
LewisLee | Joined since 2012-11-09

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2020-05-20 10:45 | Report Abuse

When Chun Chun call Clavin Tan start promoting this counter, surely it will go UP lah !!
Chun Chun call got many followers also what ?!

News & Blogs

2020-05-17 12:13 | Report Abuse

Beware of words from "cold eyes" recently also, this kind of company can be "value trap", if being under value for too long, the major shareholders might one day take it private by offering 10-20% above its suppressed market price !


2020-05-17 11:00 | Report Abuse

words of wisdom today (quoted from others) :- 当一个行业飞的时候,通常不是基本面最强的起最多,而是股价最便宜的会起最多!
Ice cream is still the cheapest amongst all glove-related company !
Many factors I listed above could easily trigger the share price into rocket-pace !!


2020-05-17 10:52 | Report Abuse

Malaysia stock god "Cold Eyes" heavily promoting oil & gas companies these few days !! Time to collect !!


2020-05-17 10:52 | Report Abuse

Malaysia stock god "Cold Eyes" heavily promoting oil & gas companies these few days !! Time to collect !!

News & Blogs

2020-05-16 18:00 | Report Abuse

I like Chun Chun call Calvin Tan 's FA write up when he dug deep to analyse the account of the company !! Can't agree with you more !


2020-05-16 15:50 | Report Abuse

armada is Cold Eyes's favorite ! Don't know whether he is still holding substantial shares ?


2020-05-16 15:44 | Report Abuse

If demand of oil resume to pre-lockdown level, avaerage TP by all research houses for Velesto is 0.40-0.45 !!


2020-05-16 15:42 | Report Abuse

Recent posting by Cold eyes also recommend hold long term on oil & gas counter !!


2020-05-16 12:00 | Report Abuse

knwong8711 then nothing for minority to worry about !
Just shaking legs waiting for ice cream goreng to explode !!


2020-05-16 11:27 | Report Abuse

My suggestion to board of ice cream :-

1. come out to talk to press regarding your future plan , invite fund managers to participate
2. use your fat cash of RM20mil to start acquiring those small hand former competitors (fastest way to expand )
3. transfer listing from ace to main board soonest

If any of this happen, all minority shareholders can really have a good time to lick and suck ice cream goreng liao !!!!


2020-05-16 11:11 | Report Abuse

Chun Chun call clavin,

facemask & sanitizer has thin or no margin, because too easy for anybody to produce, and tough competition from world factory china ! If you check the retail price of mask & sanitizer for the past 3 months , you know what i mean, once china lifted lock down, the mask & sanitizer retail price dropped drastically.
Only day trader can use TA to touch those counters, best to sell before they annouce their QR !!

Rubber gloves only been produced in Malaysia & Thailand, because we have readymade main material rubbers here, zero delivery cost for this material, China wont's do that because they will incur higher cost. thru out the past 20 + years, glove factory have built up their reputation, skills facilities and experience to export to all over the world.


2020-05-16 10:59 | Report Abuse

Come back to ice cream here, if they are still the biggest manufacturer of hand formers IN THE COUNTRY & PROBABLY IN THE WORLD as reported 10 years ago, then this company could be enjoying the best hefty profit period of their life time !!

Biggest and only listed in bursa, they might enjoy near-monopoly or duo-poly market in hand formers sector ! Almost all rubber glove factories in malaysia & thailand have to order from ice cream for hand formers, because at this glove-demanding urgent time, ALL glove factories in this region (malaysia & thailand) expand their capacity, running hard at their hand formers and surely spoiling more, demand for hand formers will definitely rise !
nobody or few existing readymade factory can mass deliver this special products to glove manufacturer !! They are the hand formers KING, they dictate the price lah !!

I think maybe their next QR won't show huge improvement yet, because of MCO (don't know they allow to run factory during those lock-downed 2 months) ? BUT.... the next next QR is going to be record huge !! ... or news that all glove factories placing huge orders to ice cream !!


2020-05-16 10:44 | Report Abuse

mike555, if you read the starbiz report carefully, they do not recommend you to buy those 23 companies ! In fact, they hinted that some companies are hype-playing and over value !

such as those companies rushed in to do face-mask, sanitizer, text-kit, IT related etc products. Those products have low entry-barrier, and most are lousy companies with lousy loss-making track records ! You go and research you know which cos I am talking about.
For example, face mask, now china factory can straight away produce X5 capacity and flood the market and squeeze the profit margin ! do you invest in those bursa companies just talk cock in press and said they are producing face mask now ??
Once those companies announce their QR with loss again, the share price will drop like F or the companies in deep trouble !

The report suggested only glove-related companies which is peculiar in Malaysia as the only competitors are from within malaysia and thailand comapnies are worth looking into !


2020-05-15 21:00 | Report Abuse


Read the edge report done 10 years ago on Ice cream :-
1. they are the biggest manufacturer of hand formers IN THE COUNTRY & PROBABLY IN THE WORLD !!
2. replacement period of hand formers is eight to 15 months, depending on the intensity of the production run in the rubber glove plant.
3. In 2010, their net borrowings is (RM23.9 million ), now they turn it into net cash 20 mil !! hard cold cash in their bank account, no fake accounting paper profit !! also means they accumulate around 40 millions cash in their account !!


in fact they are big enough to be transferred to main board but they keep delaying it because want to save cost !!


2020-05-15 21:00 | Report Abuse

share the articles and hope you can invest based on FA !


2020-05-15 10:11 | Report Abuse

the only thing this company is lacking .....

Promotion & publicity to the mass investment public !!


2020-05-14 16:41 | Report Abuse

problem with ice cream is because nobody (even their own CEO) to promote it with strong FA analysis !
If KYY , OTB or even chun chun call Calvin can promote this counter every week, then we can have ice cream goreng to eat lah !!


2020-05-14 16:37 | Report Abuse

This is what i3 stock god KYY 's comment when promoting his comfort counter just now :-
"Since many scientists predicted that Covid 19 pandemic will continue for 1 or more years until a vaccine is approve by FDA of USA. Under the circumstances, Comfort share price can go up higher for a long time until the demand for gloves is reduced. "

now is just the beginning of glove theme play ! More to come !!


2020-05-14 16:28 | Report Abuse

Two way to play with ice cream :-
For FA, lock it in your freezer and to open up after news of vacine of covic-19 invented,
For TA, use your month (or others' mouths) IN OUT IN OUT licking the ice cream but heart pounding every second !! lol


2020-05-14 16:25 | Report Abuse

Be patient lah... after finish frying big 4 & comfort (KYY s counter), they will come and give you a yummy "ice-cream goreng" !

News & Blogs

2020-05-14 12:28 | Report Abuse

Chun Chun call Clavin coming again ah ! lai ah lai ai !!!
Chun Chun call always win one ah ! Never lose money one ah !!
Chun Chun call, chun chun call, semua chun chun call ah !!!


2020-05-14 12:17 | Report Abuse

Today Glove big 4's turn to be fried up, all small cap glove counters taking a break !!
After finished frying Big 4, they will come back to goreng small co, hope for "goreng ice cream" lah !! sooner or later, you all will have one !!


2020-05-14 08:56 | Report Abuse

short term trading will be very excited and heart pounding !! Those with heart problem better don't trade with this kind of counters, or else lock your stocks in freezer and do sth relaxing , only open your freezer to sell your ice cream once covid 19 subdue !!


2020-05-14 08:51 | Report Abuse

Not just ice cream experiencing volatile price movement, look at other glove, health care products counters all the same ! Bursa is moving with this theme play now, as long as covic 19 threat is still out there, this trend and theme play will continue or even strengthen in the future !
comparing to other volatile counters, Ice cream is one of a few with strong fundamental, net huge cash, profit every year since listing 2005 (except 2011, very astonishing !), their balance sheet in 2011 have high gearing with bank borrowing of around 15mil, and in latest Q report, all bank borrowing has reduced down to minimal with net cash of aorund 20 mil !! Are you not impressed ??
Do the research yourselves !
I think they are very conservative and low profile, hardly see the CEO or directors giving interview to press ! If one day they do .... sky is the limit liao !!!


2020-05-13 18:02 | Report Abuse

I read most glove companies (big or small) planning to expand, who doesn't want at this timing ?
Ice cream's products are surely in high demand now or in the future !
I just think maybe they need to expend their manufacturing output also to catch this glove-bull-run trend ! they have the expertise, experience, customers, goodwill, and .... ready cash of RM20mil in their balance sheet to do that !!
From FA point of view, I start to like this company becasue of their net huge cash position (almost 10c per share) , comparing to most glove companies with high gearing ! YEt they are making profit every years and giving up dividends !
For example, LKL & careplus, recent 2 punters' darling , both are huge loss making past few years with high gearing, and be fried up to ridiuclous price ! Those counters really need to be beware !!

If you are FA investors, and can't stand the excitement of watching your trading screen up down every second, you can buy tonnes of "ice cream" and just lock in inside the freezer, wait for the time covid 19 pandemic subdue, then only open up your freezer, lick and eat your grown delicious big fat ice cream then !!


2020-05-13 14:20 | Report Abuse

TP by end May = RM1.00 !


2020-05-13 13:23 | Report Abuse

This is a FA strong company, the CEO not yet to come out and talk to press, the share price already reached 55ct ! If CEO come out and talk talk talk, analysts write write write, fund managers buy buy buy ... the share price will shoot up to the sky !!


2020-05-13 13:19 | Report Abuse

everybody here makan ice-cream sampai shiok shiok liao lah !! :) :)
thank you chun chun call + engle's eyes Calvin Tan !


2020-05-12 11:50 | Report Abuse

ice cream manament very quiet and low profile,
LKL 's managment showing off and talking big at the edge & business daily during weekend ! although LKL have been loss making for past few years, now PE = -123.30 !!
at this time, any health care glove companies can do just by talking to push up the price !!


2020-05-12 11:46 | Report Abuse

close one eye above 50ct. open two eyes will be RM1.00 !! :) :)


2020-05-12 11:32 | Report Abuse

Chun Chun call Clavin Tan, pls do a research on this sector and publish in your blog to help push up the price !! because the managment is very low profile with zero publicity !!


2020-05-12 11:30 | Report Abuse

comfort, rubberex s PE =35-40, careplus = negetive PE 73 (loss making)
ice cream = actual PE is just 14 !!!!


2020-05-12 11:28 | Report Abuse

Ice cream is the most under value glove-theme stock in Bursa !!
The more i researched and compared to others small cap glove stocks, the more I shocked !!!
Comfort, rubberex, careplus all easily have 10-100 mils in borrowing , Ice cream have cash 20 mils !!


2020-05-12 11:19 | Report Abuse

This is the only glove-theme company with zero gearing & cash 20 mil (NTA= 26c, cash per share 10c) ! where to find ? Buy it and you can sleep well ! (of course no silly use of the fat cash, pls )

Careplus's nta 0.18 & negetive PE - 73 and with hugh gearing already fried up to 80 cents , comfort, rubberex etc those small cap glove companies have high gearing also !!

Does it make sense ??


2020-05-11 16:56 | Report Abuse

if you minus off their net cash per share of aorund 10c per share, with last 4 quarter earning or 1.74, their PE is actually 14 only !!
(35-10) / 1.74 < > 14
why no fundamentalist came here to research on this company ??
hidden jewel neglected ??


2020-05-11 15:59 | Report Abuse

I research this company's history, they are low profile, conservative, net cash and huge cash position, but maybe too conseravtive to expand business ?
(that's why uncle KYY don't like this kind of company ? he prefers companies to borrow heavily to expand and show growth from one Q to another Q, i remeber OTB last time did recomend it based on TA & with fundamental back up)
I can't find any press interview by this company's board for the past 5-10 years ! very shy away from publicity that's why not many investors know much about them !!

I see many weak fundamental companies just talking big in the Edge etc that they are going to involve in ventilator lah, health care lah, IT-related lah .... Just NATO (no action talk only), their companies' share price SHOOT up at top volume column already !!

"Ice-cream" are in the right business sector at the right timing, with many years experience & with strong balance sheet & PE = 20 only (comparing to present glove industry's PE of 40-60) , if they start to improve their publicity or management could just TALK in media that "they use their fat cash of 20mil to expand their capacity", then this stock might worth holding for long term !!


2020-05-09 22:13 | Report Abuse

I just digged further in their proposed diversification into property development announcement, to be fair to them,on 30-4-20, the board has defered the plan and subscribed for only RM2m plus preference share in the property company due to uncertainty in property sector, that is a sensible decison. thumbs up !

this is a company with plenty of cash and minimal loan, prudent management, at first i worried the board mighy misused their 20m cash for sth stupid, actually not the case.
very low profile and minimal publicity also, that's why company got neglected !

my suggestion to the board :- this is the right timing to announce some plan like using the fat cash to expand their manufacturing capacity, and talk more to reporters, then the price will surely shoot up to keep pace with other glove counters , and shareholders will have a fat day !!


2020-05-07 13:12 | Report Abuse

Let 's buy !
very under value !
short term TP = 1.00, long term TP = 10.00 !!


2020-05-07 12:39 | Report Abuse

EPF keep dumping, Urusharta (previously tabung haji) keep buying !
From one government institution to another government institution, the price will be well supported !
Government can't afford to let it die ! Might need to wait for long term for O&G sector to recover !


2020-05-07 12:36 | Report Abuse

PE 9.75, DY 10 % plus, cash rich , MLM business sure growing during recession !
2.00 TP still considered cheap !! Buy at 1.05 you can sleep very well !!


2020-05-07 12:33 | Report Abuse

This company is one of the most under value in Bursa ! High DY, growth in profit, sustanable or even better business modal during incoming recession !! TP easily 1.50 then 2.00 !!
