Nasi Lemak Virtual Fund

Owner: babayaga
Access Type: SHARED
Portfolio Performance for Ikan Bilis's First Fund
Total Value
Today's Change
-45.00 (-0.22%)


Stock's Value 20,292.00
Current Holding 9 Stocks
All Time Holding 12 Stocks
% of Total Value 98.71%

Available Cash Balance 264.91
Current Cash Balance 264.91
Unpaid Dividend 0.00
% of Total Value 1.29%

Average Cost 31,561.67
Unrealized Gain -11,004.76
% over Average Cost -34.87%

Total Capital 30,000.00
Total Return -9,443.09
% over Total Capital -31.48%
Last Updated:

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[1] Click the icon on table to view the stock's What If Analysis Page.
[2] Click the Shares hyperlink on table to view the portfolio's stock page.

Stock Last Price Change Shares Market Value % Average Cost Per Share Unrealized Gain % Day Gain %
$CASH 264.91 1.29%
Total 20,556.91 100.00% -45.00 -0.22%
1 person likes this. Showing 4 of 4 comments

爱丽丝 梦幻世界

Very good! PEDASSS!!

2019-05-10 18:48


too diversified....just focus on 5248 will do

2019-05-10 19:12


Different opinion. Too diversified portfolio is one of the common mistake by the beginner. The remisier handling this account will be very happy.

When ppl are starting a business , you don't start away with 2 or 3 divisions, you just focus on the only one first. After the business have stabilize & making money, then only they shall start to diversify into the other sector to preserve the wealth & source for multiple stream of incomes. Those who diversified immediately, most often did not fare too well.

2 years ago, during the tech bull run, the investor who diversified his/her portfolio to Vitrox, Penta, JHM, Inari & Globetronics might under perform the investor who focus on JHM or Penta only.

When there is recession, everything burns, it make no different holding 1 or multiples stocks. As long as you are holding quality one, it will do better.

It seems that you have attracted some followers. This Foo Chow descendant is leeching your portfolio. Almost 6/10 selection overlapping. This is real rookie portfolio and not like you, the experienced one pretending to be 24 y.o.

2019-05-11 01:08


"I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times - Bruce Lee"

2019-05-11 01:10

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