
RJ87 | Joined since 2016-05-05

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2020-12-18 00:23 | Report Abuse

The part sbb is correct...

Harta Punya boss own 50%. Not easy to move the price. TG hv to reduce shares owns buy retailers from SBB.
This way profits will dilute less from dividend. And reports investment profits.


2020-12-17 15:23 | Report Abuse

hahahahha....Enter RM5 so that can TP RM3.5.

When Edwin buy in at RM5. TP RM2.5....=D

moneymakerx Bloodslug, you are right. Time to run. so that I can go in at RM5 like EdwinYap said. May be hit RM3.5 like JPM stated.
17/12/2020 3:20 PM


2020-12-17 15:16 | Report Abuse

I take pleasure making fun of people day day buy day low and day day sell day high.
But for some weird reason, haven't beat Warren Buffet yet.

I did the calculation, compounding day day buy day low and day day sell day high, he will beat Robert Kuok in 6 months. And Warren Buffet in 3 years.

staedy you really believe what he said?
17/12/2020 2:34 PM


2020-12-17 14:33 | Report Abuse

now u exit RM6.7...what price enter balik?

EdwinYap86 Once hit RM5 I use my long term fund in
17/12/2020 1:53 PM


2020-12-17 13:51 | Report Abuse

Insas really useless...no need see..


2020-12-17 13:46 | Report Abuse

Print siap2 first...when 7.5 that I wanna see what this guy say. =D

In i3, got plenty of this kinda sohai. I come here to make fun of this kinda sohai. hahahah

EdwinYap86 Lol

buy 6.3 sell 6.7 easy money
17/12/2020 1:18 PM


2020-12-17 11:36 | Report Abuse

Nope, I think he shouldn't pay any dividend. When cash is in the company, company will worth more.
Give share reinvestment package instead. Force ppl to stay with TG like how PB do in early days.

Else, will attract alot monyet in out in out.

twjian ACTION speaks louder than anything else.
The TG boss, being the number one man, knows his company more than anyone else. He knows the current business prospects and predicted the future is good. He is in the long term and any major correction of TG price provides opportunities to accumulate.
If your company makes so much money and the market under appreciate your share price, then the logical way to counter back is to declare very high dividends every quarterly. By doing so, those who keeps the shares will enjoy the immediate returns in dividends. Of course the TG boss will pocket the most himself.
Never mind if the market pushes the share price down, but the quarterly dividends are too tempting and eventually the market will accord it a better price.
See all those high dividends yield stocks around, their share prices are very steady and stable.
17/12/2020 11:02 AM


2020-12-17 11:31 | Report Abuse

C69, Last Date and Time for Trading: 16/12/2020 5pm.


2020-12-17 10:53 | Report Abuse

Retailers, we are kingmaker now...
we decide PSS die or TSLWC die.

If we can help TSLWC win by not taking profit too soon. Hold it above RM7.

PSS will start to bleed cash. It's just 5% perannum from borrow share from retailers.

So, if u wanna make money both side, u pledge ur shares to kenanga. and collect another 5% per annum on top of TG dividend. But if it goes up to RM15, u also sohai. I think Kenanga will take ur share. That's instrument is to mitigate the damage of wrongly execute short selling.


2020-12-17 10:49 | Report Abuse

Cepat2 tutup lo. No money to press price down. Later bounce RM1, Macquire hv to top up 50sen. Jialat. Better fast fast close.

ShareNews Can any sifu explain Warrant C69 since already expired?tq
17/12/2020 10:28 AM


2020-12-17 10:42 | Report Abuse

PSS untuk ETF saja la. Tunggu announcement bursa malaysia bila IDSS start balik.

Izwan1985 Retailers dominating early selling trade today, want to collect short profit.. Normal lol in this current situation, they want to make easy money..


2020-12-17 09:10 | Report Abuse

Okay...today is SafetyFirst and Edwin's turn to call ppl sohai after 2 days being sohai.



2020-12-16 20:32 | Report Abuse

Sam Singh....Beside, why can't we level the standards Bangladesh and here for them? Why is it acceptable there but not acceptable here, WHY?

We can offer them a better opportunity to have a better life back there by giving them a job on agreed wages. But who agreed to give them a good life here?

And if yes, would you pressure US and UK to give me good life if I migrate there.
Minimum wages and living expenses covered. I want. If you don't push for it there, then don't push for it here. It's a dumb proposal anyway.

If you think topglove is violating human rights, then my question to you is why you turn blind eye to construction and plantation sector? Have you visited their condition there and made a comparison to have what's offered at Topglove? Answers is NO. I think u hv a better story to tell if you happen to borrow their toilets in site. You did none of that....you are here to claim ur brownie points without doing the deed.

Like I say, COVID did more for the migrants than you ever did. Covid enriches Topglove. Topglove management improves facilities for the worker. The same for Singapore. Bcos of covid, to protect national interest, they put the workers in better condition without needing monkeys like you. Where is ur contribution other than claiming credits you don't deserve?


2020-12-16 20:19 | Report Abuse

Jokes. We should make pressure US, UK, EU, Japan, Korea to take in these migrant to enjoy the benefits from a system their forefather established and build. That's how dumb ur logic is.

We build all these, so that our next generation gets to benefit it. Their forefather f*cked up, becomes our problem is it? How dumb can you be?

That's why we have border to protect what we have build and protect our national interest. They are here on agreed mutually beneficial term. Why u deliberately refuse to acknowledge this point you dumb naïve ignorant idealist? It's a simple deal. If u don't like the pay, if you don't like condition. Go back. Beggars can't choose.

When I was in UK. I worked like hell too. By the end of the week, my nails all dropped after exposing to hot water for long hours from all the dish washing. But that's under agreed terms. So, no complain.

Wrong! At so many level.
1) You wait until we have a GDP per capita of advance country first. Then, we have the resources to handle "humanitarian" issue.
2) Compassion don't drive the economy.
3) We don't need to care about migrants before we care for our own.

This is so dumb that IN FACT, what you are doing here is you would rather care for others than our own. Which leads me to believe YOU CARE FOR NEITHER.

1) You go Abdul Rahman road at night. That place is dodgy as f*ck. You will see alot of homeless people. Get them a place. Put the kids back to school. Put the able ones into uniform as security guard. We don't need migrants to be security guards. We have fellow Malaysian where their mouth needs feeding. Where are you and your NGOs?

2) Budimas charity body. Make sure those orphans, gets the opportunity the kids need. It's still insufficient.

Until our own backyards are well taken care of. You might wanna keep ur hypocrisy to yourself.
Naive idealist aren't the one that wants to do the right thing. You want to do the glamourous thing e.g. hero.


Sam Singh @iPlay That may be true if you use that comparison about the conditions there. However we must raise the standards. Not compare with Bangladesh etc. but with the advanced countries. Only then will we improve.

Doing so will also help EVERYBODY, every Malaysia and not just migrant workers. Employers, government, us the people - we must adhere to higher standards. Have more compassion.

If we don't care about migrant workers, we also won't care about our own. Especially the weak and vulnerable; the very young and very old; the sick.

It's not just TopGlove but ALL companies that we must scrutinise and pressure.
16/12/2020 6:55 PM


2020-12-16 14:45 | Report Abuse

Sam Sigh and Tenaganita. Ur service should not be focused on Topglove. Please send ur team over as they need u there more than they need u here. Go go go.



2020-12-16 14:39 | Report Abuse

Tourism and airline bleed cash like how women's period.

Then apply Warren Buffet rule there without getting the context right.

Even Buffet sold everything in airline. Cos, dunno when this bleed going to end. 3 years down the road, maybe Airasia report ur first green quarter. But still, glove not going report one red quarter even pandemic over.


2020-12-16 13:01 | Report Abuse

if green again. U join team Edwin to be sohai is it? =D

SafetyFirst tomorrow sure drop 。


2020-12-16 12:56 | Report Abuse

Up 2 days straight....Uptrend!

SafetyFirst Glove style
UP 1 day Drop 7 day
16/12/2020 12:47 PM


2020-12-16 12:51 | Report Abuse

aiyo...Edwin's turn to be sohai today


2020-12-16 11:40 | Report Abuse

Sam Singh, u should look on how Gates Foundation run their NGO.
A sustainable partnership are those mutually benefitting. What you are pushing for ain't sustainable and lob sided.

I sell my arse to my boss too. I bend over. I get screwed in meeting. I have to smile when I don't want to. Why I don't see donkey like you come save my @ss?

What I want is do nothing, and get paid alot.


2020-12-16 11:35 | Report Abuse

Sam Singh, create shortage in labour, and employers will have no choice but to improve the terms.
I'm giving you are concrete sustainable solution here.

It's just dunno these people will starve to death or TG go bankrupt first la.

Whatever they are experiencing is already pre-agreed. And donkey like you come butt in to change the deal. Wanna change deal, either you go home or tenaganita subsidize the difference lo.

If you tenaganita so interested in giving 5 stars services to these migrant workers, you pay with your money la. Why ask other people to pay? That's not what's agreed. Do u have the brain to understand the problem or not?


2020-12-16 11:30 | Report Abuse

Tell them the truth how shit it can be...don't come.

If they still choose to come, then don't complain that they are being short changed.


2020-12-16 11:29 | Report Abuse

Sam Singh, Malaysia is such a shit hole. Don't come. Apa susah?

Maybe u should fly to Nepal, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Put up a banner at airport. Malaysia is a shithole to work.

U will do these migrant worker great service. Why aren't you doing that? WHYYYYYYY!


2020-12-16 11:20 | Report Abuse

Western always play thou holier than you card. Where they were the one who caused this misery in the first place.

So, you thou holier than you naive, ignorant, idealist piece of shit should start using ur brain.

After Iraq invasion, did Iraq got better. The answer is F*ck no.
But thou holier than you turn blind eye on shit you make right?


2020-12-16 11:17 | Report Abuse

U think u will bring more joy or tears when Topglove close down?


2020-12-16 11:16 | Report Abuse

Sam Singh, let me give you the extreme end of where u dumbshit is going. TSLWC decided enough is enough by 2021. Lock in 10B profit. Close shop. Send 21K workers home. Don't care if Covid hits 100mil or 200mil infection.


2020-12-16 11:13 | Report Abuse

Let me tell u this. BAT, cigarettes known to be detrimental to humans health also allow to operate without needing to pay any bribe. U know why? Their tax revenue itself is the bribe.

What makes u think Topglov need to bribe anyone? Dumbshit.

TSLWC, agree to 2% increase of windfall tax. Everything including u will be blown away.

I think it's more important that Topglove continues to do well if you have any common sense.
If you start operating with common sense instead of donkey sense, u will know which one is more important.

Sam Singh The TopGlove management had bribed the local enforcement authorities to turn a blind eye. As responsible people, we must do something about this.

Firstly, report to the MACC. Actually this has been done. You will hear of arrests in the future.

Secondly, send emails to media editors and journalists in the US, UK and European countries. Tell them about the abuses and crimes by TopGlove. And also about them bribing enforcement officers in Malaysia.

Thirdly, send these reports of abuses and crimes by TopGlove to their customers. Those countries care a lot about human rights. Must pressure them to not buy from TopGlove anymore due to how they treat workers, and the corruption by them.


2020-12-16 11:06 | Report Abuse

If ini lu punya logic, I recommend Fintec. 720mil profit. Market cap only 300mil. Super undervalue. Go go go.



2020-12-16 10:51 | Report Abuse

U don't close now, Imagine when u hv to close above RM15. See you get fired or not.

Yeah, desperately getting retailers with TG shares to pledge for 5%? How bad are you exposed?
Is it well covered if it gets above RM7. Based on the queue, I think some of ur weaker comrades has throw in the towel.


2020-12-16 10:49 | Report Abuse

but I do see 1000+ big lot buying at few levels.

Close above RM7 and hold it there. PSS will help push up by buying back


2020-12-16 10:41 | Report Abuse

blast past RM7.5 first

See they panic to buy back or not. It's just a matter of who throw the towel first. And when they start to close their position, the rest will follow.


2020-12-16 10:38 | Report Abuse

IB panicking dogs starting to appear liao...

WHen it blast past RM7.5. It becomes moon falling down and Sun doing to die.

Nicolas Nelson Ong Runnnnnnn buddies , 300,000,000 shares selling after lunch price limit down immediate ....... dont hesistate


2020-12-16 10:36 | Report Abuse

Dei...no need rub this in...
Those people really pity one ok?

I think without Tenaganita, TSLWC will also spend that kinda money to improve well being for the workers. Just Tenaganita takes this opportunity to claim credit. Story will go like because of NGO like these, evil corp like Topglov only willing to spend money. That's just NOT TRUE la.

Last time when TG only hv 100-200mil profit, don't expect them to give 5 start hostel for workers now. Now that got windfall profit like this, 100-200mil sap sap sui settle.

Now that TG has the financial capacity and they are trying to fulfill more than what's required from them. It's time to do your job ON THE RIGHT company and actually help. Like construction and plantation. No living space. No toilet. Go do your work there. Ofcos u won't go la. Company no money to do anything. Scream also no use.

I think COVID had contributed more to these workers than Tenaganita ever did. Bcos covid, topglove profit increased. Now TG got money, facilities improved. You tell me, who did more for the workers? Definitely last in the list Tenaganita lo.

sd99 mana tu activist Singhyyy...ikat scarf kah kah kah
16/12/2020 10:23 AM


2020-12-16 10:20 | Report Abuse

IB that short TG is going to panic soon...hope that they closed their position...

Then, push it back to new high before shorting again...


2020-12-16 09:38 | Report Abuse

I always have problem with these thou holier than you people. Holy people focus what's important. They do what they can at INDIVIDUAL level.

Thou holier than you do things under disguise of "empathy". Thou holier than you, focuses on opportunity. You are just an opportunist. Borrow the topglov limelight of push your agenda. You aren't who you think you are.

The question is, would you be here if there isn't RM2.4B profit BUT instead RM2.4B losses. YOU WON'T BE HERE. You gonna step up and protect those employees losing their job? If yes, alot of airasia employees need your help. Their livelihood at stake. Prioritize properly. Fellow Malaysian first thou holier than you.

I have no problem with good people. But I have big problem with naive idealist like you.
You guys tend to make things worse. E.g. Merkel with Syrian refugee. What she didn't know is she has compromised German's national security. Short term benefits is feel good "Humanitarian" hero, but when german's interest being compromised. Sweep under carpet. These are the good work on ignorant naive idealist.

Mind you, prioritizing national interest is called patriot, not racist.
You ini barua siapa belom tau lagi ni, I can't identify yet. But time will tell.

Sam Singh @AlvinTSK Mind your language, racist scum!
I am a human rights proponent.
I fight for the weak and vulnerable, unlike scums like you.

TopGlove has clearly shown it treats its workers like slaves.
If the Malaysian government doesn't act by imposing heavy fines, then we must get the foreigners to help.

Must teach TopGlove a lesson.
For the sake of humanity!
16/12/2020 8:40 AM

News & Blogs

2020-12-16 00:44 | Report Abuse

If this woman is a fair, she would have compared the welfare of migrant workers in topglov with other sectors.

If pretty sure the truth is that welfare of migrant workers in construction and plantation are far worse. If she is so interested in protecting welfare of migrants, go start with migrants working in construction and plantation. Go get them a living space and proper toilet first instead of busybody about crowded living condition. Or what, to this woman, no toilet is better than dirty toilet?

I don’t know if this woman suddenly dunno how to prioritise or she has her own insidious agenda. She has deliberately ignoring other more crucial welfare issues that needs her attention. What’s happening in Topglov aren’t the worse.


2020-12-15 22:56 | Report Abuse

i think edwin is right. Alot of sohai here.

Now, the topic has derailed to God instead of TG.


2020-12-15 17:09 | Report Abuse

So, tmr...who's turn to be sohai?


2020-12-15 17:09 | Report Abuse

U bet against them, 7 out of 10, u win.

Their prediction on Mac was worse than mine.

SafetyFirst Jp morgan world biggest investment company
Should believe what they say


2020-12-15 16:40 | Report Abuse

if price don't come down...u know who panic?

It's IB's turn to panic



2020-12-15 15:18 | Report Abuse

Battle of the titans....TSLWC VS IB short position 103mil shares. Every 10sen up or down, is 10mil.

Price volatility will be magnificent.

Now, the fate of TSLWC or IB is in hands of retailers. We decide who die. Hahaahhaha...

I prefer IB die la. Over the course of history, IB the one swindled our money by making false report. So, I prefer them dead. So, we push the price above RM8. Let the IB bleed to death and force buy back to push the price above RM10.

That's a good plan.


2020-12-15 14:19 | Report Abuse

they should start shorting US stocks

Only country that handled COVID that poorly is none other than US. Come and short countries that handled covid properly. Stupid.

2021 this time, JPMorgan another blunder. US2Billion for shorting TG when TG becomes RM15.
Cos TG sell record high to retarded Americans with 50mil infection and 1mil death.


2020-12-15 14:09 | Report Abuse

U got link to ur claims. My sources still showing 9.8%

15/12/2020 1:50 PM


2020-12-15 13:43 | Report Abuse

damm this TSLWC got money

another RM18mil sapu 3mil shares.


2020-12-15 11:42 | Report Abuse

whatttt aaaaaaa dickkkkkkkkkk....

U know what. No need read liao la.
No honest reporter in this world anymore.

Just lie la. That's the new norm in bursa deCasino


2020-12-15 10:45 | Report Abuse

Dumb thing to do. Stock is going to be volatile. Up down up down left left right punch.

Kamekameha out....

Very fun mer take turn to be sohai?


2020-12-15 09:58 | Report Abuse

Today is Edwin's turn to be sohai.

Later if close red today, he will appear to call other ppl sohai.


2020-12-14 20:14 | Report Abuse

JPMorgan owns alot of TG. If earning visibility is there; whatever they say won't affect the earnings.
BUT, for JPMorgan to buy in with 10-20mil shares, every 50sen saving is a lot. And they can make that saving by writing rubbish. Why not?



2020-12-14 20:03 | Report Abuse

when red, Edwin call ppl sohai. When green, ppl call edwin sohai.

One day up, one day down means edwin and other people take turn become sohai is it?

This is how stupid this has become. =D

EdwinYap86 Sohai everywhere still


2020-12-14 19:25 | Report Abuse

No worries. Fintec is operated by local operators. No IB involved.

But for others gloves. Heavily operated by bank issue SCW. Now expiring. Have to gap mai press the price down.