
SincereStock | Joined since 2017-05-25

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Fundamental Value trader / investor base on PE & PB. Anti technical analysis. targeting undervalue company and hoping for privatization (easiest way to earn money)





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2021-08-24 09:19 | Report Abuse

@miscoh "no point if the boss keep the huge cash in bank and not distribute as dividend to shareholder"

at some point if the price is below NTA and the profit keep improving or at least maintain, eventually the price will start to move toward NTA, or even the boss can offer privatization, see MMCCORP.

that's why I am more emphasized in NTA than PE, NTA is the current worth of the company, but PE, espeicialy high PE is future expectation of this company but it's future value is already materialised in the current price, while the future is never guaranteed, in other words, there is limited room for growth, but huge room for discount


2021-08-24 08:42 | Report Abuse

for me currently at 0.61 the upside of this stock is just slightly above it's downside, due to it's NTA and not so clean debt condition, so I will still wait for price with better room of upside, if any how I missed it, sure will let it go, definitely not going to buy when it's is traded at PE10 above, many other better potential companies outside


2021-08-24 08:39 | Report Abuse

@dchin472, I agree with you that so far the room for discount is seem to be limited to 0.50 currently, unless there is change in prospect

let's see how the mr market decide


2021-08-24 08:27 | Report Abuse

although many other stock that is already way above NTA and still uptrending, but value investors strategy is not try to chase those stock, hunt for the discounted ones only


2021-08-24 08:25 | Report Abuse

@micsoh just my 2 cents, no company is cheap when it is traded above NTA, 90 sen that time is above NTA so... you may disagree though, but warren buffett himself also emphasized a lot at buying at NTA discount


2021-08-23 21:28 | Report Abuse

@dchin I day trade this stock the day after QR release, enter at open price 0.59, sold at 0.63, it is not guaranteed that the improved QR can bring the price back to consistent uptrend back to 0.90, so I rather just take profit as my target is reached

yea don't rush, imo currently the price is already considered cheap, but still has plenty of room to discount especially considering it is not way below NTA. if the price goes up before I can reenter then I will let it go, but if the price continues to drop further, then I will consider to reenter, maybe for longer period this time


2021-08-23 20:58 | Report Abuse

no one can predict bottom, but with proper fundamental analysis, you can tell whether the current price is discounted (low), near it's instrictic value or above (high)

although all this cannot guarantee one can make money, at least it is the basic and proper way to do fundamental value investment, otherwise you are just betting blindly.


2021-08-23 20:39 | Report Abuse

another improved QR ^_^ possibly the last QR before EGM


2021-08-23 15:51 | Report Abuse

just no need to worry much in case the mother share price dip again like previously when C23 near expiring


2021-08-23 15:50 | Report Abuse

@shivawerer, bankers who issue the CW loses more money the higher the mother price of this company when the CW expires, so bankers will tend to push down the price by selling it's mother shares when the CW is close to expire


2021-08-23 09:33 | Report Abuse

C24 call warrant is expiring very soon (27-8-2021), don't panic if there is another wave of sell down by the banker


2021-08-17 08:29 | Report Abuse

anyway, it is always good to know that this company actually worthed RM4, or even RM3, as those sifu claimed, it can serve as plan B in case the SCR failed. but this plan B definitely require patience and time for it to be materialized in the form of trade price


2021-08-17 08:14 | Report Abuse

I am not 1 of those optimise that believe this company worth RM4 though, as it is not important if the price hardly materialized in the form of market trade price, I am just glad and positive that we all will be able to exit at good price of RM2 once the SCR go though without any accident


2021-08-17 08:12 | Report Abuse

I am very positive that the SCR will go through, but nothing is 100%, I invest based on risk vs reward management


2021-08-17 08:08 | Report Abuse

@500bilis, yes, the reward become lower and risk become higher when the price reached rm1.85 (esepcially for those portion that I bought at around RM1.6 during the panic sell)

regardless I already reentered yesterday at RM1.8, so I avoided loss of RM0.05 for that portion in this operation, will sell again if the price reach 1.85 again for safety purpose


2021-08-11 17:22 | Report Abuse

retailers invest to earn money, not fight for justice


2021-08-11 17:21 | Report Abuse

for retailers it is never about fair or reasonable, what matter is the implication of the outcome


2021-08-11 11:53 | Report Abuse

managed to sold a portion at 1.85 today (Queue with 1 month good till date since BOD deliberation passed) ^_^ previously all in this counter rm1.7 and below

the rest hope for privatization go through for another 8% profit


2021-08-09 13:06 | Report Abuse

there are so many other undervalue companies in bursa, not just mmc, some investors bought the others are making losses, simply because of bad market valuation, but nothing we retail investors can do about it, but accept loss.

as for MMC, be grateful that SM offer us an exit plan? you all don't really expect SM pay you at full valuation (of anything close) of this company right?


2021-08-09 12:54 | Report Abuse

to those still consider to reject the SRC, my sincere sugesstion to you is just go all in at current market price, since you value this company that much


2021-08-09 12:52 | Report Abuse

imo just don't be too greedy, this company is traded below R1.3 before privitization announcement. even after the announcement, it can goes as low as RM1.5+ due to fear

regardless how much the company actually worth, it is not worth to be greedy and take the risk at this point, the open market simply don't value the company that much.

be grateful that if we can exit succesfully at RM2


2021-08-05 22:57 | Report Abuse

@ruslimz yes you are correct, thanks for correcting me, I mistakenly used the offer price as the denominator, should have used the purchase price as you suggested


2021-08-05 21:54 | Report Abuse

@karlos amcorp offer price is 90 sen + 3sen dividend = 93sen

margin gain prior EGM is merely 1.5sen / 93sen = 1.6%

while currently the margin gain for mmc is 0.19 / 2.00 = 9.5%

still got a lot of improvement room moving closer to EGM date


2021-08-05 20:34 | Report Abuse

mmc price should be at least above RM1.90 prior EGM


2021-08-05 16:29 | Report Abuse

can vote online? investor from Sabah here with direct account. not possible to attend or appoint proxy to cast my bilis vote. but I sure won't feel hassle if can do it online to help it go through for the beneficial of all retailers


2021-08-05 10:07 | Report Abuse

since before SCR announcement this operator non stop manipulating this counter the same style


2021-08-05 10:06 | Report Abuse

the same operator manipulating again, see the buy and sell queue, no retailers enough share to queue volume like that. we need to punish the operator by only buying and not selling any until the SCR complete


2021-08-05 09:38 | Report Abuse

I am currently still all in state in this counter, purchased multiple times during it's dip, not going to sell any at this point when I am promised another 10% return by the boss himself


2021-08-05 09:22 | Report Abuse

as long as the EGM passed, the rest are just techinical waiting period, 100% risk free


2021-08-05 09:21 | Report Abuse

@ruslimz still need 6 months from now on? i thought it is 2 or 3 months the most? after independent advisor then EGM is the next isn't it?


2021-08-05 09:11 | Report Abuse

anyway political instability should not affect this counter as well, as at this point it is all up to entitled shareholders to decide, which the only bad decision to do is to vote against the SCR, especially in amidst of political uncertainty. you are not proposed a RM2 exit door anytime


2021-08-05 09:08 | Report Abuse

people still being so cautious at this point / unwilling to wait for few more months for extra 10% profit lol


2021-08-04 20:08 | Report Abuse

yay 1 step closer towards exiting at RM2 ^_^


2021-08-03 11:02 | Report Abuse

@kinuxian that means those who sold mostly are retailers right? so nothing to do with any insiders' news / trade?


2021-08-02 08:55 | Report Abuse

tldr: privatization at RM2 is the best exit plan for retailers


2021-08-02 08:50 | Report Abuse

@DingHai888 regardless of what the video say, if the privatisation failed, retailers has the most to lose, short term wise that is for sure, long term? too many uncertainty also.

talking about how much the company is worth above RM2 is delusional when it is traded below RM1.8 at the market now.

rather than suggesting that we should reject the privatisation at RM2, why don't you sell everything u got and borrow everysen of money you can borrow now to all in when it is below RM1.8? that would at least make a little more sense


2021-08-01 16:39 | Report Abuse

I am not saying that there will be price revise, I am just saying that there won't be any limit at this point without any price revise for the privatization

for limit up to happen, the revised price has to be rm2.30 or above


2021-08-01 15:27 | Report Abuse

100% will not limit up unless price revise


2021-07-28 09:01 | Report Abuse

gap up and operator gone MIA in the morning?


2021-07-27 22:07 | Report Abuse

hopefully he meant it, let this SCR go through for the sake of the minority shareholders


2021-07-27 21:34 | Report Abuse

and the obvious reason for him to offer privatization is to relist the company ports seperately in the future, which will give much better total market capitalization


2021-07-27 21:32 | Report Abuse

I thought no somebody else that can offer privatization on this company except SM himself who is the biggest shareholder who own 51% of the company shares under his name?


2021-07-27 18:47 | Report Abuse

and that is about the delay of the BOD deliberation, as for the price swing, I believe most part of it has to do with C24 and C23 expiring


2021-07-27 18:45 | Report Abuse

@ziyang8896 but there is no point given the fact that PNB alone is enough to vote down the SCR, what I don't understand is if the delay is really caused by disagreement of PNB, why SM didn't discuss with them prior the SCR announcement

hopefully this is not the case and the delay is actually caused by technical things that require time to be sorted out only


2021-07-27 18:29 | Report Abuse

if the delay is because PNB is in middle of disccusion price revise with SM, and they finally comes out with an agreed revised price, then hurray for all the retailers, definitely the best retailers can dream of for the time being


2021-07-27 18:27 | Report Abuse

only 1 reason if PNB insist to vote against this SRC, and that is they firmly believe this company worth way above RM2, not really a bad thing anyway? at least in the longer run?


2021-07-27 17:21 | Report Abuse

since all retailers are part of the non interested parties shareholders, and if they don't show up, they still make up for the total of non interested parties shareholders right? if that the case, then don't show up means you don't vote against = considered as vote for

should be that simple right? most retailers don't bother to show up to cast their insignificant votes


2021-07-27 17:04 | Report Abuse

because the rejection is base on not more than 10% voting against


2021-07-27 17:04 | Report Abuse

imo, not casted votes should be considered as voting for the SRC to be fair, you only show up to vote against if you are against the privatization


2021-07-27 17:03 | Report Abuse

not casted votes considered as void? if that the case it is really hard to go through, as most likely retailers who will most likely vote for the SRC mostly won't show up to cast their votes, it is very easy for those who vote against to get more than 10% because majority of those who tend to vote for doesn't care to show up