Maaflah. Bagi saya harga sesuatu saham di pasaran masih tertakluk kepada banyak faktor. Secara teori ekonominya, berita buruk atau berita baik boleh mempengaruhi permintaan dan penawaran saham yang akan menentukan harganya di pasaran. Kalau berita buruk lebih dominan, sekurang-kurangnya lebih ramai pelabur yang akan sanggup jual walaupun pada harga cut loss. Begitu sebaliknya kalau berita baik lebih dominan, lebih ramai pelabur akan sanggup beli dan boleh meningkatkan harga saham.

Sekagi lagi maaf. Cuma dalam keadaan kaunter yang dipengaruhi oleh aktiviti operator/shark, matlamat operator mungkin lebih berjaya dicapai, kerana operator boleh mewujudkan lebih banyak "permintaan" atau "penawaran" saham di pasaran melebihi apa yang boleh dibuat oleh para pelabur runcit.

Bagi saya, kurang betul untuk kata berita / komen baik atau buruk langsung tidak mempengaruhi harga Kanger. Sedikit sebanyak ada kesannya, walaupun kurang dominan dalam keadaan wujudnya campur tangan operator yang lebih berkuasa dan dominan.


2021-11-03 22:15 | Report Abuse


Particulars of substantial Securities Holder

Nature of interest Direct Interest
Direct (units) 9,669,500
Direct (%) 10.006


2021-11-03 19:36 | Report Abuse

@Gtrade. I think I will not fairly entertain the people like you related to the investing businesses.
As I said before, I'm the one who will defend my invested counters. It's the real I am...

No need for me to be the witness of your betting...
All the members here can be the witness..


2021-11-03 00:16 | Report Abuse

No announcement has been done referring to disposal of shares from substantial share holders.

Therefore I concluded that:

1. The operator/s are not playing for the three substantial shareholders.

2. The operator/s maybe playing for the big shareholders (but not a substantial holders) or several
small operators / sharks are in play in this counter.

Confirmed: There should be paid spammers here, to make sure the scenario No. 2 will be achieved.


2021-11-03 00:16 | Report Abuse

@Gtrade. Don't show your secret publicly. If it shown, I think it's fair for me to judge you as what I did. He He

Without your speculative intentions, I think you won't be here. Based on your comments here, and in other counters, I think you're NO SAINT.

Also, you suppose not the investor who trapped in this counter at a high price. If not, why should you tried to press the price down. The most probable scenario is, you're trying to press the price down to buy at the lower price. What say you??

But don't give an answer like you won't buy the share even @0.5 sen!!!!!! You just said that, but you are still around here. Keep spitting the venom!!!. What for dear friend ????


2021-11-03 00:15 | Report Abuse

Gtrade MM2511, so your Nexgram also. bring followers to Holland. Bornoil same. Now Kanger also promote talk and talk since 8c. Now 3.5c. Aiyo got cut lost or not.?

Confirmed. This felow is wistlebower99 = Ppmaster.

Posted by Universe > Nov 1, 2021 4:42 PM | Report Abuse

Ppmaster is whistlebower99, whenever the other fake IDs get lost, he will come, with his standard of writing, he could only be a professor liar.

I hope he is not drown in the tank before market pick up, give us a chance to laugh at his foolishness. TQ


2021-11-02 23:12 | Report Abuse

@Gtrade. Tak apalah. Awak tak payah susah-susah nak kami jadi valuer tak bertauliah pulak???

Adakah awak valuer berlesen???? Bolehlah beri penilaian sendiri.

Awak dah buat judgement awak tentang syarikat ini dan saya faham niat disebaliknya.
PURE spammer comment only.......

GOOD LUCK and keep up good work in spamming......


2021-11-02 22:14 | Report Abuse


Takkanlah senantiasa fly Holland sahaja.

Sampai masanya, hantu pocong kat kubur yang terbujur kaku pun suatu ketika akan melompat-lompat. Kejar penjaga kubur zzzzzzz. He He.

Awak kena jaga-jaga......


2021-11-02 20:56 | Report Abuse

Barring any unforeseen circumstances and subject to the approvals being obtained, the Board expects the Proposed Bonus Issue of Warrants to be completed with the listing of and quotation for the Warrants D in the 1st quarter of 2022.


2021-11-02 20:56 | Report Abuse

The Board has fixed the exercise price at RM0.02 per Warrant D


2021-11-02 20:56 | Report Abuse

The Proposed Bonus Issue of Warrants requires approvals from:
(i) Bursa Securities for the following:
(a) admission of the Warrants D to the Official List of the ACE Market of Bursa Securities;
(b) listing of and quotation for the Warrants D on the ACE Market of Bursa Securities;
(c) listing of and quotation for the new Shares to be issued pursuant to the exercise of the Warrants D on the ACE Market of Bursa Securities; and
(ii) the shareholders of the Company at an extraordinary general meeting to be convened.
The Proposed Bonus Issue of Warrants is not conditional upon any other proposals undertaken or to be undertaken by the Company.


2021-11-02 20:17 | Report Abuse

He just emulating the Pasukhas incidents with this counter.

Posted by Gtrade > Nov 2, 2021 2:54 PM | Report Abuse

Pasukhas counter ketagih PP RI ESOS. jgn main x2 counter nim Terrjerat

Posted by Gtrade > Nov 2, 2021 2:56 PM | Report Abuse

Hari ni volume tinggi, nak jerat newbies, sebab nanti penaggih PP akan umum RI 210juta saham, mungkin 3sen.


2021-11-02 20:15 | Report Abuse

@Peace99. Please don't entertain this felow. Confirmed this fellow are not in good intention.
He keeps spamming venom on Kanger. Do you realise it?

Let him spitting with the unknown future. This spammer is like wistlebower99. Spamming on conso and share issuance exercises ghost.


2021-11-02 18:10 | Report Abuse

A SWEETENER BY NEXGRAM: Bonus issue of Warrant D

The Company intends to issue up to 1,038,261,532 Warrants D on the basis of 1 Warrant D for every 5 existing Shares held by the Entitled Shareholders on the Entitlement Date.



2021-11-02 17:30 | Report Abuse

@birdparadise. Masih tahan lagi, malah jika ada duit tambah share.

Tak boleh cool brother.... Kena bertahan jugak, setakat mana yang boleh. He He.

Yang penting, harap-harap masih boleh tidur dengan nyenyak...

Kita tengok, sampai harga berapa geng sindiket hendak pressure harga.... He He


2021-11-02 17:20 | Report Abuse

Gtrade MZM2511, I may not buy at half cent even if it goes there, fyi. Very hard to play against this syndicate.
The way you stated your stand makes me more confirmed on your goals here. I think its clearer that you are a part of the syndicate...... If it's not true, I'm sorry.


2021-11-02 15:54 | Report Abuse

Gtrade MZM2511, me and whidtleblower are 2 different person. I dont know him la.

.... It's him and his group of speculators probably coming here, ONE OF THEIR TARGETED COUNTER just to depress the share price to achieve their speculative goals.


2021-11-02 15:50 | Report Abuse

Gtrade. As I said. There are no saints here.

Good luck to you too. Your modus operandi in trading is by creating fear.

I'm a mid term investor in this counter. Trying do defend my investment....


2021-11-02 15:31 | Report Abuse

Gtrade MZM2511, welcome bro. i just normal punters. Not big time la. Also come here take money and donate money :)
Truly explained...... For me, it's an absolute answer.... TAYOR


2021-11-02 15:23 | Report Abuse

We are fighting with them. There are no saints here. I'm consoling myself.... He He


2021-11-02 15:22 | Report Abuse

The same gang with same type of modus operandi..... Sorry.


2021-11-02 15:20 | Report Abuse

Gtrade Peace it NOSH is 5.9b now. Most likely will be 25:1
Your ghost story is the same as wistlebower99.

As for that, I concluded that:

.... It's him and his group of speculators probably coming here, ONE OF THEIR TARGETED COUNTER just to depress the share price to achieve their speculative goals.


2021-11-02 15:05 | Report Abuse

I did collect more. But not much. No more bullet left. He He


2021-11-02 12:24 | Report Abuse

Gtrade. Its okay if not you. Sorry.
You cane here and give negative comments @ the critical point.... Of a tragedy. He He


2021-11-02 11:48 | Report Abuse



2021-11-02 11:47 | Report Abuse

Gtrade left hand sell 200mshares,stamp duty on left hand
right hand buy 200m shares, stamp duty on right hand
the same 200m transaction cost double stamp duty
die lor the syndicate

As for that, I concluded that:

.... It's him and his group of speculators probably coming here, ONE OF THEIR TARGETED COUNTER just to depress the share price to achieve their speculative goals.


2021-11-01 20:39 | Report Abuse

Gtrade MZM2511,ANY IDEA what has happen to the $97m rgt right issue money?
I'm not even stared at any Fintec related counters before except KGroup, Mtouche, Trive and lately BCMall. All the counters except BCMall, I abandoned it already. All of them with cut loss condition except Trive. THEREFORE I CAN'T GIVE YOU ANY COMMENT ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED AT YOUR FAVOURITE COUNTER, PASUKHAS. He He.

Anyways, as I said, the i3investor admin should change this Kanger forum thread name to pasukhas or fintec group forum thread.....

You are diverting your problems arised in other counter into this counter. For me, it's not fair and reasonanable....

As for that, I concluded that:

.... It's you and your group of speculators who are coming here, ONE OF YOUR TARGETED COUNTER just to depress the share price for your own good to achieved speculative goals.


2021-11-01 18:57 | Report Abuse

Gtrade now is clear inventory by syndicate ya, top volume penny stocks

You are still spamming here. That means you are still interested in this COW DUNG company.
Your MOURIPPESOS THEORY is just a theory developed by a true speculator.

It's you and your group of speculators who are coming here to depress the share price for your own good to achieved speculative goals.


2021-11-01 17:11 | Report Abuse

@Gtrade. I think i3investor admin should change this Kanger forum thread name to pasukhas or fintec group forum thread.....

I almost "fening" already... Where am I? Pelase clarify dear friend.. He He


2021-11-01 10:47 | Report Abuse


You are still spamming here. That means you are still interested in this COW DUNG company.
Your MOURIPPESOS THEORY is just a theory developed by a true speculator.
Its you and your group of speculators who are coming here to depress the share price for your own good to achieved speculative goals.


2021-10-31 12:40 | Report Abuse


You are still spamming here. That means you are still interested in this COW DUNG company.
Your MOURIPPESOS THEORY is just a theory developed by a true speculator.
Its you and your group of speculators who are coming here to depress the share price for your own good to achieved speculative goals.


2021-10-31 11:56 | Report Abuse


Let us look at: 1. Myeg. Almost 8 billion shares. And what is its price? And its market capital is RM7.894 billion.
2. Hong Seng. 2.553 billion shares. And what is it's price? And its market capital is RM8.552 billion.


2021-10-30 12:35 | Report Abuse

@Gtrade. Don't be shortsighted in stock analysis. Don't simply make a conclusion with your own finding in a counter to another counter.

Its a half baked analysis and misleading info.


2021-10-30 12:00 | Report Abuse

@Gtrade. Why tesla keep add new shares through its share issuances? Based on your theory it should be similar things done by tesla....