
The_JQuestion | Joined since 2021-05-26

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2022-08-10 00:16 | Report Abuse

are u kidding me ??? money come from the federal government the deals are made by the government e.g finance ministry to the contractor CLOSED for the project EG. GAMUDA bhd .............sign by the ministry? not selangor gov??? certain yeaaa like maintenance etc BAGUS UMNO ABD
proof proof prooof umno bagus no need proof NAJIB proof everywhere in COURT NOW ZAHIDI in court now AND BTW MANY MORE SHOULD BE even those small pea officers
easy to misled ... can talk from nonsense just accuse and make story in whaAPP WAKKAKAAK

News & Blogs

2022-08-09 16:46 | Report Abuse

if ur invest is simple just buy bank stocks disciplined buy low keep like ur antiques u will win
but most of us greedy .... oppurtunity is coming anyways buy low n keep n enjoy the days worryless


2022-08-08 00:16 | Report Abuse

this stock movement so scary sudden collapse kena burn before


2022-08-07 00:21 | Report Abuse

wow khatu faster push 0.30 once again ... many all the dato2 semua pengecut buy 0.16 0.20 sell 0.045


2022-08-07 00:16 | Report Abuse

now direct manual labour earn a lot of money ... being a mechanic , working in genting , work in cruise , being a hotelier , open chicken rice shop managing fnb/shops also btr
if wanna study btr go for IT/electronic/mechatronic .... finance sector still lucrative altho easily replaced
the old days of mechanical/civil even doctor is laughing stock of cheap poor labour long hours LOW PAY !


2022-08-04 15:28 | Report Abuse

good stock definitely will collect .... watch list now !!


2022-08-04 00:04 | Report Abuse

siapa berani goreng this... pn 17 no hope btr go other GLC company atleast wont have delist troubles


2022-08-04 00:03 | Report Abuse

dato kyle cant push up so now watch it drop ini dato NO powerrrr ,,,,,


2022-08-03 15:27 | Report Abuse

Imagine Granny Pelosi visiting the Sulus and telling them US will support claim on Sabah! Or visit Penang and support independence from Malaysia! You get the drift!
HHAHAAH only umno supporters can comprehend ur examples


2022-08-02 03:16 | Report Abuse

anyone agree with u needs to get himself check up... period paymasters.


2022-08-01 23:01 | Report Abuse

QR so so also up not bad


2022-08-01 23:00 | Report Abuse

habis bankrupt time


2022-08-01 23:00 | Report Abuse

pork is non halal this dap fault nvr control pork head dap !!


2022-08-01 22:59 | Report Abuse

ohhh its DAP fault patutla PM dap FM dap DPM dap AG dap Development Dap technology Dap Trade Dap


2022-08-01 22:57 | Report Abuse

WTF engineering??? how much engineering paid dirt poor.... btr be chef mechanic technicians open chicken rice stall nowadays manual labour earn more
U is just another business... education is subjective up to the lecturers and some can even easily buy one


2022-08-01 02:01 | Report Abuse

i dont believe anyone is doing this for free tobby reli tobby macguire spidomon


2022-07-31 21:11 | Report Abuse

tobby how much ur paymaster pay u for spreading nonsense... other than this forum where else u very active u really TOO "FREE"


2022-07-26 22:45 | Report Abuse

HHHAHAHA i can see UMNO mentality here ... makes me wonder who is running this site for
well look at equity and everything else our gov is nvr going up :)
invasion always a threat nvr a non threat everybody will watch..malaysia a weak country will have no defence! all wan easy life and makan corrupt thats it continue support this way we are doom anyways make others rich and urself poor


2022-07-22 22:01 | Report Abuse

no money dont buy anything...
wash hand and retire for good


2022-07-22 21:59 | Report Abuse

thats Dumno leadership...they too highly themself in the country , still think we higher than indon HAHAHAH no standardLAND

News & Blogs

2022-07-22 00:01 | Report Abuse

whats the diff one by one we will have to pay to our big bosses for the bilions we owe them WAKAKAKAK
any undercover news/??this is more interesting SLOWLY controlling our PORTS

News & Blogs

2022-07-22 00:00 | Report Abuse

umno army like blame DAP ma best ohhh blame for keep them in kampong and chase away foreign invesmtnet poor OL malaysia
Only reason we not sri lanka cause we rich in resource if not LAMA SUDA


2022-07-21 22:16 | Report Abuse

hahaha talking like u know their they meet,thru writing letter sent by pigeon? or telekinesis


2022-07-21 00:49 | Report Abuse

dato kyle is the khatu in the making same pattern


2022-07-20 23:09 | Report Abuse

what is UMNO doing?comparing malaysia to sri lanka??? give rm 50 again?take out EPF 10 k give wife? cabotaging?
so good why can take back assets?means they cant do anything country is weak their people made weaker and weaker
result bottom 60 suffer kept at their kampongs and continue reaping off their blind beliefffff sooner or later their suffering cannot be helped anymore and then their eyes will OPEN
worst ntg to offer hiding behind their supremacy Shadow...


2022-07-20 00:46 | Report Abuse

how many in UMNO even care... i cant even see one LOL


2022-07-18 21:26 | Report Abuse

who knows the game is ON but nobody knows how and when .... gonna be interesting we see shark play casino is LIVE


2022-07-18 21:24 | Report Abuse

Good collect company still getting new gov project and going to continue getting more as SARAWAK gov expands...
a sort of safehouse no worries


2022-07-18 15:10 | Report Abuse

meanwhile SC and bursa is just watching ... goreng keep bursa alive maybe


2022-07-18 01:33 | Report Abuse

they have been extremely quiet tho .... while USA goes around making moves
seems like they really want to take the backseat and reset for awhile HENCE the crackdowns before moving forward again


2022-07-18 01:31 | Report Abuse

China has been building/catching up ever since meanwhile USA been going round n round..falling off the ladder one by one
malaysia worst from winner to LOSER to invisible HAHA !!


2022-07-17 15:40 | Report Abuse

lucky for US mahathirISM is finally over.... that old cult have no more MEANING for the future... HE remains in the old TEXT books forever TAINTED by his final SHOWdown....GOOD but ended BADLY bring down UMNO bring down OPP now Everyone SUFFER except HIM

News & Blogs

2022-07-17 10:03 | Report Abuse

YEAAAA they all unite against HIM everyone is too afraid of him esp THAT OLD CULT master OF destroying MALAYSIA


2022-07-17 15:37 | Report Abuse

Too much politics = not a good investment meanwhile cannabis is approved DK what is going wrong in their HEAD
not halal rokok MAaaa gila suda this nation


2022-07-16 17:14 | Report Abuse

if oil drop for recession Tenaga also will have less income nevertheless its together with the economy which will be going DOWN


2022-07-16 01:15 | Report Abuse

yeap can u imagine sulu has such a claim against sabah what makes taiwan able to stop CHINA claim or russia claim
if ure weak everybody bully and take ur food and stuff away thats it malaysia can only CRY


2022-07-15 00:16 | Report Abuse

facilitated Sultan Sulu 'heirs' to claim Sabah! Tommy Thomas together with Shafie Apdal <<< no logic
Make no sense Even if they did this is not a scandal , there is ntg beneficial to any of them ....
probably they know more .. what u know probably peanut AGAIN this is nothing to pin them down ON
fail messenger ke budak keliru tak tau pun maksud message


2022-07-14 20:18 | Report Abuse

National security is a big issue..... ppl around the world up n down eveyryday security
only malaysia ppl blind they everyday read the watapp only
why u not happy he do sth like that? He selfish is it he give them and they under table give him back ??
yes broke the rule... what makes u think they wont stop breaking like russia everyday knock ur door kidnap ur ppl nearer than u even THINK
even China been constantly bullying malaysia and we are powerless come n go around our coastal lines sometimes even our aerospace and we can just watch ... u think we LIKE??? aduhHHHH so many la things we dont know pst psttt jgn la heboh when u dont know WHY


2022-07-14 16:40 | Report Abuse

ask the undercover he feel safe in sabah or not...he knows anything or not>>>
if attack come can they harap peninsula to protect or not ?? are they willing to give enough military force to protect the state? if attacked who resque NOBODY... indonesia watch brunei wont move WHO gonna defend undercover run FIRST!


2022-07-14 15:38 | Report Abuse

u got intel wa u FBI malaysia KA everywhere got intel ... maybe FBI is from malaysia i nvr know tobby is the head of FBI malaysia


2022-07-13 16:43 | Report Abuse

poor old toby ntg to do make stories spread rumours and then quiet when its not true
he play this tactic talk first claim first malaysia bole


2022-07-12 22:06 | Report Abuse

WOW so scary lucky i nvr touch burn til ashes


2022-07-09 01:09 | Report Abuse

semangat bincang umno nobody caresssss ur prediction all fail simplyyyy talk and spread rumor aka RUMOR KING APUUUUU


2022-07-09 01:04 | Report Abuse

economy growing with inflation and war and stunted china its obvious china don want to save the world again after blamed for covid its timeeee to get revenge
and so we are suffering because china stop helping


2022-07-02 22:10 | Report Abuse

oil got so much use even so trasnport by motor is small percentage only ... it is still one of the most precious and useful liquid in our world
note that freight take up a big PROPORTION ... lorry ships and planes yes reduce the usage but STILL THE WOLRD USE IT IN TOO MANY WAYS irreplacable


2022-07-02 22:01 | Report Abuse

its sad despearate zahid and gang trying their best cant get what they want


2022-07-02 22:00 | Report Abuse

dissolve for what even if ismail sabri is kicked off he still PM he can ignore all these like nowwww :D he is PM not lapdog ( majority wins and he knows this Opposition all unite > UMNO)

News & Blogs

2022-07-01 23:54 | Report Abuse

UMNO join PN and then takeover drivers seat easilyyyy PH lost in both and now the third round is coming

News & Blogs

2022-07-01 20:50 | Report Abuse

biggest liar is PM 3 4 5 ... they made Malaysia worst thanks to greed and own agendas ... RIP poor and poorer malaysians


2022-07-01 13:31 | Report Abuse

i believe a big 50 will still give the popular vote to the non corrupted the corrupted will win based on the unfair geographics and tactics ( sarawak with the strongest upperhand being once again the safety win )