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Hi @Tan KW, how to adjust for Jaks right issue?
sell some Jaks get cash(at last trade day of OR)? get cash to subscribe RI and get WC.
2020-11-26 18:29
update gkent DIVIDEND RM 0.01
10800*0.01 = RM 108
update ytlpower Share Dividend 1:16
32400/16=2025 share
update genm DIVIDEND RM 0.09 + 0.05 + 0.06= RM 0.2
3000* 0.2 = RM 600
2020-11-27 01:05
Jaks 19600 share, entitled RO = 19600*8/5=31360 RO
need cash to subscribe RI
31300* 0.22 = RM 6899.2
Last day can trade for OR is 4th November.
That day Jaks price closed at RM 0.47
Cash in account RM815
need sell some jaks to get cash, 6899.2-815=RM 6084.2
need to sell 13000 * 0.47 of Jaks= RM 6110
Cash in account = 6110+815 = RM 6925
Subscribe Jaks RI 6899.2+ 15(fee)
Cash in account = 14
free jaks-wc from subscribe RI = 15650 share
2020-11-27 01:46
result at 20201231
Total Capital 100,000.00
Total Return -10,090.81
% over Total Capital -10.09%
lesson learn - warrant is double edge
wish all better in 2021.
2021-01-01 16:51
screenshot 2020 Jan -
+821.38 (0.82%)
2020-02-03 00:55