Blog Posts
3 weeks ago | Report Abuse
Thank you for your input NoTimeToTrade
4 weeks ago | Report Abuse
CTOS is 1 of the 3 approved credit scoring companies by BNM. It's the Daiko among the 3.
It's almost a monopoly business & a reasonable moat is created.
Happy Investing!!
2 months ago | Report Abuse
Notice posted on 15/11/2024, 21 days will be end of this week.
Closing of the Offer
Where the Offer has become or is declared unconditional as to acceptances on a day falling on or before the 46th day from the Posting Date, the Offer will remain open for acceptances for at least 14 days from the date on which the Offer becomes and is declared unconditional which, in any event, shall not be later than the 60th day from the
Posting Date.
Where the Offer has become or is declared unconditional as to acceptances on any day after the 46th day from the Posting Date, the Offer will remain open for acceptances for at least 14 days from the date on which the Offer becomes and is declared unconditional which, in any event, shall not be later than the 74th day from the Posting
2 months ago | Report Abuse
Dear Kris;
Yes. IB(s) will do the job for them.
Current case is exactly the same like Litrak years back. I don't see any reason other Top30 shareholders not to let go.
2 months ago | Report Abuse
Whythefuss, agreed with you.
PChem is not alone. Because of hedging, many export based companies will face the same problem.
2024-11-14 10:01 | Report Abuse
If you do follow some Sifu(s). If he/she ask you guys to buy a counter. Please remember to ask him/her
1. What is my safety margin?
2. What is the fair value/intrinsic value of the company
Leave group if he/she talk east/talk west/talk south/talk north without answer your question.
If he/she throw you a number
3. Can you show us your calculation? Reason being very high chances these Sifu(s) may just pick/plug number from IB's research
2024-11-14 09:52 | Report Abuse
Since you don't know short selling, I believe you are still new nicholas99
Being a retail investor, please please please ignore short selling.
Try your best to do research, invest when you have identified a good company. Don't bother about the short term price movement.
Cheers & happy investing!!!
2024-11-14 09:43 | Report Abuse
PChem has a total of 8B shares. If you or your group don't have at least 80M shares, which is very very very very hard to tekan.
A sell, B collect, C sell, D collect then C sell A collect, keep on tekan lower the price until you reach your target price buy back & return to IB(s)
2024-11-14 09:34 | Report Abuse
Dear nicholas99;
A common way is you need to borrow shares from IB(s).
Let's say you borrow 10M shares from IB(s) by offering them 10% of interest.
Then you start to throw/short from RM6 to RM4. At RM4 you buy back 10M shares return it to IB(s) with 10% interest. Balance is your profit.
Risk is if the price shoot to RM8 then you have to muntah extra RM2 * 10M = RM20M + interest to the IB(s)
2024-11-14 09:27 | Report Abuse
007, please tekan to RM4 & I will collect the 2nd batch
2024-11-12 21:37 | Report Abuse
Good to see KGB having better profit margin compare to previous years.
Right move
2024-11-12 19:39 | Report Abuse
Yup BursaVulture. It's only in Petrochemical products business.
The results of the Group’s operations are primarily influenced by global economic conditions, petrochemical
products prices which have a high correlation to crude oil price, particularly for the Olefins and Derivatives segment, utilisation rate of our production facilities and foreign exchange rate movements.
The utilisation of our production facilities is dependent on plant maintenance activities and sufficient availability of
feedstock as well as utilities supply. The Group will continue with its operational excellence programme and supplier relationship management to sustain plant utilisation level at above industry benchmark.
The Group anticipates product prices for Olefins and Derivatives to be soft amidst weak downstream demand and
returning supply from regional turnaround. Fertiliser product prices are forecasted to be firm with increased
agricultural activities upon improving weather, while ample supply continues to weigh down on methanol prices.
The Specialties segment is expected to see limited recovery as the global market conditions remain uncertain with
ongoing geopolitical tension and continued slow recovery in market demand.
2024-11-10 20:25 | Report Abuse
Yup Darren. US is overvalued if apply Buffett Indicator. MY also not cheap which is about 117% if use 2023 GDP vs Market Capital
2024-11-08 20:49 | Report Abuse
Investment Rule # 1, Never lose your $$
Rule #2, Never forget Rule 1
From fundamental point of view.
Can anyone tell investors here safety margin of buying at current price RM3.xx??
From technical points
Current price is now below MA 30, 90, 180 & gaps need to be filled. No risks of further down??
If any of you start holding this counter years back. Runtuh sampai RM1 pun masih untung. But not for NEWCOMERS.
At least wait until it stay above MA180 steadily, barulah to consider if you want to buy & HOPE it will further recover & stay above MA90/30.
2024-11-01 07:38 | Report Abuse
MyEG Capital is also a shareholder with 283,246 ordinary shares. MyEG Capital had actually given FashionValet its seed funding of RM1 million in 2012.
It's only merely 1 million invested in FashionValet.
James, please short it down to 80sen & I will collect some. LOL
From 2015 having 68M profit & last 4 quarters total having close to 600M profit. If that's not a good biz I don't know which one is 😂
Anyway just hope that today can hits 80sen & below. To me it worth about RM2. If I can collect below 80sen, chances of having > 100% return is high in near term.
So let's see how Mr Market perform today.
2024-10-27 12:35 | Report Abuse
Hope this audiobook can help some of you.
Happy investing.
2024-10-25 17:05 | Report Abuse
Dear findfreedom;
Don't know your average cost no one can give any advise actually.
But as at now by looking at the current trend, it's not the bottom yet.
If possible sell it off with some minor losses.
Next stronger support is at about RM2.60 follow by RM1.80.
Just remember that ESOS is only at 56sen.
BTW, can admin remove postings that consist of dirty words/ personal attack?
It's very disturbing for readers here.
2024-09-09 11:37 | Report Abuse
Can't agree more with XiaoChen
& please keep YTLP i3 on YTLP discussion will do. Don't create chaos. Thank you very much
BTW YTLP dah pecah MA200 hari & ada gap to be filled. Jangan degil sangat unless you have unlimited bullets.
Cheers & happy investing
2024-09-07 18:31 | Report Abuse
BTW, I am not follower of anyone
2024-09-07 18:30 | Report Abuse
Can we keep the forum a peace, healthy & constructive forum?
2 years back I think 6742 i3 was may be about 10 messages a day+-.
Today hundreds/thousands messages a day & many of it full of hatred/dirty words/personal attack.
That's very sad. Bad for mental & soul.
It's ok for us to have diff view but please please please make the forum a clean & constructive one.
I believe we are all adults here. Anything personal please please please settle it personally.
Thank you for your co-operation
2024-09-06 20:06 | Report Abuse
Nolah izoklse.
YTL is far better than Serba. It won't turn out like Serba. That's ridiculous.
It's overpriced but overall is still a healthy company & having good management.
Just the current case drag the company into dirty mud. Frankly speaking which company in MY can avoid from giving rasuah when requested by civil servants/politicians?
That's an open secret in MY.
Just hope that MACC act fast to charge the company. Worsen to the company if longer they drag.
I am still having faith in YTL management. Keep monitoring & will reenter when price is right.
2024-09-06 10:32 | Report Abuse
Dear newbie_2018;
Please do your personal research & don't trust anyone. (sifus, gurus, remisier or even fund manager)
I can only say use fundamental method as core to calculate its fair value & use technical method to assist.
For now, please stay away from YTLPower if you haven't invest.
It will be a GOOD news if MACC charge the company now. Paling takut dia drag.
Hold your cash tight. Chances of US job data turn sour is high. As FEB reduced about 800K job expectation not too long ago in order to make the report looks good.
Stay focus, stay calm & happy investing!
2024-09-05 12:27 | Report Abuse
Very high chance Augustine.
Dah about to touch moving average 180 hari. 7, 30, 90 semuanya dah pecah.
Once 180/200 hari cecah chances of further downtrend is high.
Get ready with your scoops to scoop bottom 😂
2024-08-16 15:21 | Report Abuse
Be realistic guys.
How many of you here can tahan if YTLPower pinjam shares from all IBs & short it to 90sen & below?
The company can easily do that by paying IBs may be 10% of interest. & repeat that for a few rounds then everyone here will be "Washed" away.
2024-08-05 17:58 | Report Abuse
Luckily enough I have sold YTLP early this year & almost all my counters 3-4 weeks ago.
YTLPower remains as a good & healthy counter & unlikely it will goes back to 60sen, but RM1 +- may be is a good entry point to consider.
Cash is no longer king. Don't keep for long term. Seeking opportunities to deploy.
New comers for YTLPower please, please sell before a bigger losses.
Happy investing everyone.
2024-08-04 13:43 | Report Abuse
Guys. Just be extra extra extra extra careful
2024-06-25 22:36 | Report Abuse
Dear Sue;
No one can give you the best answer.
Analysts/Fund Managers may tell you it was because of foreign fund pull out from KLSE for the past few days or market correction etc......
Just stay focus, it should be fine as far as fundamental of the company didn't change.
Happy investing. Cheers!!!
2024-05-24 09:42 | Report Abuse
Good to see KGB's business continue to grow & financially improve.
Happy investing to all investors here
2024-04-26 15:36 | Report Abuse
Net Assets per share attributable to shareholders of the Company (RM) Post-IPO is about 45sen
Now the question is do you think it's ok to spend 17sen/share for this? Because that's the actual cost to all except BIG Boss & existing MKH share owners
2024-03-20 09:32 | Report Abuse
Keyword of that news is
Deploy & "Manage"
I believe many of us here deploy & own 286/386/486/Pentium in the 80's
If it's deploy & own then lain cerita.
If that area punya solar power supply is by YTLP, then that will boost their revenue.
Air memang YTLP dah ada masuk campur Johor punya air supply.
If continue to goreng AI concepts, 1 day someone will fall from the sky.
Anywhere I really thanks to those who goreng AI concepts here who allows me left with 600% profits. I don't own a single share now.
Take your own risks & happy investing. Cheers all
2024-02-29 16:05 | Report Abuse
Good to see KGB's business continues to grow.
Congrats all holders here!!
Cheers!! Happy Investing
2024-02-05 14:49 | Report Abuse
Guys. Both YTL & YTLP are good & healthy company but please be clear-headed.
2 years back when YTLP was traded at 60sen+-, it was a good buy. Low PE, div yield of 8-9%, low price to book value at 0.1+ but not today.
YTLP today's book value may be about 30B, price to book value at about 1.++. Div yield at 1.++%
Value has realised, it's time for investors to leave.
Yeoh's family won't do much to the share price. Can just forget about it. Else they won't let the price since 2007 decline all the way to 50-60 sen the past few years.
If I use Microsoft system running on IBM machine working on a project for MBB today. I can tell the market I am in "partner" with Microsoft & IBM. & MBB will tell the media that I am their ""IT Partner"
In fact I am just 1 of the contractors to MBB.
The word "Partner" is just a nicer word to use to the media. If YTLP is the data owner, that's diff story. I will hold until the end.
Wish you all best of luck if you still bet on AI center will do something diff.
I will be back when it's getting attractive again
Happy investing!!!
2024-02-02 13:21 | Report Abuse
Dear Guys;
I own YTLP couple of years back & I have left.
The current value is way beyond it's intrinsic value. Just be extra careful
Don't be fooled by "AI" concept. If anyone tells you it's AI related.
YTLP today remains as utilities company.
It doesn't make you as an EV related company if you supply steering wheel to BYD or Tesla today.
It doesn't make you a property company if you supply cement to IOIP, MahSing or any others
It's doesn't turn you to become a banking company if you provide services to MBB. So to YTLP
Please stay away to avoid potential losses if you join the ride because of "AI".
Leave while still can. That's my 2 cents
Cheers! Happy investing
2024-01-08 19:16 | Report Abuse
Can't agree more on OTB postings. Let's make KGB be KGB
2024-01-04 11:20 | Report Abuse
Dear OTB;
Belumlah. KGB belum jadi net cash company lagi but yes financially it's healthy.
Dear Calvin;
So to TSH. It's a financially healthy company. If you hold a BIG portion in your portfolio. Just wait patiently, 1 day it will be TSH's turn to perform.
Don't waste your energy here in arguing or to proof something. We are all adults here. Everyone bear their own risks.
I do appreciate your contribution in highlighting the huge jump of total receivables. But as at now receivable vs revenue/profit is still in parallel move.
It's definitely an alarm if 1 day it goes exponentially.
2023-12-27 09:47 | Report Abuse
It is a good company but luck is not on their side. Market is not good.
Although since 2017/7/21 Tan family has spent about 80M in buy back the company shares.
Just be careful
2023-12-26 18:35 | Report Abuse
Good to see KGB continue to perform.
2023-12-06 09:40 | Report Abuse
Dear All;
Let's make this forum a healthy & positive forum. We can have diff views & respect viewpoints of others.
As an investor I believe we all made mistake before/now. WB made mistake, locally Mr Foong, Mr Koon & Mr Tan Teng Boo also made some mistake. That's fine.
It's ok to have arguments, but be constructive & no personal attack. That's bad for body & bad for soul
2023-12-03 19:54 | Report Abuse
Thank you Calvin for highlighting the "potential risks". It is a huge jump from previous years of 100m to 400m.
Growth of revenue & receivables stay at about the same ratio.
Will stay cautious, need to monitor their impairment also.
2023-10-09 16:49 | Report Abuse
Hi Guys. Can we have a healthy forum instead of attacking each other?
It's ok to have diff opinion but be constructive not personal attack.
Hundreds of comments but not informative.
Happy investing! Cheers!
2023-09-21 21:27 | Report Abuse
Anyway, myself I don't own a single share of this company
2023-09-21 21:25 | Report Abuse
Dear 4ever5;
The company's operating cash flow is healthy & +ve for the past many years. As at 6/2023 it posts 11M net cash from the operating activities for the current year.
All I can say it's a financially healthy but average performance company.
2023-08-25 13:33 | Report Abuse
Ya, still not very convincing. Actual profit is about 80M if take away the disposal gain.
It's improving compare to last quarter. About 60%
Better do nothing for now
2023-08-21 15:14 | Report Abuse
Congrats to all HS holders here.
Wonder if IBs already have the QR result
2023-07-12 21:38 | Report Abuse
For those who worry about debt. Reduce another 200M
2023-06-24 16:05 | Report Abuse
RM2 is possible if next quarter result remain the same.
Thanks @DividendGuy67 for details sharing. It definitely will benefits some upcoming investors.
Fund allocation is definitely 1 of the key skills for all investors.
@Prudentinvestor, hard to say also. I chip in around RM4.8 & during that time it was quite stable with about 1-2 sen up down for about 2 weeks. I find that price was reasonable if result remain above 100M profit. Mana tahu halved or 2/3 gone.
2 bulan lagi, lagi 2 bulan we will know it will continue down south or u turn.
Sabar dulu buat sementara ini. 😂
2023-06-23 21:10 | Report Abuse
Yup. Let's see if next week it will test 60sen or not
2023-06-20 19:53 | Report Abuse
Good to see you back James. LOL
Wish you are right Longranger.
That's ok Stoneage. I cut loss at 4.++ & it costs me 40K+-, but for sure I will be back. 🤗
Good news is if I didn't cut, today on paper will be loss about 90K 😂
3 weeks ago | Report Abuse
Dear 8dragon;
Promotelah kat Dayang page if you hold Dayang.
You seems like more active in Dialog than Dayang 😂
Anyway, both are good company. Thank you for your sharing