A shareholder of MBL discovered that MBL big boss the MD used Share Buyback account to prop up or maintain MBL shares price all this while.
I hope Ms Tan Soo Mooi as the independent director and chairwoman of the Audit Committee will call up the MD/ management to immediately stop doing such blatant wrongful act, or face shareholders revolt soon in the AGM.
Remember :
the mandate of the shareholders to you is not to goreng shares!!!
since you are so confident and with valid evidence...please make police report... im sure you are 100% they have committed wrong doing...
2022-02-19 22:59
normally with proper share buy back.. share price sure drops... actually MBL done a good job to maintain price ( haha just kidding)....
2022-02-19 23:00
Give them one chance. If they do it again, I will not hesitate to release my findings to SC and Bursa
2022-02-20 21:08
SC & Bursa should zero in
2022-02-19 21:52