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2014-10-02 14:00 | Report Abuse

Key Alliance,.......Name nampak ada ohm! Rasa macam akan muncul sebagai NAMA PERTAMA dalam top 30 counters trading.

Tetapi, adakah dia ada penyakit "pancut awal"? Itu kurang pasti,......Hehehehehe


2014-10-02 08:45 | Report Abuse

Happy buying,........Happy earning,..........Happy quiting/running,.............Happy commenting.

As long as you happy,........No a big deal already. Hehehehehehe,....


2014-09-26 15:37 | Report Abuse

Sabar punya sabar,....

Could the "cow" had already gone home?


2014-09-20 07:42 | Report Abuse

Ok,........Let's play Genting & Maybank.

Huat! Huat! Huat!


2014-09-17 22:30 | Report Abuse

Lain padang lain belalang,...

Lain orang lain ragam,.......Dunia ini, apa orang pun ada,......Hehehehehe,...


2014-09-12 15:39 | Report Abuse


No regret,........


2014-05-27 10:51 | Report Abuse

Ini celaka serigala, nampak ia mahu "action" lagi hari ini.

"Turun Kerana Mahu Naik" atau "Naik Kerana Mahu Turun",...................

Harap,......."Naik Kerana Mahu Naik".


2014-05-16 16:33 | Report Abuse

Ada harapan,..........bila "Turun kerana mahu naik",.....Hehehe!


2014-05-16 12:50 | Report Abuse

Celaka punya serigala! Tak ubah juga perangainya. Asyik main "seek n hide".

Jangan lagi buat drama dengan episod => "Naik Kerana Mahu Turun".

Convinse people to "Dance With Wolf",.....Baru ada harapan!


2014-05-15 08:51 | Report Abuse

World cup is related to XDL branded sport shoe? Could be,....

Sponsoring, advertisement, new design, sale and so on,...........can boost the share price.

Perhaps no any "special write-off" and causing report coming up fall in -ve territory.


2014-05-14 16:22 | Report Abuse

The "boy" had changed his bad attitide,...............He don't simply shout and fool play the people stay down the hill.

Let's see XDL performance in 2 weeks time. Wild guess, it will approach 28/29 sen from now. May be more,...

Don't follow my "talkok" here,....Just my postulation!

Based on nothing one,.........


2014-05-09 15:43 | Report Abuse

Buying WB can consider a good move. When mother recovers, the shape will much much better.

Mother had experience thru the serious illness. Believe, she is recovering now.

Hope it be ALRIGHT,........from today onward!


2014-05-09 08:48 | Report Abuse

HongKie,...........Virginl Island sold all shares.

Mind-set on XDL may change from yesterday onwards. Perhap, people may says, Wahlau!,.......NON-STOP surging.

It will happen,..............perhap near soon and couple with Nasim effect!

Hope my postulation works!


2014-05-08 09:58 | Report Abuse

Macam mahu bersandiwara hari ini,........

Bila & sudah bersandiwara,........Kena turn bawah lah. Hehehehehe!

Serigala oh serigala!

Negeri China punya serigala berkelakuan sedemikian,......


2014-05-08 08:44 | Report Abuse

What's target price is attainable?


2014-05-06 11:14 | Report Abuse

Wolf should stop doing pressuring mechanism,........Buyers are scare of buying China stock(listed in KLSE).

Good fundamnetal (a lot of cash, debt free, branded products & etc) china stocks are labelled as fake & con-man company.

XDL is from the same group of company?


2014-05-06 10:51 | Report Abuse

Sudden shoot up could be seen this or next week.

If they do that in near future,........the faster the wolf's price will fall under 20 cents range,......


2014-05-05 13:39 | Report Abuse

U can't stop the "selling dissease"

But, be patience after "selling dissese",......"Buying dissease" will come.

Duno when! But expected after 6 months. Just my opinion,.......


2014-05-05 13:00 | Report Abuse

Yes,.....It is happening as mentioned earlier!

Below 20 cents is expected. Below 10 cents shouldn't be,.....Whenn below 15 cents => sell you car, house, valuable propoerty and buy it.

Would says, "dah lama lah cerita sudah habis",.......


2014-05-05 10:01 | Report Abuse

Ya,...........another round killing started since last week.

Celaka, celaka, celaka,.........Celaka punya Serigala!

Yang beli kerana "revenge" kena perangkap lagi.

Tekan demi punya tekan,..............Tekan ke bawah 2 kupang akan datang! Paksa yang beli mahal/harga tinggi => jual, jual, jual! Perlahan-lahan mereka kutip,......

Beli 3 kupang ke atas punya,...........very very frustrated! Kejinya serigala ini!

Semogo tuhan boleh tolong! Tolong jinakkan serigala yang luar biasa buas ini,.......


2014-05-02 16:23 | Report Abuse

Buying china stock is a tragedy,.......

Really annoying!

One question: Why they wants to spoil their reputation and dignity?


2014-05-02 15:38 | Report Abuse

This wolf is "extra-ordinary". Analysis tool cannot applies to them.

They had thier own way to "manage". American and Chinese way is different!

Surprises all the way up,..............


2014-05-02 11:21 | Report Abuse

She is not feeling well at the moment. When she will recover,......Answer still unknow. In fact, she is not infecting any uncure illness. What happen to her? She is under "DEMAN TIPU". She will fully recover one day. When? It could be 6 months from now.

Those hope for rebound and to have a revenge,......Will fall under great suffering & PAIN!

Suggestion: Leave the counter quietly. If want to buy,.......buy WB => hope it will be alright and to defend our P/L account.

Remember,...........This WOLF is not a normal wolf. "Bila telan,...tulang pun hilang"

Don't plat with fire,.........and "DON'T DANCE WITH WOLF"


2014-04-29 10:39 | Report Abuse

Penyakit berjankit datang lag!

XDL back to origin,..........

What's next move WOLF wants to do?


2014-04-28 10:27 | Report Abuse

Masacre is coming,.....

No courtesy,...........Sudden throwing process could be happened anytime form now.

History is repeating. Those hold and waiting to "lepas" may not see the picture is expected to see.

Please DON'T "die-hard" to XDL,......It is a scary WOLF!


2014-04-25 13:18 | Report Abuse

Really sad and diapponited,.....if this happen on next week,..

6 sense telling me it will settling below 20 cents this time/round. Could it happen on next week, let's see it physically to convince.

Mr President can bring something to us in order to dampen this "wolf's" agenda?


2014-04-25 11:45 | Report Abuse

Percaya,........bila sampai T3 & T4,........River blood will flow again.

Celaka punya serigala,...........20% share (from 1 million +) dapat lepas tangan,.....


2014-04-25 11:39 | Report Abuse

Serigala tak tahu nak bahagi yang manusia itu guru kah? nelayan kah? tukang kebun kah? ,......

Tetapi,.....BAU manusia yang dia cari,......Kerana ada bau duit.


2014-04-25 11:35 | Report Abuse

However, WB still ok to consider.

Hopefully, it will niot ruin,..........


2014-04-25 11:33 | Report Abuse

Shit!!!,.........What i scare one is happening,.....

The wolf really not friendly and still starving,.........Eating round sure will happen from today onward.

Oh no,........They really show you the color and repeat the history like nobody business.

Betul n berani dia buat loh,.........


2014-04-25 10:35 | Report Abuse

Very cautious!

People don't like China stock listed in Malaysia?

Really scare,............Reputation no good,.......


2014-04-25 09:31 | Report Abuse

Those purchased and chased yesterday and this morning may "kena-lok-up".

Ada banyak buaya berdiri dalam pool ini?

Hati sudah gementar,........

Semogo apa yang saya sangka tak akan terjadi,...........


2014-04-24 11:58 | Report Abuse

Co's buy-back at low better? OR at higher price better?,........to XDL itself


2014-04-24 11:43 | Report Abuse

The wolf had killed a lot of investors just few weeks ago,....Not sure, the history is remembered.

Thinking, if the wolf is good and friendly enough,........Masacre would not happen days before.

Sudden surged 40 minutes ago,.......Would she kills another round of the dream/money-chaser?

They understand that,...........People says the wolf is at the bottom,...When up...ALL OUT lah!!!

Hope my comment is totally wrong for toady's XDL,......


2014-04-24 11:11 | Report Abuse

I had mentioned "kesan beliau" before,....If this is all happening. Then, should come to a piece of mind.

Just waiting for them to "sandiwara",......


2014-04-24 11:05 | Report Abuse

WB is the choice of buying.

U can defend your loss if retreat! If surge, you will laugh to ur BXXK!


2014-04-24 11:00 | Report Abuse

Could be true this time.

But, for safe side,........Please see 3 days of it's "gerak-geri" and performance.


2014-04-22 16:01 | Report Abuse

Strongly believe, China-Malaysia tie is developping and building up a "honeymoon" state due to MH370 incident. Both countries has no choice except by doing this bilateral tie fostering. China will take this opportunity to brotherhood Malaysia with certain regional political benefit. Both countries would benefited from it.

China-related counters will become an investor-chase-counter and popular once MH370 pain fading(one or 2 months from now).

XDL a consumer product counter/stock would dance/surge when the rhythm starts.


2014-04-18 09:02 | Report Abuse

To rebound is a YES n No answer. It is depend on number of factors.

No doubts, The "WOLF" has a good fundamental. Paper & figure It wise is promisingly. DPP also knew that. Hopefully, the report figure is not "fake" (sometime this is killing).

After bonus issued, the director may choose to filter out those "tak-boleh-tahan" people. This process may take while or even take months to complete the process. One of the mechanism is to stay & lock at an "optimum" level of pricing and forcing hopeless-people to sell.

WA also one of the factor,.........They want to "goreng" WA for those investors to escape from holding?

They know every single of "WOLF" share you hold.

The rhythm they playing is like this,.........give you happy(hope) -> then give sad (hopeless)-> then give happy(hope), then give more happy(more hope), then give you sad(hopeless),...........like this till "MAMPUS" for those "tak-boleh-tahan" holders.

It is very cruel & painful !!!!!!


2014-04-17 09:16 | Report Abuse

Believe, shares depletion and dumping process was came to an end yesterday(mother).

As mentioned WB still is,.............As mentioned before.

Just my opinion!


2014-04-16 15:31 | Report Abuse

If they serious! Then, they must serious from today onward,.....

Maintain at low level price is very dangerous!


2014-04-16 15:27 | Report Abuse

Should happen today,.......


2014-04-14 09:03 | Report Abuse

Wild feeling,.....XDL will close at 25sen.

WB,....to be closed at 8 sen. WA,..........no feeling

Not saying it will shoot up! My comment still the same,......Don't touch mother,......She is not feeling well.


2014-04-11 14:37 | Report Abuse

Consolidating stage is forming!

More and more collection is happenng. "Makan, kemudian buang. Makan lagi kemudian buang"...................."Macam makan-berak proses"............................Those bought at higher level will sell to them when "X-boleh-tahan".

Would Nazim effect to start soon,.......Still early to say.

Could XDL reach at 80 sen in 3 month time from now,........it also very hard to say.

Choice to buy WB think should be alright,........Because the time and position can be "defended"

Just my opinion!


2014-04-10 09:53 | Report Abuse

Kalau DPP berniat untuk perangkap lebih banyak mangsa. Dia kena bersandiwara dengan melonjakkan harga saham XDL. Ini mungkin berlaku. Dalam 2 days, harga tutup pada 32 sen,.....Senang saje!

Keyakinan orang ramai mesti dikembalikan dulu kemudian "sembelih" bila semangat pelabur-pelabur teruja.


2014-04-10 09:38 | Report Abuse

Jangan ingat air tenang tak ada buaya!

Percaya, dia duk tunggu siapa yang berani turun air.

Belilah WB,.......sekurang-kurangnya ada "jalan keluar". Jangan sekali-kali masuk perangkap.

Bila tak ada orang beli,..............kelajuan untuk harga turun pun terjejas(siapa mahu ambil bola?) ,.......Dia tak akan syiok sendiri.


2014-04-09 11:24 | Report Abuse

Yap! Mother is not feeling well at the moment. WB still has certain risk, but if drop further, you still got chance to wait,.........


2014-04-09 09:10 | Report Abuse

Those investors do not want it to maintain and dwell at low level price. Hopefully DPP does.

If XDL really so good, it could invite "unfriendly buy-up" by its competitor if the share price is maintaining at unreasonably low level. How much cash and property does XDL has? A share worth how much? DPP knows better than everybody.

U buy share, u buy the future. Those have chance to grow and up, no matter short. mid & long term.

If buy XDL,......afraid it deep down again.

If buy XDL-WA,........it may "Si Kiow Kiow" when the "day" expired without action taken by them.

If buy XDL-WB,.........At least u have 2 years and 10 months to go. It is at 7sen level!!!!!!!
When XDL(mother) gets well and wakes up,..........It will fly high, up, up and away!


2014-04-08 17:12 | Report Abuse

My opinion. It has to be at least few days trend and data to say it rebound or not,....


2014-04-08 16:37 | Report Abuse

Becareful, it is YES or NO for the rebound.

If YES,....Feel happy for those had bought it yesterday and this morning.

If NO,......Feel sorry for those had boight it yesterday and this morning.

As mentioned, XDL-WB still ok to consider. Not that scare if XDL TURN BACK again.

GOOD LUCK for ur bet.