Wong Family Fund

Access Type: SHARED
WST RM30,000
WHL RM15,000
LTH RM20,000
Total Value
Today's Change
+320.00 (0.49%)


Stock's Value 59,620.00
Current Holding 3 Stocks
All Time Holding 12 Stocks
% of Total Value 91.91%

Available Cash Balance 5,250.08
Current Cash Balance 5,250.08
Unpaid Dividend 0.00
% of Total Value 8.09%

Average Cost 61,797.51
Unrealized Gain +3,072.57
% over Average Cost 4.97%

Total Capital 71,400.00
Total Return -6,529.92
% over Total Capital -9.15%
Last Updated:

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[1] Click the icon on table to view the stock's What If Analysis Page.
[2] Click the Shares hyperlink on table to view the portfolio's stock page.

Stock Last Price Change Shares Market Value % Average Cost Per Share Unrealized Gain % Day Gain %
$CASH 5,250.08 8.09%
Total 64,870.08 100.00% +320.00 0.49%
3 people like this. Showing 3 of 3 comments

Edmund Dominos

KLCI 1872.52 on inception date, 28/08/2014, year end KLCI peformance = 1761.25. KLCI performance since inception is -111.27 or -5.9%.

Assume KLCI component stocks have 3% dividend yield for one year, and the fund operated for 4 months, another +1% is added to the performance. The corrected KLCI performance since inception is -4.9%.

Wong's Family Balance Fund performance = -3.3%.

Currently, 44.8% of NAV remain in cash and 55.2% is invested in stock market.

2014-12-31 18:28


Edmund,I like most of your stocks.

Best wishes to you.

2014-12-31 19:29

Edmund Dominos

KC, thanks. I am looking forward to making use of Magic Formula and add more undervalued stocks into the portfolio.

Best wishes to you too.

2014-12-31 20:02

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