
ponpon | Joined since 2013-11-06

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2014-05-28 08:52 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-05-21 10:38 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-05-15 09:08 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-05-14 15:31 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-05-05 10:29 | Report Abuse

The board of directors and the management team faces look like BABI,even FELDA got conned by these BABIs hehe


2014-05-05 10:08 | Report Abuse

Iris is like in kandang BABI, ready for slaughter at any moment.


2014-05-05 09:52 | Report Abuse

Ini kaunter , babi punya kaunter hehe


2014-02-16 19:39 | Report Abuse

kalingam and his sons are bunch of crooks..

Anaconda Krisnan,AK Natang,Kalingam, Tony Syphlis all kaki auta..

next time, don't ever apply IPOs from these ppl that I have just listed..

notice the similarities? hehehe


2014-01-22 12:16 | Report Abuse

Pariah westport...


2013-12-18 14:40 | Report Abuse

pariah company hehehe...


2013-11-27 09:10 | Report Abuse

wei necro skrng cuba ko q kat 2.51 @ 2.5 kl nak merasa bontot lingam hehe.


2013-11-27 09:06 | Report Abuse

avoid any future ipo shit by these ppl, ananconda krishnan, kalingam,tony syphlis and ak natang...

all overvalued shit...


2013-11-26 17:56 | Report Abuse

closed at 2.51, it will go lower sooner or later hehe..


2013-11-20 17:10 | Report Abuse

necro, ko geram dgn bontot jantan ke? sorry la I don't swing that way hehehe

tp sampai hati ko tuduh 4114 tu aku.. kesian mamat tu susah2 create account nak belajar saham.


2013-11-20 11:45 | Report Abuse

i bet ppl like sang jero and saufi will say, masih untung maa if drop below ipo price, can average down wat or dividen play hehe

orang banyak duit bolela cakap besar...


2013-11-19 17:53 | Report Abuse

it will go below ipo price and stay within 2.3-2.4+ range hehe...


2013-11-19 17:43 | Report Abuse

other IPOs are making tons of money, I gained quite a lot from UMWOG recently, Westport management integrity is highly questionable and consists of liars. Westport IPO is meant to con retailers.

They even dare to invite Najib to launch their pathetic prospectus, and withhold very important info from the public, so what's stopping them from cheating institutional investors?

Good IPO can still make money, don't give up bro..


2013-11-19 16:15 | Report Abuse

Agree, boycott, all future IPOs from these ppl, Gnalingam,ananconda krisnan,tony plandes,ak nathan, all bunch of putar belit, bunch of greedy liars..


2013-11-18 09:26 | Report Abuse

mestila beminat dgn westport, lingam dok canang giler2 kat public, habis auta sana sini, sampai ajak najib sbagai perasmi, giler promo-promo mcm Anaconda krisnan tetapi result mcm haram hehe.


2013-11-18 06:58 | Report Abuse

necro kenapa cerita psl bontot? ni mesti pengaruh ngan cerita gay tamil ni keke... atau ko ni memg stok jenis suka bedal bontot jantan hehe


2013-11-16 15:25 | Report Abuse

next week let's see how low it will go, my personal prediction, it will stay around 2.3 - 2.4+ hehe


2013-11-14 21:51 | Report Abuse

FCM100, I did read Alliance research a while back, it mentioned the possibility of losing a major customer, it's merely a possibility, not something that is set in stone.

However the P3 is something that is critical to westport business. P3 issue was a done deal but they made no mention of it, and the market wasn't prepared for it, thus the huge price drop.

At least for instance other IPOs like GASMSIA, mentioned about the tariff change that will halve it's profit prior to listing, so the market was already aware of it.

westport issue is outright disgusting and betrayal of trust, it's an ambush on big and small investors alike.

Memang penipu ini anak beranak lingam hehehe


2013-11-14 15:37 | Report Abuse

P3 alliance thingie was only mentioned in IB report right after the news was disclosed to the public, that means after its debut on klse.


2013-11-14 15:17 | Report Abuse

Lasallian, saya takda saham westport, tp kawan saya ada, nasib baik dia jual masa harga 2.65-2.69 masa hari pertama...

Ko x bengang lihat mcm mana kaki auta mcm lingam gila2 promote saham bodoh dier sampai ajak sekali najib, tp cuma tin kosong..

pastu 2 berita yg terbaru ni psl P3 dan dividen,berita P3 dia rahsiakan dr public, berita dividen tu, management dier putar belit ayat sampai press salah faham.. semua orang hepi sekejap hehehe

memang spesis ular betul la.. ptui


2013-11-14 11:53 | Report Abuse

LOL, you have been repeating the same line like forever..

just give it up..


2013-11-14 10:13 | Report Abuse

it doesn't matter if it breaks 2.6 or 2.7 it will fall back to 2.5+. It will only stay above 2.6+ for a short-while and remain in the 2.5+ range for many months to come..

above 2.6+ is just like a blip on the radar, tak akan dapat betahan lama punya saham overvalued ni, hehehe


2013-11-14 09:39 | Report Abuse

HAHA jatuh balik ke 2.55, I TOLD YOU...


2013-11-13 12:31 | Report Abuse

it's not worthless, it's overpriced, and on top of that, the two badly worded news on westport that managed to confuse everyone recently, reflects really badly on the loyar buruk management of westport. Bunch of double-tongued liars they are.

Do you really think westport business warrant a RM 8.5 bil market cap?

8.5bil for a port? pfft!!!


2013-11-13 11:52 | Report Abuse

Sang Jero, why did you delete your posts? You have been doing this lately. Are you ashamed of what you posted?


2013-11-13 10:58 | Report Abuse

meh, it will drop back to 2.55


2013-11-13 09:44 | Report Abuse

haha, even caring opens really high, this counter is all talk but no substance, just like it's owner, loyar buruk pariah hehe.


2013-11-12 15:18 | Report Abuse

Cornerstone investors(excluding PNB) have been taken for a ride by anak-beranak lingam LOL..


2013-11-12 09:14 | Report Abuse

tonnes of money? yeah just like assthrow, but still does not justify its price.


2013-11-12 06:58 | Report Abuse

itu anak-beranak lingam sama spesis dgn anaconda krisnan la, why so surprised ? hehe


2013-11-11 20:37 | Report Abuse

necro, don't forget to belanja us when you got the 29 sen dividend hehe


2013-11-11 20:24 | Report Abuse

bwuahaha , no dividends yet you guys are so happy, anak beranak lingam must be laughing their arse off.


2013-11-08 10:43 | Report Abuse

If you guys borrowed loans for westport, better sell now.

You guys won't see any tangible benefits by holding this stock, at least not for the first 6 months.


2013-11-08 10:32 | Report Abuse

The real Ruben wouldn't have the time to post in this forum, he would be busy counting his money...

HC Lee, employees with pink form get extra bonus, so if westpoot drops below IPO, they wouldn't care.


2013-11-07 09:18 | Report Abuse

What can the good news do? boost the price by another 1 cent? :)


2013-11-06 17:15 | Report Abuse

eat vimax, than use carex, confirm westport meletop.. hehehe


2013-11-06 16:14 | Report Abuse

fifijalal, the truth hurts, what about their employees with pink forms? a majority of them must have taken up financing for this IPO..

The worst thing is if it's 100% loan, the break even cost will be much higher than 2.54-2.55 depending on how much shares are allotted per individual ..

Maybe westport will pay extra bonus to their employees to compensate for their losses in the IPO just like Assthrow did.

Manyak jahat, this anak-beranak lingam hehe.


2013-11-06 15:25 | Report Abuse

aiya you lingam fans so marah2 wan, how much stake you got in the company? Remember UOADEV? EPF was one of the cornerstone investor hehe, but the performance has remained absymal ever since.

Sang Jero, why you say EPF x pandai?, I bet EPF, is much more pandai than all of you here combined hehe. If this counter rugi, they can still make untung maa, dividends bla2..

The only ones who's rugi, are tiny investors like you, who rely on loans to buy shares..


2013-11-06 11:57 | Report Abuse

EPF is alleged to have suffered some 70-100 million losses from FGV IPO, but due to their diversified portfolios, then can easily recoup their losses while still making tons of money.

EPF, KWAP, Tabung Haji, Khazanah are not lousy investors, they are GOOD, very GOOD but not PERFECT but they do make some blunders.


2013-11-06 11:48 | Report Abuse

yep, can you believe that a company like Westport is worth 8.5 bil in term market capitalization when compared to it's peers?

So tamak one, just like Assthrow, well their kind are known for being overly greedy.

the only one who's making the most profits, is the original shareholders, Lingam family,Li ka Shing, bla2 and PNB.

if the shares fall below IPO price, EPF,KWAP can easily cover their losses from other counters just like FGV hehe.


2013-11-06 11:09 | Report Abuse

just throw away this counter, it's a conman counter, you all sudah kena tipu dengan itu anak-beranak Lingam.

Why did they withhold such important info(P3) before listing?. Ananda Krishnan, Tony fernandes, AK. Nathan, Lingam all the same. :)

Don't ever subscribe for IPOs from this particular group of ppl. Expecially family-run business ones. :)