
thehoff | Joined since 2018-07-23 14:14:07

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3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

destini ada manis manis ke ni. volume dan harga tiba tiba naik beberapa hari.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

dulu aku masuk sini, tiap tiap hari tengok good123 puji stock ni gila gila walaupun orang cakap point dia gila.
sekarang tengok dia ni marah gila gila pulak dekat stock ni.

rasa nya dia memang gila lah..


2024-01-03 18:31 | Report Abuse

Pity those who bought at 0.15-0.28 pre consolidation exercise.. now cry blood also cannot..limit up 10 times only can get back to breakeven


2022-06-21 16:08 | Report Abuse

gila good123, dah setahun lebih masih tak stop menipu.banyak betul duit fintech bayar dia


2022-03-09 10:01 | Report Abuse

havent been here in a while. the stock is performing shittier, and good123 is still trying to con investors. glad some things never changed


2022-01-19 14:29 | Report Abuse

wow..welcome to Amabilionaire, it seems he is a brand new Fintec Cybertrooper, not sure a colleague or replacing Mr. Good123 to keep on the work of cheating investors on behalf of the syndicates..welcome welcome, pleasure to have you doing the con on us.


2022-01-11 23:13 | Report Abuse

And now ure saying what we have been warning all this while, that PP n esos are scams by the syndicate.


How about you proceed to post about reporting urself to SC and bursa like u endlessly bark before when ur name was universe..

Coz ure basically saying the same thing, but way later, coz u dumb by a lot..lambat faham easy concept

To stop these scam, Bursa should follow S'pore n Taiwan's rule of share investment, PP n ESOS must be given to genuine investors not for manipulator to cash out:

1. Must Announce Private Placement's taker's names.

2. Private Placement shares must hold for 6 months.

3. ESOS also must hold for 6 mnths.

4. All trading of shares up to 2% must announce to Bursa daily.


2022-01-11 23:10 | Report Abuse

Syndicate would want the price to go up after pp and they can sell off their shares at a higher price..doesnt matter what price they are buying, just as long the sell price what Lim LKL just did.

So people like good123 is more logical to be their macai..when they make profit they chow.

Ppl like us if warn ppl not to buy at all, how can the syndicate make money? Price is always go down if general public listened to our advise, and thats a bigggg IF.

So if syndicate cannot make money, why on earth they would pay for ppl to condemn them? Its not like we were changing our tunes one day saying dont buy, but after PP we advocate for the price to go up.

U can think or not?


2022-01-11 23:06 | Report Abuse

Oi universe grabconular..u should take ur own advise to good123 which is to shut up.

If i were u, i would be ashamed at how bodoh u sound which doesnt make any logical sense at all

Sedih man..


2022-01-10 16:15 | Report Abuse


betul betul dapat bonus baru ni, promote ESOS sebagai bagus..

hahaha..mampus lah semakin turun harga saham..

Good123 happy ending! pekerja2 bekerja dengan bermati-matian, pasukhas dan semua stakeholders berkongsi kekayaan syarikat
10/01/2022 3:42 PM


2022-01-10 15:16 | Report Abuse

and your logic is

Ppl who talk bad about fintec and syndicate e.g. ppmaster, jkptr etc = paid by syndicate to tell lies

ppl who talk good about syndicate e.g. Good123 = not paid by syndicate..

damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn boiiiiii, u dumb


2022-01-10 15:14 | Report Abuse

what adding money to the companies? joe holdings raised pp n shares consolidation, and those money was used to invest in this lousy counter..

so which part of that is beneficial to both the companies and investors? u tell me..same thing going on in pasukhas now.. this is the wrong that all of us have been highlighting, but u so dense to understand.. btw dense means dumb, in case u dont know coz im not sure u alright in the head or not


2022-01-10 15:12 | Report Abuse

damn..u really one low I.Q fella..

why they don't report to police:
1) because these kind of forums doesn't move the needle for those syndicates, doesn't matter to them
2) hard for them to trace, my IC name is not thehoff
3) if they can trace us and report and because they are really conmen, if they report, they will highlight their own misdeeds of manipulating markets, they will bite their own backside.

you can think of why they didn't report us to the police, but you cannot think about one simple logic, why would anyone PAY PEOPLE TO CALL THEM CONMEN! coz that's what effectively ure saying, fintec is paying me to tell people they are a scam, don't trust them.. who would do that?? seriously you can think that? like where do you go to school dude? do u even go to school?

grabconular thehoff aka stockraider aka whistlebower99 n ularsawa aka Gtrade (JKPTR/JJKPTR), if U are not working for d interest of syndicates of penny stocks, how come they allow U all to call them Con company n damage their reputation for 1 whole yr, when they can easily report to Police?

If U all are not being paid by them how come U all spend so much time days n nights for 1 whole yr, to lies n spread rumours with untrue facts that PP n shares consolidation will dilute value when they are adding money to the companies?


2022-01-10 11:25 | Report Abuse

you have technically answered ur question in no.2 with ur point in no.3

its not that ppl like ppmaster is acting for the conman fintecg group e.g. like what good 123 is doing..

the rest of us has tried warning all the people here that this will happen, the syndicate will manipulate like this, and we WARN PPL NOT TO BUY and be a part of this...

because they have done this so many times before its becoming boring and predicable.

but you as usual too thick and dense to understand this... suddenly say people that want to warn others as the conman.. i.d.i.o.t

grabconular Lim Pak Hong is only 35 yrs old, that's Y he didnt have d money so have to dispose of asap. He still got 60 mils to go, once it over, price can only up...

Stockraider aka whistlebower99 n Ularsawa aka Gtrade (JKPTR/JJKPTR) are working for all syndicates to lies n spread rumours for 1 whole year to creat fear 2 spam down price 4 them 2 collect at huge low level; nobodi will spend so much time without getting any pay.

3 questions needs 2b answer 2 find out the true:

1. What is his relation with these spammers n the management?

2. Why the company give PP to him 2 dispose off, or he acting for some1 else in the management?

3. Ppmaster is seen in all those penny stocks that are under spamming by the about conman n conwoman, he knows pasukas is going 2b spam down to 2 cts from d beginning, how he knew b4 hand trader are going to manipulate to such low level, if he is not involved.


2022-01-07 17:53 | Report Abuse

Eh good123, how come your saviour Lim LKL is disposing hundred millions of share today? Company sudah turnaround after one week ke?or he also gave up already?



2022-01-06 21:52 | Report Abuse

Apa benda tiba tiba tuhan ni.. hahahaaha..

Aku cuma mengikut kata kata kau sahaja, kau yang berlagak tuhan macam tahu segala benda..tapi semua benda pun bohong.

Good123 Bodoh, Kamu bukan Tuhan, naik pada waktunya, bukan waktu Kamu, gila Babi!

06/01/2022 9:28 PM


2022-01-06 20:56 | Report Abuse

Tidak sabar untuk pilihanraya seterusnya, kerana syer pasukhas wajib naik selepas setiap pilihanraya bak kata rakan bodoh saya good 123!!

Terima kasih Umno kerana telah menolong pasukhas "naik" daripada 0.055 sebelum PRN melaka dan sarawak kepada 0.02-0.025 kini!

Kenyang besar ahli ahli politik dengan keuntungan yang begitu menakjubkan dan memberangsangkan!

Terima kasih good 123!

Tetap semangat hooray!

Harap lepas ni target price naik lagi! Tak sabar tengok nombor ciptaan baru :)


2022-01-06 20:51 | Report Abuse

Kenapa hadkan kepada syer price 15sen.. kenapa tidak 15 ringgit? Alang alang mahu berfantasi dan menipu, tipu terusssss.. rendah sangat angan angan mu good 123, pasukhas adalah the next amazon + meta + google!

Syer price rm 14,000 seunit adalah tidak mustahil!

Jangan lupa Ismail Sabri pernah melancarkan projek mereka!!

Jangan lupa juga kata kata warren buffet tentang investing.

Sila sambung lagi propaganda propaganda lain yang selalu kau bohongkan dulu!

Tetap semangat!


2022-01-06 17:33 | Report Abuse

Finally! This stock has sky rocketed to the moon after months of propaganda by good123!

Oh wait, i was dreaming..price still going to longkang like good123 brain.



2022-01-06 09:35 | Report Abuse

Oi bahlol, bank mana yang bagi margin sampai setahun..3 hari adalah.

Come on lah fintec, find a better cybertrooper than good123...malu lah bodoh sangat

06/01/2022 9:27 AM

Good123 Ramai yang beli pada 50sen++ per syer tahun lepas. Bank suruh top up margin ac, takda wang, bank jualkan secara berperingkat . Mungkin juga … habis forced melambung tinggi. Salah satu perspektif :)


2022-01-05 13:52 | Report Abuse

Oi si bodoh good123, joe dah lama rugi.. sekarang fintec dah masuk pasukhas, dua dua pun akan rugi bersama..


2022-01-05 09:54 | Report Abuse

I might be bodoh, but more bodoh for people trying to back up this counter after losing 90% value.. hahahha..that kind of bodoh god save for you and good123 only.. and i thank god for that

grabConUlar Thehoff aka stockraider aka whistlebower99 is so super bodoh, dont even know in what condition U can say there is insider trading only, only know how 2 lies n spam with scam scheme to cheat billies.
05/01/2022 8:49 AM


2022-01-05 07:43 | Report Abuse

Wow berita dalaman..

Boleh saya laporkan awak ke pihak berkuasa kerana insider trading?

Tapi tak ada guna pun, semua berita dalaman awak sebelum ini pun tidak boleh pakai, lebih kepada berita rekaan daripada berita dalaman.

Tetap semangat!


2021-12-31 11:15 | Report Abuse

Macam dah lama dah bertahan..siap bagi diskaun lagi dan lagi sahaja..

Dah dengar u cakap benda ni dari harga 0.06..pecutan dia kebawah, bukan ke now?

Good123 sesiapa yang berminat utk melabur dalam pasukhas, lakukanlah segera, harga lelong tak akan bertahan lagi... ia akan memecut bila2 masa dari sekarang

31/12/2021 10:56 AM


2021-12-30 17:40 | Report Abuse

Syabas for what? For the price to remain on a downtrend for the past year?hahahaha..

Kalau nak mengarut pun tunggu lah harga naik sikit dulu, ini setakat naik 1 tick intraday pun tak boleh sustain until closing..

Ingat! Simpan sedikit bodoh, jangan tunjuk banyak sangat pada orang luar.

Tetap semangat! Tetap turun! Tetap menipu!

Hidup good123!

Good123 kadar belian 77%, harga mantap pada 2.5sen, uptrend dah bermula. syabas kpd semua yang percaya pada kemampuan keluarga Lim LKL mendominasi dan membawa pasukhas


2021-12-27 17:31 | Report Abuse

Haha..i guess this bozo mustve missed the announcemnt by the company itself about PP..

Susah betul layan orang Fintec..bodo lain macam


2021-12-27 14:27 | Report Abuse

Aduh..fintec dah hantar balik universe but with a different nickname..grabconularsawa juga..but the mengarut remains the same.. so pathetic that its borderline funny


2021-12-24 10:15 | Report Abuse

Jika masih ingin menipu, berambuslah, syaitan!

Good123 Jika masih negatif, berambuslah, unta!
24/12/2021 9:54 AM


2021-12-23 15:52 | Report Abuse

Jangan lupa ya !

Ismail sabri pernah launch project pasukhas!!

Tetap semangat!!





2021-12-23 15:50 | Report Abuse

Harga dah 0.015, good123 kena naikkan target price ni!

Tadi 0.22, mungkin lepas ni 0.24..haha..

Tetap semangat!lupa kan kata kata negatif!


2021-12-23 11:20 | Report Abuse

Wah sudah naik price target..

haritu 0.2 masa share harga 0.04cent, sekarang share semakin turun, semakin tinggi pula price target dia..

sungguh menakjubkan! tetap semangat! kekal bingung!

Good123 Jumpa disana

Average Price Target: 0.22
Price Target Upside/Downside: +0.20


2021-12-20 14:18 | Report Abuse

Ya! Sungguh mengejut! 0.02!! Tahniah, harga rendah terbaru!! Syukurrrrr.. Terima Kasih Good123!!

~86 juta syer bertukar milik luar biasa. Sesuatu yang ajaib akan berlaku secara mengejut! Sungguh ajaib. Hadiah hari natal

20/12/2021 12:49 PM


2021-12-16 15:09 | Report Abuse

Amboi harga semakin jatuh


2021-12-15 11:44 | Report Abuse

Pendapat anda semua tidak boleh pakai good123. Baik awak dan pendapat awak senyap sahaja


2021-12-14 17:35 | Report Abuse

Hi guys..

Public service announcement. When you see Good123 commenting to promote any stock in its forum, thats your que to dispose and abandon ship.

Please refer to Pasukgb and Mlabs forum, he has been promoting there endlessly and share prices keeps dropping with no bottom; and he will go MIA once his work is done.

To make your life easier, can just click on his profile and click comments, see all the companies forum that he is active in, and just forget about those stocks.

Happy investing


2021-12-13 09:49 | Report Abuse

i can see that Good123 is busy now commenting on Saudee and Permaju punya forum pulak.. all Fintec related also, all is doing PP/ESOS/RI also.. hahaha, they don't even bother to hire someone else to do their useless promoting for them, really low cost operators and low cost/quality promoter.


2021-12-08 16:36 | Report Abuse

Appointment of fintec director tahun 2013 pun he can put here.. memang tak boleh pakai langsung good123 ni.. sungguh lucu, tetap semangat!


2021-12-08 09:07 | Report Abuse

Tetap semangat!


2021-12-08 09:05 | Report Abuse


Average Price Target: 0.02
Price Target Upside/Downside: -0.02 @ -50%

Terima kasih Fintec dan Good123


2021-12-01 22:22 | Report Abuse

Kau dengar cerita dari siapa good123? Kalau daripada diri sendiri yang reka cerita baik shut up sahaja


2021-11-30 09:51 | Report Abuse

krismas tahun bila ni?

haritu cakap lepas 20nov, and then tukar to 30th Nov pulak untuk QR, sekarang xmas pula?

berapa kali tunda ni?

Good123 pecutan akan melanda bila2 masa sebelum xmas... tetap semangat tetap yakin!!!!!!!!

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ selamat datang disini :)


2021-11-29 09:30 | Report Abuse

Dah mau datang ke mana good123? Datang ke 0.02c?


2021-11-26 07:51 | Report Abuse

Bagus good123.dapat kontrak baru untuk teruskan promote.

Ingatkan selepas kantoi menipu tentang "terbang selepas PRN Melaka", dia akan lari dan hilang macam dia lari dari forum MLabs lepas harga menjunam.

Bagus, kekalkan usaha, pasti yakin Fintec bos akan kekalkan bayaran! :)


2021-11-25 14:02 | Report Abuse

i think i want to file a complain too.. mampus lah berkesan ke tidak


2021-11-25 14:01 | Report Abuse

Haritu suruh tunggu lepas election Melaka, sekarang suruh tunggu benda lain pulak.

Berapa lama punya tunggu?

Good123 Anyway tunggu berita Q3,2021 results Akan diumumkan dalam beberapa hari je.

25/11/2021 10:49 AM


2021-11-23 10:40 | Report Abuse

Come on Pasukgb, fly fly fly.

Jgn kasi malu Good123 and Fintec! Sure fly one, BN sudah menang! Harga minyak dan ayam sudah naik!


2021-11-20 19:00 | Report Abuse

I like how my name, alongside others like whistleblower, gtrader ppmaster etc etc are being mentioned in a lot of other penny stocks forums and labelled as "scammers" and we are the trying to bring price down instead

It means we have struck a nerve and cause enough ripple on those fintec syndicate until they have to send their low grade cyber trooper until they have to create multiple accounts like con ular sawa and whatever other name lah to spam those forums.

So to fintec gang..F will get caught one day, just counting days for the hammer to drop..


2021-11-20 19:00 | Report Abuse

I like how my name, alongside others like whistleblower, gtrader ppmaster etc etc are being mentioned in a lot of other penny stocks forums and labelled as "scammers" and we are the trying to bring price down instead

It means we have struck a nerve and cause enough ripple on those fintec syndicate until they have to send their low grade cyber trooper until they have to create multiple accounts like con ular sawa and whatever other name lah to spam those forums.

So to fintec gang..F will get caught one day, just counting days for the hammer to drop..


2021-11-18 16:04 | Report Abuse

then go, literally everyone here is asking you to stop commenting, even your team mate i3ivestor/universe is asking the same..

u say u want to shut up until 20th, langsung tak shut up..

Good123 saya orang yang tak tahan dengan orang negatif :)


2021-11-17 21:49 | Report Abuse

Eh i thought that good123 told his friend universe/i3investigator he will shut up until 20th nov?

Why he still havent shut up yet? If u cannot trust his promise, then how can we trust the things he is promoting? :)