Klk if keep Bplant listed will be excellent indeed!
Klk par excellence management will increase the profits and dividend payout of Bplant by leaps and bounds
however, judging from Ijmplant being taken over and delisted Bplant might also be absorbed into Klk
since nothing is clear yet hold on if you can and if not then switch to these 3 laggards at penny stocks level with huge landbanks over 200,000 acres each like bplant - Thplant 240,0000 acres jtiasa 206,000 acres Tsh resources
Some key point extracted from KLK's annoucement to clear the confusion post by some i3 menbers in this forum:
(1) On the unconditional date of the Proposed Acquisition, a mandatory GO (the proposed offer) to acquire all the remaining BPlant Shares not already owned by KLK/BHB/LTAT (known as Joint Offeror).
(2) The Proposed Offer will not be conditional upon any minimum level of valid acceptances of the Offer Shares as the Joint Offerors will hold more than 50% of the voting shares of BPlant upon completion of the Proposed Acquisition.
(3) All the Offer Shares tendered by the shareholders of BPlant will be taken up by the Company.
(4) Assuming the Company receives full acceptances under the Proposed Offer resulting in BPlant becoming a 65.0%-owned subsidiary of KLK
(5) The Proposed Acquisition and Proposed Offer are subject to the following approval being obtained: (i) the shareholders of BHB for the Proposed Acquisition and Proposed Offer at an extraordinary general meeting to be convened; and (ii) any other relevant authorities and/or parties, if required. (6) For the avoidance of doubt, the Proposed Strategic Collaboration is not subject to the approval of the shareholders of the Company (7) The completion of the sale and purchase of the Sale Shares is conditional upon the approval of the shareholders of BHB in a general meeting for the Proposed Acquisition and Proposed Offer, being fulfilled, waived or completed no earlier than 15 calendar days after the date of the SCA, or such other later date as may be agreed between the parties to the SCA in writing
Dear Calvintaneng, Are the steps to take up the general offer are like this: 1. KLK send proposal to Bursa Malaysia. 2. After Bursa Malaysia gives approval, an EGM is held to get shareholders approval. 3. A letter will be mailed to shareholders. 4. Shareholders fill in the form and send back to KLK registrar. 5. The Bplant shares will be debited from our CDS a/c. 6. The RM1.55 per share will be deposited into our bank account.
KLK dont need to submit to BUrsa, only SC upon all the conditions have been met. Upon the unconditional of the SCA, the notis of offer will then be served to the board, marks the start of the offer.. timing u can refer to this
My suggestion is if you hold not subtential volumn, just sell it when price go beyond 1.50.. next week should be able to exceed 1.50... if your volumn is high, can wait for longer. The stock price will slowly going toward 1.55. Maybe few weeks..
@Dear Calvintaneng so is it like bonus issues where the registrar of KLK (Symphony Share Registrars Sdn Bhd) will fix an ex-date (day of supension of trading) for the general offer of Bplant?
a friend of mine owned 2 million Bplant share, he told me to get advice from all the SIFUS from this forum , should he sell all now for safety in case thing does not work well, , sell half or wait till the offer come in. his profit is near to 2 million even selling at 1.51. tqvm , SIFUS.
my personal advice to him is sell 50% and see what is the next happening. be good or be bad , the profit is already in his pocket . and the rest are costless, can afford to gamble at casino bursa. hahaha.
Yes, there will be risk but risk now different as two things have changed
1. Tok Mat already said "Bplant planting on "gold mine" and as such value is announced
Since Boustead needs lots of cash to meet debt obligation the 33% sale of bplant shares to Klk is only a stop gap measure. Boustead still need to find lots more cash and expect more
2. With the entrance of Klk Bplant will see more Superior management
What can happen?
1. Klk after taking over Bplant shares might offer MGO for the rest of shares to all at Rm1.55
Unless some entity buy above 10% from open market chances are Klk might succeed
2. Should Klk fail to garner enough then Bplant will remain listed
From past experience Tasek was given MGO at Rm3.80 but remain listed
After Hong Leong got some but not enough 90% Tasek shares at Rm3.80 (still listed then ) Tasek shares price jumped to the height of Rm16.00
later Tasek again retraced to Rm5.50 and Hong Leong gave a second attempt to take all Tasek shares private at Rm5.50 which it finally succeeded So should Klk fail to get all Bplant shares at Rm1.55 chances of Bplant going back below Rm1.55 will be slim (as Klk has done the homework and will stand firm taking all at Rm1.55) so chances of Bplant trading above Rm1.55 very possible
3. And if Klk succeeds taking all free-float and others at Rm1.55 then Boustead could remain a jv partner with Klk as an unlisted entity
or else Boustead can ask for a higher price from Klk to sell it's balance share
All above are suppositions and we will see how things unfold in coming days
Remember for compulsory MGO Klk needs more than 90% of Bplant
Felda gave Rm1.30 for Fgv privatisation but failed as Fgv is now over Rm1.40
Iike Fgv Bplant is still very undervalue at Rm1.55
There are a lot of sour grapes and sore losers in the stock market. Like to blame others but themselves. Differentiate between them and people who talk facts. Plus do your own homework and have the patience to wait for things to happen. Remember, stock market is not only a stock picking game but also a waiting game. But make sure you buy those with decent dividends while waiting. Cheers.
Many analyst comment that KLK is paying a high price for BPLANT, but they are comment based on the land price, low yield of BPlant's plantation, old ages of tree. None of them mentioned about the Bplant's land location, nor they have mentioned about KLK ability to convert plantation land become new township like how they did previously for Bandar Coalfield.
Ytl and Wilmar which lost bid to Klk 1.55 can't be wrong too Yes I agree Bplant has valuable lands but it's plantations are a sorry state, mostly old tree past prime with low yields
The most promising Plantation counter next will be the most naysayers keep bashing non stop at all price level even at cheap price. As all retailers will avoid this stock it will have the least selling pressure when it rally.
If stock market is forward looking. FCPO is now on mthly up trend.
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
3,081 posts
Posted by troy88 > 2023-08-25 10:17 | Report Abuse
Terrrible QR but stock benefit from KLK acquisition