
raymondtang | Joined since 2015-03-18

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2015-05-17 12:01 | Report Abuse

No need to agree or disagree. Just watch over the coming weeks....I only talk to 3 big holder last week and all 3 already intend to dump all their holding before I even share my information.


2015-05-17 11:38 | Report Abuse

now lets see how close to .30 it will reach. Good chance to collect on the downtrend to be stuck permenantly.


2015-03-24 06:51 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-03-24 04:56 | Report Abuse

IDC: Hard drive market is shrinking due to cloud shift

IDC data shows hard drive market is shrinking due to cloud shift
HARD DISK STORAGE sales are almost at a standstill, according to recent figures that show just 0.3 percent growth, most of it in emerging markets.
The International Data Corp (IDC) Worldwide Quarterly Disk Storage Systems Tracker, which reports statistics on purchases of hard drives, has shown revenues falling 1.4 percent year on year to $5.9bn in the second quarter, as more homes and businesses move from local hard drives and onsite servers to centralised cloud storage.
"High-end storage sales fell for the fourth consecutive quarter in 2Q14," said IDC storage research director Eric Sheppard. "The high-end decline was not as striking as last quarter but it was coupled with a drop in midrange sales, suggesting weak demand is spreading to other parts of the market.



2015-03-24 04:39 | Report Abuse

SSD Shipments To Double This Year, Hit 40 Percent Of Hard Drive Market By 2016

Anticipated growth in the Ultrabook business combined with falling flash memory component prices is expected to lead to a doubling of SSD shipments this year, according to a new report from IHS iSuppli.

SSD shipments worldwide could reach 83 million units in 2013, up significantly from the 39 million SSDs shipped last year, reported IHS iSuppli in a report the company released Wednesday.

The El Segundo, Calif.-based analyst firm also estimated that SSD shipments would reach 239 million units by 2016, or about 40 percent of total spinning hard drive market that year.


2015-03-24 04:30 | Report Abuse

Intel and Micron are going to kill the hard disk drive
Massive advances in NAND flash storage could eventually render the old spinning drive obsolete.
For too long, it looked like SSD capacity would always lag well behind hard disk drives, which were pushing into the 6TB and 8TB territory while SSDs were primarily 256GB to 512GB.

That seems to be ending. Not long after Samsung announced a 3.2TB SSD drive, Intel announced its alliance with Micron Technology will yield enormous capacity SSD drives.
During an investor webcast last week, Intel announced it will begin offering 3D NAND drives in the second half of next year as part of its joint flash venture with Micron. It stacks 32 planar layers of NAND memory with 3 bits per cell for 32GB of storage in a single MLC die. Pack a bunch of those chips onto an SSD drive or PCI Express card and capacities will easily break the multiple terabyte barrier.

Intel hasn't decided which market segment will get this "breakthrough" technology first. SSD started out on the consumer side and worked its way into the data center slowly, because it had to prove its reliability and stability for the data center market, which has very little patience or tolerance for data loss.



2015-03-23 22:11 | Report Abuse

The share price was never my concern as I will never buy in this company but Since those vested have been personally attacking me and making up lies to con others I will have to share my research with the top 5 funds holding Jcy. Starting with the one holding 50m+ shares. They might be interested in the facts and evidence.


2015-03-23 22:00 | Report Abuse

Wow bonus issue and Jcy venturing into tablet, mobiles, watches, Barbie dolls, everything. Pity Jcy investors have to resort to this low level trickery to promote the company. Desperate and nervous indeed. When 3D nand comes in a few months it will be game over. Intel, micron, toshiba and Samsung all launching 3D nand in a few months. I will be watching in amusement.

Samsung wants to kill hard drives with new high-efficiency SSDs

For the first time, Samsung has started producing SSDs using (wait for it) 3-bit multi-level-cell, 3D Vertical NAND flash memory, better known as TLC V-NAND. So, who in the actual hell cares? You might, if you're planning on buying an SSD or computer soon. Samsung's current V-NAND technology has resulted in models like the 850 Pro SSD, which topped all benchmarks and has a 10-year guarantee. But combining V-NAND with 3-bit tech has more than doubled wafer yields, which should result in even cheaper, faster and higher-capacity SSDs. The disks aren't on sale yet, but there's a good chance that one of the first available will be Samsung's recently leaked 850 EVO.



2015-03-23 15:57 | Report Abuse

the truth? the truth is a bunch of vested individuals trying to con others to buy in on a counter with a coming breakthrough technology thats going to kill its products. For the THIRD time, the directors did not buy in at .74 recently. They bought 1 million shares using ESOS at .61 and only 500k shares at .74. So the majority of the shares bought were using ESOS at .61. but you can keep chanting directors bought at .74 to keep conning others to buy in. All truth and facts are lost in a sea of greed.


2015-03-23 11:11 | Report Abuse

the market already knows it benefit from ringgit. Without favorable ringgit it will be in trouble by now when you look at real sales profit minus currency gain. The market is worried about the serious threat to hdd from the 3D nand break through technology. Are any of the other furniture company or glove company facing a threat in next few months which could kill the demand for their products? No.


2015-03-23 06:21 | Report Abuse

The problem I see here is that many vested do not know about ssd or know enough about it. If they did they will not have invested in jcy in the first place. In life we all make mistake and when we realize our mistake we must admit it to ourselves so we can do something about it so we can move on. Otherwise forever living in that mistake with regret.


2015-03-23 06:12 | Report Abuse

Every company must embrace technological change and adapt to change otherwise they will be out of business very fast. In jcy case it abit too late because they are trap in hdd.


2015-03-23 06:07 | Report Abuse


1. The hdd quantity will not drop to 0 straight away but there will be a major drop where the hdd makers will no longer make money. This type of business need scale and volume to make money and when quantity drop too much they be in trouble.

2. WD and Seagate are laggards in ssd and they have no control the change that is about to happen. Unless they buy out Intel, Samsung, micron Sandisk etc and stop the 3D band technology so they can keep selling hdd. But this is not the case as they cannot buy out all these big ssd company so they go after the smaller ssd makers which they have been buying. They also want a piece of the ssd pie. Both WD snd Seagate is divisified into ssd. Jcy is not divisified into ssd and it is therefore exposed in a major way because it only makes hdd component.

3. When 3D nand is out and ssd price is the same as hdd, of course consumers will switch over from hdd to ssd. You know why? Because simply by converting their hdd to ssd in their laptop, their whole system performance improved straight away. Small money to pay for s major performance improvement where my of or laptop will boot up the operating system 2 times faster and my applications will load up and process says 2 times faster. Most the data centre have already started project to migrate all their hdd to ssd. Why? Because they know 3D nand is coming and the price will match hdd.


2015-03-22 21:03 | Report Abuse

How Intel and Micron May Finally Kill the Hard Disk Drive

For too long, it looked like SSD capacity would always lag well behind hard disk drives, which were pushing into the 6TB and 8TB territory while SSDs were primarily 256GB to 512GB. That seems to be ending. In September, Samsung announced a 3.2TB SSD drive. And during an investor webcast last week, Intel announced it will begin offering 3D NAND drives in the second half of next year as part of its joint flash venture with Micron. Meanwhile, hard drive technology has hit the wall in many ways. They can't really spin the drives faster than 7,200 RPM without increasing heat and the rate of failure. All hard drives have now is the capacity argument; speed is all gone. Oh, and price. We'll have to wait and see on that.



2015-03-22 20:51 | Report Abuse

Buy or sell is everyone's own decision because its your money not mine.


2015-03-22 20:47 | Report Abuse

I do note hate Jcy. Iam only pointing out the facts about ssd and hdd.


2015-03-22 19:38 | Report Abuse

It means whatever you want it to mean. You seem very nervous for someone who thinks hdd is not at risk. Instead of wasting time going around in circles here why don't you use your time more wisely and do some research so I don't have to spoon feed you everything like a baby. The market will decide over the next few weeks/months through the share price whether the coming 3D nand will kill hdd so you don't need to keep trying to convince yourself and me that there is no risk to hdd. I hope you have not vested too heavily.


2015-03-22 17:35 | Report Abuse

When the high end product price is the same as low end product price which one will you buy? I think your answer will be low end product because you are vested in Jcy. while the rest of the market will go for the high end product.


2015-03-22 17:30 | Report Abuse

That day is coming in the next few months with 3d nand because it can store up to 16 times more then any existing product. You know why? Because it is stackable.


2015-03-22 17:14 | Report Abuse

You argument is weak because it is based on personal opinion and emotion. You cannot deny the truth and facts and evidence that ssd will kill hdd very soon. Even if you buy 4 hdd instead of 1 the truth and facts that Ssd will kill ssd.

Your comment about speed once again tells me you know nothing about both ssd and hdd. let me spoon feed you again. The root of the faster performance lies in how quickly SSDs and HDDs can access and move data: SSDs have no physical tracks or sectors and thus no physical seek limits. The SSD can reach memory addresses much faster than the HDD can move its heads.


2015-03-22 15:47 | Report Abuse

You are getting emotional again and ignoring the facts. I have never invested in this counter and never will because hdd will be killed by ssd very soon.


2015-03-22 15:18 | Report Abuse

Iam not vested and never have been And do not have any emotional attachment to it like many those vested. Iam only pointing out the truth which many of those vested want to deny so that small fish do not get trapped at .30


2015-03-22 15:04 | Report Abuse

This counter good at creating lower low. Just ask many still trapped since listing.


2015-03-22 15:02 | Report Abuse

it will be a severe correction like the last 4 times since listing and will rest at .30+ for a long time.


2015-03-22 14:39 | Report Abuse

Rm at all time high on Friday yet share price can drop almost 5%. What does this tell you? The market doesn't care about poor earnings dressed with forex gain. The market is more worried about coming 3D nand ssd and the immenient death of hdd in the next few months. My guess is the price will continue to fall harder all the way until June/ July until reaching bottom at .30+. It will be stuck that level for a long time until Jcy diversify away from hdd.


2015-03-22 11:18 | Report Abuse

First you say HDD is not dropping and now you admit it is dropping but will be offset by ringitt. So if ringitt start to appreciate because Oil price recover then JCY earning it will be fine just like HDD? or let me guess you want to ignore oil prices and ringitt as well the same way you want to ignore SSD.


2015-03-22 11:00 | Report Abuse

doesnt matter if they have 100% of HDD market, when SSD 3D nand is launched its game over for HDD. All the smart money has already pile into semicon companies which SSD is reliant on. Notice why Unisem and MPI share price keep going up over the last 6 months but JCY gone backwards? The market is not stupid. It knows HDD will not be around for long. .

Notion has 2 recent consecutive quarters of losses ( -7.8m and -15m). Even try to buy a silver mine to move away from HDD.


2015-03-22 09:08 | Report Abuse

The facts and supporting evidence has been provided but the ones who have vested in JCY keep denying these factsl. Let me give you some more facts since I have to keep spoon feeding many here.

WD and Seagate are laggards in the SSD that is why they have been buying up SSD makers to position themselves in ssd. The facts/evidence already provided
in the 4 links in my previous post (scroll up to read so I dont have to double spoon feed). The top 3 SSD makers are Samsung with a nearly 30% world market share, Next is Intel with about 14% market share and followed by Scandisk, Toshiba and Micron.

FACT: http://www.kitguru.net/components/ssd-drives/anton-shilov/samsung-remains-the-worlds-largest-maker-of-ssds-gartner/

WD and Seagate do not even make it on the top 6 SSD producers in the world. To use their finanacial reports as the basis for SSD sales is a joke. Its like trying to compare SSD V HDD sales by only looking at SSD maker SANdisk financial results.

SSD have been around longer then 2012 and the price has been dropping drastically. SSD 3D NAND technology is a recent breakthrough which will be launched by Intel and many other SSD makers mid this year and kill HDD. FACT: http://www.itworld.com/article/2851057/intel-and-micron-are-going-to-kill-the-hard-disk-drive.html

Toshiba and Sandisk are also about to start producing 3D NAND.

Toshiba and SanDisk to start producing 3D NAND flash memory in Japan

* The new and advanced 3D NAND technology can store 16 times more than any other existing products.

* Research firm IHS reveals this portion will see a dramatic expansion to 30.2% in 2015.

* Toshiba and California-based SanDisk will split the cost and invest up to 500 billion yen ($4.9 billion) in the new facility in Japan.

Phison: 256GB SSDs could replace HDDs in notebooks in 2015 – 2016

* solid-state drives could replace HDDs in 2015 – 2016 when their price gets right.

Transcend: SSD prices set to decline by 20 – 30 per cent this year

* The market of solid-state drives is probably one of the fastest growing IT markets nowadays and the competition is pretty tough. While the war on the SSD market
will probably oust many companies, including significant ones.

HDD sales is DROPPING:

FACT: http://www.forbes.com/sites/greatspeculations/2015/01/29/western-digital-posts-mixed-results-as-unit-shipments-stagnate/

* Western Digital announced its Q2 FY 2015 earnings on Tuesday, January 27, reporting a 2% year-on-year decline in net revenues to $3.88 billion.
The hard drive manufacturer reported a 3% y-o-y decrease in the number of units shipped, to 61 million during the quarter

* Unit Shipments Witness Limited Growth

FACT: http://www.cnbc.com/id/102368107

* Seagate's revenue misses estimates as PC shipments fall

* Jan 26 (Reuters) - Hard-drive maker Seagate Technology Plc reported quarterly revenue below analysts' estimates, hurt by lower demand for its products.


2015-03-21 19:35 | Report Abuse

Unfortunately the market is a forward mechanism and it will anticipate the decline in hdd way before it becomes obsolete. The same way the share price for any counter starts to move up before any good result is announced the price can also start to decline way before an actual event takes place. this has started to happen because of the 3D nand ssd breakthrough and the market sees this as a very big risk. In good time everyone want to get in first. In bad time no one want to be the last one to get out.


2015-03-21 17:18 | Report Abuse

Because those other company have good long term prospects. Jcy is in a sunset industry with no long term prospect and not diversified. breakthrough 3D nand ssd technology coming out from Intel in a few months which will kill hdd. Then it doesnt matter how much the earnings is dressed up with forex gain. The funds will dump the shares before this happens as they have many analysts who know the industry and know what is coming. Some of the fund holding up to 50m shares so you can guess what will happen to the price when they start to exit. the volumes sold down on Friday were not small and must be big holders.


2015-03-21 14:07 | Report Abuse

If directors jump over a cliff will you follow? All the directors got burned last year when the price was around current range and they started buying in only to see the price drop to .47 as already mentioned by many here. Most of the director bought using Esos price of .61 including the recent buys last week. You know this fact just like all the other facts you want to ignore and want to keep saying they bought at .74 when in fact they bought 1million shares at .61 using Esos and only 500k at .74 from market.

Sense if this counter is so good you should buy 1 million shares at .70 when market open on Monday morning. Prove to us how confident you are in this counter. If the directors can tell you how low the price will collapse, they will not be trapped in this counter for so many years. Since listing the price collapse from ipo price 1.62 to .40. Then Thai flood made price go up from .40 to 1.60 and collapse again to .50. Then last year the price went up from .50 to .75 and collapse again to .47. This year price recover from .47 to .75 and look like another major collapse coming soon. The price has collapsed in a major way over 4 times since it got listed and each time the directors did not see it coming. Do you think they will see the coming major collapse? I think this one coming will be a big collapse due to ssd and the price will not be able to recover. Many long term investors will be burned along with the directors yet again.


2015-03-20 18:27 | Report Abuse

they are going to venture into SSD with their CNC machines??? even resorting to rumours of diversification into auto (and go the way of the almost now extinct notion vtec- you might as well tell me they will also buy a silver mine too soon). The truth and facts have hit a raw nerve with many here with many now getting emotional and ignoring the facts having no understanding of the industry.

SSD sales booming and price of SSD is depreciating rapidly. 2 years ago it was 10X the price of HDD. 2 years later it is now about 5x. Breakthrough 3d NAND SSD flash technology is coming mid this year which will see a furhter dramatic drop in pricing in SSD like never before.

HDD sales for both WD and seagate on the decline while SSD sales are booming at over 230% a year.

Both WD and Seagate have been buying up SSD flash makers to position themselves for the transition to SSD.

The writing is clearly on the wall. JCY may report another reasonable quarter again but that will be once again dressed with the currency gain which when peeled away will make their real sales profit very poor. Ringitt will not weaken forever and and USD will not appreciate forever. The market knows this and this is why the share price cannot be sustained. Dividend also looks nice on the surface but look deeper and the risk of holding this counter for the dividend does not make any financial sense. for example someone who bought at .76 when the result was announced has made a 6 sen loss in order to get 1.25 sen of dividend. Massive capital loss for a small amount of DY makes no sense especially with the coming threat from SSD.


2015-03-20 14:39 | Report Abuse

And you also followed him last year when he bought at .75 before it dropped to .47. Even all the director insiders who took out the Esos at .61 also die at the time. Everything I have presented here is backed with facts and evidence unlikely some who are still in fairy land making up stories of buying billions in Jcy. You can continue to be in denial and use your made up billions to buy Jcy again now at .74 since md tan last bought at .74 last week. I have never asked anyone to buy or sell but if you want my opinion I think Jcy price collapse to under .30 once 3D nand is released and price gap between hdd and ssd is bridged. I will say this will happen around June/ July. WD and Seagate share price will not be impacted as they have already positioned themself well in ssd. They have bought out many ssd makers.


2015-03-20 13:39 | Report Abuse

Hamr is at least 10 years awaybefore it can even be commercialized. 3D nand is coming out mid this year. 3D nand will destroy hamr/hdd before it even gets a chance to make it to market. Watch Jcy fall like a rock when 3d nand flash is release in next few months. The price gap between ssd and hdd will be closed. The game changer is coming. Hold onto Jcy if you think Iam wrong.



2015-03-20 11:49 | Report Abuse

Lohman the only exaggeration here is the same tune you have been playing for years from reading your previous comments. Have you conveniently forgotten last year when the price was .74 you promoting Jcy heavily asking everyone to buy, you even made up stories and exaggerate to say you bought billions of Jcy yet the price drop to .47 shortly after? Do you know how many people lost money because of your ignorance. Yet you can still have face come back here to comment. You like quote, just think about the scene from titanic when the band keep playing like nothing is wrong yet the ship is sinking and all eventually go down with the ship.

You know why WD and Seagate shares are well supported? Because they venturing into ssd.
By buying out all the ssd makers. There is no relationship between WD and Seagate share price and Jcy. Both U.S. companies shares have doubled in the last 2 years. Jcy drop to a low of .47 last year.


2015-03-20 11:35 | Report Abuse

Wow so precise after 2 years. Let me guess it conveniently failed due to the flash card failing. If this were even true I think you would be 1 in how many millions of smartphones Samsung sells each year? If I do a search for Samsung smart phone product recalls , am I going to sell millions of device recalls due to failed ssd flash card in the last 2 years? No.

The price gap is obviously Not an issue anymore for ssd enterprise segment to grow 230%. As the price of ssd goes down more with the release of 3D nand in the coming months, the percentage is only going to skyrocket more. Cost WAS a factor for ssd but it will not be th case anymore for long.


2015-03-20 09:47 | Report Abuse

Paste facts with links and evidence here please. No second hand information with he said she said. I have a digital camera with a flash card that's over 12 years old and the flash card still working fine. I can send it to you to have a look. I also have a smart phone over 5 years old with no issues with the flash storage. If what you are saying is true every digital camera and smartphone storage should fail every 2 years. Do you have any friends or family that experience this abscene rate of failure? Apple and Samsung will be out of business by now.


2015-03-20 07:15 | Report Abuse

ITworld | November 23, 2014

Intel and Micron are going to kill the hard disk drive.

Massive advances in NAND flash storage could eventually render the old spinning drive obsolete.

For too long, it looked like SSD capacity would always lag well behind hard disk drives, which were pushing into the 6TB and 8TB territory while SSDs were primarily 256GB to 512GB.
big data risks

That seems to be ending. Not long after Samsung announced a 3.2TB SSD drive, Intel announced its alliance with Micron Technology will yield enormous capacity SSD drives.

During an investor webcast last week, Intel announced it will begin offering 3D NAND drives in the second half of next year as part of its joint flash venture with Micron. It stacks 32 planar layers of NAND memory with 3 bits per cell for 32GB of storage in a single MLC die. Pack a bunch of those chips onto an SSD drive or PCI Express card and capacities will easily break the multiple terabyte barrier.

Rob Crooke, senior vice president and general manager of Intel's non-volatile memory group, said this will allow for 10TB SSDs within the next couple of years, or high capacity storage in tiny form factors. He said the 3D stacking would allow for 1TB of storage on a form factor two millimeters thick. In other words, thumb drives 1TB in capacity.

Intel hasn't decided which market segment will get this "breakthrough" technology first. SSD started out on the consumer side and worked its way into the data center slowly, because it had to prove its reliability and stability for the data center market, which has very little patience or tolerance for data loss.



2015-03-20 06:58 | Report Abuse

Flash writing on the wall for HDD makers

* SanDisk sales are booming, based on its NAND foundry integration and well-executed move into enterprise storage.

* Record second quarter revenue of $1.63bn was 11 per cent up year-on-year. Net income was £274m, 4.6 per cent more than a year ago – with revenues growing faster than profits.

* There was a 97 per cent y-on-y increase in total SSD revenue.

* SanDisk reported a 2x y/y and +30 per cent sequential growth in enterprise SSDs.
(A 230% percent growth in Enterprise SSD storage!)

* 3D NAND pilot production in second half of 2015 and general production building up in 2016 into 2017. (3D NAND allows cells to be stacked on top of each other on the same SSD chip allowing the storage capacity to double/triple the amount of storage on a single waffle of SSD. This will have major implications for SSD pricing since producers can start to double/triple storage on the same SSD chip without a large increase in production cost. = Big fall in
SSD pricing coming.)



2015-03-19 07:49 | Report Abuse

who the hell is lamkan?


2015-03-19 07:29 | Report Abuse

Obvious that many here do not understand the industry or JCY at all. JCY is a precision mechanical manufacturing company which uses CNC machining to make HDD components like base plate, actuator etc. These components have no electronic circuitry and JCY therefore does not fall under the the semi conductor industry. A semi conductor company makes electronic parts, e.g. circuit boards, silicon chips which require different electronic machining NOT CNC machines like JCY. With CNC machine you can make many precision mechanical parts other then HDD component like for example the steering wheel on a car or a door handle but you CANNOT use CNC machine to make electronic circuitry like the circuit boards or silicon chips in the computer of a car. SSD is a circuit board/silicon chip which JCY will never be able to make unless it spends billions on setting up a new semi conductor business. You might say they might in the future, but this will not happen because WD and seagate already buying out all the SSD makers and producing ssd for themselves so who will JCY supply SSD to in the future? This is why the owner cannot even consider SSD even though he know it is the future because the cost of entry is so high and WD seagate already producing it themselves. If the prospect for JCY/HDD are so good, the owner will already privatise it back in 2012 during the thai flood at .43 or last year when the share price was .50. You think he is a nice businessman to share the opportunity with you all. How do I know all of this? I work for a large US data centre solution company and guess what all the clients are replacing their HDD disk array and servers with when a HDD fails now? You guessed it SSD. The reason for this is simple. You only need to compare the size of a waffle of SSD to a HDD drive. within a data centre, a customer pays for rack space which houses all their servers and disk arrays and other cloud infrastructure etc. This is abit like leasing a space in shop. So if you can fit in more storage and infrastructure within a rack using SSD, why would you use a bulky HDD drive with high failure rate and long outage recovery time? On the surface it appears SSD is 5 x more expensive, but when you factor in operating cost like rack space, electricity, cooling, downtime, recovery time, performance, it actually makes more sense to go with SSD. This is why companies are starting to prefer SDD and why the price of SSD has fallen alot over the last few years because demand has grown so much that it can be produced more which accelerate the price drop even further. and this is why WD and seagate have started buying out all the SSD makers because they know what is coming and its not looking good for HDD which is why they too have not come in to take over JCY when the share price was .43 in 2012 and .50 last year. They are just buying bit of time until HDD completely dies and by then they can produce SDD themselves and do not need a third party like JCY to make component for them anymore. JCY earnings only look good in short term because it is dressed up by the forex gains but takeaway the forex gain and it is clear the company is in a decline which is a mirror of what is happening in the HDD/SSD industry. It is monopolising some of the HDD components because most of their competitors can no longer survive and sooner or later it too will become extinct. Anyone vested in this company is very brave or have alot of money to burn either way a sitting duck waiting to be shot. Its your money, good luck.


2015-03-18 17:23 | Report Abuse

10X? I think you are 2 years behind. It is only about 4 -5 times higher now and the long term savings in operating costs (power/cooling) for SSD for data centres makes its more viable in the long term. Not to mention the longer self life due to lower failure rate of SSD.

500 gig SSD - $299

500 gig HDD - $75



2015-03-18 17:09 | Report Abuse

paper: you are talking about cloud computing not CLOUD STORAGE, both very different things.
it is not replacing existing computers but replacing existing local data storage for consumers and businesses with remote cloud based storage which is located in a data centre within shared infrastructure. The consumer and businesses will no longer need to buy HDD if they can store everything on the cloud e.g. dropbox, box etc. Also the data centres use special Internal Operating System and software to compress your data so fewer HDD are required. Let me teach you something, what do you think are the 2 most expensive operating cost for a data centre? let me answer that for you, power and cooling. and what consumes alot of power and generate a lot of heat? correct HDD! Why? because HDD have a lot of mechanical moving parts which spin around all day long and need a lot of power and generate a lot of heat with a high failure rate. Let me teach you a second thing, what doesn't use a lot of power and doesn't generate much heat and have very small failure rate? correct SDD solid state drive. Only a matter of time before SSD will replace HDD, the SSD price is already coming down lot and both WD and seagate have already started selling hybrid drive with a combination of SSD and HDD. This is a reason why both companies have been buying out smaller SSD companies like there is no tomorrow (research yourself).

cloud and game console is old news story for JCY 2 years now yet earnings cannot grow much. if you look at last quarter, the forex gain was about 25m and real sales profit was only 25m. half of the reported earnings was attributed to forex gain! the ringgit will not weaken forever and the USD will not appreciate forever. improved earnings based on forex gains alone are not unsustainable.

sense maker: your article is old. have a look at this one:



2015-03-18 08:33 | Report Abuse

Do some home work please and learn the relationship between Intel/PC and HDD. What happens when consumers, business and enterprise move all their data to the cloud??



How many data centres do you think there are in total around the world? Do you think there is a data centre in every home and business? The growth in cloud means you and I and the businesses around the world no longer have to buy HDD.


2015-03-18 07:53 | Report Abuse

be careful. the same directors also took out the Executive Share Options (ESOS) to buy 1 million shares at .61 the day before. This means their average price is about .65.
If add the dividend in as well, their cost price is actually about .64

Also Intel have lower profit guidance on lower then expected PC and tablet sales so expect JCY profit to fall in coming quarters. High risk counter.
