
powerwk | Joined since 2012-01-26

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2013-12-12 04:00 | Report Abuse

Thanks eugene724. Mind to share how many years you have been holding Padini?


2013-12-12 03:57 | Report Abuse

By roughly checking the price they sell it at lost? At least under IPO value. Unless the stock they sold bought it at low price which lower then IPO price.

They make the worst investment then us :-)


2013-12-12 03:54 | Report Abuse

To messi - thanks for sharing. By the way, at what the price that they dispose for each of the date mention above?


2013-12-12 03:52 | Report Abuse

To tsurukame - thanks for your concern. Maybe they have some info that we don't have?


2013-12-12 03:49 | Report Abuse

I say that because the globe or other region not doing well so that will impact Malaysia market. Therefore interesting to see how this counter react on it. Same thing for tomorrow as Europe and US region stock are not doing good. Usually it will somehow impact Malaysia market.


2013-12-11 15:41 | Report Abuse

Cool thanks for sharing man. I feel your frustration. I will frustrated as well if there is one more such case happen in near future.

I hope you did not loss a lot of money. At least did not sell at below 0.9 which happen in last two weeks. Happy trading man!!! Stay cool....


2013-12-11 15:27 | Report Abuse

tsurukame - no one can 100% sure. Every company have potential in INTEGRITY issues because it run by human :-) It just that how serious it could be and how the company or the CEO react of the issues. Anyway I could be wrong as I really don't have the answer for that. Just like some time we ask ourself are we going to make the similar mistake again. We say NO but "Are you sure?"

I do wish that the Benalec management people are here in this forum to make the necessary correction and improve in that moving forward.

By the way I assume you (tsurukame) do not hold any stock of this counter now right?


2013-12-11 14:32 | Report Abuse

ST - yes will most likely continue to drop if without support.

tsurukame - I believe a lot of folks may not agree with you. Yes they have integrity or legal issues but everyone make mistake. Over time they have to fix it.... If they don't then I have to agree with you. Sorry don't get me wrong I'm neutral not really into this counter and not against it as well. I even just bought some yesterday :-) despite all the issues they have.

In general their business model are good and have strong fundamental but just because of some management it being drag. I'm not sure how long the management will take that back to black day (30%-40% above IPO price). But I do have some hope and believe in the current management.

To Benalec management: If you read this and watch this forum, let do something here as you still have a lot of supporter :-) Don't ever disappointing them else you have to pay high price, hahaha..


2013-12-11 14:23 | Report Abuse

This is the counter that you buy->keep->sleep then one day you realize how many profit you make. I keep this for 3 years now... only buy but I do sell 5% so far if need money for urgent case but still sold with awesome profit. So far I have make 40% from the stock price alone and excluded the dividend, lazy to do that calculation so more I use up the money already. 30% of the dividend I get back to Padini by purchase their product. Some of my friend thought I working in Padini or I just like Padini so much hahaha...

@vaentec - Yes it sad to see those buy for dividend but they may not gain a lot from it by selling. They may be the group that need those money for other thing from time to time. For example: ex date for Padini then they move to other dividend counter when ex date for that counter then move again and so on. Or they withdraw the money for other counter that may provide short term and higher return counter. Hope they are right for the decision make.

At the end of the day, it the same.... with this kind of people left this counter then it will slowly move back. It a demand vs supply if I hold the stock and did not supplied it for sell and if they buyer want to buy then will need to buy at higher price and vice versus.

Long term - keep buying using the money you do not needed for at least 6 months.

Short term - stay away from this counter :-) it just not the best fit for shorter term investor.

Go for Sona/CLIQ/Benalec/Instaco and etc..... It better short term stock to go for...


2013-12-11 09:50 | Report Abuse

selling pressure will start soon. stay tuned!


2013-12-11 09:46 | Report Abuse

Even with that news, people don't buy the idea.... Its need to be materialize and contract sign. Else anyone can just say they plan to do this and that. Action still the most important one. All investor are educate and smart enough to evaluate the situation. Don't get me wrong, this perhaps still a good counter to hold on and see what happen in early Jan next year.

If you believe the management then go in now (provided you comfortable with the share price) if not just wait till that happen first. Of course at that time (if it real) then you will pay higher price for the same number of lots you intend to invest earlier.

Good luck!


2013-12-11 09:40 | Report Abuse

haha..... let see. Today Selangor on holiday all still not yet wake up yet. Will see the true reaction later.


2013-12-11 09:22 | Report Abuse

haha.... for some no good.... today price will drop further with lack of support.

Good for those who want buy more..... bad for those who want to throw or hold lots in higher prices.


2013-12-11 00:09 | Report Abuse

by the way tomorrow will be interesting.....


2013-12-11 00:07 | Report Abuse

losing money definitely not fun but what can you do about it if that happen. Either you 'muka masam' to face that or look for better opportunity? Well unless you borrow money and invest then that really a problem :-)


2013-12-11 00:02 | Report Abuse

gut feeling there will be no announcement going to be make instead will postponed that :-)


2013-12-10 17:00 | Report Abuse

I did not say it loud in the comments for this prediction.... for the past 4 I do it correctly for MFlour. If you want to know, not sure you can pm me separately and I can share.


2013-12-10 16:45 | Report Abuse

hahah end up flat nothing happen which is good.


2013-12-10 16:32 | Report Abuse

today price range between 1.02 and 1.07 those buy in 1.07 will have to wait longer.
I do go today at the middle with small amount of lots :-)


2013-12-10 16:28 | Report Abuse

Let see if my prediction thru out the year end is accurate :)


2013-12-10 16:07 | Report Abuse

look hard to break with current interest....


2013-12-10 15:28 | Report Abuse

But it does not look like a uptrend to me. At the end of day you need to make the final call.


2013-12-10 15:26 | Report Abuse

Make money or loss money life still need to goes on. So enjoy life in stock markets.


2013-12-10 12:33 | Report Abuse

ahah..... that what I thought as well. Want to check if that really what you mean in your first comment.... Anwyay let have fun.... Life need to be fun.


2013-12-10 11:55 | Report Abuse

haha..... got it.... maybe you need to change your profile picture.... luck maybe better :-)


2013-12-10 11:47 | Report Abuse

ganasai - we can't do that for all the counter..... some really doing bad with other reasons... management change; business model change; miss project contract and etc... So still depend on case by case basis. People need some time to think and evaluate what going on and still a under value buy or not.... Everyone here use the hard earn money to make their money work harder so they need to be careful as well.

No offend man...


2013-12-10 11:44 | Report Abuse

i3investor700 - You mean do not feel or feel?

Let have some fun here.... Anyone interested to guess what the closing price for Padini?


2013-12-10 11:14 | Report Abuse

also, there are lot of poeple waiting to take profit.... especially those that sapu below 0.9 before this.... therefore they need to be rich first before YOU (YOU = all that bought after IPO :-) No offend but that true. Unless something magical happen.

Last, there are still group of people strongly believe Mr. Ben


2013-12-10 11:10 | Report Abuse

just my personal opinion this counter won't move fast.... it take it sweet time. If expected to harvest soon. Just mission impossible... I hope it proof me wrong so other can benefit it :-)


2013-12-10 09:36 | Report Abuse

hehehe..... funny stock.


2013-12-09 13:01 | Report Abuse

This is new to me.... Thanks for sharing as well.... What issues regarding the court case.


2013-12-09 12:59 | Report Abuse

The share buy back will definitely approve but again that does not mean the share price will up too. I say that base on the number of years I hold the Padini stock and see him growth. Because we need to know what the intention of the share buy back. To benefit the company and stakeholder interest. Therefore they need to but the stock at the right price :-) should not buy too high then it eat up our dividend as well....


2013-12-09 10:26 | Report Abuse

Haha.... accumulate phase.... again, everyone timing is different. For other this may not be the right time yet. Let see what end up by end of this week.


2013-12-09 10:23 | Report Abuse

Datokim..... thanks for sharing! You holding a lot?


2013-12-09 10:20 | Report Abuse

Haha... rupa rupa false article..... let wait for the true one to be out then.


2013-12-09 09:34 | Report Abuse

Hehe..... now coming down back.... let hope the contra player bought at higher price and wish the price stay there for a week or two then move up again and do the same...
All bro.... please don't hate me. This definitely more benefit for those that hold the stock for some time. Believe we have been holding for some time. Might as well wait for another months :-)
Of course it going to fly and no one one can stop it.... I'm happy too as I can harvest earlier.


2013-12-09 09:27 | Report Abuse

Ahhhh.... so may be now not the right timing then. You need to wait for next round. Good luck.


2013-12-09 09:25 | Report Abuse

Fifijalal.... contra player can't wait la... if they do get force sell and mau loss money or get less due to higher charge :-)
Its not like us hold and wait... just need to be patient. Give the counter some time to breath; relax and move again.


2013-12-09 09:21 | Report Abuse

Indeed is a good news. But still will take some time for it to move. At least will take the whole week. .. provided no other bad we economic factor :-)

If can go 0.5 and above this week. I will belanja you Steven Yong.


2013-12-09 00:51 | Report Abuse

Hey invester, no worry. Thanks for sharing. You bring the good point about management. Good management create great company. I did not have much insight in this area. Hope someone here that holding this stock for years able to shield us some light on the management capabilities in managing cost and have clear and workable future plan. Perhaps invester you alone can share more?


2013-12-08 16:39 | Report Abuse

Nevets, no worry man. By the way thanks for sharing. I will watch up from time to time.

Wow currency.... Look like you are really lucky guy. Currency confirm having higher risk than stock market. This make me believe you are that kinds that afford to take highest risk investment. I did not try or touch currency before, one day I can learn from you how to make money in currency world. It's totally a different world as far as I know BUT definitely not suitable for everyone, especially those that are having heart attack.

Last your estimate and forecast for Padini to goes to RM 4 is way too optimistic. I believe everyone here would really want to see that happen really soon better still in next week.

No offence but I personally feel that slowly move up will be a much better approach. It will help....
a. Contra player to go away.... no way they will always there.... but I mean reduce the contra player interest :-)
b. More healthy from company perspective and also maintain a good EPS as well.

Some time it hard to share with people about a company and ask to hold the stock unless they have been holding then they should start laughing every now and then when company announce dividend and less worry also when the price fluctuate due to news by ONE man and etc.

Also don't get me wrong. I do that before, when news out sell sell sell. I no longer doing that as that is quite wrong and also it proof that you don't know the company well and inside out. If we don't know the company well like what they doing now? what the plan to do next? what their vision and mission? Not align with their business. Then please don't invest. Very high chances you will loss money in short time.

Sorry guys, say too much I guess... Will try to keep comment shorter next time :)


2013-12-08 16:25 | Report Abuse

Agree with all the comments above.... I wanted to make little extra comment.... this counter definitely not for contra player. You will loss more money then you expected to put your money in this counter. This is the counter for long term and people that have patient.

In my opinion this is one of the few counter that not impact badly due to economic crisis compare to the rest of other counter. Unless you don't eat :-) even you eat less or eat different stuff that not make by flour you still eat hahaha.....


2013-12-08 02:28 | Report Abuse

response on invester -

If government subsidize going to reduce then what will be the reaction of the company? If they did not increase the price they can't survive just that simple :-) If they do increase the price, we (as citizen) suffering as well..... This the real world of economic. Some one just need to pay the price to make the balance sheet balance.


2013-12-08 02:20 | Report Abuse

To Power77 -

That a good question and very subjective as well. You probably need to find the answer yourself or you already have the answer.

Some question for you to think or find out the answer :-) Once you get there then you may be able to answer your own question....

1. Do you know what Padini own as a Group?
2. When you say competitors you refer to what product in Padini?
3. Do you know Padini have it product in Foreign country?


2013-12-07 10:16 | Report Abuse

When the plan to move to main board? Going to discuss and decide in soon to have meeting? When the meeting? Dec 16? Thanks in advance for those who response later and share with me.


2013-12-07 10:10 | Report Abuse

To smalltimer - my guess is bukithot want to collect more... for sure he want to buy a lowest price possible. That way when the stock price move up again. He/she can sell with higher profit.


2013-12-07 09:34 | Report Abuse

Also most of the business cost on transportation are high. If they did not adjust the price they can't sustain for long. Let see when that will happen. But that doesn't mean flour price hike will raise the stock price :-) you will be surprise what some smart investors will do :-)

Another two cents from me. Enjoy your weekend! Your money should be working for you. If not then ask Mr $ to work harder...


2013-12-07 09:29 | Report Abuse

I think they're talking about the price raise after the fuel price increases couple of months back. Not sure if there are any announcement lately about the flour price. Actually is expected soon or later the flour price will sure hike due to many thing already up which cause by fuel price increase.


2013-12-07 09:23 | Report Abuse

I treat this counter more than just FD. In term of return at least 6 times better than FD since holding and buying Padini in 2010 till now. My another alternative for my retirement fund. Again it just my approach. Use this as reference because everyone situation is different.

Have a nice weekend!


2013-12-07 01:17 | Report Abuse

to Nevets - you very lucky to sold at 1.82 but a good sell... Congrats.... I have been holding Padini stocks for years so no intend to sell it yet. Just keep buying :-) Don't get me wrong I do sell it when I really need money but with minimum lots even that I sell with profit :-)

to hepitrade - buy the padini brand of product now and it will hit RM2... just kidding... no one here know and dare to tell when padini will reach what price and etc... unless the Padini boss himself told you that. Else they guy already multi-billionaire... No offend tough.

Have a nice weekend!