
powerwk | Joined since 2012-01-26

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2014-03-03 16:05 | Report Abuse

So where the folks that keep saying QA coming? Can you help to support the counter? I pity those that are stuck at 0.35 / 0.34 /0.33 and etc. I have mention many time being extreme caution.....


2014-03-02 09:06 | Report Abuse

@liausan - yes I intend to collect more if price drop again. I already hold some. In general I still feel this counter quite good and should deserve more in price. I could be wrong but base on data I still have confidence now.


2014-02-28 07:21 | Report Abuse

Some one quietly collect this counter warrant. It's the company or some long term investor. Hope I'm right :-) if long term investor then it's good.


2014-02-28 07:18 | Report Abuse

Be caution all. I just to be sincere. Sona is a good company from my observation. However if someone use this counter to goreng up and down then we need to watch out. With this round not sure how many they profit from the hard earn money group (if they throw their share due to fear). Hope they gain some lesson. Don't listen to people and do your own analyst. This way when sudden thing happen it won't panic you and sell without logical thinking :-)

So make your own decision when buy and sell don't listen to other when they say uptrend or down trend. All are just predict and may not be accurate. Yes that include what I say too....


2014-02-28 07:03 | Report Abuse

Yes. Stay away from this counter. Goreng without any fact or news. They could be stuck or pending some materialize to announce the news. Anyway if they are late and the big fish hat want to earn quick money need to withdraw money and move to other counter that will move. Therefore they will throw out. The problem depend on how many more share in their hand to throw. Do a simple calculation when this counter up from 0.4x or 0.5 till the peak what the buying volume then subtract when the selling volume since the peak. Of course not going to accurate at least can have the selling how long more till all it's out.

The problem once all out will this counter go up again or will stay and stuck there for another year? Good if you have holding power or smart enough to get out and reinvest the money to other area and then re-enter back this counter later when it have not move much and wait for he next wave.


2014-02-27 21:44 | Report Abuse

haha that sound like I'm old people as well hehehe.... no worry I like man man lai


2014-02-27 21:42 | Report Abuse

@suz99 - you also invest in mflour? that another good counter that I'm investing too :-)


2014-02-27 21:33 | Report Abuse

Keep this for long term guys. If you stay with me :-) Remember I say every two to 3 cents drop I buy some for Padini since 1.8 -> 1.58


2014-02-27 10:50 | Report Abuse

Haha..... Now RHB fair value on Padini stand at RM1.95


2014-02-27 10:42 | Report Abuse

Actually that is true provided you know the company business strategy and know what they headed to.... Plus knowing the management team. Then go in when everyone are fear and throw.


2014-02-27 10:36 | Report Abuse

Yes the quarterly report look promising and the profit is at least two fold. I expect to see more growth in next two quarter. Not sure if they will propose share buy back due to the share price still consider very low to collect. I wish the management will propose or already doing that for the purpose of investor and the company. So when the next two quarter result showing positive with dividend at least they company already accumulate substantial of stock to pay back their loyal investor. Haha


2014-02-27 10:27 | Report Abuse

Now just waiting for the dividend to come to our bank account. Remember to reinvest bank to your own company by visiting Padini :-) every quarter I buy at least one item from Padini for the last three years plus. My friend thought my parent work in Padini.... Hahaha....

Good day for everyone. Let see what can Padini do more for next week.


2014-02-27 10:25 | Report Abuse

If you can hold for medium to long term then you should continue buying this counter especially when people sell off :-)


2014-02-26 11:47 | Report Abuse

It suppose yesterday base on past couple of years experience but I am wrong :-(


2014-02-26 11:40 | Report Abuse

Hope those investor does not use the ticket and go Holland already :-)


2014-02-26 11:32 | Report Abuse

who dare to catch?


2014-02-26 10:26 | Report Abuse

When majority if people sell I will start collecting :-) always be the top 5% that thinkthe other way. I ccould be the worst 5% too hehe.....


2014-02-26 10:15 | Report Abuse

@ray81 - that does not work as good result. Folks does not believe this counter are making money and will profit their investor. Even good news out you will surprise if the share price of this counter is going the other way. That the beauty of stock market. You never know what coming next to us :-)


2014-02-26 09:54 | Report Abuse

weird.... when it up and I warn people for caution no one listen now when it down all come out with negative comments. Suddenly people realize and did not trust or believe in QA..... This is the fun part of invest in Malaysia stock market. Trust me a lot people willing to cut loss by lossing money. You can see it here now. If they really hold tie this won't happen. Better still if they not enter the counter till the news is out :-)


2014-02-26 07:19 | Report Abuse

No problem suz99.


2014-02-26 07:18 | Report Abuse

I like the Warren Buffet quote. In reality 99% of people not doing that instead the other way round :-) else we have many local Warran Buffet already. Hahaha.... I think now a lot of people start to scare and have sleepless night yesterday worry about which direction the Sona counter will headed to

Today will be interesting show with many negative comment. For those who read please think twice what to believe and what not. The main problem still if you do not know the counter don't ever touch it else you are just a blind follower.....


2014-02-26 07:13 | Report Abuse

@liausan - really? You look at IOI corp or IOIPG? Maybe they wanted to let the share go down further and collect before they move them up again?


2014-02-26 07:08 | Report Abuse

I already loaded. Will hold for a year at least.


2014-02-26 00:24 | Report Abuse

I'm stock market everything is possible. It can go down and it can up as well. If you are easy panic people then don't step into stock market. Or else get into conservative counter.


2014-02-25 14:14 | Report Abuse

Wonderful...... Wish many get trap. It's time to pay back. Don't surprise if it drop again. Anyway it won't bother for those that hold and for long term. No offend guys.


2014-02-25 09:29 | Report Abuse

@suz99 - quick one to look at is Sona-wa. You can buy mother as well depend on your capital. Play safe and at your own risk.

another one safer but take slightly longer mflour-wb. Accumulate now and harvest in next two months.

You need to study and understand them well and the potential risk. Don't just follow. Even I do a lot of study I can still wrong :-) this is the wonderful of stock market.


2014-02-25 09:25 | Report Abuse

Just bought 5 more lots to strengthen my portfolio. Good luck for short term player.


2014-02-24 21:53 | Report Abuse

@suz99 - that really depend on your risk profile. Are you aggressive type investor? Think first before you answer the question :-)

What industry you are interested or looking for invest?


2014-02-24 21:47 | Report Abuse

If no more new buyer power it will go down further. I could be wrong and I hope I'm wrong :-)


2014-02-24 10:21 | Report Abuse

Now can see people are scare and don't want to take risk. They start to throw, which is good thing for some folks and maybe bad thing for another group of folks.


2014-02-24 10:15 | Report Abuse

Just bought 5 lots mother and 10 lots son for at least medium term.


2014-02-24 10:13 | Report Abuse

Let start collecting more if you have some bullet. I just in another 5 lots today to keep :-)


2014-02-24 10:06 | Report Abuse

There are some interested buyer ahead of quarterly report but there are some potential seller as well.... hehehe


2014-02-24 10:05 | Report Abuse

if break 1.72 this week then the engine should be fully warm up.... Hope I'm right.


2014-02-24 10:00 | Report Abuse

I would say let target 0.38 first :-)


2014-02-24 09:59 | Report Abuse

chicken are running now :-) won't be able to break 0.35


2014-02-24 08:33 | Report Abuse

@golden_horse - what a tough question :-) like cut loss now? Here my sincere advice....

1. Do you still think this company making profit? If yes then hold it.
2. Do you really need to use the money now? If not then hold it.
3. Do you have another target counter which you think in two months or so can make profit that you loss in AAX? If no then hold it.
4. What your average price for AAX? If quite close to current price then hold it.

Of course if your answer to the above 4 questions is otherwise then sell it :-)

We suppose to buy and sell share base on logical sense and own analyst. Because a lot of people buy and sell base on emotional :-) Don't laugh still a lot of people doing that now.


2014-02-24 08:28 | Report Abuse

wow RM1 ?? You aim really high and I believe everyone wish that could happen soon as well. It will take some time for that to happen and depend on Global and local market condition for next couple of weeks too. Again still no news on QA :-) but if warrant break 0.37 today I will definitely go in more.


2014-02-23 11:37 | Report Abuse

Just receive my bonus..... Hooray.... Now will go in more next week


2014-02-23 11:36 | Report Abuse

I will go in more when it reach 0.46 and above :-) please don't just listen and follow. Do your own analyst and study first. All the best guys.


2014-02-23 11:34 | Report Abuse

I don't see a point why they want to give dividend. Are you guys predict this from the past year action?


2014-02-23 11:29 | Report Abuse

@Pennymoney - good for you :-) look like nextnat is more risky then this counter. But more risk also mean more return if +ve more burn if -ve :-)

Good luck!

How much you know about nextnat? Unless you have insider news hehehe.....


2014-02-23 11:10 | Report Abuse

AAX and Air Asia still make money while MAS loss money just to compete with both AAX and Air Asia. But need to admit that they earn less. When the economic not good and down trend mode everyone want to save money and does not care much on service and etc, this time AAX and Air Asia are in their advantages but when economic pickup and become really good then people mind set change and will pay little more for better service and more comfortable flight :-) even then the company need a good management to run the show :-)

Which management team you like? Air Asia/AAX vs MAS?


2014-02-23 00:38 | Report Abuse

Haha.... I also don't understand ampabella :-). Just need to be patient and wait for it turn. Some time it will take longer then you expected.

Most important when you bought this counter did you understand what they do and did you confidence what they do? If your answer is yes then no worry.

But revisit your decision time over time and ask yourself did you still believe this counter realistically? If no then sell it hope with profit if not then try to sell with minimal loss. Thus the only advice I can share.


2014-02-22 01:09 | Report Abuse

Mother up one cents per week and if son up half cents per week then consider good for me. Anything more than that is consider bonus to me hehehe....


2014-02-22 01:07 | Report Abuse

Glad to see there are people that know this counter well too. As mention couple of time in my previous post this counter is definitely for long term unless thing change.

Also my wish come true :-) start of the week the price 1.65 end of the week 1.66 (exactly one cents up) that what I'm looking for. Every week up one cents is really good for me. Keep the good work MFlour.....

Now if end of next week the share end up 1.67 it will hit my target again :-) if more than that I definitely welcome it and a bonus to me.


2014-02-22 00:58 | Report Abuse

Well, good news does not mean the share price will up. It depend on a lot of reasons and factor too.

There should be an announcement next week on dividend. If I guess correctly should be on Feb 25 based on number of years I invest in Padini. No doubt there are high chances the announcement is good one plus the exact announcement on dividend it does not mean the share price will shoot up. From the pass it will be move up quite a bit but not sure this time. There are always an exception. I don't want to be over confidence and then cause some disappointment to very short term folks if that not happen :-)


2014-02-21 07:31 | Report Abuse

If it still does not move I afraid the QA rumour is fake and the trend will be reversal.... then it will fal faster and quicker then when it when up :-)


2014-02-21 01:24 | Report Abuse

Back to almost starting point :-)


2014-02-20 15:19 | Report Abuse

wait and see.... it always up and then down back. Have been couple of round. Can easily predict the pattern... hehehe.....