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Stock | Last Price | Change | Shares | Market Value | % | Average Cost | Per Share | Unrealized Gain | % | Day Gain | % |
Current EPS 143.69 x PE 5 =RM7.18
Coming Dividend will get 0.1975 and 0.3965 Total =0.5940
RM7.18 - 0.594 = RM6.59 is your balance cost
2021-08-30 10:54
1st Entry Sept 01 : EPS 143.69 x PE 5 =RM7.18 (500 Shares)
2nd Entry Sept 09 : EPS 143.69 x PE 4.5 =RM6.46 (500 Shares)
3rd Entry Sept 23 : EPS 143.69 x PE 4 =RM5.74 (500 Shares)
4th Entry ? : EPS 154.46 x PE 3.5 =RM5.40 (500 Shares)
2021-11-11 20:58
股 天乐
Average Price RM1.495 + 26% =RM1.89 sell 1000shares.
Realized RM380+ and your balance cost =RM1,100+
2021-06-08 18:57