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2014-07-24 18:37 | Report Abuse

Looks like Fitters is giving good discount. Wait for RM1.00 and I will start buying.


2014-07-24 13:23 | Report Abuse

Joan23, wait until 1.21? Kenanga's TP


2014-07-24 12:51 | Report Abuse

Seems like heavy support. Time to go back in.


2014-07-24 12:51 | Report Abuse

Goreng will goreng one, but not anytime soon. Maybe after quarterly earnings, if things look good.

News & Blogs

2014-07-24 12:48 | Report Abuse

Lol, why everyone seems so concerned about Chris by keep asking her to sell GHLSYS?


2014-07-24 10:10 | Report Abuse

How do you know if an article is rated as top read? I thought it is determined by number of comments and likes rather than manual setting by admin.


2014-07-23 18:45 | Report Abuse

angiekool, u bought some these few days? do u buy to trade or for long term?


2014-07-23 02:44 | Report Abuse

Its just another speculation from Bloomberg. It is not a confirmed plan by MAS. To be delisted is not as simple as it seems.

Brahims concession with MAS remains intact unless MAS pay a large penalty to get out which is unfavourable to MAS.


2014-07-22 21:06 | Report Abuse

Maybe as of now, GHLSYS may not have performed as well as anyone of you have expected it to perform, as compared to other fast moving counters. But what I can say is this counter is one of the safest to invest looking at the management itself and its growth potential. I would recommend for starters to put some money that they do not intend to trade on this counter as a long-term investment. Reassess the strategy again upon the release of Q2 results in August.


2014-07-22 20:46 | Report Abuse

Kenanga issued an analyst report of BUY on PPHB with TP of 1.21.

News & Blogs

2014-07-22 19:09 | Report Abuse

JT Yeo, the reason you don't understand is because you still don't understand what GHLSYS does. Even if Alibaba wants to acquire GHLSYS, I think they won't bother to sell. Rather they cooperate together for joint partnership.

Put it simply GHLSYS's core business now is TPA. Google it if you must. The more people uses credit cards or debit cards for payment, or over the internet, the more money GHLSYS makes, if and only if, under the merchants of GHLSYS. Now they are expanding to get more merchants with backing from banks.

Imagine right now, the penetration of credit card usage in Indonesia, Thailand and Philippines are still very low. GHLSYS has penetrated these markets and when the e-payment boom comes, GHLSYS will definitely benefit. BNM is already promoting the usage of e-payments in Malaysia. Next year cheques will be more expensive to bank in.

One thing is for sure. E-payment will only expand bigger where younger generations take over baby boomers. Analysts expect transactions from e-payments will exceed 10 times by 2020 in Msia alone.

If you want to ask further about competition etc, you may need to do the homework yourself rather than us spoonfeeding you.

Chris, hopefully I can lighten your job by giving my own inputs rather than you handling everything alone haha.


2014-07-22 18:58 | Report Abuse

This stock is really something. I used some funds just to trade this, should have invested more funds on it. I wonder who is pushing up the price.


2014-07-22 18:53 | Report Abuse

i noticed a large shark doesnt want this counter to move yet, so there are always 10 million shares blocking at sell queue. Buy only when that block is removed


2014-07-22 18:46 | Report Abuse

IFCAMSC public spread is much lower than censof. Buy a bit then the share will rise. In contrast, censof has over 500mil shares outstanding if im not mistaken and until now they have yet to update us on the any status of the progress of its business in gst software sales


2014-07-21 22:59 | Report Abuse

will consider to try my luck if it goes back to 0.56, for some hopeful gains if the tunnel project is rewarded to them.

News & Blogs

2014-07-20 21:04 | Report Abuse

Not sure if anyone spotted stockoperator's gross error in his calculation on the returns, but please let stockoperator know where is his mistakes if anyone of you found one.

It is really funny sometimes how people can simply calculate yields like that without any accounting or finance knowledge first. If you guys are reading my post, please use your own metrics to analyze GHLSYS and not stockoperator's one.


2014-07-20 20:52 | Report Abuse

I'm holding this counter for the long-term. I noticed almost 99% of you held this counter by mistake. It was a mistake from the start to buy this counter because most of you are short-term holders. Different investors with different investing styles will react differently with price action of this counter. If the counter is not moving, please cut loss and invest in OCK like what Pika Chan always love to "promote" (God knows why he is still here after he sold this counter).

If you have no confidence or no patience in this counter to jump by another 100% or 200% in another 1 or 2 years from today, why still lurk around this thread like a pathetic player waiting for its day to come, and complaining day and night in the process.

I'm not trying to be harsh here and definitely not trying to offend anyone. I've allocated some small funds for potential "BIG" gains, but I know very well it won't happen any time around. Patience is of virtue. If I want speedy gains, I have another fund to play around. Both in small amounts.

If anyone of you happened to put your entire holdings, or a large percentage of your holdings into Instacom, then you might feel you're making a mistake now for losing out so much opportunities in other counters. But what if the counter makes a 200% gain next year, will you still have such comments? It all depends on our investment style, simple as that. Don't think about this counter so hard every day and night, and monitoring this counter's share price every 15 minutes. I have no problem sleeping well every night eventhough I'm holding some stocks in this counter.

I'm a very honest and straightforward person. I deal with things very objectively and hate to sugarcoat my statements in order to make a person feel better. For me, I don't care how much OCK price now is, whether RM2 or RM3. For all I know, that counter is being pushed up by LTAT and OCK's earnings are just the same as Instacom. All I'm looking for now, is the catalysts I mentioned, to be reflected into the QFS.

If you're a young investor with little funds to move around, and currently trapped by this counter, consider doing a cut loss if you must, after thorough due consideration from yourself on the damage and move on. I know young short-term players cannot deal with time and definitely cannot invest in growth stocks like Instacom as it requires great deal of patience and discipline. Trust me, fast money cannot be earned from this stock but this stock could very well make you many times richer if given the time. In conclusion, its really up to your personality and mindset.


2014-07-20 20:32 | Report Abuse

Global sentiment looks a bit unstable now. Better KIV for the first hour.

News & Blogs

2014-07-19 19:12 | Report Abuse

tbm65, BNM is going to increase prices to cash in cheques and promoting e-payments for security and safeguard purposes in tracking GST remittances. Alipay is also seeing great growth coming from this industry from ASEAN.

Its going to happen and it will happen very soon with the Giant coming in giving extra boost. Its no longer the mentality of laziness or negligence to adopt, but rather situations have changed and now are forced to change or else, companies will just be left behind. people are getting more and more tech savvy and baby boomers who are unfamiliar with e-payments will slowly decrease in population. it will be a very strong long-term growth.


2014-07-19 17:12 | Report Abuse

This company has good fundamentals, attractive valuation, improving earnings and I believe there are price supports from investors to push the price higher after the earnings report next month. Should definitely hold until the next quarter report is out and reassess. If earnings are spectacular, HOLD or ADD, if below average consider immediate profit taking and look for other counters.


2014-07-19 10:50 | Report Abuse

Don't see where the company will go wrong with the whole gov using OBB by early 2016 and gst softwares ready for existing clients.


2014-07-19 03:19 | Report Abuse

jiayi, in the first place what makes you interested in this stock?


2014-07-18 16:54 | Report Abuse

pphb is one solid counter. expecting earnings to triumph coming soon.


2014-07-17 22:21 | Report Abuse

I would love to see GHLSYS' eGHL partners with Alipay to bombard the ASEAN market here. eGHL as a platform of online payment service provider with Alipay's secured online payment option will be a good combination to penetrate the market very quickly.


2014-07-17 19:00 | Report Abuse

Well, I believe any decision to accumulate or sell would very well depend on its upcoming earnings. I cannot emphasize the paramount importance of earnings this stock must achieve in order to justify its current valuation. Of course, myself being a large shareholder of this company I would definitely hope future earnings would drive this company forward to be another MYEG.

Let's just wait and see how they are progressing next quarter and the one after next.


2014-07-17 18:46 | Report Abuse

Calvin Tan,

I hope you do not put offence in today's world of free speech and criticisms. I believe you are well-aware why I previously had a bad impression on you. It is because of your direct attacks on one of the threads in which bears no analysis. Even if you believe a stock is bad, you should not ever, insult the stock without any substantial analysis. I believe you have changed now to be more careful in your writing and I highly respect this from you.

We may have started off on a wrong footing but I hope this will come to an end and we move on with a brighter perspective of things by way of high level discussions rather than saddled ourselves with unending arguments which will only negatively impact our mind.

I do hope you do well too.

Warm regards,



2014-07-17 17:55 | Report Abuse

This is great in all aspects except its high gearing. Just look at its borrowings. I'm not so sure how people conclude this stock has good fundamentals with such high gearing. Perhaps anyone could shed some light?

News & Blogs

2014-07-17 10:08 | Report Abuse

bgoon99, why not share with us what are the risk factors not mentioned in this article? mind you, ghlsys is different from alipay and tencent, so share with us risk factors specific to ghlsys in e-payment industry. if you know better, share eGHL's risk factors as well.


2014-07-16 16:46 | Report Abuse

Chris, good article you posted earlier today. Bravo and keep up the good work!

News & Blogs

2014-07-16 16:07 | Report Abuse

AhMoi seems very interested in "tuajaya". AhMoi can you do a write-up like Chris for "tuajaya"?


2014-07-16 15:26 | Report Abuse

watchme, m3tech has been loss-making every quarter. what are u saying?

btw, tempting to makan ghlsys again.


2014-07-15 12:59 | Report Abuse

traderman and buffetthe2nd, don't simply put a TP pluck from the air. RM2 based on what basis? Don't embarrass yourselves okay? lol


2014-07-14 18:34 | Report Abuse

pika chan, when people are impatient like u, den u know what will happen...


2014-07-14 18:16 | Report Abuse

eric_b4b, congrats in making paper gain of "RM180". oh wait, it fell back to 0.125 haha


2014-07-14 15:26 | Report Abuse

joan23, let's go up up 2gether :)


2014-07-14 15:24 | Report Abuse

woah, what;s with the big fluctuation lol


2014-07-14 00:59 | Report Abuse

AT is most active in EAH, sometimes dropping by GHLSYS to look for discounts.

Talking about ESOS, I love the fact the option price is at 0.86, hence directors gotta work hard for it. RM2 or RM3 in a year or two period could be possible, replicating the success of MYEG, provided earnings could grow at a fast pace with e-pay cross selling, TPA capex executed, higher cashless transaction penetrations, etc.

GST could also be another potential catalysts, enhancing the use of e-commerce for proper record of transactions and increasing the difficulty to evade taxes.


2014-07-14 00:54 | Report Abuse

eric_B4B, it doesn't matter if it does go up 10 cents for not. I bought this stock not with the intention of short-term gains, because even if it went 10 cents in a week, i still see there are more potential to move further in the future. basically hold and not sell until selling indicators emerges. look at the long-term, 1 to 3 years from now, not 1 week to 3 weeks from now.


2014-07-14 00:48 | Report Abuse

have to wait for the next catalyst which is telco jobs. look at ock, keep moving up, but instacom still lagging behind. its not due to company fundamentals, but operators movements.


2014-07-12 01:09 | Report Abuse

Seems like the price is quite defensive, with adequate support at 0.86.


2014-07-11 23:16 | Report Abuse

Need to wait for further catalysts to propel this stock further. One is GST softwares, and the other, which is highly profitable and enriching, is the OBB project for the government agencies. DNEX turnaround and new exposure to O&G industry are also strong catalysts to bring this Company to a whole new level.


2014-07-11 23:15 | Report Abuse

Purebear, if you're the director, u would have sold the shares too. Who in the sane mind would hold on to the shares and not exercise it for a profit? Its a piece of useless paper until the options are exercised. Disposal of shares should never be used as an indication of negativity. This is a classic freshman error to consider as such. Not to attack you, if you think as such, just telling the fact.


2014-07-11 18:32 | Report Abuse

To buy Borneo for USD250 million via issuance of shares will dilute existing shareholders' holdings again. I wonder if this news should be perceived as good news in the short-term.


2014-07-11 16:33 | Report Abuse

Market giving discount again.


2014-07-11 12:04 | Report Abuse

I wonder if Noraini knows there is a rights issue for EAH. It's not that the price falls, the price never falls, just that it was adjusted ex-rights. Sigh, that's all about chartians, no facts to back themselves up. Shallow minded. Simple as that.


2014-07-11 11:58 | Report Abuse

Kelvin, if it reaches 0.84, I'm dare to collect. Done that many times in the past where GHLSYS falls into prices that I wouldn't expect it to fall. When you have faith in the prospects of the counter, you wouldn't panic when the price falls. Trust me, I'm still patiently waiting for 0.84 and the market might give it to me.


2014-07-10 17:38 | Report Abuse

if you are a patient holder, u could hold until the next quarterly results. i will be monitoring this stock for the next few days.


2014-07-10 17:17 | Report Abuse

otb, u bought at 0.34 and didnt sell when it previously hit 0.83?


2014-07-10 17:14 | Report Abuse

joan23, looks like its going to be another scgm or muda. be patient and $1 could be very well on the way after today's convincing breakout.