
powerwk | Joined since 2012-01-26

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2014-03-13 10:57 | Report Abuse

Good.... sell to me. I plan to go in couple lot more. Don't queue high price else I won't be able to buy from you :-)


2014-03-13 10:38 | Report Abuse

Just did a quick check all water related company seem having the same common thing today. Share drop. Thinking Gamuda must be impacted by the Splash which Gamuda hold a substantial amount of share in there....


2014-03-13 10:20 | Report Abuse

Now only start to reflect their true value. This counter need to go down some more to attract investor.


2014-03-13 10:16 | Report Abuse

wow RM4.50, this will definitely make gray and munmeng even more angry. In some of my other post, in stock market every funny.... some time good and bad counter does not reflect in their share price. (e.g. good counter keep on going downtrend and bad counter keep on going uptrend) Thanks to the goring group and folks that controlling the share price of those company that they are manipulate on.


2014-03-13 10:09 | Report Abuse

just curious...... tanahchew, did you hold any padini stock?


2014-03-13 10:05 | Report Abuse

I almost fall sleep after buying the ticket. Let me get out from the cinema and do other shopping. In general the first hour of show is really nothing and no content as well hahaha....


2014-03-13 09:58 | Report Abuse

no problem at all tanahchew. Everyone here to share and help each other to make profit long term. I don't recommend and go for short term. Shortcut most of the time does not help. Later you will find out you take longer path and yet not making any good money.


2014-03-13 09:46 | Report Abuse

the news posted by Airo Chasz around two weeks back. Any latest news on the water deal? From the share price movement there must be some news that not favourite the company. Else it should move up instead of down :-)


2014-03-13 09:30 | Report Abuse

Let me join the fun.... Let buy a ticket and see if today show a good one or bad one.


2014-03-13 09:28 | Report Abuse

haha 'king of stock' so confidence the show will begin :-)


2014-03-13 09:20 | Report Abuse

haha..... I like that :-)


2014-03-13 07:20 | Report Abuse

But I do agree in the sense that the counter share price does not reflected or match with their earning/revenue and profit. The counter should move on the other direction but it not :-) That the fun part of stock market. When everyone think it going to move North then Bursa will surprise you by moving South and vice versa..... Good luck.


2014-03-13 06:47 | Report Abuse

benson911 - no one can tell and give you the right answer :-)

Also, nowadays, people will throw like crazy when heard the news.... regardless the news is small or big.


2014-03-13 06:45 | Report Abuse

I wish gray and munmeng does not hold many lots at very high price.....


2014-03-12 21:15 | Report Abuse

tanahchew - I did not know GDEX well enough. If you need and plan to invest I urge you better spend your own time and study the company background and their management team. The more you know the more confidence you have with where you invest your money.

From the quick read. It sound like FedEx :-) You need to understand who the competitor and how the competitor impact their earning and etc. I trust you will find some idea whether this is the counter you will invest it soon or later.

Another thing, I have seen many people invest in too many counter and some time lost focus and can't be monitor all their counter from time t time.

The rules is simple once you find one counter that fit all your criteria; strong fundamental; good business strategy and good management then what you need to do is two things.
1. Keep on buying from time to time especially when they are low in price (don't ask me what whether now the right time to buy :-) You should define what the right price for you.

2. Be patience and wait for it time. REMEMBER: Every good counter will definitely have it time to shine. Also have it time to make correction. So time is the key.

Hope this lengthy comment help!


2014-03-12 11:12 | Report Abuse

Don't ask this type of question. Don't think people can answer you with correct answer. All is about the supply and demand thing. So back to the base question its this good and strong counter? If yes buy if not leave it.


2014-03-11 22:55 | Report Abuse

There are many issues from time to time locally and globally :-) there are no such good timing to announcement the good news. If there are news then they need to announce it and should not hold it for themselves. That not right and good for investor.

Another point, if they really have the QA on hand and pending announcement, trust me the share sure already flying high...... simple reason no matter what the insider information will always leak out to the close relative or the love one :-)

Therefore I summarize in all my previous post that at this point and stage all the action and movement of the share price just category as 'goreng' folks activities.

If they share price moving up non-stop then I will believe in you that the QA are on hand and *really* pending for the right timing....

So stay tuned and watch out carefully before you get in. Honestly no one know exactly how many lots you still holding :-)

No offend man just share and analysis together.... Have a good night and wish everyone can sleep well no matter what happen locally and globally. If you worry then think twice what counter are you actually invest in and why you so worry :-) You may make right decision after you review that question and answer honestly to yourself!!!


2014-03-11 22:09 | Report Abuse

gray and munmeng, are you guys still actively holding this counter share? Or you already throw with lost?


2014-03-11 22:08 | Report Abuse

oic..... haha.... thanks for your sharing.


2014-03-11 22:07 | Report Abuse

Guys, as mention don't look for short term. Sell after ex-date? Haha..... yes you still entitle the dividend. What the reason you sell it after ex-date?


2014-03-11 16:19 | Report Abuse

Wondering where the QA group. Any more news on QA? If yes please update the folks here. Then let them decide if they still dare and want to go in. Hope they just making minor lost....


2014-03-11 16:18 | Report Abuse

Gone? People start to throw like crazy? Hope folks are making money :-)


2014-03-11 11:24 | Report Abuse

What do you mean gray?


2014-03-11 11:23 | Report Abuse

Again we never know. We can't control the share price. Also some time good counter will not move much or get some attention from other. Until it move high then people only start looking and believe.


2014-03-10 16:56 | Report Abuse

To certain extend I agree with yfchong. There is possibility that they will keep the money for other purpose instead of distributed to share holder. Whatever the management try to do they will think twice before they implement it. I have confidence with the current management :-)

Let see in next couple of weeks :-)


2014-03-10 16:53 | Report Abuse

It normal to make correction. It also normal for share price to go down. That the stock market :-)


2014-03-10 01:19 | Report Abuse

haha... thanks Abudance for the sharing. I know some of the history and background too. I am old man and does not really care for the choo choo train. Most importantly at the end of day like 2 to 3 years from now the share price on the uphill trend in general. Of course they will go downhill some time but that is okay. Same old thing as long as we are buying good counter and with good management we are in good shape. Even it drop now they will go up back slowly, just a matter of time.

I do wish if they given another round of dividend does not bother how many cents :-) since I invest long term so just want to see the consistent grow of the company and their future plan.

Let see how they do in next 5 days transaction. I'm just looking for one cents up per week..... maybe should called choo choo choo train for some folks.


2014-03-10 01:12 | Report Abuse

That is correct anything can happen in stock market and hey that the beauty of it right? If every time you can predict thing up front and accurate then no one need to work already :-)

In stock market any particular counter never say too low or too high in price. It always break the record both low go lower and high go higher.

In short for stock market....
1. Buy stock that are good fundamental and good management -> Only buy good counter :-)
2. Counter that give dividend regularly (this way when it share price affected you still receive some tips) and no need to sell the share when every one is panic.
3. Don't use all your money to invest, hold some cash for emergency cases (so you no need to force sell the share when price was not right and have capability to buy second batch when the counter go down further (ONLY buy second batch when the counter are very good counter).

Hope the quick short tip help the beginner investor and some of the experience investor to remember the basic :-)


2014-03-08 16:37 | Report Abuse

Feel bad and speechless when read the news. It will be tough for the family members. It also bad news for MAS. Quite sure Monday the share price will slack....


2014-03-08 16:27 | Report Abuse

As long as you can hold then it might happen.


2014-03-08 16:24 | Report Abuse

Thanks Abudance. Now I understand where you coming from.

1. Slow like snail but as long as it moving up slowly and give out dividend then I'm more than happy since I'm going to hold for long term. Unless something happen later or in between that the company no longer a good long term investment target and the management also did not do their good job.

2. In a mature market, its always a good thing to have a competitor and not the only one that monopoly the whole market. This way everyone have the chance to improve and move forward and be creative and plan a better business strategy. So I welcome PBB into flour mill business.

3. If their management is far better than Mflour then we can also consider a switch. We are invest for long term and future :-)


2014-03-08 16:09 | Report Abuse

Quarter mean every 3 months :-) It's call quarterly report. So that public investor won't need to wait till year end to analyst and monitor company performance on profit and loss. It quite a standard. This way some investor can decide whether they still want to hold the share or they throw it or better term called cash out and invest their money in other counter which they believe can help earn more profit from their hard earn money. Hope that explain your questions.


2014-03-08 08:11 | Report Abuse

I wish the price will stay there for a while and then only move up. At least stay for 4 days or so even better stay for a week. Then after dividend other people will sell it and hopefully lesser short term player.

But they might come back before next quarter.


2014-03-07 09:39 | Report Abuse

@Abudance - why you think they will distribute dividend end of March?

@yfchong - either 3 or 6 cents are good enough. But not sure why you al think there is dividend distribution.


2014-03-06 12:23 | Report Abuse

But the counter when you yourself have the confidence on it. Only use other opinion and suggestion as reference :-) This way you won't blame other on recommendation. Just my two cents.


2014-03-06 11:50 | Report Abuse

AmigoJJ - anything is possible in stock market. If you check my post I seldom confirm with folks when a certain target price (boht +ve and -ve) going to reach and meet :-)


2014-03-06 07:50 | Report Abuse

ikan bilis, you need to read my previous post.... In short what I am trying to say is want to enter to this counter and just leave it like your FD for years to come. ONLY harvest when you need money. That what and how I do that. If you can do this for years (in between continue to buy) after two to three years you should become a happy man like me :-) which still continue holding.

If you plan to make fast money from this counter then good luck. If you are thinking to save money for fund raising for kids education or retirement after 5 to 10 years this counter might be the another alternative with what your existing plan for retirement.

Hope this make thing clear.

Because sad to say people that enter at 1.8 and above. They may act like a chicken when it drop a little then you can see many chicken running and more throwing then when it close to 1.8 people start to throw and at the end they not earn anything (could be loss) or earn very little. I believe it this counter get other attention and the analysts start to re-rating this counter the fair value should be around 2.3x or 2.4x at this point base on my data calculation.

Please use this reference as your own risk. As I always say don't trust people easily and use your own judgement base on what you have.

In my previous post..... let only buy counter and you can sleep well even there is WAR declare in next day. If you can't sleep well when you heard there is WAR and other economic crisis happening in other country and you scare your counter going to impact badly and continue to impact even after the wave is gone then I advice you to let the counter go and put your money in those counter that you less worry and stay calm whenever those news popup to you.

Remember: All the money we invest in stock market is our HARD EARN MONEY. I refer to majority of folk (95%). Another 5% may get the money easily and goreng folks don't let them eat up your money :-)

Sorry for lengthy comment!


2014-03-05 19:45 | Report Abuse

haha..... it better than moving down :-) It take time to us to harvest this counter. Short term player please stay away. Else will easily get burn.


2014-03-05 17:42 | Report Abuse

@hepitrade - I'm here :-) to my surprise it went up quite a bit today. Everyone will be rewarded when you hold this counter for some time. I have been doing that for a saving. A really good saving for me. Now waiting for the dividend to come in my bank account. That also a lot of money to me hehehe....

Next you know what I'm going to do...... go Padini store and buy something. Add more stock to my drawer :-)

For those who bought lower then 1.7 now you should try hold for couple of quarter and you eventually relunctant to sell this counter due to dividend and capital gain.

Good luck.


2014-03-05 00:23 | Report Abuse

That mean just guess :-)


2014-03-04 20:22 | Report Abuse

Just to share.... don't trust it 100%. This is the daily highlight from Hong Leong Investment Bank. I hope they are right :-) But they do point out couple of good and key point. Can decide to start accumulate now and then wait for more re-rating from other Investment Bank report and etc. Use this as your own risk :-) As I mention before good for sharing.....

From the TP of RM3.85 discount another 15% ended up of RM3.27 already a good medium term return for me... hehehe.... (provided that really happen!)

Company Insight (report)

IOI Properties Group Bhd (BUY çè)

Six key re-rating catalysts

§ We met with management to obtain updates on its key projects, and came away feeling reassured that the company remains undervalued at this juncture. We anticipate a re-rating ahead, propelled by six key catalysts:

(1) Attractive upside from its Singapore and China (which are currently at the trough) exposure to trigger future re-rating; (2) Strong established position as a leading township developer in Malaysia; (3) IOIP has the largest development landbank in Malaysia, injected at low land cost from IOIC; (4) More re-rating to come as it unlocks value from its property investment portfolio; (5) IOIP has the strongest balance sheet amongst property developers in Malaysia; and (6) IOIP’s Syariah status is expected to be resolved in May.

§ We have also refined our earnings forecast following the release of 1H14 results and our FY14-15 forecast is reduced by 25-34%. However, we remain upbeat on its earnings growth in FY15 and still opine that its 11.4x FY15E P/E is undemanding vs. its big-cap peers.

§ We are keeping our 10% discount to RNAV, with a new TP of RM3.85, which implies 16.9x FY15E P/E. BUY


2014-03-04 11:30 | Report Abuse

@ray81 - how you know that? Just guess?


2014-03-04 11:27 | Report Abuse

If down another 10% from RM2.6 else no point for me to average down :-) But some time it depend, if we have extra money and don't know where to invest can park the money here. I anticipate they will or should give dividend in next two quarter. Well, that just my guess and wish....


2014-03-04 11:15 | Report Abuse

@ray81 - how you know?


2014-03-04 11:14 | Report Abuse

It always a risk to invest in stock market. Different counter have their own risk. This counter have dependency that is hardly control by the company therefire the risk level is different. But lucky the management team are still the good people if not the price will go down quickly then you can imagine.

Thing like WAR and etc who can control and predict if you can then you are for sure one for the richest man in the world.


2014-03-04 10:13 | Report Abuse

Because they think padini is slow :-) Also even the fund manager trying to follow the trend and buy those hot counter like oil & gas and property. Actually they are other fund that bought Padini. I believe that fund manager are smarter then the BIG one out there. Also usually fund manager like to invest in those big volume counter so that they can easily buy and sell if they want to cash out or invest more. They hardly able to do that for Padini. In short, only investor that invest for long term will buy Padini. Hope that make sense to everyone.


2014-03-04 10:04 | Report Abuse

Yeah, look like people are waiting for next quarter result to pick up and invest. Those are short term investor and can't wait. Therefore they throw it. It could be some director/Mflour staff try to cash out some money as well.


2014-03-03 16:13 | Report Abuse

everyone should stop buying and let it have a free fall. Force those that goreng to sell at lower price. Again I pity those that being catch at the high and higher price...... Hope those learn the lesson but an expensive lesson I believe.

If the goreng folks still think not earn enough from the hard earn group. They will come back and goreng one more time until they satisfy eating up all the hard earn money group :-(


2014-03-03 16:09 | Report Abuse

Drop then only can collect more. If not where got chance. When people fear then you tend to become greedy and when people greedy you tend to become fear. We need to react as the top 5% not the 95% :-)


2014-03-03 16:07 | Report Abuse

Yes. I rather it move up and then drop again to trap those contra player. When they bore it up again if they come back then drop.

Let me say it again this counter are for those that have holding power. Without that please stay away :-) Hope you not get burn.