
steven983 | Joined since 2012-07-26 09:43:20

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2016-12-23 12:27 | Report Abuse

Mr Ooi, I am newbie, pls let me know how can I subcribe to your stock recommendation?


2014-07-01 15:58 | Report Abuse

It is too bad that the Management Guru's company has to file for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Protection last year if not mistaken.

Business and economic environment are in constant flux and a fixed set of management strategy will not be able to cope with ever changing business environment, or worse still, lead the business to Holland

Thriving in chaos will be the order of the day and the ability of the management to strategize to overcome chaos or to actively managing it will be the key


2014-06-21 19:21 | Report Abuse

Sifu Raider

so glad to find Sifu in i3investor n contributing your great mind on investment philosophy n indeed the investment paternity should be very grateful to have one rare unselfish guru in you. Welldone n keep up the good work


2013-10-22 10:43 | Report Abuse

Bersabarlah, patience is d virtue. I am holding it for more than a year. This is d only pure oil play n what do u think d probability of striking black gold? But again be prepared if d Oman drill is negative, price may take a hit b4 they eventually hit d jackpot


2013-10-10 14:46 | Report Abuse

Latest tranche of CRPS, conversion price at 1.89. Just judge for yourselves the implication. Loyal shareholders will ultimately be handsomely rewarded


2013-06-07 16:06 | Report Abuse

looks like so, take off delayed until further notice

News & Blogs

2013-05-31 12:22 | Report Abuse

Most analysts are just blind or just pure ignorant.

From a very low base of having incurring losses for many years (from the day they took over Sanyo and subsequently changed the name to i-berhad) and suddenly to turned in some meagree profit which on the surface, seems a quantum leap but in reality, was miserable.

The shares in the company is so tightly held and very illiquid and hence, easily manipulated. From fundamental point of view, there is no justification to warrant such a steep price spike.

Surprisingly it has not attracted a UMM query from the SC.

What is the mean of the company financing their 40% stake in the upcoming shopping mall development should be the question analysts supposed to ask.

In short, pass success does not guarantee future success and bearing in mind this company has been toiling with all sorts of development concept on the same piece of land for the last 2 decades and only started to see some light at the end of the tunnel and analsyts should not just blindly make recommendation on this company.

The founder of Sony once said this " Company can only make whatever profit that the public allows the Company to make" and when you are talking about a company without CSR, it is difficult to see how this company is going to make it if it is without the help of Selangor State Government which has gone overboard

News & Blogs

2012-10-10 12:55 | Report Abuse

The country, or more correctly to say the Government of our once resources rich country will never learn from the past mistakes and will continue to make the silly mistakes times and again.

If you may recall what happened to the country's economy after the financial crisis of 1997, the government was throwing good money after the bad one by rescuing one company after another company, and of course you know what were the companies that were being rescued.

Indeed, it was a huge amount being wasted to rescue these companies and what is the end results, companies that have lost their competitive edge with no distinctive competance to compete in an ever more competitve business environment but survived purely because of the Government's protection and heavily subsidized by the tax payers and the rakyat who are consuming locally products like proton car.

What the government should have done then was to let these companies go to the wall so that the monies used for bailing out these sick companies could have been used much more wisely by adopting more prudent fiscal and monetary policies which would have put the country in a much more solid fundamental footing for the eventual economic recovery to the like of our immediate neighour countries - Indonesia, Thailand and Philippine.

Instead, look at the miserable state of our economy over the last 1 1/2 decades whereby the country's economic growth has been stunted with average growth of 4 to 5% annually which is no better than a replacement economy, just enough to sustain the tear and wear of the economy with no real monies to spend on capital expenditure to bring about real growth for a developing country like Malaysia. If we are not careful, Malaysia may end up becomes a under developed country by 2020. The lost 1.5 decades will be difficult for the country to claw back the losses in terms of economic development and country's advancement

The country will inevitably make the same mistake again come this round of world economy slump, just wait and see unless the coming GE really see the forming of a two party system on the political spectrum to ensure enough of check and balance.

Take a look at the level of our soverign national debts, a staggering 500Billion plus and please take it with a pinch of salt as this figure excludes plenty of off balance sheet borrowing and borrowings by GLC.

God bless Malaysia!