
lcllow | Joined since 2018-09-09

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2020-03-09 18:30 | Report Abuse

Yongch : Dont inbalance mind la. How many u loss in Casino. Come, 姐姐 give u candy. Dont sad


2020-03-02 10:56 | Report Abuse

Sohai many in this counter


2020-03-01 12:36 | Report Abuse

Those sohai said pas will ban this ban there. Than whose going to cover back the tax ?


2020-03-01 11:55 | Report Abuse

Close the Casino, than i wait & see who is going contribute the tax... hoho~~~


2020-02-24 08:12 | Report Abuse

My second view. I think is not that bad. Dont forget the Genting is located in Pahang. Who is the the Pahang state GOV. When BN Gov. the gaming tax is never increase. When LGE become finance minister, suddenly the tax shoot up 10%


2019-08-13 16:44 | Report Abuse

怨气很深. i am curious, you must used to lost many money in Casino.


2019-08-13 14:07 | Report Abuse

u not confident in this counter than just sell lo. Why keep talking rubbish and pursuade other to sell ? Dont expect the price can further drop till 1.50 la. Event u all ikan bilis 散户 sell all also cannot effect the share price.


2019-08-13 09:15 | Report Abuse

For those who comment limit down to 2.50, 2,00,1.50. i am wondering how many share u holding. Really sohai everywhere.


2019-08-11 15:35 | Report Abuse

就你们这班散户对GENM的股价可以影响有多大?想太多了啦你们 ~ 真正那班大基金早在上个礼拜就卖了手上的票。下个星期股价会在RM3.2x - RM3.30 之间徘徊。除非有利好消息。


2019-04-20 08:14 | Report Abuse

收皮啦, Sour apple168.

I am sure, u have a nightmare in last night. Because of you sold all the GENM and shift to buy Hibiscus, in the end your fund has been trapped !!! What you can do now is keep pursuade us to sell the GENM.

Trust me, no one will believe in you anymore!! You going to sell your smelly old pussy in Geylang !! Hahaha !!!


2019-04-19 16:08 | Report Abuse

- The only and monopoly casino in Malaysia
- Cash rich company.
- Business keep expanding to US Las Vegas, Japan and Macau

- Smart people use brain to justify

Foolish people only believe in Apple168.

Checkmate Sour Apple168 !!!


2019-04-19 15:56 | Report Abuse

With contributions of Apple168 in Genting Casino. 10 bets with 10 lost. I have a full confident in GENM. Apple168 is make Genting great again !!!


2019-04-19 15:24 | Report Abuse

收皮 la, apple168. Where is ur bloodbath show. Where is ur target 2.5 ? Where is ur limitdown ?


2019-04-19 15:14 | Report Abuse

Let enjoy the apple168 period blood show. Popcorn is FOC. Apple has fallen !!!


2019-04-19 15:06 | Report Abuse

Apple168: If CEO able to fix the outdoor theme park issue and sold off the white elephant ship, we will buy up GenM! If not, forget about it even GenM share price drop less than 2!

Apple168 : we r selling to trap us. Hahaha

Apple ah apple, U r not the fund manager, but u r fun manager


2019-04-19 14:07 | Report Abuse

Apple168 is going to hide again... no more free popcorn


2019-04-19 11:31 | Report Abuse

Haha, apple168. What u wan to sell ? I dont think u hold the Genm share. R u Selling ur smelly old pussy ?


2019-04-19 08:23 | Report Abuse

Haha, very hard. Geylang have so many Young lady. Why the uncle or ah gong wan to eat the " old and smelly lao jibxxi "


2019-04-18 13:35 | Report Abuse

Malu Apa Appleku ~ ~ Dare to lost, steady la. Dont keep shooting Genting. Stop gambling, work hard


2019-04-18 13:33 | Report Abuse

Haha, apple168 will not ask to buy Hibiscus or AA. She has cut lost yesterday.She lost money in AA and Hibiscus. In the same time, 10 bet with 10 lost in Genting Casino. Bravo Apple168, u make singapore great again !!!


2019-04-17 19:44 | Report Abuse

Haha, apple168 want to see the KLSE break the support point, it mean than she have cut lost AA and Hibiscus share. Buy high and sell low. Bravo Apple168 !!! i give a 1 millions LIKE !!!


2019-04-17 13:58 | Report Abuse

apple168. GENM is supporting in RM3.10. We wont sell GENM and buy Hibiscus or AA. Your cash has been trapped. U will Buy high and sell low again. Game over Apple168 !!!


2019-04-14 17:08 | Report Abuse

Apple168, If here is the platform to release ur sadness or wreak out your inbalance mind in losing money. Ok la, yon can continue to talk nonsense, but not too frequent la..


2019-04-14 16:55 | Report Abuse

Apple168, This type of Bluechips share not suitable for u la. We buy and hold for next generation. Whatever biscus or cookies u hold now we don't care. Please la, if you no holding ang Genting share, please stop talk cock here.
I know u lost many in Casino, but it is already pass. Tomorrow is another goodday for u.

Cheers ~


2019-04-14 13:33 | Report Abuse

Thanks Apple168, u contributed a lot dividend. I appreciate


2019-04-14 13:32 | Report Abuse

No wonder Apple168 hate Genting so much, Because she keep lost money. 10 bet got 10 lost. Amazing and incredible " Luck " . Hahaha


2019-04-13 15:37 | Report Abuse

We never head any statement from Disney nor Universal. Haha


2019-04-12 23:49 | Report Abuse

Hahaha, Only Apple168 will believe this kind of news. Let us see the news in 2015. Kuching is going to build the Universal studio too. In the end got nothing.



2019-04-12 07:32 | Report Abuse

冷眼 || 股票投资正道

1997 年,金融风暴横扫东南亚,吉隆坡股市的综合指数由1300点跌至260 点,为投资者提供了一个廉价买进优质股的良机,但绝大部分人错过这个机会,因为绝大部分人都是随波逐流者,只有一小撮反向思维者进场,结果他们都取得丰厚的利润

Apple168 will never understand the statement, she like to buy high and sell low.


2019-04-11 20:22 | Report Abuse

She used make the nonsense/rubish talk in Gamuda counter when price 2.5xx. Apple168 Dont hide please, we miss u in Gamuda~


2019-04-11 20:18 | Report Abuse

Haha, apple168 have only maximum 2 month left in this counter. I am sure she will hide in some hole again after the coming quarters report release. Let see ~~


2019-04-11 16:48 | Report Abuse

As we expected. Apple168 trapped in Hibiscus in 1.23. It will continue to Amsterdam


2019-04-11 05:35 | Report Abuse

Apple168 Why stop making the fun in Gamuda counter ? Most of us in Gamuda already have 50% papergain. Genm will do the same


2019-04-10 22:43 | Report Abuse

By the ways, Apple168. I buy Gamuda at 2.3x
We miss u at Gamuda Counter.


2019-04-10 17:32 | Report Abuse

Trust me, Apple168 will Keep pursuade to sell GENM again. Because she was trapped in Hibiscus in price 1.23 !!! Many example has proved, example, Airasia. Checkmate Apple168 !!!


2019-04-08 14:40 | Report Abuse



假如把云顶分发给股东的名胜世界股票,以及云顶和名胜世界历年所派发的股息计算在内的话,当初以2千令吉买进的1千股,现在估计价值500 万令吉。



2019-04-08 14:40 | Report Abuse

U r wrong apple168. My GENTING/GENM share was given from by grandfather, he just passed away last years. I very appreciate he make the right decision. I would like to do the same for my grandson, buy and stock in safetybox.


2019-04-08 13:48 | Report Abuse

Apple168 is keep accumulate the AA share between 3.0 - 3.2 in the end get trapped ! She tried persuade GENM shareholder sell and buy the AA share, luckly we not stupid. In the end, she force to cut lose !!! Checkmate Apple168 !!!


2019-04-08 13:39 | Report Abuse

Perhaps Now u got the inbalance mind in AA. Pity AA counter. Haha


2019-04-08 13:37 | Report Abuse

Apple168 u really got nothing batter to do. u buy AA at 3.2 and sold at 2.65. Welldone !! i give u a Like, profession fund manager. Haha


2019-04-07 23:54 | Report Abuse

Prepare your popcorn, let enjoy and watch the bloodbath shown in Hibiscus tmr !!!


2019-04-07 23:51 | Report Abuse

Apple168 was chasing high in Hibiscus, now has been trapped !!! In previously she was also trapped in Airasia 3.2xx. Am i right ?
Good Luck to u sour apple168 !!!


2019-04-07 13:37 | Report Abuse

Loser is loser. Sour apple is jealous we have a ikan bilis. But she loss her underwear in GENM and Airaisa. Pity apple. Hahaha


2019-04-07 12:26 | Report Abuse

Talk logic, if u really make the good profit in Airasia, u dont even care the GENM.
But u continue ask to sell Genm and buy Airasia. The only reason is u have been trapped in Airasia !!! And inbalance mind to see all of us making the profit here. Make sence ? Hahaha, sour apple


2019-04-07 12:00 | Report Abuse

Haha, sour apple. The worst is over. I believe many of us brought at the price 2.8 - 3.0 and receive the dividend. But u keep pursuade other to sell, because u sold all ur Genm share at 2.7xx and shift to buy the Airasia at 3.2xx. In the end, u have been trapped in Airaisa. Now u mind is inbalance. U keep make the nonsence commend to confusing the new invester here.
Checkmate apple !!!


2019-04-07 10:09 | Report Abuse

Airasia a Airline company dont have their owns aeroplane. Oil price increase it caused the revenue decrease. Apple has been lock into this stock. God bless you apple !!!


2019-04-07 00:51 | Report Abuse

And this apple always tell other she sold the Airaisa price at 3.4 at last 3 month, but check back the Histori the price is never meet at 3.4 in last 3 month. She try very hard to convince the investors here to buy the Airasia.
Just because she is been lock in Airasia stock.
Am i right ? Checkmate again Apple !!!


2019-04-07 00:37 | Report Abuse

This apple is sing song again. Yes, maybe u never ask ppl to sell at 2.8, but u sold all ur share at the lowest 2.7xx. Now you keep asking ppl sell to balance your inbalance mind, am i right ? Checkmate apple !!!


2019-04-06 20:20 | Report Abuse

Good said Mr Lee. I agree ur point. When price 2.8, apple168 was keep asking ppl to sell, but i keep accumulate. Luckly was not listening to her.


2019-04-06 12:37 | Report Abuse

Thanks for sharing the cold eyes statement.
The suitation in Genting guite similar in last time. Their oversea Casino is still under the progress, when all in operation, your will get the reward!