
anthonytkh | Joined since 2020-08-20

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2023-03-02 18:00 | Report Abuse

@kc02245, yes those buggers check this forum. Not the bosses but their staff instructed to see what retailers are posting here and in other forums and these “bilis” sentiments

For those that don’t know :

You can see trade stats for all counters daily, categorized.

All IBs and brokerage houses get their daily trade stats from Bursa as per the link above and post it in their various platforms for their account holders. You really want the truth, you get friendly with someone in Bursa. Not an IB nor a brokerage firm

A “retailer” doesn’t just mean an individual; it can mean a Sdn Bhd trading huge chunks of shares


2023-03-02 12:11 | Report Abuse

Someone I know very well owns several large-ish warehouses. He embarked on the business of installing solar panels on the rooftops with the sole purpose of selling the electricity generated to our country’s monopolised electricity company

He gave up

I gave the TNB link above as kinda like a joke. How on earth TNB can calculate potential electricity bill savings by simply keying in your average monthly bill without asking how much space you have to install solar panels is a trick so cheap that it’s meant only for “noobs”

TNB wants you to use more electricity by way of deception. They’re charging our Govt for the Govt’s subsidies.

An aside : Elon is such a person that certain folks will just believe him. His solar panel business really is a trick. So is his Tesla EV battery recharger modules. He feeds on his popularity

Chon, research first. Then post your research in this retail forum. Not those rather silly things you’ve been posting here and in PTRB (“seafood king”… “we all need food”… etc etc). Otherwise, once you’ve bought a stock, do your own analysis and sell at your very own target price (and not by those with invested interest to promote like the IBs)

In a Telegram groupchat I’m in, folks there ask me what’s my TP for this stock or that stock and I always reply “The price I’m happy to sell at”


2023-03-02 11:43 | Report Abuse

Chon, this is the issue some here have with you (including the well respected Tree)

You’re promoting a stock you bought. That’s fine once in awhile but constant promotion is annoying

If what you’re trying to do is to lure “noobs” in, then you better think again

Go check the share price performance of all the listed solar energy companies. Go study how these solar energy companies actually make money and from whom they make money from

Silence can be golden.


2023-03-02 10:58 | Report Abuse

Ahahaha Tree, good one!

My house has maybe around 2,000 square feet of roof but not all of it can be installed with solar panels due to the staggered roof design. My house faces SE

Go here :



2023-03-01 12:18 | Report Abuse

No updates that I know of since announcement however


2023-03-01 11:56 | Report Abuse

I suggest thinking about what their regularisation plan can involve. Any new issuance of shares is I think a very very bad idea

Study their annual report and quarterly. What do you think they can do to raise funds?


2023-02-28 19:28 | Report Abuse

Bobby, relax

I gave my opinions on why they are now PN17. It’s the rules

I doubt there’ll be any serious legal issues

As for the share price hopefully going back up, I think this is the least of their issues

Are you a bystander?


2023-02-28 19:11 | Report Abuse

They have several very plausible regularisation plans options. We will see…


2023-02-28 18:18 | Report Abuse

@tom2629, yes and no. Provision for impairment is a MFRS. They were profitable BEFORE Covid and the vax. The question is why the management did what they did

Not sure about whether you meant Govt owes Pharma or Govt owns Pharma…


2023-02-28 17:07 | Report Abuse

The management should provide better guidance/prospects that are reality-based AND with warnings. But they didn’t give any prior warning/caution, they stated they were happy with Indonesia business AND that they think that remainder of 2022 should be good (based on guidance report in 30/9 quarterly). Gosh.

Look at the massive swing between the last two quarterlies :

- A warning sign debuted for the period ended 30/9 with drastic reduction in profits but a dividend was announced, no doubt to appease their majority shareholders. Their cash position is meh; not big, not small, cashflow ok but has substantial borrowings

- Reserves/retained earning for the period ended 30/9 stood at more than RM250M which then swung to a negative over RM400M (which resulted in huge drop in equity; the main reason for PN17)

- Inventories for the periods ended 30/9 and 31/12 drastically reduced (which resulted in big drop in assets)

They need to show transparency in their quarterlies. No beating around the bush and inform shareholders of what can happen in the near future

This is a mess of their own making. Hopefully they weren’t “cajoled” into furnishing “encouraging” quarterly reports; that would be insidious and downright criminal. Management has to front up.


2023-02-24 18:54 | Report Abuse

Chon, why don’t you just tell us? I assume you got the “better idea and understanding” since you posted… right?


2023-02-24 11:35 | Report Abuse

Based on quarterly, liabilities currently trounce equity and cash is comparably small compared to borrowings. I’m too lazy to read their IPO prospectus regarding utilisation of IPO proceeds but I’ll contact them regarding their leverage…


2023-02-24 11:32 | Report Abuse

Oh and btw, black ink please. Always!

Ignore what I post here if you don’t like reading it. I mean it’s i3 ferchrissakes :)

Of course, and absolutely, I’m a mere super tiny investor and the big businessmen wouldn’t have embarked on something unless/until they did their due diligence. They know what we don’t know!

But I’d posted before here about the telecommunications towers industry in Malaysia. Shrug, the bosses know best…


2023-02-24 08:05 | Report Abuse


Tree, I’m not being negative at all. I’m just skeptical. Skeptical with their new business. Skeptical with TS Danny Tan. Positive on Eddie


2023-02-23 19:28 | Report Abuse

Ugh… Tropicana… double ugh… terrible company this Tropicana…

Now got Eddie and Vincent’s brother on board

I’ll think quite a bit this weekend…


2023-02-23 13:16 | Report Abuse

Chon, I invest and trade my investments just like the big funds do. I will never “take an active role” in this (or other) forum to “protect the interests of investors” and stop rumour mongering from causing a stock to go up or down nor “tarnishing” the image of a stock. That should be done by company owners or invested IBs

As for knowing whether a stock is being shorted, my brokerage’s desktop software and mobile app show me that. It even shows me why a stock with less than 10% buy percentage can close higher or a stock with 80% buy percentage can close lower


2023-02-23 12:07 | Report Abuse

Chon, I don’t own any Sunview shares. But I do check it when I’m free. And I had never noticed any short selling. And so, my question to you was why you mentioned short selling in this particular i3 Sunview thread?

I’ve never actually “shorted” any stock. The only stock you can consider I shorted was the multiple put options I made on Facebook (now Meta) back when I started reading The Guardian’s coverage about the Cambridge Analytica story

A suggestion : Review all the posts you’ve made here in Sunview and elsewhere. Think of how it looks to experienced traders/investors. Your posts look super amateurish to me and I’d suggest you keep your counsel (ie. invest and trade silently)

Everyone has a right to either defend their investment or promote here in i3. I’ve done that too. But moderation is key



2023-02-22 18:52 | Report Abuse

Not all increased

Super long guidance/prospects in the QR. Don’t think I’ve read such a long one before from them but well…


2023-02-22 18:09 | Report Abuse

Chon, you seem like a nice person but you also seem to promote stocks you bought. Almost daily. Until you obviously exited PTRB

You also seem like really REALLY inexperienced in trading and investing

You mentioned shorting. Please explain *specifically* why you mention this with regards to this particular stock?


2023-02-21 17:44 | Report Abuse

This is Pelikan 2.0 :)


2023-02-21 16:05 | Report Abuse

24th August 2022 is a day I’ll remember very well :) even tho my patience had been thoroughly tested since then. Until last week. And today :)


2023-02-20 17:29 | Report Abuse

There are super many solar power companies in the world. Not many super solar power companies in the world, ok (Elon’s is a side business right now and he will promote from time to time depending on his personal life)

Look at Malaysia’s location on earth, its size as well as the number of local solar power listed companies

Look at the share price performance of such local solar PLCs

Chin Hin had the foresight

Solar power will be helpful but it will take a loooong time for it to be meaningful. We can harness enough energy from the sun to power a few generations but…

So… TNB or Petronas? :)


2023-02-20 17:18 | Report Abuse

They are hoping they’ll no longer be a penny stock, Sharon


2023-02-19 18:41 | Report Abuse

Ignore the quarterly


2023-02-17 17:47 | Report Abuse

Ahhh, after a bit of searching, I now know who is that FB sifu that pang mentioned

Pang, why you consider the QR yesterday as not good? In which specific aspect?


2023-02-17 12:03 | Report Abuse

Crazy. Sold on news. That’s the stock market we’re witnessing

20% drop in profit q-o-q (heck only RM2 M) but y-o-y profit hiked big time. Transfer to Main Market request submitted and will definitely be approved. 3 years from pink/Ace to black/Main on your screen

Their guidance was fact-based and spot on regarding retailer sentiment. Less than 2 months till their FYE


2023-02-16 19:12 | Report Abuse

Who the fk is this FB Live “sifu”, pang?


2023-02-16 18:13 | Report Abuse

Philip dude… look at the volume. Pump and dump? I dunno, I look at the numbers. Have SDS met MMLR?


2023-02-16 17:42 | Report Abuse

Good123, overall market was not “red red red”

Funds started selling Petronas right after lunch

Market today was good


2023-02-15 19:13 | Report Abuse

Already said ex-chairman (there’s a reason he’s ex-chairman) likes to take profit

But stay cool lah…

News & Blogs

2023-02-15 12:04 | Report Abuse

The balloons/objects may be Chinese but they probably weren’t “sent from China” all the way across the world to those countries; they could’ve been launched from within those countries


2023-02-13 19:15 | Report Abuse

Sokay Pang. My apologies if you took offence

Fyi, and like you said, I did approach their management

Gotta be patient with EG

And, no, I disagree it’s like Coraza. All the best tho


2023-02-13 17:45 | Report Abuse

Okok Pang, understood. Looks like you’re in there, huh? Hope you make money


2023-02-13 17:35 | Report Abuse

What cerita?


2023-02-13 17:16 | Report Abuse

Pang, you always comment after a stock rise, haiz. Back in Aug last year, I mentioned this stock to watch in a Telegram groupchat

Any stock you can recommend to watch before it shoots up? :)

Btw, the ex-chairman of EG still hold many units. And he likes taking profit. Info for those that seldom check these kinda things…

Announcements & Events
Announcements & Events

2023-02-10 18:05 | Report Abuse

Dicky sir, I’d gotten weary of reading that TSH thread. So, if you have the time, why did Kelvin stop buying?


2023-02-10 17:32 | Report Abuse

Then you must be into the REITs, domp…


2023-02-07 17:56 | Report Abuse

More than 7B shares issued. You must know why the 2.44pm announcement was made

Local funds “instructed” to “invest” from way waaay back. The way EPF trade their investments using several accounts for the same counter is no joke; retailers are at mercy

Look at the history of substantial shareholders’ trades. Look at the dividends’ history

I have never ever touched this. It just never made any sense to me


2023-02-02 16:58 | Report Abuse

I can’t stop laughing at the poorr fella LOL

I already said no waterfall since the start of the rise in mid Dec. Then this poorr fella posted/deleted all kinda nonsense, with this number minus that number plus another number in bracket etc etc LOL


2023-01-31 21:06 | Report Abuse

Ooh… the perfect display of humility behind a screen by this rr fella as usual

But, actually, there hasn’t been a waterfall yet since the rise in mid Dec…..


2023-01-31 21:02 | Report Abuse

400k shares. Considered smallish but has many units of bids and asks. It’s a cornered stock.


2023-01-19 18:07 | Report Abuse

Why are you so free, Calvin?


2023-01-17 19:21 | Report Abuse

Retailers always see… :)

Happy Chinese New Year. Over and out from me here til the 30th


2023-01-17 18:30 | Report Abuse

On your last sentence, yeah, possibly. This is a real estate company. Now realising they couldn’t possibly venture out of Perak for their “core business” (don’t quote me and don’t take it the wrong way…)

On your first para, you may be surprised wtf these folks are thinking of and capable of

Nothing much will happen for the time being. It’s already been the case


2023-01-17 17:14 | Report Abuse

I’m fairly certain Eddie Ong has been doing more pre-CNY shopping….


2023-01-17 17:08 | Report Abuse

Tree, in my humble opinion, it really doesn’t matter who is accumulating. Eddie’s emergence as a >5 per center has caused the price to be where it is. If there’re any other folks, so be it. And I think an “individual buyer” can exist; any Sdn Bhd company that owns shares in a stock is designated as a “retailer” (example : NSK Trading Sdn Bhd and Versatile Creative)

The company’s exercises of warrants is expected and a responsible thing to do for minority shareholders. But you know what that can mean to issued shares…


2023-01-16 12:06 | Report Abuse

It’s obvious Eddie Ong is slowly building up his stake. He will know the right time to go above 5 per cent…


2023-01-13 16:36 | Report Abuse

Yeah, this is one of Eddie’s 30 companies in his portfolio

He almost doubled his holdings in Eframe from 2021 to 2022. Still comparatively small but he knows companies like we don’t know…