
sharemarket21 | Joined since 2020-08-17

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2020-12-31 17:09 | Report Abuse

Posted by DJoker89 > Dec 31, 2020 5:04 PM | Report Abuse

DJoker89 DJoker89 sharemarket21 Haha thats how you gonna profit your 14 sen. Just like that.
31/12/2020 4:28 PM

Where got +14 cents
6.01 only closing, 14 cents also u not capable to earn


Pathetic +14 cents

Next Nick you may call it 'Pennyman'
31/12/2020 5:02 PM


Or 'Penisman' both sounded the same


Don't be personal dude. Its ust investments, Lose win doesn't matter. Swallow your pride once in a while. Your fanatic fans slaughtered you this time. That is facts..Hah..


2020-12-31 17:05 | Report Abuse

Posted by DJoker89 > Dec 31, 2020 5:02 PM | Report Abuse

DJoker89 sharemarket21 Haha thats how you gonna profit your 14 sen. Just like that.
31/12/2020 4:28 PM

Where got +14 cents
6.01 only closing, 14 cents also u not capable to earn


Pathetic +14 cents

Next Nick you may call it 'Pennyman'

Haha dude you really novice here? Read my comments before you conclude so fast. Just check it out or else you are really embarrassing yourself dude. I am not your what create fake ID dude.

That 14 sen is better than bagholders from 26-7 buddy. Steady alright...


2020-12-31 16:59 | Report Abuse

Posted by DJoker89 > Dec 31, 2020 4:52 PM | Report Abuse

sharemarket21 Haha thats how you gonna profit your 14 sen. Just like that.
31/12/2020 4:28 PM


What happen to your old account?
Koyak alrd no longer in service?

Run RAT runnnnn nnn, run back to your cave count your penny LOL

Happy new year RAT, another 2 years for you to keep running with new account.


Hah dude, Even this one you guessed wrongly. No one stalking you also. Am genuine trader here. Relax buddy. Why you have so many fans here ?I m just sharing some trading tips only. Trade like the big boys here.

I read yours and other fans comments occasionally. Dude you have to accept the facts that the share price is still trading at 6. Come on...I am just stating facts and no exaggeration here.


2020-12-31 16:56 | Report Abuse

Just trade like the big boys and let go for the day unless your profit is good enough to fight the next day uncertainty. This stock trading behaviour is abnormal for now.


2020-12-31 16:54 | Report Abuse

Posted by DJoker89 > Dec 31, 2020 4:52 PM | Report Abuse

sharemarket21 Haha thats how you gonna profit your 14 sen. Just like that.
31/12/2020 4:28 PM


What happen to your old account?
Koyak alrd no longer in service?

Run RAT runnnnn nnn, run back to your cave count your penny LOL

Happy new year RAT, another 2 years for you to keep running with new account.


Hah dude, Even this one you guessed wrongly. No one stalking you also. Am genuine trader here. Relax buddy. Why you have so many fans here ?I m just sharing some trading tips only. Trade like the big boys here.


2020-12-31 16:28 | Report Abuse

Haha thats how you gonna profit your 14 sen. Just like that.


2020-12-31 13:08 | Report Abuse

Posted by rr88 > Dec 31, 2020 12:45 PM | Report Abuse


Weak sentiment, low volume. Supereasy for proprietary traders to short sell kaw2 this supermax the first few days next week. As they say on a crashing plane: BRACE FOR IMPACT.

This is supposed to be the easy prediction. Again the big boys will definitely come up with some strategy to check mate this group. Nothing is straight forward but for sure many stocks will be exposed and vulnerable. So lets be water buddy. Day trade has to be the way now. My personal view..


2020-12-31 12:58 | Report Abuse

Posted by rr88 > Dec 31, 2020 12:45 PM | Report Abuse


Weak sentiment, low volume. Supereasy for proprietary traders to short sell kaw2 this supermax the first few days next week. As they say on a crashing plane: BRACE FOR IMPACT.

Haha, This guy is cool. But hey he was right from the beginning. I remembered last 3 months. Here we are now. Just stating facts only.


2020-12-31 12:48 | Report Abuse

Posted by CocKYY > Dec 31, 2020 12:35 PM | Report Abuse

sharemarket21 For all those newbies. Go and check with your brokers and ask for day trade account and lowest rates. When the stocks behaving abnormal, change your investment or trading strategy and trade like the big boys. Right now fundamental is on the paper until the sign is clear. Price movement and losses are real unfortunately. So trade wisely.
31/12/2020 11:59 AM

Newbie but advice to day trade?
So much misleading in this forum. This kind people should get rotten in hell.

Easy dude. Don't curse someone demise. Its meant for good intention for newbiz who keep suffering painful losses but still and addicted want to trade gloves stocks. Dont curse as new year is approaching. Relax alright...


2020-12-31 12:32 | Report Abuse

Those who cant take the heat in this room , Just get out from here period. Haha...Ironically someone sill posting.


2020-12-31 11:59 | Report Abuse

For all those newbies. Go and check with your brokers and ask for day trade account and lowest rates. When the stocks behaving abnormal, change your investment or trading strategy and trade like the big boys. Right now fundamental is on the paper until the sign is clear. Price movement and losses are real unfortunately. So trade wisely.


2020-12-31 11:46 | Report Abuse

Posted by Russel > Dec 31, 2020 11:34 AM | Report Abuse

Do not go in now as the trend was real unfavourable and vaccine roll out give bad sentiments...Go in when price gone sideway and volumn flat which was much rather safer. Market can't ignore the billions profits in 2021 & 2022.

Go in today or any day but don't carry overnight if it nearing your stop. Unless its much higher than your entry price.


2020-12-31 11:31 | Report Abuse

Be water and change your trading or investments technique exactly like the big boys if you still want to touch this stock. Its price movement behaviour quite unique and abnormal. Short term and catch your entry price. Lock your 3-10% return.


2020-12-31 11:19 | Report Abuse

Remember trade exactly like the big boys. Stop listening to others. No long term for now but mid and very short term. Go in 5.90 and stop loss 5.84. Make your 5-10% a day and dont get caught. Dont become bagholders.


2020-12-30 19:45 | Report Abuse

Huatttt ahhhh
30/12/2020 6:46 PM

Haha you are the one dude. It's indeed complicated and just don't look at one angle. Otherwise it had long joining the other markets gloves players at the peak now. Just accept the price is against all your theories and don't keep posting and defending for what reason ? Humble pie and just swallow the pride that its trading below 6. Your other buddy is more sensible. Am sure you gonna have your moment but now its the other side bashing time !
30/12/2020 6:52 PM


New account?
Create purposely to tell humble pie story?

Yes those telling 14,24 TP should have keep their mouth shut at first place and don't hide behind a new account

Haha unfortunately I am not but since you paste my comment I have to serve you back. I agree with you those who have been consistently recommended high TP should eat their words. All is good and hope for the best !


2020-12-30 18:52 | Report Abuse

sharemarket21 Long term no but mid and short term yes. Look at the stock behaviour for the past several months. If you managed to get in at the right time at your desire price, seize your opportunity. Do not purely consider on the PE. There are many other factors affecting the share price. From fundamental up to political play. See far beyond as certain things you wont able to predict and believe also.
30/12/2020 6:42 PM


No la where got such complicated
The share price is driven by forum here as think by many.
Better don't tell so much bro, later u been blame for too much enthusiastic....

What a fk hahahahah
Some ppl really can't take the heat when losing money.
Quit at once dude if you the one.

Huatttt ahhhh
30/12/2020 6:46 PM

Haha you are the one dude. It's indeed complicated and just don't look at one angle. Otherwise it had long joining the other markets gloves players at the peak now. Just accept the price is against all your theories and don't keep posting and defending for what reason ? Humble pie and just swallow the pride that its trading below 6. Your other buddy is more sensible. Am sure you gonna have your moment but now its the other side bashing time !


2020-12-30 18:42 | Report Abuse

Long term no but mid and short term yes. Look at the stock behaviour for the past several months. If you managed to get in at the right time at your desire price, seize your opportunity. Do not purely consider on the PE. There are many other factors affecting the share price. From fundamental up to political play. See far beyond as certain things you wont able to predict and believe also.


2020-12-30 17:24 | Report Abuse

Good and solid stocks ought to be praised but lousy stocks please condemn and bash all you want. Don't give the wrong impression that they are doing well because it involves financial loss. I was amazed some still talking that they are right. Unbelievable. While you think you are trying to provide positive or moral support or hopeful for others who have bought earlier, you are also indirectly causing some naive and decent investors to average the price and refused to cut loss and miss out the profits. It's hard earned money in this trying time.


2020-12-30 17:15 | Report Abuse

The negative traders and 'bashers' this lousy stock might indirectly contributed by influencing others to stop buying at certain level or cashed out at a much higher price. So it's good to listen from both positive and negative side comments. Accept the facts that your trading and investments skills are lousy like the rest. Good stock wont behave like this. Not more than 50% correction. This is ugly.


2020-12-30 17:07 | Report Abuse

It's alright for the losers or ordinary traders to bash the stock because they lost money over the stock, influenced by strong believers or other factors. There is nothing wrong with it. Accept the facts and don't deny about this lousy stock performance. You got knocked out cold in the ring several times and just stop defending and crying like a baby in this room. Take the heat like a man. Right now this gloves performances are awful. If you want to bash back, wait for your opportunity when it turned green and bullish again. Humble pie is the right word.


2020-11-25 15:55 | Report Abuse

Look like nex qtr coming

Good result ?


2020-11-24 12:31 | Report Abuse

Wake up traders and gamblers. Tumbled from 30 cents to 16 and you still think this company have hope ? Every single cents up down for penny stocks are quite steep. This stock is game over unless the gloves sentiment just started but it's not. Vaccines are about ready anytime or perhaps latest by December. Stop deceiving others to hold long term and just do quick trading should be fine. Why you let the group kept manipulating your hard earned money ? Just quit and go into favorable stocks. Look at the gloves company and the pricing still struggling until now.


2020-09-22 11:13 | Report Abuse

Posted by Warn3r > Sep 22, 2020 10:06 AM | Report Abuse

People who have conviction, bought and stock it aside and enjoy life... where the price goes between the purchase price and eventual target price doesn’t matter too much.

Some bought without confidence would Be swayed by comments, that’s not wrong but unfortunately sometimes victimised by the group I’m going to describe below.

This is the group of people, who does not think a company will do good (nothing wrong with that) or that the valuation is too high. So they don’t own the shares. There is nothing wrong with this either. But sadly their parents and teachers failed them, they got no lives hence always hang around at counters they don’t believe and spread negativity... They don’t share their opposing views objectively, or base their arguments on facts and figures. Remember, their parents and teachers failed them, and there is nothing better to do in their lives that they can spend time doing, so all they could do is speculate, assess a share based on short term movements and instil fear and doubt in others at counters that they don’t believe in instead of doing things they like or spend time with family and friends. When the price goes up a little, they shut up and hide in their sad corner.

It is fine either side one takes. Just be civilised and kind. Advice to these sad people, please get a life...

Long essay and sounds more like you. Relax buddy. It's just 30 cents and still long way to go. Fortunately the one who opposed these stocks are someone who care about newbies and inexperienced investors. Many are still trapped at the peak because of certain group influential and personal gain. Reading some of the investors comments who are hoping day and night for more positive cases and prolonged vaccines so that the share price can appreciate further is morally wrong and unethical.

Pharmaceutical stocks are still okay but gloves and more COVID-19?

Still early the journey and just don't bash people family or anything. Look at the mirror first before you do that.


2020-09-21 12:47 | Report Abuse

Posted by HLBAIGrp4 > Sep 21, 2020 12:27 PM | Report Abuse

All covid cases almost drop to 0, Indonesia 2 cases, Singapore 1 case, USA, 3 cases. That's why it is dropping.

This is very good news and hopefully vaccines are out and COVID-19 is done. Many are suffering due to this Pandemic !


2020-09-21 11:48 | Report Abuse

Mind you again. These stocks and investors will be cursed on its own. Those who have invested and becoming too greedy hoping vaccines are not real and kept giving excuses that it will not able to save the pandemic. These group of traders and investors are praying day and night that vaccines will be delayed and more positives cases and looking every piece of information to justify that COVID-19 are getting worse so that share prices will be appreciating without end. This is good Karma !

For those who are speculating IBs and lots of theories about manipulation, for once think very deeply are you not one of the manipulator here. If you are really a genuine a long term investor, It's time that you hold your position and expecting for good dividends. Don't be so silly listening to those who so called expert that they know better than you all. Those who believed so much in the gloves companies are keep looking for news they only like to hear and disregarding the fundamental of stocks trading.

Buy on news and sell on facts. This is a simple and basis of stocks trading but many of the investors are becoming too greedy and worse still influenced by the other traders who have questionable integrity promoting the gloves companies. Some traders are very lucky who bought at a very low price and promoting these stocks aggressively at the peak. Be very cautious with your investment and no one will absorb your investment losses. The one who made profit are from your losses. There is no free lunch in the world.


2020-09-10 18:28 | Report Abuse

Posted by karimboss > Sep 10, 2020 6:11 PM | Report Abuse

OTB read here

The research firm said this is due to the fact that while its short-term results are expected to be robust and higher average selling (ASPs) will drive ratings upgrades, earnings are expected to peak in FY21 and will unlikely repeat once the demand-supply equation normalises — either in the second half of 2021 or the first half of 2022.

I am with you. Technically all these group of people are not wrong but morally they are very wrong. No doubt they have positions but their early calls and investments are quite low and safe. Due to that they have been keep searching for positive new and all sort of theories so that investors can follow through and enjoy some profit. But also smart enough to put disclaimers. The moral of the problem started when they did not update or share any facts when they start selling some or perhaps all their positions. This is as guilty as others.

The moment when you have strike your investment at a very low price, you must able to tell exactly so that new investors will not be caught in this conflict on interest situation. You must able be able to share the portfolio but unfortunately human are greedy and selfish. Pride is too great to swallow as well. You can be rich but you cant be rich with every areas. Too bad the share price tumbled without mercy and a man must able to own some of the responsibilities. Those deserved to be criticized. Hope all the new and inexperienced investors learn from this very painful lesson.


2020-09-10 17:00 | Report Abuse

Posted by rr88 > Sep 10, 2020 4:57 PM | Report Abuse

Fuk u OTB. It has dropped 50% from 12.20 (24.40 b4 bonus price) to 6.10. Still singing kok tune?

Haha. A good one. The best part, they need not sure private or pirate room to discuss one time. All these opportunists. A good Masters must show real time portfolio so that poor investors would not be led to this massacre and personal motives.


2020-09-10 16:55 | Report Abuse

Posted by justreleklah > Sep 10, 2020 4:37 PM | Report Abuse

I have a question, its expected that Supermx will make tons of money in coming quarters, which the PE will have to be up to justified the price, but what if these 2 or 3 quarters can last for less than a year? How to factor these spikes in the PE?

PE is subjective and profit is real. PE can range from 2-1000 depending on the demands. If too much profit can declare dividends for the investors but doesnt mean have to reflect in share price. so far profits are all justified based on the share price. Look at PETGAS. Expected solid profit but not necessarily reflecting the share price and must be higher.


2020-09-10 16:12 | Report Abuse

Posted by DJoker89 > Sep 10, 2020 4:04 PM | Report Abuse

naysayer, come do your job

a lot ppl here gaining back the confident to buy back again.
hey , dont be lazy larrr you been paid 4.50/hr

Haha..Wont get paid at all still can serve you proper and well buddy. Just remember don't big mouth and talk loud next time. Lose must have pride like others. Don't conflict your own statement and you still really need this rat room to find victims. Poor investors have followed you from 20 above until now. You can be rich but hopefully they are not enriching your own personal agenda or else Karma strike. I shall rest my case. Take care buddy !


2020-09-10 15:57 | Report Abuse

Posted by DJoker89 > Sep 10, 2020 3:52 PM | Report Abuse

if naysayer are so smart and earn so much, they wont spend their entire day here talking shit

there are the flop with no purpose in life :(

Relax buddy. No one lose money and they just don't like the way you comment. Big talker and big mouth. I came in because you commented this room full of rats. Just swallow your pride this time. Chill buddy..


2020-09-10 15:28 | Report Abuse

Posted by rr88 > Sep 10, 2020 3:26 PM | Report Abuse

Wait. Top glove will drop below 6.11 in a day or two. No hurry to buy supermx. They are all on the way down.

This guy is real and champ ! Please bear in mind that this heavy correction was not created by retailers but big boys and large institutional who ave signaled everyone earlier.


2020-09-10 15:26 | Report Abuse

Posted by DJoker89 > Sep 10, 2020 3:21 PM | Report Abuse

handsome_newbie Djoker89 loser is u la. hahah how much u earn ? live in u own world... hopefully u won't do anything stupid to buy more gloveshare since u say RM5 is cheap go buy mah....dun cry ok ? haha
10/09/2020 3:16 PM


Another retarded good to be ignore

One thing for sure I earn more than u

Haha..humility is hard to swallow sometimes. Please learn buddy. Its their moment and let's cherish together. These people might be sound harsh but they have saved lots of poor retailers who managed to get rid before this heavy correction. Big credits to them !


2020-09-10 15:09 | Report Abuse

Gloves stocks performances are very much discounted and limit with vaccines news. Unfortunately it has lifespan. But many think its forever green and without realizing the original prices started from very much lower. Many who have bought low keep spreading news so that the prices can be higher supported by the new and inexperienced investors. Some even called themselves master of investments. If you are really want to help the poor investors, show your portfolio and just don't keep spreading facts with hidden agenda and own personal interest. Poor those poor investors and traders who duped to believe their selling skills.


2020-09-10 14:57 | Report Abuse

Posted by DJoker89 > Sep 10, 2020 2:56 PM | Report Abuse

sharemarket21 Posted by handsome_newbie > Sep 10, 2020 2:49 PM | Report Abuse

still got ppl ask buy glove shares or not ?
Djoker89 and Tyco, where are you ? super shameful now dare not come out!!!!! when earning a bit money like winning the world, now like sohai hiding.

Haha a good one. Lord is kind and mercy...
10/09/2020 2:54 PM


sore loser

Haha. thats my statement earlir. Cool buddy..


2020-09-10 14:54 | Report Abuse

Posted by handsome_newbie > Sep 10, 2020 2:49 PM | Report Abuse

still got ppl ask buy glove shares or not ?
Djoker89 and Tyco, where are you ? super shameful now dare not come out!!!!! when earning a bit money like winning the world, now like sohai hiding.

Haha a good one. Lord is kind and mercy...


2020-09-10 14:12 | Report Abuse

Posted by cksam > Sep 10, 2020 2:00 PM | Report Abuse

If you want to talk about pain in the Glove counters. Take a look at HLT. It managed a high of 3.33 last month. Worst still after two limit ups Bursa issued a limit price trading at about 3.11. On that trading day the queue to buy at 3.11 stands at more than 30 million shares. The following day wen the price limit trading was lifted all the suckers jumped in for quick profits. Now all of them have their finger burnt maybe roasted.

Last month was really crazy. There was a massive retail speculation that relly went out of hand. All the ACE counters went up multiple folds. Even INIX when announced a new substantial share holder from Macao fueled massive speculation. But all those investors never even check who is he investor. It turned out to be "Broken Tooth Koi". A Gangster taiko from Macao. Went to jail in 2012 for murdering someone. So how do you expect a gangster to run an IT outfit?

INIX shares went up to 0.88 from about 7 cents a few months ago. Today it is trading at about 0.26. Dropping almost everyday. Other killers are Anzo, XOX, Bintai, Solution, AT, M3Tech, Connect and so on. Just go to their forum and see how those investors are cursing.

A good one. It make sense and this was exactly many have been talking and forewarned about earlier. Investors and traders are making money at the mercy of COVID-19, lock down and bad economy. Once Bursa start curbing. All lose haywire but still plenty of time to take profit on Gloves stocks but human becoming greedy. Mind you HLT making solid profit too.


2020-09-10 12:07 | Report Abuse

Posted by DJoker89 > Sep 10, 2020 12:05 PM | Report Abuse

sharemarket21 Posted by DJoker89 > Sep 10, 2020 11:54 AM | Report Abuse

sharemarket21 Posted by CharlesT > Sep 10, 2020 11:09 AM | Report Abuse

Djoker89 good to have different voice lah..instead of having crazy tp RM30+ or RM40+ with the same group of people everyday kaki kong kaki song now all go Holland seeing price drops 50% fm the peak in Aug....

This cool gentleman rejected and exposed you and not me. So relax buddy...I just picked up nasty words..
10/09/2020 11:50 AM

Relax buddy. Second session soon..


2020-09-10 11:58 | Report Abuse

Posted by DJoker89 > Sep 10, 2020 11:54 AM | Report Abuse

sharemarket21 Posted by CharlesT > Sep 10, 2020 11:09 AM | Report Abuse

Djoker89 good to have different voice lah..instead of having crazy tp RM30+ or RM40+ with the same group of people everyday kaki kong kaki song now all go Holland seeing price drops 50% fm the peak in Aug....

This cool gentleman rejected and exposed you and not me. So relax buddy...I just picked up nasty words..
10/09/2020 11:50 AM


well well well..... now u pulling others into the fight you created?
indeed act of disastrous kid

your mother's arm can't help you kid
you need back to your mother skirt :)


I am good buddy. Just accidentally expose you after your nasty comment on others. Hang on there..Its still a long journey...


2020-09-10 11:50 | Report Abuse

Posted by CharlesT > Sep 10, 2020 11:09 AM | Report Abuse

Djoker89 good to have different voice lah..instead of having crazy tp RM30+ or RM40+ with the same group of people everyday kaki kong kaki song now all go Holland seeing price drops 50% fm the peak in Aug....

This cool gentleman rejected and exposed you and not me. So relax buddy...I just picked up nasty words..


2020-09-10 11:46 | Report Abuse

Posted by DJoker89 > Sep 10, 2020 11:43 AM | Report Abuse


stop pretending you know me lurker hahahahha

I dont know you buddy but I pick up sore loser with comments. Unfortunately it was you. Haha.. Just relax and we are cool...


2020-09-10 11:40 | Report Abuse

Posted by DJoker89 > Sep 10, 2020 11:33 AM | Report Abuse

DJoker89 sharemarket21 Posted by DJoker89 > Sep 10, 2020 11:20 AM | Report Abuse

sharemarket21 Now this is one sore loser ! Gloves stocks prices spiked due to wrong reason prolong COVID-19 and greedy investors hoping for more positive and death cases.

Posted by DJoker89 > Sep 10, 2020 11:05 AM | Report Abuse

@CharlesT bro... all the genuine investor is in private chat room
ping to yttihs to join

all left this place because it's like rat's dent here

10/09/2020 11:16 AM


private chat room also you want to red eye

glove is to safe life dude.

marvellous ppl, LOL

Don't kid yourself buddy. Whats the next thing in your mind when you wake up to check Supermax news? Will you be hoping for vaccine is available to save the world or to expect more positive and death cases? Don't be hypocrite come on buddy.
10/09/2020 11:23 AM


buy glove/healthcare , hoping for more death case?
buy OnG hoping the resources depleted one day?
buy furniture, hoping all the trees been cut?


you are talking purely on our own imagination
obviously you are one of the kind lack of mother love LOL
go back to you own illusionary world kid ...
10/09/2020 11:29 AM

yea, one more
dont breath the air, you are polluting the world :D :D hahahha
fxing retarded, want to troll also no skill

Haha, still not sure what hit you ? Calm down buddy..Its just share price investment. No need to be rough. Steady...


2020-09-10 11:33 | Report Abuse

Posted by DJoker89 > Sep 10, 2020 11:29 AM | Report Abuse

sharemarket21 Posted by DJoker89 > Sep 10, 2020 11:20 AM | Report Abuse

sharemarket21 Now this is one sore loser ! Gloves stocks prices spiked due to wrong reason prolong COVID-19 and greedy investors hoping for more positive and death cases.

Posted by DJoker89 > Sep 10, 2020 11:05 AM | Report Abuse

@CharlesT bro... all the genuine investor is in private chat room
ping to yttihs to join

all left this place because it's like rat's dent here

10/09/2020 11:16 AM


private chat room also you want to red eye

glove is to safe life dude.

marvellous ppl, LOL

Don't kid yourself buddy. Whats the next thing in your mind when you wake up to check Supermax news? Will you be hoping for vaccine is available to save the world or to expect more positive and death cases? Don't be hypocrite come on buddy.
10/09/2020 11:23 AM


buy glove/healthcare , hoping for more death case?
buy OnG hoping the resources depleted one day?
buy furniture, hoping all the trees been cut?


you are talking purely on our own imagination
obviously you are one of the kind lack of mother love LOL
go back to you own illusionary world kid ...

There you go. Personal attack. Its alright buddy. Sore losers characteristics. Unfortunately gloves battered today and its reality. So to speak. Hope for immediate vaccines soon. Good luck and all is good.


2020-09-10 11:23 | Report Abuse

Posted by DJoker89 > Sep 10, 2020 11:20 AM | Report Abuse

sharemarket21 Now this is one sore loser ! Gloves stocks prices spiked due to wrong reason prolong COVID-19 and greedy investors hoping for more positive and death cases.

Posted by DJoker89 > Sep 10, 2020 11:05 AM | Report Abuse

@CharlesT bro... all the genuine investor is in private chat room
ping to yttihs to join

all left this place because it's like rat's dent here

10/09/2020 11:16 AM


private chat room also you want to red eye

glove is to safe life dude.

marvellous ppl, LOL

Don't kid yourself buddy. Whats the next thing in your mind when you wake up to check Supermax news? Will you be hoping for vaccine is available to save the world or to expect more positive and death cases? Don't be hypocrite come on buddy.


2020-09-10 11:16 | Report Abuse

Now this is one sore loser ! Gloves stocks prices spiked due to wrong reason prolong COVID-19 and greedy investors hoping for more positive and death cases.

Posted by DJoker89 > Sep 10, 2020 11:05 AM | Report Abuse

@CharlesT bro... all the genuine investor is in private chat room
ping to yttihs to join

all left this place because it's like rat's dent here



2020-09-10 11:02 | Report Abuse

This guy is good. Credit to him !

Posted by rr88 > Sep 10, 2020 10:57 AM | Report Abuse

End of technical rebound. It will drift lower n stay low all day long.


2020-09-10 10:32 | Report Abuse

The trend looks limit down today. Be cautious traders !


2020-09-10 10:28 | Report Abuse

Some said long term and not panic but still blaming others. Some still say it out still profiting arrogantly better think again. Your huge amount of profit was wiped out just in few days time. It is painful but its reality. Just keep your winning record quietly. This is a big lesson for those who big mouth !Now you know what hit you all ?


2020-09-10 10:12 | Report Abuse

No one is happy with others suffering. These gloves stocks and investors must not be greedy and hoping to make profit at the mercy of COVID-19. This is only surface. Do you all still don't know what is going on and really hit you ? Seriously ?


2020-09-09 18:35 | Report Abuse

Someone mentioned about Tesla. Please do not compare Tesla and Supermax. One company is producing robotic car and creating futuristic vehicles for consumer and still advancing and saving the ozone one day. This one is making profit at the mercy of COVID-19 positive and death cases. Investors are too greedy and keep praying for prolong Covid-19 and more positive cases so that their investment will be justified and shares price keep appreciating. Too many greedy investors and for the wrong reasons.And karma strike !


2020-09-09 12:23 | Report Abuse

Company profiting at the expense of more Covid-19 positive and death cases ? You will not able to spend the profit if you keep hoping the share price to appreciate due to this reason. The people will bash and curse the stocks until the vaccines are out to help the poor people out there.

Profits and numbers are not relevant anymore. Price stabilization will happen as the hype is already over due to various factors.