KLSE (MYR): KNM (7164)

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Today's Change

-0.005 (5.26%)

Day's Change

0.09 - 0.095

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72 people like this.

58,838 comment(s). Last comment by Proff P... 17 hours ago


315 posts

Posted by Bullkobear > 2023-10-24 14:18 | Report Abuse

Result is our final judge, don’t missed the boat !

Posted by KNMfamily > 2023-10-24 14:30 | Report Abuse

Agree with macdee34.
The current management is not interested in continuing KNM's business. Hoping someone can help to save us. TY & gang plan only to close KNM's business. They are not interested in renewing the expired licenses. Nearing the closure of the Melaka branch, Kuantan and HQ will also be involved. Only interested in borsig not saving KNM. We have been with KNM for 30 years, but this management is most important to themselves. It's not that there are no projects that want to enter, but the problem is that we can't get BG. They are not even interested in getting BG for KNM. Sell all KNM properties then they will run away.

Posted by loganathanrhb > 2023-10-24 15:13 | Report Abuse

Enough time to list Borsig?


280 posts

Posted by OtisKL > 2023-10-24 15:55 | Report Abuse

The share price is gradually going up, the floor price is 9sen, most bilis cost price. Back to 10sen already.


64 posts

Posted by lkw8361 > 2023-10-24 16:01 | Report Abuse

MacDee34 said "we all read KNM Explanatory Statement" but I can't find it in the announcement. Is there anywhere I can find it?

Posted by BigWhiteSand > 2023-10-24 16:05 | Report Abuse

what's up with KNM now?

Spiking now

Posted by BigWhiteSand > 2023-10-24 16:06 | Report Abuse

any rumours or news?


58 posts

Posted by no3no4 > 2023-10-24 16:10 | Report Abuse

What happened?
Any news .


280 posts

Posted by OtisKL > 2023-10-24 16:12 | Report Abuse

oooh, going 11sen now....


280 posts

Posted by OtisKL > 2023-10-24 16:20 | Report Abuse

Somebody is accumulating shares...


332 posts

Posted by Dawneagle > 2023-10-24 16:31 | Report Abuse

No news no rumors. Just collecting to sell after extension news. Nothing to be surprised about.


1,645 posts

Posted by cK1973 > 2023-10-24 16:59 | Report Abuse

tunggu at 1c dulu....


194 posts

Posted by THE ROCK > 2023-10-24 17:42 | Report Abuse

I think Tengku Jaafar is averaging now....Bought @ 0.22 now averaging from 0.10 cents


194 posts

Posted by THE ROCK > 2023-10-24 17:44 | Report Abuse

Who to know what is the next step from KNM. I will just sit back and go with the flow.


194 posts

Posted by THE ROCK > 2023-10-24 17:49 | Report Abuse

very simple to look at, who wants to buy into KNM now...
To get from 0.09 cents to 0.11 cents at this volume before is bound to be inside job.......Who knows, i bet nobody knows. I also Don't


194 posts

Posted by THE ROCK > 2023-10-24 17:59 | Report Abuse

To look at the price at this level after all those hype about taking over is consider very stable indeed. It shows that Tengku really meant what he had said....I am not a great supporter in KNM but i bought KNM shares. Seeing this type of movement in KNM shares today at least the future looks bright. If the Board of Directors is playing around.....KNM shares by now will be around 0.045 to 0.05 cents now.


65 posts

Posted by Adagold > 2023-10-25 07:38 | Report Abuse

Yes, THE ROCK, I try not to do insider trading. It's illegal. But I found out from close sources that KNM management is not doing pump and dump. It's hard for some people to believe, but they actually want to do the business. Otherwise I also won't buy this share.

So let's hang around and give them a chance to perform. Now the dust is settling and we observe there is buying pressure. Some big players are buying. Maybe syndicate, who knows?

The roadmap and timeline are there. We don't need to micro-manage and ask everyday - hey directors, what are you doing today? We only know from their SOA they want to sell off loss-making businesses and list Borsig. Maybe we do a quick check every week or every month to see the progress? My two cents...


65 posts

Posted by Adagold > 2023-10-25 07:41 | Report Abuse

As a shareholder I don't know whether it's too much to ask for. Besides doing what they mentioned, is it possible for them to do something more? Like finding another Borsig 2.0 that can make a lot of money? To me, that would be a good vision and mission. In life we must dream big, right?


194 posts

Posted by THE ROCK > 2023-10-25 07:56 | Report Abuse

@ got a very good point there. Anything can happen....Hope for the BEST...
Just look at the world now, 2 Wars at the same time......


65 posts

Posted by Adagold > 2023-10-25 08:40 | Report Abuse

The world is a very messy place now. Not only the wars, but on our financial side things are looking pretty bad at the moment.

We read bad news everyday. It's like preparing us for a big global crash. People are not buying US bonds anymore. Interest shot up to 5% and will directly affect us in Malaysia too. China keep dumping. Oil prices stayed above 80 or 90 for many months now, causing severe inflation worldwide.

America's time-tested printing money strategy seems not working anymore. For some people the situation now seems scary. In Medusa's favourite term - Runnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.......... Hehe...


16 posts

Posted by Kimchun31 > 2023-10-25 08:50 | Report Abuse

PN17 KNM is expected to fall in the next 3 trading days, just before 30th October 2023, when High court would decide on the Restraining Order (“RO”) for KNM.

If RO is extended by High Court, creditors cannot demand payment via court until RO is lifted at later date.
If RO is lifted by High Court, creditors would demand payment via court and KNM may be bankrupt, then delisted from the exchange.
Earlier, the RO was extended 3 times by the High Court.
On the last extension, a reasonable bystander would think that the court wanted to wait for the outcome of the recent EGM on 16th October 2023 before making decision. However, since the old management remains on board, most likely the RO will be lifted.
The Tunku Yaacob's men were on the board of Malaysian Merchant Marine (“MMM”), before it was delisted.
History normally would repeat itself again?
Before MMM is delisted, the price of shares would drop to RM0.005, with sellers queueing at RM0.005 and no buyer queueing.

Posted by UpUpRocket > 2023-10-25 08:59 | Report Abuse

Kimchun and McD sound like a broken record. Keep repeating the same song. The motive is to spread fear among investors. Don't know what's their motive, but definitely up to no good.

McD keep publishing a list of new accounts and asking members not to listen to them. Kimchun keep saying current management will kantoi and KNM will be delisted. Repeat and repeat.

The fact is that the SOA has been accepted by creditors. McD keep harping on his ES but the members don't even know what or where is that. So, not surprising he is treated as cybertrooper and fake news peddlar. For a change, post some facts la, not your speculation to scare investors. Adoi...

Posted by LimitUp888 > 2023-10-25 09:00 | Report Abuse

Final episode: PN17 KNM is expected to fall everyday in the next 4 trading days, just before 30th October 2023, when High court would decide on the Restraining Order (“RO”) for KNM.

If RO is extended by High Court, creditors cannot demand payment via court until RO is lifted at later date.
If RO is lifted by High Court, creditors would demand payment via court and KNM may be bankrupt, then delisted from the exchange.
Earlier, the RO was extended 3 times by the High Court.
On the last extension, a reasonable bystander would think that the court wanted to wait for the outcome of the recent EGM on 16th October 2023 before making decision. However, since the old management remains on board, most likely the RO will be lifted.
The Tunku Yaacob's men were on the board of Malaysian Merchant Marine (“MMM”), before it was delisted.
History normally would repeat itself again?
Before MMM is delisted, the price of shares would drop to RM0.005, with sellers queueing at RM0.005 and no buyer queueing.


1,383 posts

Posted by kyliew > 2023-10-25 09:24 | Report Abuse


Posted by BigWhiteSand > 2023-10-25 10:58 | Report Abuse

why are there 2 fellas here who kept reposting about the RO issue? what are their intentions? how many times do they want to spam here? Hopefully our admin could do something about them.


280 posts

Posted by OtisKL > 2023-10-25 12:35 | Report Abuse

@Adagold, you are indeed right. Apart from what was already planned or in place for implementation, future 3 yr or 5 yr planning is vital too. Today, I read about Petronas' subs to do feasibility study on hydrogen piping from Malaysia to Singapore. Hydrogen is the in-thing going forward for green energy, which KNM already has expertise in. This is the future to forge ahead for KNM - hydrogen! Unlike nuclear, which if mishandled will bring grave results to the mass, hydrogen is very much less dangerous and easier to handle. The nature of KNM business supports products to the O&G players. While it can find niche in this support product, a more exclusive strength needs to find its place in KNM's goals for business sustainability. Fossil fuel will be a bygone hot popular thing in the next few years or more.


280 posts

Posted by OtisKL > 2023-10-25 13:16 | Report Abuse

What Are The Key Differences between fission nuclear vs fusion nuclear?

1. Although both fusion and fission use atomic energy, there are a number of key differences between the two processes:

2. Fission releases energy when atoms are split, while fusion releases energy when atoms are joined

3. The fusion reaction releases more energy than fission

4. Fusion doesn’t produce harmful long-term radioactive waste as a by-product like fission does

5. Fusion needs more energy to accomplish than fission does. The energy required for fusion has been a barrier to its widespread use for energy generation.


280 posts

Posted by OtisKL > 2023-10-25 13:19 | Report Abuse

There are 2 types of materials to produce fusion nuclear at the moment: hydrogen isotope that can be extracted from seawater called deuterium. The other one is use lasers to heat and compress hydrogen fuel to create fusion.


280 posts

Posted by OtisKL > 2023-10-25 13:30 | Report Abuse

@i3lurker, what do you see fake information in my comments?


280 posts

Posted by OtisKL > 2023-10-25 14:01 | Report Abuse

@i3lurker, had your lunch already?


65 posts

Posted by Adagold > 2023-10-26 10:06 | Report Abuse

Now that EGM storm is over the market is quiet. Let's see how they perform first.


65 posts

Posted by Adagold > 2023-10-26 10:07 | Report Abuse


Allow me to poke some holes in your statement, "Fossil fuel will be a bygone hot popular thing in the next few years or more." I hope you don't mind. Just for the fun of it. Part of research...

I read an article two days ago. They interviewed all the people owning electric cars, mixed brands from different countries. Now, half of these car owners say they wish to revert back to petrol cars. Adoi... But when they asked Tesla owners all of them say they will not revert back. They are happy with their EVs.


70 posts

Posted by maxwin69 > 2023-10-26 10:12 | Report Abuse

I also read news in our local dailies some ten or twenty years back. You know oil price fluctuates. When oil price was low Tenaga shareholders commented that Tenaga should make more profits. Tenaga Chairman at that time said, No, we make electricity by using hydro.


70 posts

Posted by maxwin69 > 2023-10-26 10:13 | Report Abuse

And then some years later when oil price was higher these shareholders again said Tenaga should make more money. Then Tenaga said, No, we make electricity by using fossil fuels.


70 posts

Posted by maxwin69 > 2023-10-26 10:14 | Report Abuse

Niama this is really Malaysia Boleh. Ciao all the shareholders money.


280 posts

Posted by OtisKL > 2023-10-26 11:13 | Report Abuse

@Adagold, hiyaaa....hope you had your breakfast, looks the market strengthening again.

Yes, no worries, I like the challenges, so to your comments, if EV battery operated cars will be a sustainable business. Well, it will be the complementing factor of the transportation industry for sure. However, have you heard about "hydrogen powered vehicles"?
Hydrogen cars are more expensive than electric cars, due to the current technology that haven't reach the economy of scale. However, we can purchase electric cars at a more reasonable price and find thousands of powering\charging stations for EVs.

Nevertheless, refuelling hydrogen takes 5 minutes, but EV charging takes a solid 40 minutes. Then, you have those used batteries over time that will be dangerous to mother earth, as it's made of carbon. On the other hand, hydrogen waste product is WATER or vapour! It's the best zero-carbon vehicle you can ever find. Coupled with superpower energy into your car, there's more to ask. EV cars are still a toy for the children to learn how to drive a car, hahaha, it still drags on the road underpowered.

So, in summary, EV cars are still hazardous to the environment.


280 posts

Posted by OtisKL > 2023-10-26 11:26 | Report Abuse

@maxwin69, hahaha, nice one. Tenaga must be very clever in coming up with reasons. Well, if we can recall, the last hydro dam built in Malaysia was the Bakun Dam in Sarawak, opened in 2011, capacity 2,400MW. Costed RM7.4bil, largest in Southeast Asia, biggest producer of electricity, etc. etc, Malaysia Boleh maa!
BUT, they forgot, the demand of electricity now is in Peninsula Malaysia, not in Borneo (or maybe now it will have the demand since Indonesia is building its capital there, so can sell electricity to make money). The wasn't any new hydro dams built in the Peninsula Malaysia, so the supply is fixed. Our population has been growing, now standing at 35mil. Most of the big tools at home uses electricity, demand increases. As the demand increases, they sub-contract to cronies' private companies to generate electricity using fuel or coal. In summary, people just know how to enrich people maa, not safeguarding the environment.


14 posts

Posted by kiwimelon > 2023-10-26 13:38 | Report Abuse

Want 2 ask. What value can the current management give to us? The share price has been shitty until the drama that was stirred up recently, seems like a bunch of incompetent folks or just want to cheat money?

This stock is kept in account for more than 10 years :)

Btw can anyone still access the letter sent by ProPoll Solutions? Was told to remove cookies to view document but failed on 2 devices :)


1,383 posts

Posted by kyliew > 2023-10-26 16:26 | Report Abuse

Bye2 drop back to support level 0.04


1,383 posts

Posted by kyliew > 2023-10-26 16:26 | Report Abuse

Pump and dump later like WIDAD


315 posts

Posted by Bullkobear > 2023-10-26 16:56 | Report Abuse

Last minute..... don't miss the boat.


70 posts

Posted by maxwin69 > 2023-10-27 08:07 | Report Abuse

The dust has settled after the big event EGM. Let's recap what is supposed to happen for both teams.

Tunku team supposed to sell off loss-making subsidiaries and list Borsig by June 2024.

German guy say he can raise funds and sell off subsidiaries at higher price, but since he lost he don't have a chance to perform this. He will continue make money doing his firearms business supplying weapons for Israel IDF.

Two ex-directors Flavio and Tan need to answer in court regarding some CBT or wrongdoings at KNM.

JAWA 888

136 posts

Posted by JAWA 888 > 2023-10-27 08:56 | Report Abuse


Posted by BigWhiteSand > 2023-10-27 09:21 | Report Abuse

New big players join the play so RO should extend again. Court will give more time for them to reorganise the plan. See you all at 0.155?


58 posts

Posted by no3no4 > 2023-10-27 09:44 | Report Abuse

yup , looking forward to it


98 posts

Posted by Auntylee > 2023-10-27 11:03 | Report Abuse



64 posts

Posted by KW L > 2023-10-27 11:19 | Report Abuse

Previously the current board intended to sell Borsig, then after years, then call off because the buyer cannot secure financing. Then talking about IPO of Borsig. Previously talking about IPO of FBM and now want to sell it. Will this cycle of IPO and selling keep rotate and will never finalise?


240 posts

Posted by MacDee34 > 2023-10-27 12:41 | Report Abuse

We have all read the KNM Explanatory Statement. It is a KNM self liquidation. Why do we need to let people like Tunku Yaacob Liquidate our assets unregulated and checked even we could simply appoint a real Liquidator to do the exercise and get his greedy hands out of the pie. He and his liquidation plan need to go away and let professional people take over.


240 posts

Posted by MacDee34 > 2023-10-27 12:44 | Report Abuse

To my fellow Shareholders of KNM, we know the long history. We know the value KNM is to Malaysia and what to do to get rid of Tunku Yaccob and his incompetent cronies. We did it before, and we will do it again.

Don't listen to the noise coming from the paid Tunku Yaacob Trolls who only spreads lies and unfounded stories of the fake mafia listed below. Notice what day these accounts were created and look at what they post vs what is in the real news:

OtisKL | Joined since 2023-09-08
doubleup | Joined since 2023-09-07
Adagold | Joined since 2023-09-05
UpUpRocket | Joined since 2023-09-09
maxwin69 | Joined since 2023-09-07
SGX6138 | Joined since 2023-09-09


1,383 posts

Posted by kyliew > 2023-10-27 16:21 | Report Abuse

MAA holding bungkus.... So next is this?

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