The Emperor Is Here! 100k start

Owner: emperorvalue
Access Type: SHARED | Tag: value
I see value. I buy. Call me the Emperor!
Total Value
Today's Change
+895.58 (1.99%)


Stock's Value 156,230.85
Current Holding 7 Stocks
All Time Holding 9 Stocks
% of Total Value 346.49%

Available Cash Balance -111,141.62
Current Cash Balance -111,141.62
Unpaid Dividend 0.00
% of Total Value -246.49%

Average Cost 6,624.19
Unrealized Gain +38,465.04
% over Average Cost 580.68%

Total Capital 0.00
Total Return +45,089.23
% over Total Capital ∞%
Last Updated:

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[1] Click the icon on table to view the stock's What If Analysis Page.
[2] Click the Shares hyperlink on table to view the portfolio's stock page.

Stock Last Price Change Shares Market Value % Average Cost Per Share Unrealized Gain % Day Gain %
$CASH -111,141.62 -246.49%
Total 45,089.23 100.00% +895.58 1.99%
1 person likes this. Showing 4 of 4 comments


Date 28/11/2022. The rise of the emperor!

Capital A - RM 0.56, Let's fly!!! consolidate SEA, recovery, epic, tony debatable nature, but he is an entrepreneur
Dufu - RM 1.74, HDD still relevant, management strong, skin in game, me like
Harta - RM 1.83, asp normalize, consolidate, most efficient, good relationship with usa, good management
Innature - RM 0.54, great marketing, low cost product, vietnam growth, div pay 4%, pe less than 25
Keinhin - RM 1.16, seems cool, lazy to write, last 3k for this stock
Timecom - RM4.83, great moat, cost efficient, management strong, still has room to grow, urban areas

Let's see how my empire grow! Call me the Emperor! Hahaha! Short 1 sentence also can invest. Too ez!

2022-11-28 23:11


Just sold half of capital A to buy MyNews, they are convenient store that will be more profitable soon. Price is RM0.615

2022-12-23 21:31


sold harta for kossan!
should have sold keinhin, but wtv. small position gonna just use it as bonus

why kossan? more cash, means likely to survive this oversupply crisis and most likely to last to reap the rewards for glove recovery

consolidation happening, top glove bad state and intco gonna bleed top glove to death, or at least other players too!

price of harta sold is 2.23, kossan bought at 1.37

2023-05-14 22:11


Just sold innature at 0.555

Thesis is wrong. Perhaps can sell at higher valuation once market re-rates and collect dividends while at it. However, opportunity cost situation has arrived. I didn't even include the dividends I gained for this portfolio, which I should, but lazy.

Bought FFB at 1.09

Market overreact. They don't know the situation and seems like Mr. Loi has gotten his stuff tgt. Production is running smoother, lines back then and costs isnt hedged properly. But not is different.

Growth will come from other products like mass ice cream and premium ones that compete with kit kat, magnum and stuff.

Milk very OP and epic gamer moment. Mr. loi, to the mooooooooooo-n

2023-07-14 15:16

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