An open address to flyinghigh

Open address to flyinghigh

Publish date: Wed, 20 Sep 2017, 06:20 PM
0 12
I have requested site admin to take action, failing which I will request my lawyer to launch a complain with MCMC
To flyinghigh,
Due to your action of continous harassment and posting of solicitation messages featuring my email, I have requested that the site owner take the needed remedial action.
If the site owner do not take action, I will instruct my lawyer to commence technical proceeding to request MCMC to trace your ip so that we can serve you a summon for harassing and defamation.
Below are his/her solicitation posts featuring my email address and this will serve as evidence for harassing and defamation.


 Sep 20, 2017 06:06 PM Report Abuse 



 Sep 20, 2017 05:58 PM Report Abuse 



 Sep 20, 2017 05:56 PM Report Abuse 



 Sep 20, 2017 05:54 PM Report Abuse 



 Sep 20, 2017 05:53 PM Report Abuse 



 Sep 20, 2017 05:52 PM Report Abuse 



 Sep 20, 2017 05:50 PM Report Abuse 



 Sep 20, 2017 05:48 PM Report Abuse 


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What is the impact any way ?
I really couldn't imagine that of what I never encountered for.

2017-09-20 19:21


cant say much pending now pending on site owner's remedial action.

2017-09-20 19:47


I think u made the necessary action to uphold your rights.

2017-09-20 20:00



just doing the rite thing.

my lawyer and i just finished going thru flyinghigh's postings over the past yr or so.

all i can say r his/her postings will be very interesting read for malaysian mcmc, aggrieved parties and any lady members in the forum.

i have forwarded all the related postings to the site administration. i believe they will do the best for their biz.

no point offending so many customers of malaysian brokerages advertising here, rite????

2017-09-20 20:34


flyinghigh has been suspended for 1 week.

the site administration must have also gotten tired of his/her antics as well, thats why the quick action.

he/she even openly defamed the site owner of being bias and partial in his/her postings as well. i send the relevant posts to the site owner as well for their action.

now, the site owner has the needed evidence to initiate defamation case against him/her if the owner choose to.

2017-09-20 20:46


I wondering, how your personal email exposed ?

If not featuring with the personal email , I guess the impact will be much less significant.

2017-09-20 20:53


A person can express the view in particular stock forum to express their view whether the stock is good to hold or not. But this is not good to force people to accept his/her view by keep put up many harsh comments to force people to throw their share and ended up with quarrel.

If a person had expressed view/opinion and they not accept, then just leave to them to decide since it is their money to hold or not. Since the particular stock is not the person cup of tea, no need to continue go there to put harsh comments and force people to accept the opinion/view.

I think flyingkite has no intention to do like this, maybe 狗急跳墙。Last few days during night and midnight time saw the messages flying here and there in JCY forum.

Just to express my 2 cent view. Actually dont know what to write or not takut later kene legal letter ...... Anyway, 退一步海阔天空。

Just my nonsense talk.

2017-09-20 20:59


Wincloud, u have a big hearth. 
Hope our frens here shall has some self limitation. 

Don't be too harsh or overdone in relating to privacy.

2017-09-20 21:24


Venfx bro, I did read some of JCY messages during they quarrel last few nights, I just expressed my view. I not side both parties.

Flyingkite ID has been banned due to above issues. But anyway, one hand cannot clap, need both hand, things must see both side, cannot say one person totally wrong. I not said flyingkite not wrong but 狗急跳墙.

Maybe should read all messages in JCY forum then you will only know how the thing ended up like today. Anyway, left to admin to decide.

2017-09-20 21:34



really long story.

btw, i seldom used that email address so dont really matter.

but even without my email address, flyinghigh openly defamed the site owner of bias and impartiality in not only my case, but also a previous case last yr.

so its rather serious for the site owner as well.

2017-09-20 21:39


U are right...
Me neither side any partie, i read through the conversation too.
Not in good position to judge.
Jus when come to privacy, we should pay more attention to individual right.

2017-09-20 21:39



I really wish both of you shake hand and not to keep it the tough way.
I believe , admin shall do whatever deem necessary.

2017-09-20 21:42


For the sake of investment sharing community,
I wish to see more constructive comments.
But sadly , There are always some hater or jokers surrounding.

Jus my personally experience , hint no one here.

2017-09-20 21:45



at first, i was having the same thinking like u as well.

but after my lawyer and me delved into his/her postings from last jun til now, we made some very interesting findings with possible legal implications irl, so i cant say too much.

anyway, i have forwarded the relevant postings to the site owner for their action. if the owner decide to initiate legal proceedings against him/her, i wouldnt be surprised as well.

2017-09-20 21:46


No one can be right or wrong all the time...
Respect the courage and truth facts are all matter.

2017-09-20 21:50


u remind me of what a vet trader once told me when i started out.

i m not rite, u r not rite. the market is always rite.


i have these words carved into my trading psychology ever since

maybe i shld start a blog on trading psychology???


2017-09-20 22:02



i think flyinghigh has more to worry abt than just being being permanently banned from the forum.

he/she had posted several interesting comments abt the site owner as well which they will find interesting.

anyway, i reported ur posting as abuse just in case.

2017-09-20 22:27


Joetay, ah kite/flyinghigh can get emotional if you chose to confront directly with him.
But other than that, he's ok. Look up my ID, I was one of those who direct confront him few months ago.

As for trollers, there are others worse than flyinghigh, as in F>>> words coming out. I say worse cos they will simply hentam when the comment is not in favour with their view even though we did not confront them or reply direct. Normal in internet world.

2017-09-20 22:29


As to the extent of going to lawyers, LOL. In other forums(yes, Msian forum) the troll level is actually 10 times worse, wasting lawyer fees only.
In social media lots of colourful insults thrown for just stating a view, especially political related.

2017-09-20 22:34



i saw flyinghigh insulting u and several others in many other postings as well.

1 minute he/she is friendly with everyone and the next, insults spewed out no-stop if the povs r different.

anyway, he/she is in serious trouble now with the site owner. so i will not be surprised if the site owner decides to take action.

i will let matters run its course.

2017-09-20 22:35



this is becos flyinghigh and yippy68 deleted many of their offending comments.

allow me to post a comment by yippy68 threatening me just b4 his satire comments.

Posted by Yippy68 > Sep 18, 2017 07:30 PM | Report Abuse

you wll regret to say my name again.

2017-09-20 22:47


and one of flyinghigh's comment b4 he/she deleted it.

and some of the offending comments which flyinghigh directed at me and do not the time stamps, the offending comments are all deleted.

Posted by joetay > Sep 19, 2017 07:26 PM | Report Abuse X

Latest evidence of harassment.

Posted by flyinghigh > Sep 19, 2017 06:46 PM | Report Abuse

U didn't receive enough email, no problem I call out for u again..

Quick quick quick, this woman is impatient already, don't lose the chance of getting benefit from a rich old woman... get rich fast.. safer than anything.

just contact joetay at below email address... no harm try... just tell her u are flyinghigh or yippy she will entertain u..,

TQ to get rid of this leech from us n enjoy... hahahahahahah

2017-09-20 22:48


so, judge for urself.

i cant say much.

u can start a blog supporting flyinghigh if u think i have wronged him.

2017-09-20 22:50


do u really thinks he knows all abt the law???

i think he may have some of u hoodwinked very well.

i suggest u have a look at his comments.

if he has any legal training, he wouldnt have posted these interesting comments, including the letter u just posted on my blog.

2017-09-20 23:17


Joetay , I use to talk to flyinghigh ... he is a good rational guy. 
In internet world there are too many beast and Angel. 

It's our mindset in how to deal with them.

2017-09-20 23:29



not too sure if flyinghigh is rational or otherwise, but he/she is definitely asking for a lot of troubles by his/her postings from the past, way b4 this incident.

i must say i was patient enough to withstand his/her insulting posts for 2 days b4 going nuclear.

2017-09-20 23:47


t's all up to your final decision. 
Different people's has different reaction. 
U choose the legal way, flyinghigh has his own reaction when he feel not comfortable with your comments in jcy...i believe so.

2017-09-20 23:58


Every individual born in different environment & education may shape them in different personality.

For me , I has no tolerance to hypocrite most of the time.

Maybe, flyinghigh and you 八字不 ngam. Kiki

2017-09-21 00:04



thx VenFx

like u, i have no tolerance for hypocrite as well

no wonder we got affinity to chat.


2017-09-21 00:14


upz for flyingkite aka doraemon aka xiaodingdang.


2018-10-20 18:17

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