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depends what cooperate action management want to take to settle it's debt la, or wait many many years to clear all the debt with IMAGO's consistent earning. regardless, IMAGO MALL is GEM that worth 1 billion now in my opinion

this valuation of 850m done at 2014 year

what I hope is management stop planing for anymore further property development project only if they still don't separate IMAGO MALL from ASIAPAC. maybe sell IMAGO for net cash to give special dividend after clearing all debt also good option for me if ASIAPAC want to move on as true property developer company

2024-01-02 23:23


2014 Edge article how about 2023 or latest you have? Sincerestock I also own Penergy which I saw your posts there.

2024-01-03 05:12


Beside Imago Mall what else Asiapac have?

2024-01-03 05:16


@5354_ don't have o bro, I google saja u, that's all I found so far. if u found any from any source can kindly share here also

PENERGY I think now need to see oil price performance dulu, but I still holding la as price still cheap. but still will see, as HARBOUR there I think maybe I need top up even more as red sea crisis is happening. the most reluctant counter I for me to sell now still ASIAPAC despite needing more cash

you can check here for ASIAPAC properties

properties to be honest I don't have much comment la, besides those in Sabah here seems to be very fine. more hope that the company can settle down with IMAGO MALL as their main business

2024-01-03 12:34


hmm~ let's see whats brewing here just now touching 0.115 then push back to 0.105/0.110. I have collected enough btw average cost 0.110 after few in out previously with few profit locked

@5354_ just sold PENERGY after deep consideration during afternoon rest just now, can see my comment there~

2024-01-03 15:09


if this one really finally up, 2024 really a very good year haha

2024-01-03 15:20


under value stock for property .....25 possible

2024-01-03 16:10


woah haha just commented reluctant to sell this counter then few hours later this counter up 9% already thank you so much ASIAPAC

2024-01-03 16:11


Tmr shd be more upside.momentum and trend is yr friend.

2024-01-03 19:53


Hope so, won't take profit too fast this time, it has been staying bottom low for quite sometime already

btw just another fact for thought, this counter started with ipo of 20 sen, after listed for so many years and retained profits of 52.8sen (mostly the form of a built up top 1 shopping mall in Sabah that can continuously generate reits kind of profits), which make it's current book value worth total of 72.8 sen.

then, after all of this accomplishment, the company now traded at half the price of it's IPO? so bad, so hard to believe, but then this is such a hard to get chance to buy ASIAPAC at half it's IPO price after all the accomplishment and retained profits!

2024-01-03 22:36


also remember the expired 20 sen iculs? actually nothing gone wrong with the company since then, IMAGO MALL is just as good as expect, and will continue to be no1 mall in Sabah for long time to come, I say this as a Sabahan that regularly visit IMAGO MALL. don't believe what I say, simply go visit it's facebook page and see it's comparable to west Malaysia top Malls' seasons' decorations. They don't do that if the mall is not that frequently visited and unable to easily regains the cost of building them up.

2024-01-03 22:41


hopping it can wake up this year

2024-01-04 22:54


chances otw, follow trend

2024-01-05 10:01


continues the movement.

2024-01-05 15:08


Hopeless counter, sell and run better

2024-01-10 18:31


@ryan_och any fundamental reason for you to say so?

2024-01-10 23:07


one of the few top grade A shopping malls in Malaysia that doesn't need to compete with TRX

2024-01-20 22:39


when the new qr report comes out?

2024-01-23 09:20


as usual lo should be end of february lo

2024-01-23 10:26


@SincereStock tq

2024-01-23 10:53


Boss is holiday...

2024-01-24 20:59


ASIAPAC's Imago Mall 2024 Chinese New Year decorations and live crowd

2024-01-27 11:10


thing not to forget - the boss subscribed the company's right issue (converted iculs to new shares at RM0.200 per share)

the company's fundamental has not changed to worse since then

2024-01-31 17:27


top up few more at 0.105 today morning

2024-02-05 09:09


Imago jam pulak mau masuk. Ingat semua orang suda balik kampung

2024-02-13 14:27


again, tax erased profit for this QR. but profit before tax is slightly improved. mall operation improved. car park operation improved. management need to do something about the total liabilities, find a way to unlock the true value of IMAGO mall.

this QR is before car park price revised from RM3 to RM5. while the mall still is crowded after price revision. Sabah people has no other place to go as other shopping malls also revised their car park to higher rate while IMAGO MALL is still the most luxurious mall in Sabah. Keen to look for the next QR to unfold while waiting for good announcement from management

2024-02-28 17:51


anyone know can kindly explain to me about the tax? because it seems like not all QR are affected by the tax. is it calculated once per year and only fall upon 1 of the 4 QRs per year?

2024-02-28 17:52


SincereStock, my guess is, 1. mall and car park subsidiaries need to pay tax. 2. developer business losses but maybe can carry forward so no need pay tax when making money.

Average out "-" loh.

2 months ago


don't understand today 1k 1k seller at 0.100, so less lot queuing at sell 0.105, and already got buyer buy 10k+ lot just previously. a bit patience queue and wait a while there la if you want to sell. why so urgent terus throw away at 0.100. face palm

2 months ago


0.100 and 0.105 is RM500 different already for each 1k lot

2 months ago


maybe someone intentionally spoil the vwap figures

2 months ago


Better mr mah sells to back door listing company like pmholding

2 months ago


sell together with asset IMAGO MALL at such undervalued price? debt is high but IMAGO value is almost twice as high

2 months ago


Needed patients for this stock.

2 months ago


invest with patience or invest with risk, can choose either one only

1 month ago


Imago Mall crowded again. no better place to go shopping for Sabahans

1 month ago


Why nobody interested in this stock???

2 weeks ago


@nemesis overlooked because inability to generate consistent good profit at this stage. but 85% NTA discount is insane and it is not being appreciated (yet)

2 weeks ago


haiya whole day don't want hit 0.105, 1 lot pun ok give me chance ss my latest portfolio peak, only red stock left in my portfolio. haiz, if hit 0.110 then everything green liao

2 weeks ago


Another downside to this company is that it has high borrowings... Net debt higher than 400 mil...But it also has great asset like the Imago mall wholly owned by AsiaPac holding

2 weeks ago


yes, they must do something with the borrowing, I wish they sell off IMAGO MALL and distribute the cash balance after paying the debts as special dividend for shareholders, I am sure the special dividend itself can be much higher than current share price. or liquidate all their business all together is fine.

otherwise they must do something with their borrowings so that no finance cost will be holding back the profit generated from IMAGO MALL operation from being shown in net EPS for the company QR

2 weeks ago


afterall we all here just for capital gain right? hopefully management don't waste our time

2 weeks ago


reluctant to say this, but owning 15% of SMI shares is also considered as liabilities of ASIAPAC to me. ONLY good assets owned by ASIAPAC is IMAGO MALL

1 week ago


coming soon.. check it out the trend.

1 week ago


QR fair value gain is genuine, imago mall does have the value for being biggest mall in Sabah

3 days ago


offloaded 5% to lock few profit at 0.115. final ultimate TP above IPO / iculs conversion price of 0.200

3 days ago


if i intrepret QR details correctly, fair value gain only contributed less than half of the total eps. investment loss probably due to drop in market price of smi and calculated with the closing before at end of march. which in future still will affect asiapac EPS depending on smi future price movement in the corresponding QR.

someone please correct me if I am wrong. tq

1 day ago


but 1 thing for sure, profits from imago mall and car park operations improved overally

1 day ago

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