Miz Raya Bloom

5894 | Joined since 2012-05-30

Investing Experience Advanced
Risk Profile Moderate

I made up my mind about Hibiscus, my target price RM3.00. Ingat ya, buying and selling is your choice. And I only promo my friend's blog; https://tessalala.wordpress.com https://tjrevs.blogspot.com/





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2018-03-05 14:44 | Report Abuse

nah, satu lagi

Petronas ready to work with state-owned O&G companies

KUALA LUMPUR: National oil corporation Petroliam Nasional Bhd (Petronas) is prepared to work with state entities to develop oil and gas (O&G) resources, provided it is based on the regulatory framework.

Sarawak last year set up Petroleum Sarawak Bhd (Petros) to venture into upstream O&G activities. Sabah also has a similar state-owned entity, Sabah International Petroleum Bhd, which was set up in 2014.

“For us there is no problem as long as the current framework with the Petroleum Development Act is in place. We would like to work with Petros if they want to be a service provider or PSC (production sharing contract) contractor,” Petronas president and group chief executive officer Tan Sri Wan Zulkiflee Wan Ariffin said at a briefing recently.

He said the nature of Petronas’ collaboration with state O&G entities would have to be resolved between the federal and state governments.

Earlier, Wan Zulkiflee highlighted Malaysia’s unique advantage of having a single point of contact for foreign investors when it comes to the development of its O&G resources.

“Our regulatory environment is very special. Petronas is the single point of contact for any foreign company. If we go to other countries, the point of contact is not always consistent.

“There can be misalignment in terms of what the ministry wants, what the regulator wants, etc. We don’t have that in Malaysia. I can say this because we are involved in many, many countries,” he said.

Wan Zulkiflee said the Malaysian Petroleum Management unit in Petronas, headed by Muhammad Zamri Jusoh, can help investors on a wide range of matters including their development plans, securing rigs, operational problems and audit.

“Very few regulators have the experience of a contractor. Zamri and his team have hands-on practical experience as a contractor. I think this is one of the unique value propositions that we have in terms of ease of doing business in Malaysia,” he added.

News & Blogs

2018-03-05 14:40 | Report Abuse

berita baru keluar - NST

Petronas discovers new oil and gas from Boudji-1 exploration well in South Gabon, West Africa

KUALA LUMPUR: Petroliam Nasional Bhd subsidiary, PC Gabon Upstream SA, has discovered new oil and gas from its Boudji-1 exploration well in South Gabon, West Africa.

The discovery marks a significant milestone for Petronas as it expands upstream growth in exploration and deepwater operation in West Africa, it said in a statement.

Petronas said the ultra-deepwater exploration well, drilled in water depths of 2,800 metres, encountered 90 metres of gross high quality hydrocarbon-bearing pre-salt sands.

“The discovery in Gabon is an encouraging development for Petronas, as we continue to pursue growth activities beyond Malaysia, in line with the strategy to expand our core oil and gas business by growing our resource base,” said Petronas executive vice president and upstream chief executive officer, Datuk Mohd Anuar Taib.

“Aside from boosting Gabon’s oil and gas industry, this discovery will also spur further growth activities in the region, and complements our achievements towards building a significant deepwater portfolio globally,” he added.

Petronas, together with the Ministry of Petroleum & Hydrocarbons, Gabon, will conduct an assessment to further determine the commerciality of the resource volume.

PC Gabon Upstream is the operator for Block F14 (Likuale), with Australia’s Woodside holding a 30 per cent participating interest.

Further strengthening the company’s presence in West Africa, Petronas recently signed a farm-out agreement (FOA) with Australia’ FAR Ltd for a 40 per cent interest in the offshore petroleum licenses of Blocks A2 and A5 located offshore Gambia.

To-date, Petronas’ deepwater portfolio includes partnerships in the Gumusut-Kakap, Malikai and Kikeh deepwater fields located offshore Sabah.

Additionally, there are two new upcoming deepwater development projects in the portfolio – the Limbayong field in Sabah and the Kelidang Cluster in Brunei.

Petronas’ global upstream reach continues to expand to Mexico with the winning of six deepwater blocks in bidding round 2.4, positioning Petronas as the second largest gross acreage holder in offshore Mexico with a total of nine blocks.

News & Blogs

2018-03-05 11:26 | Report Abuse

bila pulak duit kerja econsave, dulu ada seorang kerja 7E hehehe

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2018-03-05 10:20 | Report Abuse

kemas rumah...lantai, tingkap, kipas, cermin, eh banyaklah!

News & Blogs

2018-03-05 08:21 | Report Abuse

pagi, nengok dulu macam mana movement

News & Blogs

2018-03-04 11:14 | Report Abuse

alahai sini pun masih ada masuk kasi flag, aku cuma boleh kata ini pada mereka yang gatal tangan kasi bendera, GET A LIFE!

here only for people sharing views surrounding investment areas, GET A LIFE!


2018-03-04 11:09 | Report Abuse

duit aku dah pindah rumah mark la, lagi pun creator blog ini X begitu keen nak blog ini aktif semula, nak delete X boleh pasal account yang guna untuk create blog ini dah lama kena banned

News & Blogs

2018-03-04 10:43 | Report Abuse

dari segi logic memang boleh naik lagi warrant lbicap, tapi ntah la market ini, sentiment macam2

News & Blogs

2018-03-04 10:40 | Report Abuse

aku nengok always bila kasi warrant mesti naik mom

News & Blogs
News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2018-03-04 10:04 | Report Abuse

weekends je gaduh, habih waktu trading terhendap-hendap, masuk curi2 macam nak curi ayam malam2, hantar bendera berontak dalam diam

News & Blogs

2018-03-03 10:49 | Report Abuse


kalau nak jual rugi dia dah jual, tapi dia kata akan naik, tunggu aje la selama mana dia boleh bertahan, aku tak nak komen sangat, dia lebih pandai beli stocks dari aku

News & Blogs

2018-03-03 10:40 | Report Abuse

you know la, market ini bukan kita tau sape yang push up and down, kalau perihatin boleh buat duit kopi sikit

kalau nak simpan nengok company yang bagus, hibiscus shares boleh simpan lama, wb kalau keluar nanti nak jual pun boleh, nak simpan pun boleh, kan kan kan

News & Blogs

2018-03-03 10:33 | Report Abuse

not anything in particular, asal ada jalan, tessa ngan mark masuk toyoink wa, rasanya mereka belum jual, friday aritu aku, mark, tessa masuk LBICAP wa, dah jual, day trade

cuba nengok toyoink monday, kalau boleh buat day trade, kalau X boleh, aku selalu lari dulu, walau rugi

warrants ini orang selalu trade, jarang convert to mom shares or convert to cash, itu pendapat aku jer la

News & Blogs

2018-03-03 10:22 | Report Abuse

ala dia orang tu main tembak tembak, bukan tau apa pun, aku dulu dia orang kata aku sama dengan satu account lagi nama izoklse, ada ka... aku perempuan, dia lelaki, pasal kita share sama pendapat X mesti sama orang pe

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2018-03-03 10:12 | Report Abuse

Betul tu exercise price pun jauh murah dari CW yang IB keluarkan under hibiscus, heh apa hal pagi2 cari mark, dia selalu ronda2, ini weekend, lagi pun mark fedap ngan sini, ada orang ingat dia sama account ngan connie, dia sama account ngan orang australia, malas dia nak layan, gila!

News & Blogs

2018-03-03 10:06 | Report Abuse

tu mom bawah dari 1 MYR, tapi selalunya akan push mom up bila wb masuk market, ntah la susah nak cakap, kalau pegang lama sikit pun ok bagi aku

News & Blogs

2018-03-03 10:03 | Report Abuse

bagus la tu, tapi simpan dulu, sebab not in for the money kalau term call warrants hehehe

News & Blogs

2018-03-02 17:02 | Report Abuse

market gitu la, kena nengok sampai mata macam nak tercabut, tu trade, kalau long term beli tutup computer

News & Blogs

2018-03-02 16:48 | Report Abuse

toyo company yang penuh misteri hehehe

News & Blogs

2018-03-02 16:43 | Report Abuse

orang lari lbi wa, monday mungkin toyoink wa lak naik

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2018-03-02 15:26 | Report Abuse

mom exercise 1 ringgit, banyak diskaun tu! buy wa

News & Blogs

2018-03-02 14:15 | Report Abuse

beli ice cream untuk cucu, dekat rumah jer

News & Blogs

2018-03-02 14:12 | Report Abuse

ninja nak takeover, pengsan, dibantai dia cakap jepun, kena pakai google translation lak hehehe

papaya juice you can delete that blog you have created :)

News & Blogs

2018-03-02 12:04 | Report Abuse

pada aku orang macam ini penakut, in real life penakut, so bagi flags kira berani la online

hish baik aku nak bawak cucu pi supermarket, percaya la cakap aku orang kat sini semua tua2 tak ada life, kaki flags GET A LIFE!

News & Blogs

2018-03-02 11:31 | Report Abuse

hehehe whatsapp mula dulu memang gitu, ada satu kes tu kat family group, tok pening kepala, nenek leave the group, cucu jadi admin bukan tok hehehe

sekarang ini family group buat, admin tok and nenek or mak and ayah, so satu cabut ada lain jadi admin :) boleh appoint banyak admin, group family selalu ada 4 6 admin dalam nya, selalu ikut usia yang tua jadi admin yang muda dengar aje ler hehehe

News & Blogs

2018-03-02 11:17 | Report Abuse

hah aku ingat dulu CT promo company china, naik naik tertiba lingkup, lepas tu aku dengar u all buka whatsapp group

News & Blogs

2018-03-02 11:01 | Report Abuse

aku kenal duit, masa mula2 dia masuk sini, ingat nama dia guna duitkwsp, dia buka blog tanya pasal pelaburan

News & Blogs

2018-03-02 10:58 | Report Abuse

X! bukan kenal dengan creator kaki flag sangat, takat tau online sini, biasa nengok postings, aku ikut tessa dari tempat lama, tak ingat nama, masa tu connie pun ada situ, aku kenal tessa masa kat pelikan, aku kenal mark masa kat kaki flag, aku ingat mark rekomen sersol dulu, seronok masa tu, sersol naik hehehe

News & Blogs

2018-03-02 10:48 | Report Abuse

hehehe harap2 time nak expired, dapat la buat duit

News & Blogs

2018-03-02 10:21 | Report Abuse

tunkuismail, sebab MACQ nampak ramai gambler kat hibiscus hehehe