
powerwk | Joined since 2012-01-26

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2013-12-26 10:03 | Report Abuse

Whatever you guy try to do here the big and final winner still the insider; the big boss behind as they will surely know the news will impacted them or not. They have lot of way to earn big money from this to celebrate any welcome lovely 2014.

Enough for sharing and will leave now. See you guy on 2014. Don't gamble like all in man we are not god of gambler else we won't be here. One last note - follow your heart and be realistic!!! Then you should be good in everything you do or invest.

Merry Christmas and Happy new Year 2014!


2013-12-26 09:59 | Report Abuse

But if still no news (good or bad) those folks will hold tie. Therefore when news out the true color or reaction will only resurface. So at this point just a gamble game like genting. Will the result Big or Small. Hope it open with the result you really want.


2013-12-26 09:56 | Report Abuse

I believe only small portion that get burn a lot. The majority are still okay. Because the majority of share holder are holding the stock with purchase price less than 0.9 only the late comer buy at double the price.


2013-12-26 09:54 | Report Abuse

duitKwspkita - that always the case Big eat Small like us :-) what to do unless you are Big else we are always in uncertain situation. People already run but we still here when danger ahead of us. People already in but we not yet when good thing ahead of us :-) all this just a reality when we invest our hard earn money in stock market.


2013-12-26 09:46 | Report Abuse

The problem no one know if they are selling now or they still hold it. Either way is a dangerous thing to solid investor. Because of this, it cause impact to other spac counter. Before this people always say look at hibiscs this will going to happen the same for cliq and sona now. Now they look at this not sure what their reaction toward stock they hold in cliq or sona.

But one thing should not use one case and assume every case are the same just not fair and not true as well.


2013-12-26 09:41 | Report Abuse

Not square one yet. Back to 0.5++ only consider square one. Therefore still those people buy and accumulate below that are still pretty good. They won't worry at this point. Only pity those bought at 1.8 and above..... Hope they did not bought too much.


2013-12-26 09:26 | Report Abuse

Look like many still gamble the hope. No harm give it a final try if you already loss more than 40% or so. Good luck! If the news out bad then you need to make some decision quickly. If news not bad but some negative impact for medium term then you need to prepare for that as well. If good news then wait and ride for it until it consolidate again. Hopefully you can sell by that time and make profit from it.


2013-12-26 09:09 | Report Abuse

Wow.... Not sure how this end up today. For those who buy lower then this price should really get the profit now. And for those who buy around this price or slightly higher should think about the cut loss. Know it's tough but no one know how deep it can go today :-(


2013-12-26 08:59 | Report Abuse

Should be very interesting day for hibiscs. Hope the investor of hibiscs going to do well soon. Thing happen :-(


2013-12-25 21:22 | Report Abuse

@samcghee - yeah do more research and understand their future expansion plan and development will help. Do do make good money from Dialog :-)


2013-12-24 16:10 | Report Abuse

@samcghee - I opt for Dialog.... I invest in this counter before but not now as I focus on consumer and telco for last two to three years :-) For those who know me..... I choose and pick stock that I hardly need to worry even when economic crisis. May not be the best return stock and etc but at least I no need to run like a chicken whenever there is bad news.... Global and locally.

If you bought mflour-wb at 23 cents then in next couple of months you may think about harvest some to reward yourself for being so patient. Good work man!


2013-12-24 11:54 | Report Abuse

Yeah, one thing.... Don't forget to buy some MFlour-WB if you are long term investor. In personal opinion it will pay out later :-) So make your own decision.


2013-12-24 11:37 | Report Abuse

@samcghee - I only have couple of counter that I know well. I only add to my watch list only if I'm invest in it :-)

@KC Loh - I believe everyone want MFlour to go further. But as I mention I'm super duper happy if it up couple of cents on daily basis and drop because of contra player with one two cents once a while is fine too.

If it maintain till end of day trading then even get closer to my end of year prediction!

Happy investing.


2013-12-24 08:32 | Report Abuse

@imoogi99 - they are just contra player or short term. Wherever can make money you can see them. They make profit and run. How you expect them to have time to study the company background and potential future development and growth?

They will claim we are stupid :-) So that the different.... Now, explain that?

Also they will laugh at you when you are not run when the stock down trend and they run earlier..... They will sure come back here to make noise and negative feedback.

BUT remember, world will be remain wonderful if these people is around, else not more fun.


2013-12-23 16:52 | Report Abuse

Thanks KC Loh...... Happy holiday to everyone man. One more day for Christmas and 3 more trading days and end the 2013 chapters.

As always enjoy investing.... If you did not enjoy when you invest then don't ever do it man! Waste your time and going to impact your health. Health come first :-)

My prediction getting closer!!!


2013-12-23 13:02 | Report Abuse

Thanks Nevets for sharing. There is no surprise that Padini being selected as one of the love stock.

I always have this quote for Padini -> Once you hold it you won't let it go :-)


2013-12-22 16:10 | Report Abuse

Sound interesting to switch over to airline. How about AAX? By the way don't even treat my comments as references as I didn't know much on airline related counter. But lately have heard folks talking about airline. But one thing we should invest in something that we know best. Else don't even try it unless you have done your home work and study the counter by review the past 5 years performance and what theirs future plan.


2013-12-22 15:56 | Report Abuse

4 more trading days to go before we say good bye to 2013. Wish every investor. Especially MFlour investor have a great harvest in coming 2014. Happy holiday, Christmas and New Year.


2013-12-20 16:33 | Report Abuse

sure yfchong.... I only use the product that I'm invest in :-) that include cloth; Telco and food...


2013-12-20 00:17 | Report Abuse

This is running side way. Could be in consolidation mode or phase now. As I mention before even get the acquisition confirmation. The first and second quarter result from the acquire company need to be solid and make positive revenue. Then I believe this counter will fly high. I'm not that ambitious it will fly to RM2 but at least something promising and reasonable like RM0.8 provide he above mention item is happening!!!


2013-12-20 00:08 | Report Abuse

Good to know another 4 cents today. This is good enough for me hahaha.... As long as up couple cents very day I would be damn happy. Of course this will not happen everyday for sure.

This is long term counter!! Keep more than 2 years you will realize what I say.... Check the pass 10 years charts and the growth of this counter both the capital and dividend. Please don't get me wrong, I believe there are other good or even better counter then this one in Bursa just that I did not in to it with more research :-)

Most importantly happy investing.....


2013-12-20 00:03 | Report Abuse

@samcghee - Yeah will receive the dividend day after tomorrow. Will keep some to buy my favorite toy. The remaining one will invest back to this counter :-)

@KC Loh - 40 cents is a good one.... But it will take some time. I don't expect it will up that much for 2013 before start of 2014. If that happen then it a surprise bonus for me. Will sell one or two to buy something great for my lovely wife :-)


2013-12-19 09:03 | Report Abuse

Thanks IIoydlim!

Think people did not interested in the award news. This consider a good news but not the right time. Sona really need to show other the solid result of the acquisition. That will definitely attract many investor. Hopefully less contra player :-)

Here what the management need to do.....
1. Identify the potential company for acquisition. The company need to be stable and strong cash flow and continue growth in the last 5 to 10 years.
2. Announce the profit generated quarterly from all acquire companies.
3. Repeat #1 and #2 above for second acquisition and so on.

When the stock price move on then contra player will be lesser and lesser.


2013-12-19 01:27 | Report Abuse

@ktjaven - I like that..... "No movement is better than price drop..." For some reason it very true :-) I understand that situation and feeling. But still the same old comments I mention before probably not in this thread. If you trust and have confidence with the company management and their financial plus they strong business model then no need to worry. Just leave your money there unless something bad happen to the company then you need to let go. Good if still got profit worst if cut with lost. Anyway still better than get nothing.

Cut lost is a most difficult skill and discipline that as a good investor this is the first thing we need to learn and master at even before we are serious in stock market.

I say this base on my past experience. I'm now much better investor :-) just my own opinion and sharing.


2013-12-19 01:15 | Report Abuse

Thanks benson911 to extracts this from Padini soft copy or documents they send to us!


2013-12-18 17:47 | Report Abuse

I'm great to see many folks here have knowledge about the share buy back and Padini as a strong fundamental company in his industry. Thanks for all to spend time writing and help to explain to other so that they know and clear what share buy back mean and how it help the company overall. Again in certain circumstances it have negative impact to the company....


2013-12-18 17:43 | Report Abuse

Cool. That the spirit we want. Regardless green or red we should have great Christmas and Happy New Year. If our spirit continue. Before the year end this counter should look good. Have a great day every one!


2013-12-18 15:04 | Report Abuse

Anyone want to predict today will end up green or red? Just less than 2 hours before it closing.


2013-12-18 10:56 | Report Abuse

Ah ha.... Okay got it now..... :-). Hope that come true as you all wish!


2013-12-18 10:29 | Report Abuse

You guys expect another round of dividend? If yes when you think they going to payout?

If the mother share steadily going up...... Don't forget about good opportunity on warrants later :-)


2013-12-18 10:22 | Report Abuse

Till now, no show yet.....

Need patient on this counter. After some observation and check the company and their management background. This is fundamental strong company with right management. It's look like they take longer then expected to acquire a good & potential company. This bring both pros and cons. It's good for investor for long term but it do test the investor patient level. I will give it until around end of March 2014 to provide confirmation on acquisition of a good & potential company then bring solid result!!!

Please use my comments as references.


2013-12-18 10:14 | Report Abuse

@benson911 - as I mention before share buy back does not mean share price will be up. Hope people don't get it wrong. Don't get me wrong either I of course want the share price to be up up up but we need to share information transparently and accordingly.

@Nevets - congrats on holding Padini and bought it at good price too. If you hold it for another couple of round of dividend then you won't want to sell it :-)

For the rest don't get me wrong about holding the Padini stock. If you feel want to sell or buy at different price level feel free to do so :-)


2013-12-18 10:06 | Report Abuse

@Master - why you say so? > Good time show from today onward

Something going to happen soon? Insider news? Mind to share.


2013-12-18 00:57 | Report Abuse

@derrickinvestoe - why you say tomorrow will clim up to 0.44? That is 10% man.... If you don't have anything solid please don't simply say it :-) if someone that didn't do their homework and buta-buta go in then they will stuck there....


2013-12-16 00:28 | Report Abuse

@tshwong - kind of agree with you. I try to find that out before but no luck. Everyone have the right to comment in open forum like this. So really depend on folks to differentiate which one is good and bad guys. If follow bad guy both sell or buy at wrong price will definitely make us loss money. Or earn far less than we suppose to. So read the forum comments with filter. Don't follow buta-buta. Your money will also jade buta.


2013-12-16 00:20 | Report Abuse

Thanks man! Yes I'm around Klang Valley. Among the counter I do monitor and knowing Haio, QL both are quite good counter and you may not want to withdraw that first. If you are buying I do recommend drbhcom then follow by MAS. Simply because the rest I did not study or know much.

By the way good luck man! Let see if we can make it to meet up later.


2013-12-16 00:15 | Report Abuse

Thanks callme777 for sharing. Are you still holding this counter?


2013-12-15 00:55 | Report Abuse

@mmaker - thanks for sharing. From your scenario.... Buy when it up to your target profit sell. If drop then keep. They can make money simply because they make folks scare and start thinking of cut loss.... This way many people can't think rationally and then start to think that sell the stock is wise idea and choice. Then they proof you are wrong.... They will repeat this more if that approach work for them. Don't laugh still people will do the same again and go in even more. Then they trap again.... When situation worst they scare and repeat the same mistake buy selling with loss.... Hope this help. Well sometime we really need to cut loss if we doing that please don't come back the same counter again!!!


2013-12-14 19:18 | Report Abuse

@junyuan - what good news you refer to or waiting for? They even announce or hint for any qa coming.


2013-12-14 19:18 | Report Abuse

Agree with derrickinvestor.... Can't stay above 0.42 if that happen then really time to go in.


2013-12-14 19:15 | Report Abuse

@IIoydlim - why you say all O&G shall fly on Monday. What logic behind this? I miss something here?


2013-12-14 19:12 | Report Abuse

@Nevets - mind to share what counter you are holding and what methods you use for that counter? I live my money to grow more. So far I only have Padini as my long term counter. What your recommendation?


2013-12-13 22:51 | Report Abuse

Sona mother need to break 50 cents.... Else it will trade between the range 0.43 - 0.47 (max). But once break 50 cents. It can't be stop for a while before it settle down.

This counter will not waste time. Just timing.... If can't wait then have to leave this counter and look for other more aggressive and up everyday :-)

Do come back and let everyone know if you found such a counter. We will sure all go there and support it without a doubt... Haha...


2013-12-13 19:51 | Report Abuse

Regardless if Benalec is a good company or not one common thing here after the comments observation. Those that keep on curse or provide negative comments tho maybe valid and good comments are those that make money from Benalec :-)

So you guys will still buy when this counter go lower certain price? If yes, why? What the logic behind all this? Well I would like to learn more from you guys..... SO that I can become part of you. Buy -> make money -> sold -> curse / negative feedback -> share drop -> buy again with higher volume -> make money -> sold -> curse more -> leave the stock forever..... Haha.... I like it. It would be good if we can do the same for any counter we want!

I suppose those that loss money will curse more..... Where are you?

Sorry if I offend anyone here. Just think this is open forum and should share more and be open. Those that give negative comments definitely still like this counter on the other side of themselves else they won't spend time in this thread and provide so many valuable comments!


2013-12-13 11:48 | Report Abuse

lloydlim - what the chances of delay the tapering to March? I didn't follow much on the tapering news. Mind to share more.


2013-12-13 11:45 | Report Abuse

Wow.... Suddenly all the negative comments come from nowhere. You guys planning to buy at lower price? Or just so nice to share this so that people not get caught in this counter? So what the recommendation for those who hold this stock now? Sell? Switch to other counter?

Just curious if you (BullBear) have been holding stock in this counter before? If yes are you making money or loss money? Mind to share with us which just small investor? Hope to hear from you soon since you are very active now!


2013-12-12 14:48 | Report Abuse

@fifijalal - you mean 60 cents or 60 ringgit :-) I think everyone will have the same as you did. Hahah.... Relax man!


2013-12-12 14:44 | Report Abuse

@Nevets - is the same case when I bought at 1.1 or higher. The stock did go down as well. The different I did not sold it too frequent when it up and down. Therefore I an harvest any time now. Panini is just a stock like this. I know many stock if you hold and did not sell it to make profit it may not the right thing to do. Again, Padini is different at least till now. I can't guarantee what it will be like that forever. But as of now I don't see a point to sell it yet. Maybe until I can buy an Audi for cash then I might sell it :-)


2013-12-12 08:47 | Report Abuse

@Nevets - I think you get me wrong. For my case I bought it even before it get split on year 2010. Then continue buy at 1.1, 1.22, 1.58, 1.39, 1.70, 1.87. I don't even sell when it reach at one point 2.3x if I recall correctly. I maybe stupid but since I didn't need the money I put it there for consistent dividend :-)

One of the other reason there not many good counter I can trust to put money in. Therefore park my money in Padini. The company with vision "to be the best fashion company ever".

Yes, at any point of time there lot of other factor we will need to aware and monitor. Again a good fundamental stock let us worry less.


2013-12-12 04:03 | Report Abuse

To wolverine - I don't catch your word between the line. Can elaborate more? Sorry if I ask silly questions.