
LewisLee | Joined since 2012-11-09

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2020-06-18 21:20 | Report Abuse

Do not let your emotions drive your investing
To avoid the downside in investing, investors must stop dwelling on the daily fluctuations of their stocks. Stocks will rise and fall daily and hourly, but in the long term, they have always risen in value.

Fear is the enemy of investing because it makes you dump your stocks meant for long-term investment when the market is down. It also keeps you from taking advantage of rare “fire sale” opportunities. The best time to invest in stocks is when the herd panics and prices plummet.

On the other hand, some investors sit on the side-lines in the early stages of market upturns out of fear then start to feel the fear of missing out when the market shoots up and they jump in when the stock price has risen a lot. Greed then comes in. By then, much of the bull market may have passed entirely, and they have bought the stocks at high price, ready to be corrected in price.

Anger and frustration can make you dump fundamentally sound investments just because you get tired of waiting for them to show progress in stock price. Yet overreacting in frustration and impatience often robs you of your best investments and ideas.

Some investors are emotionally attached to specific stocks and fall in love with them, ignoring their changing fundamentals. They remain often biased on their investing decision and are reluctant to sell when fundamentals clearly deteriorate, and as a result, lost big in their investment.


Most people think about how to make big money in the stock market, ignoring risks and the probability of losing big in the stock market. They tend to follow stock tips and rumours and the herd mentality, and highly affected by emotions in investing. As a result, most of them lost money, many of them lost a lot of money.

Recognising the above short coming, and acquiring some investment knowledge and experience, and do some homework themselves will help to mitigate the problems and improve the outcome of the long-term return of their stock investment.

K C Chong

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2020-06-18 21:17 | Report Abuse

Do not let your emotions drive your investing
To avoid the downside in investing, investors must stop dwelling on the daily fluctuations of their stocks. Stocks will rise and fall daily and hourly, but in the long term, they have always risen in value.

Fear is the enemy of investing because it makes you dump your stocks meant for long-term investment when the market is down. It also keeps you from taking advantage of rare “fire sale” opportunities. The best time to invest in stocks is when the herd panics and prices plummet.

On the other hand, some investors sit on the side-lines in the early stages of market upturns out of fear then start to feel the fear of missing out when the market shoots up and they jump in when the stock price has risen a lot. Greed then comes in. By then, much of the bull market may have passed entirely, and they have bought the stocks at high price, ready to be corrected in price.

Anger and frustration can make you dump fundamentally sound investments just because you get tired of waiting for them to show progress in stock price. Yet overreacting in frustration and impatience often robs you of your best investments and ideas.

Some investors are emotionally attached to specific stocks and fall in love with them, ignoring their changing fundamentals. They remain often biased on their investing decision and are reluctant to sell when fundamentals clearly deteriorate, and as a result, lost big in their investment.


Most people think about how to make big money in the stock market, ignoring risks and the probability of losing big in the stock market. They tend to follow stock tips and rumours and the herd mentality, and highly affected by emotions in investing. As a result, most of them lost money, many of them lost a lot of money.

Recognising the above short coming, and acquiring some investment knowledge and experience, and do some homework themselves will help to mitigate the problems and improve the outcome of the long-term return of their stock investment.

K C Chong

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2020-06-18 18:30 | Report Abuse

I think the lowest the price can go is RM10.00 in these 1-2 months time !
profit taking by those who bought cheap earlier or those "kena" margin call etc ...
Long term perspective :- 1 -2 years, RM25 sure no problem !
The only problem is :- how many of you have the PATIENCE to wait that long ??


2020-06-18 18:28 | Report Abuse

If price drop to RM4.00, i will mortgage all my asset to SAI LANG all in already loh !!


2020-06-18 18:21 | Report Abuse

Just need to be patient lah !
Glove counters have been running too drastically for the past 2 months, time to take a rest !
June - July will be correction time for those super-runners !
It is normal for a share market.
Just switch off your trading screen and come back in 2 months time !!


2020-06-18 18:19 | Report Abuse

Just need to be patient lah !
Glove counters have been running too drastically for the past 2 months, time to take a rest !
June - July will be correction time for those super-runners !
Just switch off your trading screen and come back in 2 months time !!


2020-06-18 18:15 | Report Abuse

GLOVE shareholders should monitor their own EMOTION fact & data ! LOL !


2020-06-18 12:01 | Report Abuse

Share market MUST go UP Down Up down one lah !!
If the price keeps going up , how can the sharks make money ??


2020-06-18 11:58 | Report Abuse

I queue BUY at RM10.00 ... for the next 2 weeks !

News & Blogs

2020-06-13 11:57 | Report Abuse

"So, please stop being greedy and learn how not to lose money instead. Case in point: avoid horrible management."
I think this is Philip's gist of advice to you ! His words sometimes can be harsh but with good intention to shake you up !
No point fighting with the corrupt / biased / flaw systems (especially in Malaysia, those systems are meant to make those tycoons rich !), just need to be extra cautious with the management ! If the good businesses are run by dishonest conmen, you will never be fairly rewarded, so avoid at all costs !
I think even KYY was conned by Xinquan after visiting their factories in China and checking with his relative who worked as their auditors !!

News & Blogs

2020-06-13 11:35 | Report Abuse

p/s :- You should change your nickname from "Bursa master" to "Bursa pupil" !

News & Blogs

2020-06-13 11:33 | Report Abuse

Market did not overlook ! Market simply can't trust their account reports with huge cash !
You must be a newest newbie in Bursa ,let me teach you one good lesson :- whenever you see a red chip china based company in bursa, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE and don't be cheated by their accounting !
Google "Xinquan", "Msports" (the first 2 tai koh china conman's company in Bursa) and research then you know what I mean !
Even our i3 stock god KYY was conned by Xinquan !! and many many more victims ....

News & Blogs

2020-06-12 11:59 | Report Abuse

Today raise TP, next week margin call reduce to 50% of market price !
Be careful loh !


2020-06-12 08:50 | Report Abuse

according to many stock guru, WTK is a "value trap" like BJCorp , FACB etc ....

News & Blogs

2020-06-09 21:40 | Report Abuse

0.91 Sen = RM0.0091
Thank you math genius !

News & Blogs

2020-06-09 21:38 | Report Abuse

To reach target price RM1 , the PE is 110 !
No wonder so many idiots giving out money in Bursa nowadays !


2020-06-08 12:54 | Report Abuse

amongst all O&G shares, this counter is the most neglected one !
The only hope is, crude oil price stable to USD60, then the share price can only UP !!


2020-06-08 12:51 | Report Abuse

this stock up bit by bit one .... by end June, sure will touch 30 cent !
If crude oil stable back to USD60 +, then share price might be back to 50cent plus before bearish mood in March !


2020-06-08 12:27 | Report Abuse

I can guarantee you this :-
Once all Oil & Gas share prices go up in the future, all f* king stupid analysts will queueing up to UP their TP more or less close to share price with "twist and turn" funny stupid stories like , how many percent of sum of parts lah, PE lah, percent of NTA lah .... up to them to manipulate and write as they like !!
Like that a monkey also know how to write lah !!
08/06/2020 12:26 PM


2020-06-08 12:26 | Report Abuse

I can guarantee you this :-
Once all Oil & Gas share prices go up in the future, all f* king stupid analysts will queueing up to UP their TP more or less close to share price with "twist and turn" funny stupid stories like , how many percent of sum of parts lah, PE lah, percent of NTA lah .... up to them to manipulate and write as they like !!
Like that a monkey also know how to write lah !!


2020-06-07 12:47 | Report Abuse

Philip is a new guru in i3 forum nowadays !

I really learned a lot and have been inspired by the approach & philosophy of uncle Philip !
Philip meant "phil-osophy " ? LOL

I like this saying :-
(imagine you are researching the company under the order of saudi arabia's king, any error in research will get you beheaded ! hahaha !)

Please write more ! Thank you


2020-06-07 11:59 | Report Abuse

Only dig out your share from your freezer when these things happen :-
1. the stock is over value (eg. shoot up to crazy price of 1.50 !)
2. the glove industry shows sign of down trend (vaccine has been approved for mass usage)
3. big changes in the fundamental of the company (the management want to change business or diversify to losing business or do sth stupid !)
4. QR report showing weak result and prospect is bleak ! (eg. too many players in the same industry fighting for business and become unhealthy competition !)


2020-06-07 11:54 | Report Abuse

Yes ! When Ice cream 's price trading so volatile UP & Down, up & down every monute, the only thing I did was to switch off my trading screen and go to do sth else !
As i said, dump the Ice Cream into your freezer, ignore the market noices , presevere with patient for value investing !!
That's how you made huge money !!


2020-06-07 11:48 | Report Abuse

Through out the years, that is what I learned from F* king stupid analysts :-
When stock price go up, they will shift their TP up to be close to the actual price,
when stock price go down, they will shirt their TP down to be near the actual price !
That's how they make a living !
If they are so good, they wouldn't have been employed by banks as analysts lah !! They should have invested the market by themselves ! They are the big fraud in investment industry !!


2020-06-02 21:42 | Report Abuse

I3 stock God KYY just published in his blog that glove has yet to reach their peak , supported by stock guru OTB !
Meaning glove theme still got some time to play around ! Why worry ?


2020-06-02 13:04 | Report Abuse

If you think like a businessman, you notice that Ice cream is actually the supplier of hand formers to glove makers in Malaysia & Thailand. Their business expose almost fully to glove makers !
So the more production and the more expansion by all the existing glove makers in Malaysia & Thailand or even the more new glove players' entry into this industry locally, the more the demand for their products !!

Even all glove makers fight until some lose money and close shop eventually, it doesn't matter to them at all , because they compete against other hand formers , not glove makers !! Mushrooming of glove makers and production outputs will benefit them !
There is not much competition amongst hand formers in Malaysia at the moment, only 2 in terms of size as big as ice cream.

I foresee they are going to have a strong profit records for the next 2-3 years , at least ! (referring to their best years during 2015-2017) They are just at the beginning of their business's uptrend cycle due to glove industry's super boom time. This time the demand is very likely higher than their previous peak years !!


2020-06-02 11:58 | Report Abuse

kingb, sometimes people who forced into living in luxury hotel might end up owning the whole luxury hotel at the end !! LOL


2020-06-02 11:53 | Report Abuse

Depends on what kind of players you are lah ! No right or wrong
If you are day traders, you just jump in and up , in and up every second, minute ....
If you are medium or long term investors, just ignore the noices and HOLD to ride the impending uptreand !

Look at bigger picture in glove industry, few analysts just raised the TP for Topglove to 20.00, topglove is trading at 14-15 + at the moment , still 30% more to go !
Remember this, if the Big Tai Koh moves, every small and baby brothers will move together for SURE !
For investors, ask yourself this question :- is covid-19 going to cure tomorrow ? next month ? end of year ?
Yes, as long as the pandemic is still out there, this theme play won't subdue any moment !

correction is very normal in sharemarket, that will be more correction along the way, see whether you can take the heat ! LOL

Holding into ice cream with good track record of profit and strong BS, you need not worry comparing to holding to other huge-loss-making companies ! Who knows, even after all the glove companies' run end, hand former can be the next BIG thing to show surprising good result to make most public to PANIC BUY at the end !!


2020-06-02 11:43 | Report Abuse

DOn't worry, I am still holding tight tight despite the UP & DOWN , UP & DOWN .....


2020-06-01 19:43 | Report Abuse

If they can deliver 5ct EPS, (also likely as higher demand than last time round) :-
PE = 20, fair value = 1.00 + 10ct = 1.10
PE = 30, value = 1.50 +10ct = 1.60
PE = 40, value = 2.00 + 10ct = 2.10

From the lowest of 0.90 to highest of 2.10 as valuation, divided by 2 => 1.50 as median fair value


2020-06-01 19:39 | Report Abuse

My future PE calculation :-
If a year annualized profit = 4 ct (realistic as per their best 4Q total in 2016), and net cash of 10ct per share (excluding from PER computation) ,
PE = 20 (conservative) , fair value = 80ct + 10ct = 0.90
PE = 30 , fair value = 1.20 + 10ct = 1.30
PE = 40, fair value = 1.60 + 10ct = 1.70

remember, this is a company with proven track records for accurate estimate, unlike those loss-making company you just can only fantacize their profit & PE !!


2020-06-01 19:33 | Report Abuse

Ice cream keeps showing profit consistently , although dropping for the past few years due to cyclical glove industry's downturn , for the industry's upcylce, they will be producing good profitable QR comparing to those lousy-performing companies !!


2020-06-01 19:30 | Report Abuse

Bullish , I even trace back to past record, LKL experienced huge loss as pe my writing :-

"LKL :- suppliers of mainly medical beds and health care accessories, their products can be produced all over the world, losses reporting for past 2 years, last 4 Q total loss = -0.37 (horrible, almost wipe out their NTA !) "

And many other over-hyped companies like HLT ! They didn't perform with good results previous years ! Not with minor losses but huge lossess that almost wipe out their NTA into PN17 !!

That only reflect the skill, prudence of their management , if they are lousy , they can bring the whole co into deep shit !!


2020-06-01 16:43 | Report Abuse

kingb , no need to be greedy lah !
UP 50% one day can make us laughing all the way to ice cream shop to lick and suck yummy ice cream to celebrate already lah !!
Hahaha !


2020-06-01 16:37 | Report Abuse

TP = 1.00 (conservative one ) :)
If pandemic-theme play is still there, SKY is the limit !!


2020-06-01 16:34 | Report Abuse

approaching LIMIT UP !!!


2020-06-01 15:45 | Report Abuse

Don't forget, every years they are consistent in delivering profit until accumulating huge net cash of 20 mil !


2020-06-01 15:43 | Report Abuse

Put in simple :- all glove makers need to order form them or another competitor(not listed) in malaysia !! whereas we have so many glove makers fighting for market share !!


2020-06-01 15:42 | Report Abuse

"Come back to ice cream here, if they are still the biggest manufacturer of hand formers IN THE COUNTRY & PROBABLY IN THE WORLD as reported 10 years ago, then this company could be enjoying the best hefty profit period of their life time !!

Biggest and only listed in bursa, they might enjoy near-monopoly or duo-poly market in hand formers sector ! Almost all rubber glove factories in malaysia & thailand have to order from ice cream for hand formers, because at this glove-demanding urgent time, ALL glove factories in this region (malaysia & thailand) expand their capacity, running hard at their hand formers and surely spoiling more, demand for hand formers will definitely rise !
nobody or few existing readymade factory can mass deliver this special products to glove manufacturer !! They are the hand formers KING, they dictate the price lah !! "

read my previous analysis here mamatede !


2020-06-01 15:35 | Report Abuse

We don't just blindly invest in their business (glove, health care etc), we must also check whether the management can turn their lucrative business into profit and do not screw up !!
How is their ASP comparing to their competitors ?
Are they just cutting price to fight market until making huge loss ?
Are they lousy in control their costing & have huge financial charges until making loss ?


2020-06-01 15:31 | Report Abuse

HLT, huge losses in 2017 (- 2 ct) & 2018 (-8ct) ! from nta of 0.20 wiped out to 0.10 in 2019 !!


2020-06-01 15:28 | Report Abuse

I just read this, HLT & LKL actually quite risky investment !!
can be trap for novice investors !
Ice cream's balance sheet & track record are much more solid !!


2020-06-01 15:27 | Report Abuse

comparing to HLT :-

KUALA LUMPUR (June 1): HLT Global Bhd’s share price hit limit up today as the craze for glove maker shares spilled over to the company which specialises in setting up production lines at rubber glove manufacturing plants.
The company also holds a 55% stake in HL Rubber Industries Sdn Bhd which manufactures rubber gloves.
HLT Global soared 50% or 29.5 sen to a record high of 88 sen. A total of 156 million changed hands in the morning trading session. The trading volume was 17 times more than its 200-day average trading volume of 9.09 million shares.
HLT Global's share price has jumped more than seven times from the low of 11.5 sen in mid-March.
The company’s warrants, HLT-WA, made a bigger leap. The derivatives rocketed 76% or 27 sen to 62.5 sen and were the most traded securities on Bursa Malaysia with 337 million units changing hands.
HLT Global has also jumped onto the pandemic bandwagon. In April, HLT announced that it was venturing into distributing Covid-19 test kits.
It said its wholly-owned unit HL Advance Technologies (M) Sdn Bhd had entered into a distributor agreement with Accobiotech Sdn Bhd for the distribution of Covid-19 rapid test kits around the world for an initial period of one year from April 20, 2020 to April 20, 2021.
It is worth noting that HLT is among the list of companies which have been granted an extended deadline to submit its financial results for the quarter ended March 31, 2020 (1QFY20). The reason for the delay in submission was not known.
HLT Global said it will utilise the extension of time granted by Bursa and the results are expected to be released by June 30.
For the financial year ended Dec 31, 2019 (FY19), the company managed to turn profitable, posting a net profit of RM4.68 million, compared to a net loss of RM26.1 million for FY18, on higher revenue. Its top line grew 12% to RM144.43 million from RM128.78 million.
However, HLT Global incurred a net loss for 4QFY19 of RM2.19 million, though it was narrower against RM19.84 million for the corresponding quarter a year ago. The company’s quarterly revenue shrank 27% to RM29.72 million from RM41.21 million due to a decline in revenue from its rubber glove segment.


2020-06-01 15:09 | Report Abuse

After finishing frying Big 4, small 4 .... now to FRY with baby Ice cream liao !!!!


2020-06-01 15:07 | Report Abuse

Adventa & careplus both experienced double limit UP for last 2 days !!


2020-06-01 15:06 | Report Abuse

Eldon, I see ! Good luck ! :)


2020-06-01 12:50 | Report Abuse

Adam Lim, where did you get this info ??
EPS for past 4 Q = 1.74, cash per share = 10ct, present share price = 62ct,
PE (minus off cash per share) is (62-10) / 1.74 = 29.88 !

This is just the "past" PE ! All glove counters past PE already reaching 70-100 ! (as reference)

Ice cream best past 4 Q PE is around 3.9 (in 2016, we expect they can reach that judging by the demand for thier products going forward ! ), so at present price of 62ct, future PE ( - cash per share) is (62-10) / 3.9 = 13.33 (ONLY) !!

Present & future PE also very much under value !!
This is a company with past 10 years of profit, and strong net cash , yet the only hand former company listed in Bursa that fully exposed to glove industry !!


2020-06-01 12:33 | Report Abuse


Es ceramics annual dinner ! LOL !
come and meet their staffs !!
All minority shareholders also dance like that now !! haha