
The_JQuestion | Joined since 2021-05-26

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2022-10-29 01:48 | Report Abuse

independent with no budget and resources ... might as well goyang kaki at home


2022-10-20 14:47 | Report Abuse

Could be but who has the PM post??? the one that wins more means mr.Moo might be back ! umno leaders free of charge then ok


2022-10-19 17:18 | Report Abuse

Frog????GRS is opposition not UMNO servant.... those LEAVE are the ones with integrity..... don want the money sell the soul.... PURE corruption
reject UMNO is the future for sabah
frog is when u are elected and JUMP u are not yet....


2022-10-19 02:13 | Report Abuse

this michale still think GPS under BN and sabah surely under BN .... after decades they also LEAVING to create thier own party... to safeguard themself
still thinking 80s or 90s BN BN BN idup BNNNN..... ppl have rejected HIGH TURNOUT and young voters are the X factor
higher chance but if perform bad sabah n sarawak will join the other team because UMNo might not have that number !
ITs who gets the higher number game now


2022-10-18 11:56 | Report Abuse

BN sabah is the worst they created hell for sabah.... these ppl do not want them i salute them they shouldnt .... have some integrity already damage byond repair dont give me petty money to jump ship


2022-10-18 11:02 | Report Abuse

what logic... they don wan masuk BN keluar GRS ....


2022-10-18 10:58 | Report Abuse

Warisan + BN UMNO no way.... warisan will be true opposition<<


2022-10-18 00:27 | Report Abuse

anwar the nelson mandela 90 YO PM u can anwar trust the process!!


2022-10-18 00:24 | Report Abuse

Mayb pH don want to win the elction have to handle inflation one of the worst crisis.... let UMNO fail and whack them to comeback in next GE :))) weaken mr Moo party and takeover


2022-10-17 00:49 | Report Abuse

LATEST GPS to choose coalition PN has PAS kingmaker now GPS kingmaker they will WIN.... GPS will choose PN/BN and nvr PH !
mr Moo Moo have a chance

News & Blogs

1 week ago | Report Abuse

the funny thing is they send ppl to join for nonsense reason for fake racism for main sabun but when they are charged with real crime only THEY SCARED HAHAHHAHAA now they know something seems familiar UR OWN MEDICINE IN THE EXACT WAY IT SHOULD BE

News & Blogs

2022-10-17 00:45 | Report Abuse

which bekas banduan ??which main belakang banduan ??
curi duit banduan ??? proven scandal???
if yes also those in PN those form ex Supreme UMNO corrupted from the grandmaster race policy and they have not been caught too


2022-09-19 11:35 | Report Abuse

and anti hop law idk whats gonna happen.... instability to continue


2022-10-16 14:56 | Report Abuse

very possible 3 party no1 will have the numbers for sure


2022-10-16 14:47 | Report Abuse

yes sins... Sultan say don want election PM say election becasue zahid scared goJAIL.... whos SIN is that :)

News & Blogs

2022-10-15 00:54 | Report Abuse

actually they needed mahathir LAST election.... however he is of no use now... btr go ahead with BERSATU+ PAS to sweep both him and UMNO

News & Blogs

2022-10-15 00:51 | Report Abuse

they only WIN those state election by LOW TURNOUT.... once oppositon can heat up the voters ... i THINK its definitely game OVER for these LADS

News & Blogs

2022-10-15 00:50 | Report Abuse

now SPR also cant help them ... looks like delay LONGER time is ticking what a hit to their foot JOKER think they OWN it
guess who have UPPER HAND now NOT UMNO for sure... nobody wanna work with them except small useless party like GRS
if they dont retain their seats they are FINISH...
thanks them for allowing the same GAME to be played again .... the EXACT SAME and i hope the result will be the SAME reckoning DAY !

News & Blogs

2022-10-15 00:46 | Report Abuse

Habis game sendiri ... once opposition finalise their strategy gempa bumi GE 16 coming for them najib zahid CORRUPTION sound is LOUDDDDDDD LOUDDDDDDDDDD LOUDERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR


2022-10-14 17:52 | Report Abuse

they didnt plan this properly or try to get others to align with them
Too busy infighting .... while bersatu kept PAS by their side all this while
EVEN SPR not ready with their sudden turn .... and it is delaying the election
SERVE them right ... now all blame them for the monsoon blame on corruption and they shall face the music


2022-10-14 17:47 | Report Abuse

UMNo think they are strong.... they might be very weak insteaed.
nobody knows we shall see.... its obvious zahid is very DESPERATE it looks like he has everyone as his enemy ... Hope they can finally deliver a GAME OVER to him n najeeb


2022-10-14 17:04 | Report Abuse

UMNo is in fears now... zahid najib and so on back to jail !!! serve their judgements !!


2022-10-14 16:59 | Report Abuse

harapan supporters will acept it anything against corrupted UMNO is good to their ears ! even if working with PAS !!

News & Blogs

2022-10-14 16:11 | Report Abuse

Dr M party will be useless... in the coalition more worried bout PAS and Bersatu wakakaka Dr M??? know ur place now

Personal Finance

2022-10-14 11:03 | Report Abuse

SGD 3.3038
USD 4.6970

both all time high and USD seems to able to reach 5.0 with all circumstances


2022-10-13 22:01 | Report Abuse

No perfect story but the most acceptable one .... a sacrifice for the worst .... we need a balance long OVERDUE


2022-10-13 22:00 | Report Abuse

no choice... PAS or umno...... they can continue taliban in the respective states... not happy go out to other states.... meanwhile we eradicate the most corrupted
ZAhid to jail... and his gang to JAIL .. meet their fate time a twist of event

News & Blogs

2022-10-13 21:58 | Report Abuse

This time difff they came together and used mahathirs name to win the GE... but mahathir couldnt maintain control he had the least number... this time he join as the smallest group... no power at all
UMNO is in shock of their live .... if they work together >>>> bye bye UMNO . i suppor this.... its the beginning of the end.U THINK WIN?? THINK AGAIN ... wont be an easy one as they think for them definitely


2022-10-12 23:10 | Report Abuse

I dont need a whatsapp group to tell me what to say... Its clear what the game is
IF PAS joins UMNO sure win .... if PAS join bersatu game is ON !!


2022-10-12 23:08 | Report Abuse

PAS + bersatu + mahathir will gain popularity and weaken the fake UMNO agendas..... meanwhile PH win the seats they should ...
THIS IS THE fight... in the end all 3 will get the same result just who will be the best
PAS joining bersatu is a game changer.... they will strengthen even more ! backed by two ex-PMs and painting corruption fight against UMNO ............. PH have no game weak !! UMNO forced this election,,, thy might be shocked


2022-10-12 17:15 | Report Abuse

they are actually the x factor it is tight fight umno is weak it need to depend on others them alone cant win it too.... the split of oppoisiotn is helping them,without they wont win this GE either


2022-10-12 14:36 | Report Abuse

Agree Harapan no chacne to win .... they will nvr vote for UMNO as well so >>> remain this will cause a 3 way fight
Whoever side with PAS and mahathir will have a good chance
playing the reject ZAHID NAJIB and corruption way again will still work


2022-10-12 00:20 | Report Abuse

and of course langkawi


2022-10-12 00:19 | Report Abuse

more interesting is perak melaka kedah and johor....

News & Blogs

2022-10-12 00:18 | Report Abuse

if PAS joins mr. Moo thats the plan if they join UMNO its a sure win for UMNO !!

News & Blogs

2022-10-11 20:41 | Report Abuse

it can happen if UMNO fail to get the numbers GPS will join mr MOO+PAS+mahathir and be gov of the day... PH is gone


2022-10-11 19:28 | Report Abuse

nahhhh selangor and penang will nvr bulge to corrupted leaders and their tactics .... only the other poor states can do so and remain being controlled ...


2022-10-11 16:42 | Report Abuse

no choice our votes too cheap .... they will still vote for najib forever and ever... too bad malaysia no harapan since long time ago..


2022-10-11 01:11 | Report Abuse

PN has higher chance of winning than PH... too bad together they can win but no more >>>>> a once in lifetime change


2022-10-09 02:19 | Report Abuse

maxis no 5g ... what they gonna do ??


2022-10-07 22:34 | Report Abuse

just for show if PM wan election agong cannot stop.... however UMNo is getting weaker so agong maybe cna stop listenting to the clowns.... they dont rep the malays anymore soon so he can stop listenin to them


2022-10-05 23:51 | Report Abuse

casino bet showroom ni 101 percent mainpulate.... halo bursa officer testing ground ni


2022-10-05 13:02 | Report Abuse

HAHHA these ppl believe whatever money donated to their politican so can set them free to steal MORE from eveyrone NICELY DONE MALU APA BOSSKurrrrrrrrrr


2022-10-04 17:33 | Report Abuse

idk this kind of jokers make nonsense can exist only in bursa bolelandsia !!


2022-10-04 17:30 | Report Abuse

everything green this red..????? apa lah kesian betol no mata tengok


2022-10-04 10:33 | Report Abuse

For the coming GE,its all about judgement bring the kataks to their downfall , their deserved spots !! Choose gov or opposition but avoid katak party at every cost , u reap what u sow !!


2022-10-04 10:30 | Report Abuse

With social media in full swing about how they had let down the voters through their treacherous act, they must be fully aware that many Malaysians are waiting to “skin them alive” and punish them in GE15.


2022-10-03 20:33 | Report Abuse

tobby dont be selective whr is praise ismail posts.... he deserve it

News & Blogs

2022-09-30 17:25 | Report Abuse

sabah so many problem sadddd its like a curse......