
yapkokwin | Joined since 2017-05-03

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2017-05-03 06:51 | Report Abuse

Bet they will not submit on time by 9 May. Again and again the shareholders got screwed. Someone new with business background shall unite the shareholders and teach these moron a lesson. Count on Bursa is hopeless.

The excuses the board use is so pathetic, they think Bursa is dvmb and shareholders are fools.

Look at Dato Yap Kok Weng and Dato Tey Por Yee. Two being mislead to bully each other ends up their lawyers made both of them clowns. Who suffer and who took benefit is obvious. Listen to lawyers you either got svcked to death, or got ferked if you have no more blood, whichever way you die sooner. By the way, they will betray the host and svck others, that is how pathetic they are. Despite denying and pretending to be something else, it's all about greed. Worst than parasite.

These are the culprits who fark shareholders when we follow Yap Kok Weng and got ferked. Lawyer MAK LIN KUM, directors DATO' SERI MOHD SHARIFF BIN OMAR, AHMAD AMRYN BIN ABD MALEK and RAJA KAMARUDIN BIN RAJA ADNAN. Bursa does nothing about it.

This is what you get when the culprits have no shares, betray their client, and ferk the shareholders in general, and now pretend to be something else. The same culprit who ferk us, is now ferking with us again by causing Wintoni to suffer, and whatever excuses they use, are so disgusting, some people got ferked twice and still not knowing.

Latest announcement:

Pursuant to Rule 9.23(1) of the Listing Requirements of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (“LR”), Wintoni Group Berhad (“Wintoni” or “the Company”) is required to furnish its annual reports that include annual audited financial statements together with the auditors’ and directors’ reports for the financial year ended 31 December 2016 (“AFS 2016”) (“Annual Report”) to Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (“Bursa Securities”) for public release within a period not exceeding four (4) months from the close of the financial year (“Relevant Timeframe”) which falls on 30 April 2017.

The Board of Directors of Wintoni wishes to announce that the issuance of Annual Report has been delayed due to the pending of audit finalisation.

Pursuant to Paragraph 9.28(5) of the MMLR, if Wintoni fails to issue the AR within 5 market days from the expiry of the Timeframe (the last day of this 5 market days shall hereinafter be referred to as "the Suspension Deadline"), in addition to any enforcement action that Bursa Securities may take, Bursa Securities shall suspend trading in the securities of Wintoni.

The suspension shall be effected on the market day following the expiry of the Suspension Deadline and shall be uplifted on the market day following the issuance of the AR unless otherwise determined by Bursa Securities. As such, the suspension will be effected on 9 May 2017.

Pursuant to Rule 9.28(6) of the LR, if the Company fails to issue the outstanding Annual Report within six (6) months from the expiry of the Relevant Timeframes, in addition to any enforcement action that Bursa Securities may take, Bursa Securities shall commence de-listing procedures against the Company.

This announcement is dated 2 May 2017.