
SincereStock | Joined since 2017-05-25

Investing Experience Intermediate
Risk Profile Low

Fundamental Value trader / investor base on PE & PB. Anti technical analysis. targeting undervalue company and hoping for privatization (easiest way to earn money)





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2022-01-19 08:56 | Report Abuse

@mhanaS with all their negativities here, those OLDBIES should have already cut loss, but yet they are still here whining, so annoying


2022-01-17 10:11 | Report Abuse

I should leave by now, only coming to see around after watch today video of cityplus talking about airasia


2022-01-17 10:09 | Report Abuse

@Windy1974. I agree that Tony is the driver. very sorry to say, but my point is I don't think Tony or any driver with the best integrity can save this lost controlled bus, only god can, period.


2022-01-17 09:59 | Report Abuse

talks here like betting of whether tony is a good or bad guy lmao


2022-01-17 09:58 | Report Abuse

invertors here are buying into the shares of airasia, why focus so much of tony being a good or bad guy? his ability (rather than willingness) to save airasia in such situation should be more of a concern. should focus back on airasia itself


2022-01-17 09:45 | Report Abuse

he just like step on any counters's down trend / dip


2022-01-17 09:44 | Report Abuse

had hard arguments with him there that time


2022-01-17 09:43 | Report Abuse

@SinGor MMCCORP also he steps on la during it's dip prior successful privatization


2022-01-17 09:28 | Report Abuse

@i3lurker "Killing the poor and Stepping on the poor to kill them is a time honoured tradition dating back more than 5,000 years."

no wonder you are such a person

although I also never look good on airasia since day one (and I see this day coming), I never bother to come here and doing things like you do.

really bro, everytime I see you comment only negative things, you really liked to "Stepping on the poor" so much a

really despise you so much as a person


2022-01-13 08:32 | Report Abuse

@will188 just say la you not happy u oldbie buy 0.20 per share, newbie now can easily buy 0.025 / 0.030 per share, just say you jealous


2022-01-13 08:27 | Report Abuse

@Will188 ah ha! newbie is the cause of oldbie losing money now!


2022-01-11 12:28 | Report Abuse

@lehubeng 1 whole day for 0.025 entries to take profit


2022-01-10 16:26 | Report Abuse

@sales so did you buy any at 0.025? you can easily make 20% profit now by selling at 0.030 if you did


2022-01-10 16:18 | Report Abuse

if you bought at 0.025, they give you 0.005sen instead


2022-01-10 11:55 | Report Abuse

@investor787 most counters (especially those with consistent positive EPS and discounted NTA) can make money, depending on your entry and exit price only. every such counters must have a bottom price that you can safely enter, as long as the company still worth something (unlike those already with negative NTA like airasia)


2022-01-10 11:00 | Report Abuse

A fallen one advising newbie to becareful again! lmao!


2022-01-10 10:56 | Report Abuse

I just hope those who are still suffering significant paper loss or already cut loss in this counter stop advising newbie who just entered at recent prices like you guys are so pro in investing


2022-01-10 10:49 | Report Abuse

@investor787 many times? you talk like you know it will happen again and again

1 time = 0.005 / 0.025 = 20% profit, so did you made any profit this time?


2022-01-10 09:31 | Report Abuse

those who enter at 0.025 huat liao lo, bottom fishing success liao lo, meanwhile, oldbie still talk about conspiracy, blaming newbie and ambrose


2022-01-06 21:57 | Report Abuse

all newbie and ambrose punya fault, oldbie is the innocent victim


2022-01-06 21:56 | Report Abuse

ya continue until oldbie got no chance to recover paper loss, until all oldbie had to cut loss, very nice curse to yourself oldbie


2022-01-05 22:27 | Report Abuse

everyone invest at their own risk, just mind your own investment if you got nothing good to say here


2022-01-05 22:25 | Report Abuse

just like after I cut loss at serba, I leave that forum for good, no need to continuously talk bad of investors that stayed there until today


2022-01-05 22:23 | Report Abuse

I also admit I am not 100% confident here, but still positive enough to put minority of my money here to try bottom fishing.

I am especially against those who talk bad of any counters at their respective forum (like u). if you don't think the counter is good, just leave, no need to talk bad of it, it is still other's investment


2022-01-05 22:20 | Report Abuse

if you really did followed my comment in serba, I did mentioned there when I gave up and cut loss in serba, definitely no huge loss there, everyone make some misjudgement in investment, as long as I am still correct in majority of my investment (especially those I invested a lot), that will be more than enough to be a successful investor


2022-01-05 22:16 | Report Abuse

serba I admit I made a mistake try to buy a scandal company at cheap price, doesn't mean I am wrong here buying a good fundamental company at a cheap price. I don't believe in the conspiracy theory because no directors will want their company price to go indefinitely low, they can only dilute the price with PP up to certain price level, which I believe it is the bottom or near bottom now


2022-01-05 08:26 | Report Abuse

somemore this counter I enter at RM0.030, don't compare me to oldbies like you who entered at high price


2022-01-05 08:25 | Report Abuse

even this counter I don't put majority of my investment la, majority of my investment now at SURIA, if you want laugh at me you need to wait that counter fall down


2022-01-05 08:22 | Report Abuse

@Will188 haha serba dinamik I minor loss only la, already cut loss earlier la, u got see I still promoting that counter ka haha? less than 1 month la i inside that counter


2022-01-04 21:40 | Report Abuse

@will188 1 year only become oldbird already ka?? Aiya, I don't mind to stay here for many more years. I only consider myself Oldbie of this counter if I stayed more than 5 years. Asiapac I earned handsome profit only after stayed more than 2 years. People call me newbie also keep promoting that counter there last time. But I don't mind la haha.

please don't invest la if you cannot stay in 1 counter for many years, go gambling faster, no need 1 day settle win / loss


2022-01-04 14:32 | Report Abuse

oldbies all fallen into conspiracy, it is not problem of buying at high price


2022-01-04 14:29 | Report Abuse

@investor787 yes this counter is all about conspiracy


2022-01-03 09:45 | Report Abuse

"from more than 0.06 cent become 0.02 cent" << this is discount, the exact main reason to buy, not otherwise, LOL


2022-01-02 16:13 | Report Abuse

stock bursa undervalue fundamnetal investment, buy low sell high I agree. but manipulation? trap? that part u need ability to do mind reading, without such ability you should just ignore it and focus back on fundamental investment


2021-12-31 08:45 | Report Abuse

it is more naive than thinking that the outcomes will repeat in gambling table.


2021-12-31 08:36 | Report Abuse

Talk about repeating of history in stock market. ha ha ha.


2021-12-29 13:20 | Report Abuse

@donator not precisely in stock market, it still depends on the business growth of the invested company, unlike pure gambling. but most importantly it is still about timing / bottom fishing, because sometime market price can go against business growth as well.

it is more complicated in stock market, because sometime everyone can make money, but definitely not in this overally downtrend counter, because bottom fishing is the only way to make money here


2021-12-29 11:15 | Report Abuse

every counter there are people who make money and people who lose money. It is all about entry and exit (price and timing)


2021-12-29 09:04 | Report Abuse

@Will188 Oldbies like you are just like old victimized souls keep cursing the newcomers, thinking that history will repeat itself. While a few newcomers already making profit, bought at 0.025 and sold at 0.030. Not everyone will go through the same fate as you. You will not be scammed by PP if you don't enter this counter at previous high price. It is all your own fault. Not conspiracy theory. Think about it and have a rest. Stop cursing like a restless soul.


2021-12-27 20:17 | Report Abuse

what fundamental they have? high NTA, positive EPS, cheap price, that's all enough, the rest are bonuses


2021-12-27 20:15 | Report Abuse

haiya talk conspiracy theory again at such a cheap price, people who bought at 0.025 and sold today at 0.030 already make profit liao la, still conspiracy thing, it is all about what time u enter what time u exit only, u guys bought at high level kena trapped don't complain much and scare people at lower price la. memang like that people like buy high then cut loss (sell low) ma


2021-12-25 09:02 | Report Abuse

if you can't wait any longer just cut loss and leave, no need to lash out negatively here


2021-12-25 09:00 | Report Abuse

@Will188 fundamental for long term and has no time limit la haha. if you are limited to short / mid term then you are a handicapped investor


2021-12-20 23:38 | Report Abuse

see undervalue or not enough


2021-12-20 23:38 | Report Abuse

haiya so many conspiracy theory, back to the fundamental only la


2021-12-10 16:38 | Report Abuse

oldbies bought at much higher price now telling newbies don't buy at current lower price


2021-12-08 09:16 | Report Abuse

considering without further pandemic complication, logistic should be bullish onward


2021-12-08 09:16 | Report Abuse

considering without further pandemic complication, logistic should be bullish onward


2021-12-08 09:15 | Report Abuse

considering without further pandemic complication, logistic should be bullish onward