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2014-06-16 10:31 | Report Abuse

Now I start to really worry...


2014-05-30 15:00 | Report Abuse

Holding and continue purchase upon price dip!


2014-05-30 14:42 | Report Abuse

mmm... Q4 nice. Result shows turn around.


2014-04-30 09:23 | Report Abuse

accumulate from 0.705 . Waiting for further drop to add. Distribution by director?


2014-04-23 21:17 | Report Abuse

anyone know history background of those losses?


2014-04-23 21:16 | Report Abuse

how does this co accumulated loss of 94M as registered in FY13 report?


2014-04-21 17:00 | Report Abuse

agree with stockraider...price can recover. Management need turn around earnings in next few Qs!


2014-03-28 18:51 | Report Abuse

anytime a cash strapped company need to go to bank for loan(or bond) or need shareholders to bail them out by selling more is always not a good sign!


2014-03-18 18:50 | Report Abuse

Not so fast, lets see, yes cash ~100M as reported Q4 13. Need ~15M for new bldg as part existing sublet. Revenue has dropped substantially due to loss of OEM contract & cud hardly cover cost approx 120M/yr! Without new rev stream, how long can existing cash last ....


2014-02-28 07:59 | Report Abuse

still accumulating opcom. And this is not based on Calvin opinion...entirely my own.


2014-02-28 07:51 | Report Abuse

CPO price is moving up fast. With this uptrend, plnt counters may do well in 2014....


2014-02-25 07:18 | Report Abuse

I'm new here...I just cant figure out why this counter price >2.5 when NTA is 0.5? Can someone share?


2014-02-24 11:26 | Report Abuse

I agree with CWallUK. As for wilmar policy by speakup, I think it will be advantageous for existing plnt players over long term as this will limit new development (clearing of land for new plantation). Economic 101-with limited supply price can only goes up! Good for environment too!


2014-02-23 12:07 | Report Abuse

how about the overhang?


2014-02-23 12:02 | Report Abuse

Up_down, u r a smart investor. Buy when people r least interested b'cause by time people r interested its 2 late!


2014-02-23 11:57 | Report Abuse

may or may not ....but those chasing price up to 8 earlier, will surely be mad!


2014-02-23 11:47 | Report Abuse

just dropping in again...was here few months back to warn people to stay away from csl...that was when price was about 30 s...and I wud not be surprise this counter will go down further!!!


2014-02-23 11:26 | Report Abuse

Calvin, wonder why u start promoting Opcom, when just a while ago you said buying Opcom is like fiishing in Kenyir dam (as compare to PMC big oceans of the world)?


2014-01-29 13:03 | Report Abuse



2014-01-29 11:53 | Report Abuse

this is a poorly managed needs owners (shareholders) to continuously pump in cash to remain afloat. I will consider to invest if they changed the top management. But then again price may goes up on rumors ...


2014-01-27 10:17 | Report Abuse

no such thing as shelter during financial crash...all counters will be affected. For me is an opportunity I've been greedy when other are fearful!


2014-01-27 09:56 | Report Abuse

Good....been waiting for market to correct further or crash. Opportunity to buy...most counters are currently over valued!


2014-01-27 09:49 | Report Abuse

this counter is pure betting...period!


2014-01-27 09:35 | Report Abuse

high time for the crash or most counters are over valued!


2013-12-18 15:43 | Report Abuse

who's accumulating today? so huge volume...


2013-12-17 10:44 | Report Abuse

definite value. Cash 46s and book value of asset = land, very much under under-valued...good for MT and LT investment!


2013-11-22 13:38 | Report Abuse

...and doesn't matter where u fish too. In a pond, rivers, oceans...need to catch fish! U may say more fish in ocean...but need to catch them...what is point if u go there n catch no fish instead lose ur boat? U make money in Opcom and many lose their pants in PMCorp...SEE NOW hahaha!


2013-11-22 13:25 | Report Abuse

..doing business whether in Msia, Sinpore or anywhere...u got to generate profit,cash!!! Opcom is cash generator for many yrs, but sad to say PMCorp is blood (cash) sucker! Nevetherless I will buy PMCorp when I `see tangible results' not just hope. No emotion in investing, works for me so far....


2013-11-22 12:03 | Report Abuse

Calvin good for u. Me 2, I first bought Opcom in 2010 (among top 30 shrhdrs) and sold off by end 2012 early 2013 at good profit + div + cap repay! I'm not going to promote Opcom like what u did for PMCorp. It's all up to every investors to do own homework and decide. As of now I'm some @ .74!.


2013-11-16 21:53 | Report Abuse

I'm kcchongnz, yes u r correct Warren Buffet does it that way. But value investing is not exact science....we continuosly improvise to suit our style without undermining on the principle. Even WB style has departed from his Sifu Ben Graham. Anyway tq again for a bit of intellectual discourse with u...good nite.


2013-11-16 20:06 | Report Abuse

just to add, I exclude changes in working cap. Prefer FCF, as over long term it gives better picture of whether co is a cash generator or blood (cash) sucker....


2013-11-16 19:46 | Report Abuse

ok I understand u Kcchongz. we look at same thing except I calculate it differently...I take capex average past number of years and it is much higher than the CFFO. So negative...well nobody is wrong or right here...we differ a bit, tq lol.


2013-11-16 19:27 | Report Abuse

nokenzo, daviidkkw79...fellow PMcorp forumers...the most active forum with good exchnge of opinions. It a bit quiet here though. Back to NCB how do u get 2.50 TP? My TP much higher at 3++.


2013-11-16 18:29 | Report Abuse

Tq Kcchongnz. Just want to recheck wt u again, co made small net earnings past 2 yrs. But my calculation on owners earnings (cash) is -ive. I'm a value investor 2, we may not be looking at different thing, will be good we can share...knowledge. I can relate with u on the `few layers of thinking' as I read something similar in `The Art of Valuue Investing' by Heins Tilson.


2013-11-16 17:58 | Report Abuse

kcchongnz..u r wise man. Totally agree with u. In the end a business need to make money, the more the better....else it will fold up sooner or later. It can remain afloat for awhile by selling assets, issue more shares etc but this will not last...


2013-11-16 17:09 | Report Abuse

so quiet here...good. I've been accumulating quietly@2.3-2.5 mostly @2.4. This is for record purpose intention to entice others to buy!


2013-11-16 16:20 | Report Abuse

sorry sub sharehldrs not directors....


2013-11-16 16:09 | Report Abuse

Hai Ulicorp forumers..I'm newbie here. But I've bought Ulicorp based on good fundamental and directors also buying (confirming my FA). Any comment on TA..


2013-11-16 15:31 | Report Abuse

since this calvin post nobody else seem to continue.. He got too emotional in PMCorp forum...anyway back to Opcom...the last 2Q results is not good and expect more or less the same next few Qs. But cash is strong n director buying. I'm accumulating, some @,745.


2013-11-16 13:40 | Report Abuse

Calvin.. u become 2 emotional ... normally this is not a good trait for investors! This is a just forum...for voicing opinions. No doubt some may not jibe with urs...everyone can decide for themselves.


2013-11-16 12:45 | Report Abuse

absolutely agree with u AyamTua....there is one thing we r not gooing to be short of...opinions. This is why this is called a express urs.


2013-11-16 12:36 | Report Abuse

and I dont follow blindly too...I do my homework 2. My pt is this co is not earning any cash. Despite all the hardworks selling chocs...


2013-11-16 12:17 | Report Abuse

sorry for typo but u know what I mean..


2013-11-16 12:12 | Report Abuse

To response to I'm not going to go thru' what u suggest. It's no point. As an inivestor, I look at business operation. It is generating cash...simple. As I see it this co still have not make any. Instead it has been bleeding cash for yrs...I am not again PMCorp or any co for that matter. Just being rasional investor.


2013-11-16 12:02 | Report Abuse

I'm with u mikekong55. Also I agree with u on kcchong. Folowed him on many stocks eg Kseng etc and made a bundle. Lesson learn, if u want to ride the wave, follow the right guy at the moment.


2013-11-16 10:21 | Report Abuse

My man that u r awake..let's see 6Q positive earnings...correct! That based on accrue accounting. Now lets check cash accounting ...still negative bro. No wonder NTA dont budge almost same throughtout so many yrs. Not growing..


2013-11-16 07:51 | Report Abuse

Or the effect of eating too much chocs??? Ye can happen..I believe in contain some caffeine...or some sort of stimulant.


2013-11-16 07:48 | Report Abuse

look at how much this Calvin love PMCorp...his last posting at 3:16 am! He didn't sleep? My urself first!


2013-11-16 07:18 | Report Abuse

I think many people misses the point...incl this poor Calvin who has loves his PMCorp shares o much. Common man.. love your spouse not your share. Dont get me wrong I love chocolates incl this Tango, Tudor whatever...but I'm not crazy with it! Major problem with this company is the management...being polite, professional as what Calvin mentioned is good BUT they need to produce RESULTS. This has been missing yr in yr out...and that's fact.