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14 people like this. Showing 50 of 20,661 comments


selling to get more new shares soon at lower price lol....:)

2024-01-02 10:37


Rubbish people talking rubbish

2024-01-02 10:39


if BIOHLDG closed anything below 0.135, then better don't subscribe the Warrant Rights

2024-01-03 15:15


For those not subscribing, don't forget to sell your rights share (trading starts tomorrow until next Friday).

2024-01-11 11:46


Run lor!

2024-01-11 15:56


Folks want an opinion. What do I do with the WR? I got it for free since i anyway own some BIO shares. I read somewehre that this is valid only till next friday. Sorry noob question

2024-01-12 09:30


VinAlag......just sell it.....i sold mine orady today at 0.005....

2024-01-12 10:43


i wouldn't subscribe...rubbish company always rubbish...need your monies only. let themselves to pay for they own, we just wait within 3 years goreng mother share and sell all back to them

2024-01-12 10:47


just sell the wr while you still can. no point keeping.
mother needs to be 14sen only worth subscribe the rights else just sell

2024-01-12 12:19


wait im a bit lost...i didnt subsribe for just appeared in my trading account..will they be back charging for it? im a bit lost sorry

2024-01-12 13:52


worry not. just sell to the market. this is just the warrant rights you entitle for holding on to mother.
quickly sell it while it is still available (0.005). later probably worth nothing

2024-01-12 14:08


gg liao. now want to sell also can't. need to queue.

2024-01-12 14:51


to subscribe the warrants need to put in 13.5 sens, mean the mother share will go higher than 13.5 sens soon ?

2024-01-12 15:05

young man

check the history of the company. see how was the warrant holder and pa holder being treated. avoid this counter

2024-01-12 15:16


nobody interested

2024-01-15 10:06


i'm a newbie @this counter. Feels interested @ this company's warrant issuance....

Anyways, I think base on my study on Biohldg fundamental, I made a conclusion that this company won't be succumb to GN3 in a near future. The company is improving its pofitabilty...

1. NTA 10.85 sen.
2. NOSH 1.406 bilion.

Share capital RM 186,014,000
Reserves (RM 39,795,000)
Equity attributable to owners of the parent RM 146,219,000
Non-controlling interests RM 3,353,000
TOTAL EQUITY RM 149,572,000

4. Cash and Cash Equivalent:
Fixed deposit with licensed bank RM 1,018,000
Cash and bank balances RM 9,597,000

5. Assets:
Non-current Assets RM 138,443,000
(Note: Including investment in quoted shares RM 23,532,000)
Current Assets RM 56,258,000
TOTAL ASSETS RM 194,701,000

6. Liabilities:
Current Liabilities RM 12,385,000
Non-current liabilities RM 32,744,000

7. Last QR result-Net loss (RM2,760,000)
Note 1:
The Group’s current quarter revenue for the financial period ended 30 September 2023 (“3QFY23”) grew by 61.3% year-on-year (“YoY”) to RM11.7 million, as compared to RM7.3 million in the preceding year’s corresponding quarter (“3QFY22”). The growth was driven by improved performance across all the Group’s segments

Note 2:
The Group’s revenue for the 3QFY23 increased by 37.7% to RM11.7 million, against RM8.5 million in the second (2nd) quarter ended 30 June 2023.

Note 3:
Meanwhile, turnover for the Group’s supply of health foods to China more than doubled to RM3.0 million in 3QFY23 (2QFY23: RM1.4 million) as deliveries to customers picked up. For our retail pharmacy business, revenue grew by 76.8% to RM5.4 million, from RM3.1 million in 2QFY23, on the back of contributions from newly opened pharmacy outlets.

2024-01-15 11:42


Important dates to read and digest. For those who want to speculate, can use it as an important information. TAYOR.
Date for commencement of trading of rights 12 Jan 2024
Date for cessation of trading of rights 19 Jan 2024
Date for announcement of final subscription result and basis of allotment of excess Rights Securities 06 Feb 2024
Last date and time for :
Sale of provisional allotment of rights 18 Jan 2024 05:00 PM
Transfer of provisional allotment of rights 22 Jan 2024 04:30 PM
Acceptance and Payment 29 Jan 2024 05:00 PM
Excess share application and payment 29 Jan 2024 05:00 PM
Available/Listing Date 14 Feb 2024

2024-01-15 12:54


I like the venture into pharmacy retain store biz instead of just focusing on manufacturing and supplying health supplement

2024-01-15 22:37


To make sure the warrant issuance exercise successful, the price of the mother share SHOULD be more than 13.5 sen!!!
Just my DREAM... TAYOR

18 Jan - 29 Jan for me are the important dates..... to monitor

2024-01-17 21:52


Hope in incoming one or two days of trading, it can test the highest price in a year @14 sen. TAYOR

2024-01-19 20:43


Closed @11 sen.... Towards 14 sen????

2024-01-22 19:56


Close 12 sens today!!!!!

2024-01-23 08:45


Note 3 from latest financial reports:
For our retail pharmacy business, revenue grew by 76.8% to RM5.4 million, from RM3.1 million in 2QFY23, on the back of contributions from newly opened pharmacy outlets.

Newly opened pharmacy outlets? Let's dig some info:

1. Constant Pharmacy has been around for about 20 years now. It is a government-linked brand which enjoys support from Bioalpha Holdings Berhad. To date, it has grown to more than 13 outlets mostly around the Klang Valley.
Google search returned 15 outlets, and this is for over 20 years? AA pharmacy, Alpro pharmacy, Multicare pharmacy and Health Lane pharmacy which are not well known has at least 50 or more shops in Malaysia.

2. Constant Pharmacy in Shopee has extremely low volume of overall items sold:
-- Top item is apple cider vinegar sold for 2900+
-- Second top item is Panadol for 300+
Shopee may not constitute a big part of the sales, but still a very sad number if you look at the overall number of items sold.

3. LinkedIn company size for Constant pharmacy shows:
-- 51-200 employees
-- 39 associated members (members who’ve listed Constant Pharmacy as their current workplace on their profile.)
AA pharmacy, Alpro pharmacy, Multicare pharmacy and Health Lane pharmacy has at least 4 times in terms of associated members, and also at least 200 to >1000 employees.

2024-01-25 07:49


Note 3 from latest financial reports:
Meanwhile, turnover for the Group’s supply of health foods to China more than doubled to RM3.0 million in 3QFY23 (2QFY23: RM1.4 million) as deliveries to customers picked up.

In the China agreement, BIO announced the contract to be worth $$$ per year:
The value of supplying health food and nutritional meals supplied is approximately RMB700,000,000 per year (equivalent to RM426,700,000).

In a query from Bursa, BIO replied:
Query: The basis and justification in arriving the value of the health food and nutritional meals to be supplied of approximately RMB700,000,000 per year (equivalent to RM426,700,000).
Reply: The supply contract value of RMB700,000,000 was offered by GYHX based on their requirements to meet the market consumption (public and private sector) based on its high population and health conscious awareness of the health food and nutritional meals.

The turnover of one quarter in 3QFY23 is 3 million, and yet the estimated supply value is 106 million a quarter?

2024-01-25 08:11


The Group’s QR3 2023 revenue based on the geographical location of its customers is presented as follows:

Malaysia RM8,633,000
Indonesia RM14,000
China RM3,029,000
Others RM44,000
Total RM11,720,000
Revenue from Malaysia QR3 2023 up 40% from RM5,133,000 in QR3 2022.
Revenue from China also up 56% from RM1,943,000 in QR3 2022.

2024-01-25 15:28


the accts figures mainly made by Accountant CEO to attract water fish lol....

2024-01-30 17:02


Burnt some here......
For the sake of an experiment on a new counter..
Sorry guys... In facts, the information is still valid..
But this counter is not suitable for me to play... He He He

2024-01-30 20:31


goreng stock, what can you do

2024-02-21 13:43


Live and learn ~ Penny stocks generally have timing to goreng one

2024-02-28 17:46


only worth enter at 0.07

2024-02-29 19:40


Net loss was narrowed down in fy2023. Good start for fy2024 i think

2024-03-05 10:43


Good start but wait lower better

2024-03-07 19:27


A lot of so called MOU with china ,end up tin Kosong …pharmaceutical also can’t compete with BIG.caring ..

2024-03-07 19:49


Wait 52-week low price?

2024-03-11 10:09


BIOALPHA sleeping lahh

2024-03-12 16:42


better stay away

2024-03-12 17:58


Hahaha keep sleeping!

2 months ago


counter sampah, sure sleeping lol

2 months ago


Banyak counter sampah di Bursa will still go up one 😂🤣

2 months ago


see operator wanna goreng up or not

2 months ago


Buy at 5cent

2 months ago


don't think it will go as low as 5 cents ..

2 months ago

Wong Kah Wei

Kena scam liao :(

1 month ago


Nothinf is impossible in F group.....later 2c also may come...:)

4 weeks ago


Something is brewing...

3 weeks ago


Probably Bioalpha's herbal concoction

3 weeks ago


revenue 7.2m, loss 7m LOL!

1 week ago


con man company. soon PN17. LOL!

1 week ago


Will RI again later if cash habis

1 week ago


all F company treat market as money printing lol....:)

1 day ago

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