Actual performance: <2016: -5.07%><2017: +106.87%><2018: -32.60%><2019: +125.01%><2020: +191.64%><2021: +0.00%><2022: -9.65%><2023: +9.56%><2024: +18.27%>
Blog Posts
2021-01-09 17:25 | Report Abuse
Hi 4444, Greatec bonus issue 1:1 ex on 7th Jan
2021-01-09 17:25 | Report Abuse
I bought Ruberex and Supermx.. Looks like a return of gloves' theme.
2021-01-09 17:21 | Report Abuse
Hi Jimmy, yes you can learn more from Grandpine capital. I have learnt a lot from them especially from GP Alfred Chen.
2021-01-08 17:31 | Report Abuse
Guys, I sold MrDIY, Pmetal, and UWC in my actual portfolio to buy glove stocks today. I will get back in when their charts are in better shape.
2021-01-03 15:24 | Report Abuse
Hi FC Titan, in 2020, the reason I picked UWC was because of its strong uptrend after its IPO and its pure-play in precision sheet metal fab (SMF). UWC was the most popular and largest SMF in Penang, and had the most "high-tech/industry 4.0" factory (beside JHM's Mace Instrument). It also continuously replenished its strong order book in every Quarterly Reports which is something investors look into.
Greatec on the other hand is a company with an unique business/invention (the only such biz in KLSE). I always love to hear simple words from their CEO, Mr Tan Eng Kee in their AGM/EGM. I love a company with a humble CEO and a lean management operation. To automate a process or even a production line for someone else is very difficult especially when you are not directly involved in the business of manufacturing solar or EV.... It takes only the smartest people to do that and you have it in Greatec. I believe Greatec's potential is not limited to its current biz of automation of solar or EV production. I bet they will invent another automation solutions in 2021.
Greatec share price has been always ahead of UWC since IPO until the last 2 months of 2020 where UWC overtook Greatec. I believe in 2021, Greatec will run much more than UWC. Greatec had its orderbook swell by Rm100mil compared to UWC's RM30mil.
In Stock Pick 2021, I'm not able to predict if I can be the winner. Every year, KLSE will have a sector that is super strong just like Gloves in 2020. But based on the facts above, I believe Greatec and UWC will replicate their explosive growth just as last year.
MrDIY is another stock you should watch out. An average payback period of 2 years for each retail store is very good - somemore is a cash business. If I were to open a retail business now, I couldn't think of any business that can return my capital in 2 years time, don't you? Their e-commerce biz also growing strong (I nicknamed MrDIY as Malaysia's next As time goes by, we should see more MrDollar and MrToy shops mushrooming (just like MrDIY shops before IPO) and enjoy our fruits by investing in MrDIY.
I do not see PE valuation as a limit for the stocks' share prices. As long as the company can satify investor's lust for profit growth, PE is just a "number or bagde" in your uniform.
2021-01-02 17:20 | Report Abuse
Thanks all... Hi star8888, I’m a civil and building contractor.
2020-12-31 20:42 | Report Abuse
Happy new year Mr Tan,
My stock pick for 2021:
1) Greatec - 30%
2) UWC - 30%
3) MrDIY - 20%
4) PMetal - 10%
5) VS - 10%
2020-12-31 20:11 | Report Abuse
Congrats LA777, keep it up in 2021. I achieved only 191% actual this year. The higher your capital/portfolio value, the more difficult to gain higher %
2020-12-05 14:22 | Report Abuse
My actual performance is 163%. What about you?
2020-11-30 19:05 | Report Abuse
Thanks, most retailers including myself do buy glove stocks in our actual portfolio
2020-10-27 18:46 | Report Abuse
Jeju88, you may refer to this link
2020-10-27 09:46 | Report Abuse
Greatec's customer - Shares of Lordstown Motors surged nearly 20% during the company’s public debut on the Nasdaq
2020-01-01 07:42 | Report Abuse
Happy new year Mr. Tan KW, my entry for stock pick 2020:
1) Dayang - 10%
2) FPGroup - 20%
3) Frontkn - 20%
4) Greatec - 20%
5) UWC - 30%
2018-12-31 17:36 | Report Abuse
Happy New Year to u Mr Tan, my selection for 2019 stock pick competition:
1) PTRANS = 30%
2) Krono = 20%
3) VIS-WB = 20%
4) Muda = 15%
5) Padini = 15%
2018-01-01 07:50 | Report Abuse
@Tan KW, thanks. I've amended my portfolio to 5 stocks
2017-12-30 14:47 | Report Abuse
Hi Mr Tan,
Thanks for organizing this popular stock pick competition.
My pick for 2018:
Vitrox - 30%
JHM - 30%
Hengyuan - 20%
OWG - 20%
Happy new year to you
2017-01-09 19:11 | Report Abuse
Thanks paperplane, I'm learning as well
2016-12-30 16:51 | Report Abuse
Dear Mr Tan,
I wish to participate in your 2017 stock pick competition. My stock selections and its weightage are as follows:
JHM - 20%
Solutn - 20%
Annjoo-PA - 10%
Frontkn - 10%
Haio - 10%
OWG - 10%
Pohuat-WB - 10%
RGB - 10%
Happy new year to you. Thanks, Yong
Blog: Stock Pick Contest Year 2022 - How it works? (All OPEN seat have been taken. Please submit if you have a reserve seat)
2022-01-01 12:05 | Report Abuse
Happy new year Mr Tan KW,
My stock pick for 2022:
1) Greatec - 20%
2) Atech - 20%
3) Kobay - 15%
4) Inari - 15%
5) Wong - 15%
6) UWC - 15%