
sunztzhe | Joined since 2014-01-13

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2014-04-26 20:40 | Report Abuse

Look at the big picture...ASIA needs more and more POWER to power its economic growth. The next century will belong to ASIA. Mudajaya biz is in POWER and it has a toehold in INDIA..a very significant emerging economy which needs lots of power. Coal supply contract had already been sealed. INDAN Power plant will be firing up by end of 2014 or 2015. INDIAN Power plant will give it recurring income which contributes positively to its cashflow.

Mudajaya business model is skewed towards Power project and the INDIAN Power Plant will give it the recurring income and most important positive cashflow to fund its future power business in ASIA.


2014-04-26 19:58 | Report Abuse

In investment one merely focus on unappreciated companies with improving fundamentals with share price ranged bound n mudajaya is one of these rare companies in BURSA. Any price drop towards the lower range is a fantastic buying opportunity.


2014-04-26 11:12 | Report Abuse

Gerry188: I just want to know from you the following which is SUBSTANTIATED AND BACKED UP WITH FACTS:

What are the serious issues which you had alleged that Management has failed to clarify adequately
- What is your definition of "adequate calification"?
- What are the facts and your reasons that had led you to perceive that the Mudajaya management had failed to clarify adequately


2014-04-26 11:08 | Report Abuse

Gerry188: "stop be annoying" is just a convenient excuse and this does not hide the fact that you had decided not take responsibility and you had also decided not to be accountable for your allegations.

You have just confirmed to yourself and to the rest of the forunners here that you had chosen NOT TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY NOR BE ACCOUNTABLE for the allegations raised by you as you had refused to substantiate with facts on the following questions

- What are the serious issues which you had alleged that Management has failed to clarify adequately
- What is your definition of "adequate calification"?
- What are the facts and your reasons that had led you to perceive that the Mudajaya management had failed to clarify adequately


2014-04-26 10:57 | Report Abuse

So you have just confirmed to all here that you shall not take responsibility and you had also decided not to be accountable for your allegations.


2014-04-26 10:53 | Report Abuse

Gerry188: You must take responsibility and be accountable for your allegations

Please reply to all forunners here with facts on:
- What are the serious issues which you had alleged that Management has failed to clarify adequately
- What is your definition of "adequate calification"?
- What are the facts and your reasons that had led you to perceive that the Mudajaya management had failed to clarify adequately

If you choose not to take responsibility and be accountable for your allegations, so be it. All the forunners here will come to the eventual conclusion that you will not take responsibility nor will you want to be accountable for your allegations.

You just deride great glee to casting aspersions for reasons which you know best yourself and to the forunners.


2014-04-26 10:48 | Report Abuse

Gerry188: You must take responsibility and be accountable for your allegations

Please reply to all forunners here with facts on:
- What are the serious issues which you had alleged that Management has failed to clarify adequately
- What is your definition of "adequate calification"?
- What are the facts and your reasons that had led you to perceive that the Mudajaya management had failed to clarify adequately


2014-04-26 10:44 | Report Abuse

gerry1888: You have to take responsibility and be accountable for any allegation made by you pertaining your allegation that "The report actually raises some really serious issues which the Management has failed to clarify adequately. But I don't think that most of the forumners here want to know about that"

So please state with facts on "What are the really serious issues that the Management has failed to clarify adequately?"

Most of the forerunners here will disagree with your view or rather convenient excuse that they don't want to know about "serious issues which the management has failed to clarify adequately."

Is this a convenient excuse by you to raise allegation and not taking the responsibility and be accountable to substantiate with FACTS to support your allegations that "there are serious allegations that Mudajaya management has failed to clarify adequately?

Please reply to all forunners here with facts on:
- What are the serious issues which you alleged that Management has failed to clarify adequately
- Why do you perceive that the Mudajaya management had failed to clarify adequately


2014-04-26 10:39 | Report Abuse

gerry1888: You have to take responsibility and be accountable for any allegation made by you pertaining your allegation that "The report actually raises some really serious issues which the Management has failed to clarify adequately. But I don't think that most of the forumners here want to know about that"

So please state with facts on "What are the really serious issues that the Management has failed to clarify adequately?"

Most of the forerunners here will disagree with your view or rather convenient excuse that they don't want to know about "serious issues which the management has failed to clarify adequately."

Is this a convenient excuse by you to raise allegation and not taking the responsibility and be accountable to substantiate with FACTS to support your allegations that "there are serious allegations that Mudajaya management has failed to clarify adequately?


2014-04-26 10:29 | Report Abuse

You had stated that "The report actually raises some really serious issues which the Management has failed to clarify adequately. But I don't think that most of the forumners here want to know about that"

I want to know from you directly about your allegation that the management has failed to clarify adequately.

So please state with facts on "What are the really serious issues that the Management has failed to clarify adequately?"


2014-04-26 10:09 | Report Abuse

This is the management reply to all the 7 questions posed. Please read through and understand the facts of the case.


2014-04-25 23:54 | Report Abuse

gerry188: Sharebuy backs means the company sees value at that price. Downside to Mudajaya price is limited. Share price had hovered around these levels over the past 24 months. So what is new?

There is increased tension in Ukraine today and so markets globally retreated to the sideline. Tension come and go. It is just like the sea..low tide and high tide...You have been long enough in the market to realize this and act on it based on your risk profile.

If you are a day contra trader you cut.
If you are a value investor, you buy some more.

You decide on what is your investment profile.


2014-04-25 23:22 | Report Abuse

Have you bought mudajaya shares today?
Do you harbour the intention to buy some more mudajaya shares in future at your "hoped for lower price in the future"?
How long more do you plan to park yourself here in this thread?
When do you plan to stop? Do you plan to stop when you have collected enough Mudajaya shares for a song?
Do you genuinely care for the retailers whom you alleged today had been conned??
Are you working feverishly with great glee trying to conn the unsuspecting retailers to part with their shares at much lower prices??

Do you disagree with mudajaya corporate strategy to focus more into the power sector to generate higher margins and in future effect recurring incomes that generate positive cashflow?

Or do you subscribe that Mudajaya should continue with low margin construction business?


2014-04-25 23:04 | Report Abuse

gerry188: Today You have made a serious allegation that retailers of mudajaya are being conned. So please advise "WHO IS CONNING THE RETAILERS?"

"Is the Mudajaya management conning the retailers" or " Is/are other people in this thread conning the retailers?"

Do you personally know these so called retailers who had been conned? How were these retailers being conned? Have you personally spoken to Mr Koon before you write about Mr Koon?

Why are you are still here actively casting negative aspersions on Mudajaya?

What is your real objective behind your actions which you had lately intensified with such glee ?

Is your main objective to plant doubts in the minds of the not so well informed investors of Mudajaya with the sole objective of buying Mudajaya shares off these people for a song since you had professed in writing today that you are really concerned that these retailers had been conned??If that is so, who is trying to conn who???

If you have the opinion that Mudajaya has no value then why are you parking yourself here, days and nights spending valuable time here casting negative aspersions about the company?

Have you given any thought and reflected that your current and past actions and behaviour is very asinine in nature??

Are you very focussed to buy Mudajaya shares off these frightened retailers at much lower prices in the future?

Are you very focussed in your objective in trying to conn unsuspecting retailers to part with their shares so you can buy it for a song?

Have you bought mudajaya shares today?


2014-04-25 17:58 | Report Abuse

Gerry188: Mudajaya managment had already replied to the 7 questions posed by Investor Central to Mudajaya and the management response was reported by Malay mail Online on 12/2/2014. Have you read Mudajaya management response that was reported on 12/4/2014. Were you satisfied with the mudajaya management response.

Today You have made a serious allegation that retailers of mudajaya are being conned. Since you had on record today made this serious allegation of retailers being conned, please do enlighten all of us in this thread on "Who is doing the conning here."

"Is the Mudajaya management conning the retailers" or " Is/are other people in this thread conning the retailers?"

Who is/are conning the retailers of mudajaya shares??


2014-04-25 17:09 | Report Abuse

gerry188: You have been and is very active in this thread because you had stated that a lot of retailers are being conned.

As you had stated that alot of retailers in mudajaya had been conned , I am asking you directly this question..

Who is doing the conning here...Is the Mudajaya management conning the retailers or other people in this thread who are conning the retailers?

Who is/are conning the retailers of mudajaya shares??


2014-04-25 16:58 | Report Abuse

Gerry188: I suppose you do not understand my questions directly to you or there are other reasons for not replying directly.
So you have answered indirectly that you have not bought mudajaya shares today and you do not have any intention to buy Mudajaya shares at lower prices in the future.

You are active in this thread because you had stated that a lot of retailers are being conned. Who is doing the conning here...Is it the Mudajaya management or other people in this thread?


2014-04-25 16:41 | Report Abuse

Did you buy Mudajaya shares today or are you planning to buy mudajaya shares at lower price?


2014-04-25 16:32 | Report Abuse

gerry188: The fact that you had chosen not to reply directly to my questions above speaks volumes about your dense intentions in this thread.


2014-04-25 16:25 | Report Abuse

I ask you again ...
Why are you so active in this thread when you had claimed that you do not own any shares in Mudajaya?

Are you waiting to buy Mudajaya shares at lower prices ?

Did you buy Mudajaya shares today?


2014-04-25 16:07 | Report Abuse

gerry188: You have not replied directly to my question. I am asking you not leno. I ask you again..
Why are you so active in this thread when you had claimed that you do not own any shares in Mudajaya? Are you waiting to buy Mudajaya shares at lower prices ?


2014-04-25 16:01 | Report Abuse

Gerry188: Why are you so active in this thread when you had claimed that you do not own any shares in Mudajaya? Are you waiting to buy Mudajaya shares at lower prices ?


2014-04-25 15:27 | Report Abuse

The reported facts are indeed rehash of old news and based on the management response that "IRR will remain the same irrespective of increase in price of fuel" and "Hence the profitability will be the same" the fundamental of the company has not been impaired and remains intact. As the company fundamental remained intact, any price dip is a buying opportunity. Can any i3 investor here claim to know much more that the company management?


2014-04-25 11:39 | Report Abuse

It was reported in Business times article dated March 3 2014 that "Wong said the first unit would be commissioned by the third quarter of this year, and the other three units to be commissioned in stages soon after". RHB report on 24/4/2014 merely confirmed what was said by Mr Wong to Business Times on March 3 2014. Can this info be a new negative as Business Times had already reported it on March 3 2014?

News & Blogs

2014-04-06 09:48 | Report Abuse

If the company management thinks it cannot further improve the future EPS consistently with the excess cash that it has , it is better for management to decide to pay out dividends to shareholders with the excess cash it does not require for its business

News & Blogs

2014-04-05 23:28 | Report Abuse

The issue at hand is not whether dividends matter...the real issue at hand is to ask whether that particular company is well managed and is capable of growing its EPS and is in a growth industry for a certain period of time.


2014-04-05 23:21 | Report Abuse

One does not invest in HOPE and with HOPE that the share price will improve over time but it is more pertinent that one should focus on current facts and future probable and likelihood of improving facts ie. current EPS and probable future increasing EPS. Investors who are HOPERS and FOOLS are synonymous...they soon will be parted with their money in due course as they allow their emotions to dictate their investment decision.

News & Blogs

2014-04-05 23:14 | Report Abuse

One chooses one's way to life. Likewise one decides whether one need to work further or otherwise. The choice is up to the individual. You reap what you sow. What , How you sow is up to you as an individual. There is no hard and fast rule for everyone as everyones' circumstance in life and financial status/situation is different.


2014-04-05 13:11 | Report Abuse

Does the bonus announcement improves the EPS for MKH? It very much dilutes the EPS. The driver for higher share price will be on higher and higher EPS and not on HOPE THAT IT WILL GET HIGHER.

News & Blogs

2014-04-05 13:06 | Report Abuse

How low can it go?.. It may even go lower before it gets better

News & Blogs

2014-04-02 14:03 | Report Abuse

Mr Koon,
What is your definition of Intelligence with reference to your article above? There are basically two types of Intelligence and these are EQ(Emotional Intelligence) and IQ(Intelligence Quotient). High EQ people tend to be more successful in business whereas High IQ people tend to be more successful in academia/research.

When one look around in this society one will notice certain characteristics of entrepreneurs and will eventually ask ...

" Why are "A" students working for "C" students?"...Are "C" students more intelligent than "A" students or are "C" students driven relatively more by materialism? Does this mean that "C" students are more intelligent than "A" students? Does "C" students possess the intelligence to do forefront research work?? Who lives a happier life.....the "A" student or the "C" student as both eventually cannot carry their wealth to their graves.

What is your take on these questions???

News & Blogs

2014-04-02 09:15 | Report Abuse

Retirement number is specific to individuals. It varies according to ones social and economic background.Each individual has his/her own financial status,own needs and wants and the retirement number varies according to every individual. Having said that there is a still a basic common number that applies to every individual in every society.

What determines the basic living expenses for the average Joe?
In this scenario, one need to forecast on basic living expenses that one need to live on a reasonable basis per year and the living expenses covers food and non food living expenses

Next one need to forecast inflation rates in the future years and these rates must be factored into the yearly basic living expenses.

What will be the discounted rates over the years? The discounted rate will be the FD rate as one is computing NOW how much MONEY one needs NOW IN THE BANK to cover ones living in the future years.

The question that begets every person is once you have done the sums , what will be your action plan? Maybe for some they need to downscale and ask for external assistance such as BRIM/etc or work until they can't work anymore....Others who are not daunted may decide on action plans to equip themselves with sound financial investment skills that brings in future cash flows that meets their forecasted future living expenses.

News & Blogs

2014-04-01 23:23 | Report Abuse

Retirement number?
The unintended consequence of fixing a retirement number is the mind stops working and inflation will certainly eat up your so called "adequate retirement number". What matter most is one must acquire investment skills from a businessman perspective, learn from others new ideas and in the process acquire excellent investment skills to sustain the long haul and use the skills to the fullest to grow ones asset backing until one calls it a day or the god almighty calls it a day for all of us.

Having said that one must always live within ones means at any time till the god almighty calls it a day for all of us.

News & Blogs

2014-03-19 22:53 | Report Abuse

Agree with the business thinking mindset of Mr Koon on professional evaluation of COST versus FUTURE BENEFITS. There will be RISKS no doubt in every stock investment but the risks can be minimized and managed very well by following Mr Koons Investment principles of seeking out companies that yield increasing PROFITS in the future years and making the decision now to Invest in these companies.

News & Blogs

2014-02-02 17:01 | Report Abuse

I hold on to the view that it is good to invest in FUTURE fundamental stocks that has very little price downside currently but is well supported by improving fundamentals as a consequence of past Investment actions taken that will result in increasing Revenue and increasing Earnings growth in the future years. GEM stocks may not be gems now but will surely transform into GEMS in the future years. That is the ART of Investment. I concur with Mr Koon's Investment view on JTiasa.

News & Blogs

2014-02-01 18:27 | Report Abuse

It is "good" to look for bombed out stocks with near zero downside risk and it is "cheap" to buy if the stock fundamentals gives increasing Revenue and increasing EBIT over the next 3 to 5 years.


2014-01-14 17:07 | Report Abuse

The Executive chairman had stated that the company plans to make acquisitions and establishing new factories in ASEAN countries.
This will be a good business strategy to increase market share in ASEAN market.


2014-01-14 13:25 | Report Abuse

Did CSL management express future plans to invest in ASEAN regional production centre with lower production cost at the recent SGM? If yes, which markets are they looking at?

News & Blogs

2014-01-14 13:13 | Report Abuse

Mr Koon: Politics as defined by Wikipedia (from Greek: politikos, meaning "of, for, or relating to citizens") is the practice and theory of influencing other people on a civic or individual level. More narrowly, it refers to achieving and exercising positions of governance — organized control over a human community, particularly a state.

So on a much broader view, the forum on "How to become a super investor" is political as well.


2014-01-14 10:50 | Report Abuse

The products CSL sells are stationary consumables. Market wise CSL is in the right markets with increasing purchasing power. Cost wise, CSL must improve further to attain lower cost leadership and that means regional production centres in major markets with much lower cost of production relative to existing facilities.

News & Blogs

2014-01-14 10:12 | Report Abuse

Mr Koon,
Chedet had stated that
-The Malays must remember that they cannot rule and prosper this country on their own.
-They need the dynamism and business skills of the Chinese. They need also the professional skills of the Indians.

Having said that, a more pertinent question to ask is "Are Schools educating our child for the real world, the real world of money, arming our child with basic financial education?"

News & Blogs

2014-01-14 09:31 | Report Abuse

It boils down to ones investment strategy and emotional makeup. A true Fundamentalist will buy/sell based on the discount/premium of stock price relative the intrinsic worth. A true Trader will buy/sell based on Technical indicators on whether the stocks are oversold/overbought. These are good systems to follow be it FA or TA. The problem is the emotions gets in the way to cloud decision making.


2014-01-13 21:44 | Report Abuse

CSL is SME and Chinese banks do not give loans to SME. So CSL like any SME has to earn money and keep the cash for rainy days, future investments, new working capital requirement. The banks in China is very much like Malaysian banks in the 70s- no collateral, no loans. But CSL paid 1.6 sen dividend in 2013 and based on today closing price the DY is 7.62%, higher than EPF dividend rate n much higher than FD rate.


2014-01-13 21:26 | Report Abuse

How long will CSL price stay rangebound? maybe not so long. maybe CSL train is leaving station very soon.


2014-01-13 21:16 | Report Abuse

Those who take position now have little to fear but a lot to gain when CSL uptrend gains traction.


2014-01-13 21:09 | Report Abuse

CSL uptrend just started on Jan 9 2014 after solid downtrend for almost 21 months. Now is good time to take position in CSL.


2014-01-13 13:53 | Report Abuse

CSL on downtrend since 19 April 2012. CSL price hit bottom and bottomed out in December 2013. Volume of CSL surged with price increase on Jan 9 2014. At current price CSL now has a DY of above 7%.

Uptrend for CSL just started on Jan 9 2014.


2014-01-13 11:21 | Report Abuse

Majority of Chinese SME do not have access to banking facilities in China. The Chinese banking system now is like Malaysia in the 70s. So these SMEs are forced by the lack of access to banking facilities to hoard cash and prefer not to pay dividends. CSL is SME but did pay dividend of 1.6 sen in 2013 and if CSL continue to pay 1.6 sen , the DY will be above 7%, much better than FD rate.