
Retnam | Joined since 2014-02-26

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2015-03-05 10:34 | Report Abuse

Dividends seem to decline over time. The true test of a Co is the ability to pay out dividends. Profits can be easily manufactured & shareholders can be easily excited with announcements of great prospects & promises.

Some cos when it does badly, it holds back dividend payments and when it does well it also holds back dividend payment to shore up for the bad times. My suggestion is to pay good dividends as at least the shareholders have some $ in the pocket. If money is needed, then go to the bank (afterall interest rates are low) or cut overheads & dispose-off non-core assets. If you do the math, a normal profitable co should pay increasing dividends with time as inflation raises everything (including profits and dividends).

I hope this co does not remain forever a good prospect & it will realise the full potential soon and not 50 years after the sun in our solar system has burnt out.


2015-03-03 05:09 | Report Abuse

Curious as to who are selling and why


2015-02-22 14:47 | Report Abuse

If the Govt is fair, then it should treat it like the car industry. 10% sales tax is replaced with 6% GST which comes out to about the same in absolute terms.

Gaming industry already paying all sorts of taxes hence GST should substitute a portion of the existing gaming taxes.


2015-02-20 17:12 | Report Abuse

Normally Toto should see a good quarterly in CNY quarter as many would punt (unless some other thing like HR Owen pull it down)


2015-02-16 16:26 | Report Abuse

How low can it go?


2015-02-11 23:23 | Report Abuse

I hope it does not take the same path as Maybank. A glimmer of hope & then politicians get involved


2015-02-11 23:11 | Report Abuse

BTW Magnum already has quite a bit of shares bought back - almost 1% of issued.


2015-02-11 22:36 | Report Abuse

BToto looks delicious at 3.38. Unfortunately quarter ending 31 Jan is the last to enjoy absence of GST.

I usually count the number of patrons whenever I pass by a Sports Toto outlet. Usually I noticed if Toto is next to Magnum, more patrons will be at Magnum. Does any of you agree with me?

A few days ago I was pleasantly surprised a lone Toto half shop outlet at Hartamas had a rather large crowd - about 14.


2015-02-03 09:38 | Report Abuse

The way to go forward ...

1. Buy-back & cancel shares &

2. Get rid of HR Owen if it cannot improve the Co in 3 years (or else like a bottomless pit, it will suck money without paying back)


2015-01-30 21:19 | Report Abuse

Govt is squeezing blood out of stone & killing the goose that lays the golden eggs


2015-01-28 14:26 | Report Abuse

This co had a lot of potential


2015-01-28 13:59 | Report Abuse

VT sold a big chunk > 4.6m cum dividend. Something negative maybe when he sold so cheap without waiting for the div??


2015-01-25 21:48 | Report Abuse

Better wait after Thaipusam


2015-01-25 21:45 | Report Abuse

The lower the share price goes the higher the possibility that it will rise


2015-01-23 16:38 | Report Abuse

Even today's valuation at about 3.53 is a good buy yielding > 7%.

The 2 points of concern are :

a) the GST (as mentioned above) &

b) How HR Owen acquisition will pan out. If the Mat Sallehs have for years a tough time getting the Co in shape, I don't think our Toto guys can make any positive radical changes.


2015-01-16 10:35 | Report Abuse

The buybacks certainly inject confidence into other shareholders as it cuts down moral hazard.


2015-01-12 09:30 | Report Abuse

Share price is tanking. Investors have spoken.

Will the parent co just sit by the sidelines & watch the co slide? or
Will it take the bull by the horns & implement major changes to halt the decline?


2014-12-31 11:24 | Report Abuse

Why is the stock price falling like hot knife through butter?


2014-12-31 00:50 | Report Abuse

CCM (seller) is headed by a politician. Do you think they shareholders' interest at heart? It's also a related party deal which is normally frowned upon by regulators.


2014-12-31 00:47 | Report Abuse

The cash flow statement indicates that BToto paid in 2014 about RM800m taxes/duties to the govt. As TVT's son said - BToto is like a mini Petronas.

If the Govt proceeds to impose GST without reducing other gaming taxes, then illegal gambling will be even more rewarding for bettors and Govt will lose this goose that lays the Golden eggs.


2014-12-23 17:11 | Report Abuse

The reason for rights it appears that CCM BIO is intending to buy some companies from CCM. I am not certain that CCM BIO will have the technical capability to manage them. These Cos were sinking under CCM management.

Another question - Is it paying a fair price for these bunch of losers?


2014-12-22 23:15 | Report Abuse

Thank you gungho92


2014-12-21 06:00 | Report Abuse

Extracts from the latest quarterly :-

"A holistic customer-centric approach will be taken in our forward thinking solutions designed to help our customers’ most significant financial decisions. We will offer a range of innovative ...blah, blah, blah" - Sounds like hogwash to me

"Barring any unforeseen circumstances and the change in MGS yields, the Directors expect the
Group’s performance to remain satisfactory in the current financial year ending 31 December 2014" - Huh? Did I miss out something? Seems out of whack when profits compared to corresponding previous quarter fell more than 73%!!


2014-12-21 05:52 | Report Abuse

Get rid of them before it's too late!!


2014-12-21 05:51 | Report Abuse

This Co is a puzzle. The management has succeeded in driving profits (quarterly) to less than a third despite acquiring asset management business. Asset management is a fee-based activity where the asset manager i.e. Manulife gets income irrespective of which direction the market goes.

I hope the head office sees the absence of quality among the top management & gets rid of them. They know how to make impressive statements in the annual report which is a mere Public Relations nonsense to hoodwink the shareholders. We want to see them earn their keep by sustaining & improving profits.


2014-12-20 08:06 | Report Abuse

I'm happy with 6 sen. Many research houses seem to set lower target price which is somewhat disappointing.


2014-12-16 13:13 | Report Abuse

Magnum at current price of 2.62 is better than B.Toto in terms of PE but equal in terms of Dividend yield.

News & Blogs

2014-12-09 19:07 | Report Abuse

After distribution then the Co would be a shell with no business?


2014-12-09 18:42 | Report Abuse

Hopefully VT is expecting to pocket a large dividend.


2014-12-05 17:07 | Report Abuse

TSVT is accumulating shares is good for us - reduces moral hazard since it aligns his risk with ours - he's got more skin in the game !!


2014-12-02 23:41 | Report Abuse

CIMB research view appears rational - that 5 sen/litre will continue & the removal of Govt subsidies will improve cash flow - both of which are positive for the counter.


2014-12-01 09:07 | Report Abuse

I heard that shale oil production not viable if oil prices drop below $65


2014-11-29 09:31 | Report Abuse

1000 share lots or 100 share lots?


2014-11-28 16:55 | Report Abuse

I blindly entered although I do not really know how this subsidy removal will pan out. Perhaps there may be a window-dressing activity towards year end & this stock could be tinkered to push up FBMKLCI.


2014-11-28 12:52 | Report Abuse

Oil price drop means less subsidy from the government hence increase in cost of production which translates into lower profit margins. I believe that there's a timing difference issue in the derivation of subsidies which works to the disadvantage of Petdag.


2014-11-26 23:41 | Report Abuse

At the rate of share buybacks, I'd be happy with 6 cts


2014-11-20 22:58 | Report Abuse

Some share buyback taking place - good if one regards the price as too low but if excessive, then no cash for dividends


2014-11-14 16:22 | Report Abuse

Dividend yield and PE wise, it's better than Magnum, yet Toto price is falling while Magnum is stable ... puzzling indeed


2014-10-25 04:16 | Report Abuse

Some share repurchase at lower price noted with cumulative to date standing at 6.17% of shares in issue.


2014-10-24 15:30 | Report Abuse

Someone raised the issued of share buyback. The response was vague & I believe held no basis. They mentioned that the Co would be in breach of a "creeping or incremental rule" in a buyback. I perused through the share-buyback circular but there was no such rule. Sounded like BS to me.

Btoto has plenty of room on the existing criteria i.e. public share holding spread, 10% issued share & retained earnings respectively. Maybe the main shareholders prefer to pick up the shares themselves as indicated in the recent purchase rather than have Btoto do it. This is in fact better as it means that they are willing to put more of their skin into the game.

Personally I'm not fond of bonus issue - it just cuts the same cake but into thinner slices which would affect EPS and hence share price.


2014-10-21 17:12 | Report Abuse

Interesting to note from the outcome of the AGM is that Dato Dickson isn't exactly popular with 117m shares voted against his reelection. To the crowd, he's no different from other non-exec directors hence my guess is that he may have some issues with the top management.


2014-10-21 16:18 | Report Abuse

Toto's management sees a lot of fat & areas of improvement in HR Owen but they can't just hire & fire hence it may take sometime before it's higher values are realised.

I certainly hope they know what they're doing.


2014-10-21 06:13 | Report Abuse

Yeah kkng - it was I who raised that matter.
I must say that all questions answered by the CEO, aided by his CFO was clearly articulated.


2014-10-15 22:53 | Report Abuse

Does anyone knows if Toto's numbers forecasting activity escapes GST via exemption or zero-rated etc?


2014-10-12 09:19 | Report Abuse

I guess when CPO prices are sky-high, the Co has tonnes of money flowing in but unfortunately share prices are also high. When CPO prices are down "bo lui" to buy shares back although going for cheap.
On hindsight perhaps it's better to accumulate excess cash in good time & buy them only when share price dips.


2014-10-11 22:56 | Report Abuse

This stock may have good PE & Dividend yield but fund managers avoid it because it lacks liquidity


2014-10-10 09:44 | Report Abuse

The good thing is that the brand new CEO is buying a lot of Paramount stocks. This will align his interest with the rest of the shareholders.


2014-10-10 09:32 | Report Abuse

I noticed ironically that share buybacks are only active when the price of the stock is high. When it comes down, it stops. Funny isn't it??


2014-10-02 22:48 | Report Abuse

Can anybody enlighten as to who is selling ?


2014-10-02 12:17 | Report Abuse

Check out this research report. Optimistic, Pessimistic or Realistic - you be the judge.