
lonaldo | Joined since 2017-11-20

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2020-03-13 10:29 | Report Abuse

Walaulei, dow jone future show continue plunged 600 point


2020-03-13 08:57 | Report Abuse

O. 4 only appear when margin call..


2020-03-13 08:33 | Report Abuse

Future Dow continue sink even drop 2300 point last night.. Don buy when u feel the price is cheap or lowest based on ur target price, buy when had some consecutive or positive plan implement by oversea.. There is no use to lowest down bank interest, the key is world wide how to solve the corona virus.. The bad thing is USA still under childish n rumour president to told market will be OK soon.. That why worsen the investor confident.. Finally implement the travel ban for europe, it directly cause Europe market plunged include Dow jone. REMEMBER ALL, DON BUY LOWEST based on history, buy when had some correct preventative implement by CDC or authority to solve corona virus


2020-03-09 16:11 | Report Abuse

Little chicken gooshen happy so much for what.. Big loss or big money also you are not in the list.. Lot of ppl losing money here, here talk cock no point.. Wisdom ppl always come with a good mouth..


2020-03-09 13:59 | Report Abuse

Politic, crude oil crash, corona virus..
Perfect storm.. I cut loss.. Otherwise under wear also cannot find


2019-01-09 00:56 | Report Abuse

If we dunno our Malaysia market , pls observe outside market
1. World trade war between USA and china will end ? My opinion : when it start and end will be same point , all start from politic
2. China tech stock vs USA tech stock Wil end ?My opinion :, it will continue on next few year .
3. World car sales drop , especially China drop 10% , mean the automotive business not as good as expected
4. Smart phone business also drop ..

Due to above reason ,.Pls beware and not all in ..I will under rated most tech stock ..


2018-12-25 08:50 | Report Abuse

Wow, fear factor
1.world stock market keep plunging
2. Us china trade war keep going with unsettled giving world economy business forecast recession 2019
3. Weaken Rm still not improving and remain in weakest point which worsen the company overall debt
4' world economy not good directly affect the global oil demand which drag back crude oil drop 50% within 2 months , 85, barrel drop until 40++ , amazing

Congrats to those who invest in cash , only cash is the winner ..simple if u didn't invest anything in stock market this year , today u can using ur cash to buy 50-90% discount of most malaysia stock counter ,maybe more discount on next year ..this is so called cash profit .haha


2018-10-11 09:15 | Report Abuse

Did u all realised our economy compared 2007 even 1997 all the economic data didn't show we are greater than before , 300++ klse in 97, 900++ in 2007 , but 1700++ in 2018..why ? The difference is our borrowing debt include government are increased tremendously which flow to share and property and expenses..now US borrowing break record high will affect all the world market gradually worsen by trade war ..

Good luck every ppl..you can understand why current government trying to cut giant mega project and reduce ratio in shAre market ..that mean share market will less protection or interrupt by government , min market will adjust 20-40% within 12months ..hope my guessing is wrong


2018-08-27 10:24 | Report Abuse

Luckily sold 2 month ago , anyway lose water only ..sometimes just admit lose is ok..Will buy again when quarter result is improving ..don learn Warren buffet which buy low when ppl is fear , here is malaysia...u will burn like no tomorrow ..patient and patient


2018-05-13 09:23 | Report Abuse

Desmond lim are closed with najib family , but his wife is Robert tan Sister who Robert Tan are very closed Daim and Dr M side ..they are smart guy , don need worry about them 。。


2018-04-30 15:21 | Report Abuse

Don play contra..confirm win..


2018-04-26 00:16 | Report Abuse

Don so believe all this chart and tool ..the most important is u must had full analysis on our cash flow management . Nowadays this few month world wide market fluctuate tremendously, it show 2 things , market confident shake and hot money everywhere in share market .it had show direct impact on bond market , market are pay higher interest for their borrowing money . Example , usa bond had rise to 4 year high which 3% interest ..world wide market are start to close the valve..what is mean ? We know nowadays market are using human intelligence computer to play stock , if break the cut off point , all will follow same which deteriorated the situation ..bear in mind , pls make sure ur wallet money always greater than ur stock money now ..otherwise u will had very bad nightmare soon .


2018-04-13 17:59 | Report Abuse

Last month lost 30k , bought 3 month ago at .705...no choice hold until today earn few k , just sold due to need use money ..This share taught me a lot of things ..never play contra or margin ..my fren sailang and average use margin acc..finally lose 200++k due to cut loss..we cannot predict the price , but we must understand our cash flow and control our emotion ..Anyway good luck to other who still hold this counter ..wish u all earn a lot ..had a nice weekend


2018-04-12 22:16 | Report Abuse

Last two week facing 40% loss . Today had chance to gain some paper profit . Again didn't sell just hold until next three week . Us dow Jones open high with trump comment said the syria war maybe will not start so soon . From China and syria issue we can know he like to talk and again will still stand business view . Trade war and war fight of course didn't bring benefit to all. Bad news is crude oil price drop due to more stable geopolitical issue . Of course it is bad even crude oil surge jump to higher price when war really happen there ..
This share long term is good , must had holding power , if u had firm holding power , price +- 50% also small matter ..Again , share had similar character like gambling , don be get so excited earn huge money within few weeks ..hold long term is important key


2018-04-12 08:20 | Report Abuse

A wisdom man never claimed them themselves are smart , true rich man also remain low profile..of course , no confident or poor man they always will called themselves kind of great master or sifu or invest 5m , 10m and so on..if ppl traced back ur comment , they will know u are really small fish and know nothing ..try to honest and nobody will laugh u ..be remember a true wisdom and Prosperity man will always had a humble and enjoy a normal life style like Robert kok and lee kah sing..honest , don cheat yourself and other ..


2018-04-12 00:57 | Report Abuse

All the bad news had come out last two week ..This week until the election will be sweet moment for this stock ..All investor and shark follow the trend ..oil price increase , bag new and big order , we can expected lot of fund manager will post good news in latest headline support by so called "expert or analyst" meaning they will keep push up the price ..their buying cost above 60-65 cents today , to make huge profit , break rm 1-1.5 within next 2 week also not surprised to me ..For those who had reach their break even cost , try not so easily to sell first , u all had hold the paper loss 40-60% paper loss past few month , now is ur time to enjoy the flying color result ..enjoy the show for next two week ..if u dared to face the huge loss , why not dared to face the huge profit when opportunity come ..


2018-03-26 08:45 | Report Abuse

Uptrend is inevitable..will break .57-0.59 today ..pls refer Brent oil not dow jone chart


2018-03-23 17:37 | Report Abuse

Play this counter had a very high risk , same for other oil and gas counter . Past few months from high pe until low pe , lot of counter drop almost 30-70%. Of course if fundamental is good , it will recover and drop also will temporary . Who had very strong cash flow will average the cost and minimize the lost . Try to analyse yourself , ppl always said all sailang , I can guarantee is new bird and gambler. If price up ,sure earn money , if drop ? Borrow money or cut Loss ? Smart investor always play 10-20% of their annual income or saving cos we cannot predict the price . This also give our own to top up if price further drop. If exceed our limit , then we must becareful..otherwise just lose counter like this , I guarantee next ten year u will not earn back ..I had real case scenario, my fren invest hengyuan at price rm 17 and believe price will increased rm30 and use his saving 300k modal to play even his income 100++k....he sailang mother and warrant , finally need use money urgent , cut loss all and lose 200k..he promise he will never touch share again..Most ppl only think will earn how much but never think they'll lose how much ..oil and gas long term still ok cos it plunged to lowest , but pls analysis cash flow yourself before invest , don end up with money being locked and being burden to other..don believe so many master and sifu here , play 2k then said 2mil , buy 10lot then said sailang all..had u all ever seen ppl discover gold mine and ask all ppl to dig the gold ? Believe yourself not other ..don play above ur limit ..


2018-03-21 22:17 | Report Abuse

Brent oil climb to 68.5 and show uptrend continue . Good news like big fund start collect back , bag new project , oil price climb toward usd 70..Buying volume keep increased ,.soon the price will back above 70 cents without no doubt even qr result not show good ..the situation had change better compared last few weeks


2018-03-21 16:03 | Report Abuse

Press down process finished last week..now reverse method push up ..haha


2018-03-18 11:26 | Report Abuse

Try to use as business view to invest . If u had faith and do so much homework about the company then u will start to invest and keep for long term , any record lowest should treat as good opportunity to buy ..again we are small fish , we only can gain profit after price increase. However big fish like EPF and other local fund they can keep disposed share endless (卖空),try to imagine if this fund combined together and keep dispose or attack the counter ,loser is honest small fish ,major share holder will had difficulty to raise fund . This is obviously from 75cents keep attack until 40cents and keep spread the news and set new target price to scare the investor .all this big fund gain billion of paper profit during past 2 weeks ..so if the small fish had cash flow problem or easily influence by the share price movement , I advise don touch this counter and other oil and gas . We can notice other oil and gas counter also now become big fish play ground especially elections is near to corner , this type of game will be increased by manipulating certain counter to let the politic gain some money for politic raising fund . Good luck everybody..


2018-03-15 12:53 | Report Abuse

Sapura is allowed to 卖空。and this only allowed to fund manager or big fund , they can spread fake news with the purpose to control the price .loser always is the honest ikan bilis who can win only when price up..air Asia last time drop from 2.8 until 80 cents which had similar case ..anyway price within 1 year back to rm 3..
真的假不了,假的真不了。if the sapura face huge loss , then the price will confirm sinking , otherwise price will back rm 1. Again , ikan bilis always is the loser ..


2018-03-15 09:13 | Report Abuse

So far , the big boss never sell its share . Only local fund and other fund manager .


2018-03-14 15:37 | Report Abuse

This counter is interesting ,anyone investor got share more than big boss, epf or other ..? All ikan bilis or bigger fish probably lose ten of thousand until million paper loss, again any one 1k loss approx the big fish lose 10mil..just very short of period or approx 2 month this share value loss 3billion on paper , they dare to loss ,how about other ? Again , if somebody cut loss and buy back still face huge loss. Always reserve some money for turbulence time like this moment . There is a bit peculiar which share drop 70% within 2 month and No any top management come to clarify and give confident to market . It look like the top management allowed them to do it cos we probably burn small money but they burn billion , I believe soon will had a good show ..interesting movie , if lose pay some money for lesson and watch movie ..


2018-03-14 09:50 | Report Abuse

This pak tua always support and sailang all from rm 2 ,1.5, 1,.75 50 cents and now , but every time also can average the lowest price ..so funny this uncle . 80 cents , sailing , Buy 70 cents , after drop to 45 cents ,.sailang all can get average 45 cents ..good in mathematics


2018-03-07 11:52 | Report Abuse

Build spring and momentum ..haha


2018-03-06 23:33 | Report Abuse

I am in oil and gas industry , as I know their business start hot since last 2 quarter , good result will be show next two quarter ,who got money , invest a bit , hit quite lowest record , break rm 0.50 or break again 80 cents which one U think ? Good luck everybody


2018-03-06 15:25 | Report Abuse

Epf are practice new skill 七伤拳, which mean injured other 30%, own self hurt 70%..what a stupid their fund manager ..haha


2018-03-06 14:47 | Report Abuse

Mana pak tua tuk tuk? Everyday said sailang all, now disappear ..haha..I believe tenggelam already. ..


2018-02-20 10:11 | Report Abuse

Share holder below 5% don need announced . Currently epf Stoll hold approx 7%. So any transaction still can see


2018-02-19 10:41 | Report Abuse

Few factor are main consider , first weaken US currency , higher price crude oil and job in order .
Weaken US dollar will reduce the borrowing cost , higher crude oil and job in hand all will increased revenue and profit . This 3 factor will slowly push up the price and recover the investor confident .


2018-01-02 18:38 | Report Abuse

Until today I still hold , 100000 volume or 1000 lot ONLY .dunno is one day show or drop back . Wait another few year ...as investor we must think how far this company can grow . No one will deny traditional bank like printing money machine but competitive and the risk is borrower Don pay money and become huge bad debt . This company had 3 sector can grow , first is Islamic bank , government staff loan n final is epf jv partner network customer loan. First one and last we dunno how big is the potential, but currently mbsb still new bird and small compare other . So the interesting is here , that is main reason I bet this share and invest hope of this share . Good luck everybody ..


2017-12-19 23:06 | Report Abuse

Invest share same with invest in business . Again Malaysia doing big business u need very strong politic influence and financial back up unless ur business is monopoly like Tnb. With the strong influence past tun M time, this 2 dollar company grow become giant company , Don need me explain how they success for past 20 years . All just very simple , u help me I help u . From threshold until bottom (maybe will lower again ) this company had double impact (previous major shareholder is become current government enemy , that is main reason he sell off and global price for crude oil difficult to stay back above 70per barrel) . Did u all notice this company cash flow only less than 3 billion vs last quarter 4 Billion ..by situation like that less than 1-2 year , this company will bankrupt soon if no action taken . Possibility is right issue will announced soon which price is press further down . I simply advice if ur invest money is extra money or little amount then high risk high gain , otherwise just give up this share , it maybe need few year to recover if this share still alive , drilling and construction play important role almost 80%, both drop 50% turnover until facing huge loss, how this company stand back ? Pls wait another 2-3 quarter n see first . Greedy will become empty , why so much ppl like to gamble at huge loss company , by right pay a price higher focus on small company which are earn money continuing ..


2017-12-19 11:26 | Report Abuse

Yippy 68: well said , good luck to u ..


2017-12-18 19:34 | Report Abuse

Haha..makesomemoneyonly, again I can confirm u are indeed small kid . But no point keep criticism you , that all. For me it is just play within my limit , I only play approx 10% of my income in anytime .So matter how bad the market , I can make sure got bullet to play for every adjustment price . No one can guarantee the future price . I play is long term one , temporary fluctuate 10-50k also not much affect me cos this is also less than my monthly income ..I am businessman so for me just investment , we try to encourage ppl and share and learn experience and knowledge cos some ppl are clever , richer and capable than us . Just enjoy the game ..


2017-12-14 11:27 | Report Abuse

Chrisyip..hope u correct and can buy cheap ..but ur chance very slim


2017-12-14 10:40 | Report Abuse

Congrats to who buy rm1.01-1.02..u all smarter than I...good sign , volume coming ..need to see next three days ..good luck everybody


2017-12-14 10:14 | Report Abuse

Why so worry ..ur interest only make some money only..I put 110k in this stock drop until I.01 also keep there..paper loss 10k not a big issue ..we see far and long term of this share ..just invest 1 month then wanna get return ? Are u do business before ? Any new business also didn't guarantee u earn , faster also need 2-3 years , after earn will keep earn ..just act normal , keep ur emotional steady and calm ..


2017-12-13 20:06 | Report Abuse

Last 3 days average for trader range 80-85 cents which average 82-83 cents..a lot huge player support at 80 cents . For common sense lot of short term player will sold when reach 85 cents above (at least 2-3k earn if got 100lot) and sold below 78 cents for.cut loss . So price will rebound upon break 86 cents otherwise will back to 80 cents , price will continue down if drop break 78 cents .....again from announcement show epf ,kwap and other fund bought a lot for break even past few days . This add confidence for me to play at 81 cents Today ..


2017-12-13 16:05 | Report Abuse

Buying pattern getting more support at .80-805..bet a bit , watch the movie few days already ..1000 lot only ..81k only..now just more enjoy


2017-12-12 17:03 | Report Abuse

Margin call are last today for buyer trade at 7th which approx 120,000,000..Tomorrow is another margin call for 8th which 2.5 volume approx 290,000,000 ..Tomorrow will more fierce ..how many contra buyer I don know ..Tomorrow also will be more interesting day than today


2017-12-12 16:54 | Report Abuse

See the queue who approx 100,000 volume queue .82 now force to sold at .815...it look like seller are anxious to sell with no choice


2017-12-12 16:48 | Report Abuse

Pmaster : u had last 10 minutes to prove u are correct 83-85 cents


2017-12-12 15:09 | Report Abuse

Reason very simple first day 120000000 volume all trade 0.965 to rm 1.23...sure got lot of contra player and falling knife catch player ..next day another 2.5 times of first day trading which approx 290000000 volume trade 80 to 97 cents ..Today is T4 for buyer trade above 97 cents , tomorrow also T4 for buyer trade between 80 to 97 cents ..past two days volume approx is 25% of this two highest days trade volume . Where the 75% player hide and run ? Sure will today and tomorrow will be tsunami unless got major share holder to push up until 90 cents , otherwise will be fall and lock between 80 cents Today ..


2017-12-12 09:40 | Report Abuse

There still had min 100,000,000 margin call waiting are waiting for force sell which previous 420,000,000 trade 80-97 cents based on record..will this contra player pick up or cut loss ? Try to think ...


2017-12-11 16:43 | Report Abuse

Good luck everybody . Tomorrow is force selling . So far today volume only 15% of last two day volume ..may I know all is pick up investor or cash investor ? Otherwise tomorrow will be good show any busy day for seller and contra player ...


2017-12-11 15:15 | Report Abuse

If today close 0.83-0.85, based on last two day trade approx 4.2mil lot , target approx 20-30% small holder support this share which approx 1mil lot , today volume only left 0.5mil lot which another 0.5 mil lot force selling tomorrow or pick up today ? See today 4-5pm trade will be interesting ..Look like today are lot of small fish cari makan, all big fish missing or suffer also ..bullet also will empty ..


2017-12-11 09:00 | Report Abuse

This stock become unstable , Don just wanna earn small money and being trap and slaughter by other ..this 2 days will look like animal flight in afrika, strong one eat weak one , big eat small...


2017-08-29 11:51 | Report Abuse

In share market .we only buy the future of the company or so called "HOPE". In Usa tesla had post loss in every quarter since it listed 5 years ago, anyway the share price every year also break record from usd 20 ride until usd 315 today . E.g.2 Proton or dhr hicom post quarter loss ,but shAre price rebound from lowest and touch year end highest . What is similarity of this ? First for Tesla , they believe future of electric car and company. 2nd , investor believe china management will help proton grow the company . Even sapura post 270 million loss which only 3% of it market capital , but shAre price drop almost 50% of market capital , why ? From major share holder jump off the boat , again local oil and gas business still need facing mhb (petronas subsidiary company), losing government support ( I strong believe his childhood fren, founder in sapura persuade him disposed all his share , it is hardly believe that one company give u billion profit , at least u will remain certain 2-5% for supporting and memory. ). Future outlook for next 3 year is uncertain especially for drilling business , who else can help this company ? Change all management ?

They should learn like sime darby , split their business in 3 counter which drilling , construction , oil and gas trading . It is fair to other department or division who make profit but end up no bonus . If no any activities or implement I believe soon this company will had right issue announced which deteriorate the share condition and the share continue descend trend . Not to try scare ppl , I will not buy this counter even below 50 cents if they don had any quick solution or management change except Cpo rebound usd 80 per barrel .


2017-12-08 10:05 | Report Abuse

Ppl who use own money to buy and sell then will know hurt and happy..epf always lose money in shAre market . Anyway this is not their money maximum just fire their fund manager..big boss like tun m son know when know outlook of cpo will bad so sold at rm 4.2..After sold price drop until below rm 2 since year 2014. Last month sure he know this company outlook not good ,.so sold all at offer price rm 1.62. But finally close at rm 1.4-1.5..just see one month later price had touch penny stock ..think twice before invest